Democrats drive for equality of outcome

Still the Land of Opportunity?

"The American public has always cared more about equal opportunity than about equal results.

"The commitment to provide everyone with a fair chance to develop their own talents to the fullest is a central tenet of the American creed.

"This belief has deep roots in American culture and American history and is part of what distinguishes our public philosophy from that of Europe.

"Socialism has never taken root in American soil."

That "commitment to provide everyone with a fair chance..." has always applied mostly to White Americans. Chattel slavery, Jim Crow, redlining, for-profit prisons explain more about Chicago's blight than almost anything else.

That fair chance has “mostly applied to White Americans” has not stopped Black Enterprises and immigrants from thriving and prospecting in America. There are gaps and flaws that have been addressed. Redistribution of wealth and punishment of the wealthy is not a solution unless your real goal is class warfare and elimination of the Middle Class.
This scam keeps going on beause people like George knows they gets paid. The route from point A to point B is quick this way. Massive lawsuits, payoffs and abuse of the social welfare programs has enriched many at the expense of the those who live by rules. Sadly the poverty has not wavered but the costs to keep people treading the same level of living is massive in psychotic ways. The "crib" could be worn down with stealing utilities while the clothing, jewelry, sneakers are expensive and nice cars are near standardized.
I suspect georgephillip is a black failure who has to blame someone else

or a foreigner with penis envy who just doesnt know very much about America
We had a Fiat Currency enacted in 1913 but kept under mostly control until 1971. The game has changed in many ways. This is one of them. A big one. Personal wealth exploded over foundation.
Over the past forty years we've seen any link between ethical values and economics, i.e., the idea that people would earn income by providing a productive service to society replaced by Finance Capitalism's unearned income of usury, rent extraction, capital gains, and asset-price inflation. The negative externalities of these forty years of neoliberal economics are becoming too extreme to ignore:

Are you fucking serious? The government has taken 50% of my income for my entire life. I could have retired 20 years ago if not for that.
Are you blind to the fact that government's monopoly of violence is what allowed you to acquire your income? Parasites like you want all the protections that government affords without paying for it.

Trump's taxes: What you need to know
Thats a damn lie

America is filled with minority immigrants who are middle class and many are wealthy

where do you live George?
Westlake, Los Angeles - Wikipedia

Where do you live?

Finding a relative few minorities who have "succeeded" (by exploiting their workers) doesn't alter the fact that the engine driving US GDP has seen its income level fall relative to the richest Americans over the past five decades.

Trends in U.S. income and wealth inequality

"The growth in income in recent decades has tilted to upper-income households.

"At the same time, the U.S. middle class, which once comprised the clear majority of Americans, is shrinking.

"Thus, a greater share of the nation’s aggregate income is now going to upper-income households and the share going to middle- and lower-income households is falling.9

The share of American adults who live in middle-income households has decreased from 61% in 1971 to 51% in 2019.

"This downsizing has proceeded slowly but surely since 1971, with each decade thereafter typically ending with a smaller share of adults living in middle-income households than at the beginning of the decade."
Are you denying the existence of class war in the US?
If so, how do you explain rising economic inequality in this country over the last five decades.

How rising U.S. income inequality exacerbates racial economic disparities - Equitable Growth
Income inequality is not necessarily derived from Class Warfare. Further, your graph shows income inequality as a catalyst in racial economic disparities over the last 5 decades. What also has transpired over the last five decades is more minorities are living the majority of their lives on government assistance. That will drive racial economic inequalities as well. Think about it.
Over the past forty years we've seen any link between ethical values and economics, i.e., the idea that people would earn income by providing a productive service to society replaced by Finance Capitalism's unearned income of usury, rent extraction, capital gains, and asset-price inflation. The negative externalities of these forty years of neoliberal economics are becoming too extreme to ignore:

Fella...if you look at everything in one myopic way then the picture shown is validated. I like these things also. But then there are the many different ways in many different ways of how we have ways of living. So we choose two different parties with the party in control passing legislation in which a real small percentage of the population may approve of. In this case you are looking at this as a college graduate scientific sensible answer. But the reality of raising a child is much different. For example...They are comedically called...Crumb Snatchers! We have shitted on parents for decades while social justice with extreme feminism took over in our nation.
Finding a relative few minorities who have "succeeded" (by exploiting their workers) doesn't alter the fact that the engine driving US GDP has seen its income level fall relative to the richest Americans over the past five decades.
You seem to have an unusually negative attitude about America

being successful does not mean workers are exploited

the owners of a successful company are entitled to make more than the workers

I live in Texas btw
It's sorta funny, some people feel that discrimination is a bad thing UNLESS they are the ones doing the discriminating. There was a time when we all thought equality of opportunity in the marketplace and equal treatment under the law were goals that we should strive for, but now some of us want to discriminate against other people to equalize outcomes whether they deserve it or not. To be sure, equal opportunity and treatment has never been achieved, but IMHO it's still what we should be trying to do rather than make up for past mistakes. We do have a judicial system that allows for redress of wrongs committed (discrimination), and that's fine. We should all pay for our mistakes, but I don't see paying for someone else's mistakes to someone who themselves was not wronged as justice. Success in life however you measure it should be earned and not guaranteed.

So far as I know, systemic racism is bullshit, today there are no laws or regulations that are contrary to equal opportunity and treatment, outside of the Left's attempts to allow equity rather than equality as the metric to be used to judge fairness. If anyone is discriminated against, then IMHO we should all fight against that and correct it asap. We are all created equal when it comes to our rights and we should ensure that no one's human rights are violated. But we are not created equal in any other way, some of us are physically, mentally, or perhaps artistically gifted in some way while others are not so fortunate. The circumstances of birth means that we all start out in life from different stations, that is merely a fact of life that has been going on since the beginning of life itself. We should not be focused on the end results, but instead on making sure the journey through life is as equitable as possible, meaning that our rights and the opportunities and treatment we receive are not diminished because of any discriminating factor.
Only for a brainwashed troll.

"Expanding on a hypothesis of 'post-traumatic slavery syndrome' by psychiatrist Alvin Francis Poussaint and journalist Amy L. Alexander, DeGruy wrote in her 2001 doctoral thesis that African Americans 'sustained traumatic injury as a direct result of slavery and continue to be injured by traumas caused by the larger society's policies of inequality, racism, and oppression.'[2]: 91–92  This is summed up in Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome as:

Post Traumatic Slave Syndrome - Wikipedia
Like I said: worthless pile of shit.

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