Democrats drive for equality of outcome

Still the Land of Opportunity?

"The American public has always cared more about equal opportunity than about equal results.

"The commitment to provide everyone with a fair chance to develop their own talents to the fullest is a central tenet of the American creed.

"This belief has deep roots in American culture and American history and is part of what distinguishes our public philosophy from that of Europe.

"Socialism has never taken root in American soil."

That "commitment to provide everyone with a fair chance..." has always applied mostly to White Americans. Chattel slavery, Jim Crow, redlining, for-profit prisons explain more about Chicago's blight than almost anything else.
The Dumbocrat outcome is always more votes for Democrats above all else. That is all they care about.
The outcome is the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer, and the middle class disappears altogether.

Wash, rinse, repeat.
Still the Land of Opportunity?

"The American public has always cared more about equal opportunity than about equal results.

"The commitment to provide everyone with a fair chance to develop their own talents to the fullest is a central tenet of the American creed.

"This belief has deep roots in American culture and American history and is part of what distinguishes our public philosophy from that of Europe.

"Socialism has never taken root in American soil."

That "commitment to provide everyone with a fair chance..." has always applied mostly to White Americans. Chattel slavery, Jim Crow, redlining, for-profit prisons explain more about Chicago's blight than almost anything else.

You can't force results upon someone.
Can anyone point to any person who advocates equality of outcome?

It is just another Conservative Straw Man

This was written back on Nov 2020, but is obviously still true.

Democratic vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris provided narration for a short animated clip that appeared on her Twitter feed Sunday. In the clip, Harris gives voice to a leftist-progressive narrative about the importance of equity—equal outcomes—rather than mere equality before the law.

"There's a big difference between equality and equity," says Harris. "Equality suggests, 'Oh, everyone should get the same amount.' The problem with that, not everybody's starting in the same place."

Harris contrasted equal treatment—all people getting the same thing—with equitable treatment, which means "we all end up at the same place."

This may seem like a trivial difference, but when it comes to public policy, the difference matters. A government should be obligated to treat all citizens equally, giving them the same access to civil rights and liberties like voting, marriage, religious freedom, and gun ownership. The government cannot deny rights to certain people because they are black, female, Muslim, etc.—this would be unequal treatment.

A mandate to foster equity, though, would give the government power to violate these rights in order to achieve identical social results for all people. In accordance with this thinking, the authorities might be justified in giving some people more rights than others. Indeed, this would arguably be strictly necessary, in order to create a society where everyone ends up in the exact same situation.

However, it is clear the concept is central to the beliefs of President Biden's top team. In one recent executive order, the White House called for "a whole-of-government initiative to address racial equity and support underserved communities, and redress systemic racism in federal policies, laws and programs."

In California, the lib/progs put a proposition on the ballot to essentially delete an earlier proposition that barred discrimination, because they wanted to ensure equity instead of equal treatment. Thankfully, it failed. So, what do you think? Should our gov't treat some citizens differently based on equity? As far as I can tell, that is the stance of the Democratic Party.
That "commitment to provide everyone with a fair chance..." has always applied mostly to White Americans. Chattel slavery, Jim Crow, redlining, for-profit prisons explain more about Chicago's blight than almost anything else.
This isn't 1950. Stop making excuses for garbage people.
You can't force results upon someone.
What explains these results?

"In 1973, the richest 5 percent of all families had 11 times as much income as the poorest one-fifth.

"By 1996, they had almost 20 times as much.

"But it is not only the distribution of income that should concern us. It is also the system that produces that distribution."

Still the Land of Opportunity?

Imho, it's a system that rations equality of opportunity on an ability to pay basis.
Still the Land of Opportunity?

"The American public has always cared more about equal opportunity than about equal results.

"The commitment to provide everyone with a fair chance to develop their own talents to the fullest is a central tenet of the American creed.

"This belief has deep roots in American culture and American history and is part of what distinguishes our public philosophy from that of Europe.

"Socialism has never taken root in American soil."

That "commitment to provide everyone with a fair chance..." has always applied mostly to White Americans. Chattel slavery, Jim Crow, redlining, for-profit prisons explain more about Chicago's blight than almost anything else.
No one ever made any commitment to PROVIDE everyone with an equal chance. That's a leftwing myth.
What explains these results?

"In 1973, the richest 5 percent of all families had 11 times as much income as the poorest one-fifth.

"By 1996, they had almost 20 times as much.

"But it is not only the distribution of income that should concern us. It is also the system that produces that distribution."

Still the Land of Opportunity?

Imho, it's a system that rations equality of opportunity on an ability to pay basis.
You can thanks Dims for that. They're the ones who opened the floodgates to cheap foreign labor and thereby drove wages down for working Americans.
vs catering to, and allowing the unworthy to assume the lowest common denominator for us all is his point George
How do you determine the unworthy, Sparky? The Reverend managed to ramble almost five minutes without using the word neoliberalism while railing against government's attempt to recognize that each person has different circumstances and allocate the exact resources and opportunities required to reach an equal outcome.

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