COVID Scamdemic just a ploy to implement The Green New Deal

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
Not a single piece of legislation has been passed and here is what you have:

Oil and Gas Wells Capped
Gas and Oil Production drastically scaled back to support falling prices
Airlines idled and planes grounded
Hotels and Motels Empty
Beaches Empty in most parts of the US
People sheltered in their homes and their cars parked in garages.
No one in the stands at Major Sporting Events
All the Schools closed and no school buses running
Restaurants forced to operate at 50% capacity and people sitting at home because they don't want the hassle of going anywhere and having a mask Nazi get in their face.

The Democrats are being given everything they want, including their tearing down of statues without a single legislative action. They are circumventing the rule of law, and over throwing The Democratic Process.

Anyone that has watched their scam impeachment or their attempt to burn AG Barr at the stake should realize that these are sick Evil people, and they are no different than any Nazi Fascist Tyrannical Control Freaks we have seen before in other Oppressive Regimes.

Not a single piece of legislation has been passed and here is what you have:

Oil and Gas Wells Capped
Airlines idled and planes grounded
Hotels and Motels Empty
Beaches Empty in most parts of the US
People sheltered in their homes and their cars parked in garages.
No one in the stands at Major Sporting Events
All the Schools closed and no school buses running
Restaurants forced to operate at 50% capacity and people sitting at home because they don't want the hassle of going anywhere and having a mask Nazi get in their face.

The Democrats are being given everything they want, including their tearing down of statues without a single legislative action. They are circumventing the rule of law, and over throwing The Democratic Process.

Anyone that has watched their scam impeachment or their attempt to burn AG Barr at the stake should realize that these are sick Evil people, and they are no different than any Nazi Fascist Tyrannical Control Freaks we have seen before in other Oppressive Regimes.

Not a single piece of legislation has been passed and here is what you have:

Oil and Gas Wells Capped
Gas and Oil Production drastically scaled back to support falling prices
Airlines idled and planes grounded
Hotels and Motels Empty
Beaches Empty in most parts of the US
People sheltered in their homes and their cars parked in garages.
No one in the stands at Major Sporting Events
All the Schools closed and no school buses running
Restaurants forced to operate at 50% capacity and people sitting at home because they don't want the hassle of going anywhere and having a mask Nazi get in their face.

The Democrats are being given everything they want, including their tearing down of statues without a single legislative action. They are circumventing the rule of law, and over throwing The Democratic Process.

Anyone that has watched their scam impeachment or their attempt to burn AG Barr at the stake should realize that these are sick Evil people, and they are no different than any Nazi Fascist Tyrannical Control Freaks we have seen before in other Oppressive Regimes.

Feel better now, ROTFLMAO?

Not a single piece of legislation has been passed and here is what you have:

Oil and Gas Wells Capped
Gas and Oil Production drastically scaled back to support falling prices
Airlines idled and planes grounded
Hotels and Motels Empty
Beaches Empty in most parts of the US
People sheltered in their homes and their cars parked in garages.
No one in the stands at Major Sporting Events
All the Schools closed and no school buses running
Restaurants forced to operate at 50% capacity and people sitting at home because they don't want the hassle of going anywhere and having a mask Nazi get in their face.

The Democrats are being given everything they want, including their tearing down of statues without a single legislative action. They are circumventing the rule of law, and over throwing The Democratic Process.

Anyone that has watched their scam impeachment or their attempt to burn AG Barr at the stake should realize that these are sick Evil people, and they are no different than any Nazi Fascist Tyrannical Control Freaks we have seen before in other Oppressive Regimes.

And the impressive thing is that the democrats are doing all this with a Republican in the Oval Office.

Just wait till they have a democrat in the Oval Office
Either that or a plot by the aliens to have sex with all our women!

Maybe both!
Not a single piece of legislation has been passed and here is what you have:

Oil and Gas Wells Capped
Gas and Oil Production drastically scaled back to support falling prices
Airlines idled and planes grounded
Hotels and Motels Empty
Beaches Empty in most parts of the US
People sheltered in their homes and their cars parked in garages.
No one in the stands at Major Sporting Events
All the Schools closed and no school buses running
Restaurants forced to operate at 50% capacity and people sitting at home because they don't want the hassle of going anywhere and having a mask Nazi get in their face.

The Democrats are being given everything they want, including their tearing down of statues without a single legislative action. They are circumventing the rule of law, and over throwing The Democratic Process.

Anyone that has watched their scam impeachment or their attempt to burn AG Barr at the stake should realize that these are sick Evil people, and they are no different than any Nazi Fascist Tyrannical Control Freaks we have seen before in other Oppressive Regimes.

And the impressive thing is that the democrats are doing all this with a Republican in the Oval Office.

Just wait till they have a democrat in the Oval Office
You have to hand it to The DemNazis and the Globalist Fascist Cartel. They put The President, and many leaders in many nations in to a no win situation.
Not a single piece of legislation has been passed and here is what you have:

Oil and Gas Wells Capped
Gas and Oil Production drastically scaled back to support falling prices
Airlines idled and planes grounded
Hotels and Motels Empty
Beaches Empty in most parts of the US
People sheltered in their homes and their cars parked in garages.
No one in the stands at Major Sporting Events
All the Schools closed and no school buses running
Restaurants forced to operate at 50% capacity and people sitting at home because they don't want the hassle of going anywhere and having a mask Nazi get in their face.

The Democrats are being given everything they want, including their tearing down of statues without a single legislative action. They are circumventing the rule of law, and over throwing The Democratic Process.

Anyone that has watched their scam impeachment or their attempt to burn AG Barr at the stake should realize that these are sick Evil people, and they are no different than any Nazi Fascist Tyrannical Control Freaks we have seen before in other Oppressive Regimes.

And the impressive thing is that the democrats are doing all this with a Republican in the Oval Office.

Just wait till they have a democrat in the Oval Office
You have to hand it to The DemNazis and the Globalist Fascist Cartel. They put The President, and many leaders in many nations in to a no win situation.
It just goes to show the powerlessness of democracy and voting.

We really have no freedoms
Not a single piece of legislation has been passed and here is what you have:

Oil and Gas Wells Capped
Gas and Oil Production drastically scaled back to support falling prices
Airlines idled and planes grounded
Hotels and Motels Empty
Beaches Empty in most parts of the US
People sheltered in their homes and their cars parked in garages.
No one in the stands at Major Sporting Events
All the Schools closed and no school buses running
Restaurants forced to operate at 50% capacity and people sitting at home because they don't want the hassle of going anywhere and having a mask Nazi get in their face.

The Democrats are being given everything they want, including their tearing down of statues without a single legislative action. They are circumventing the rule of law, and over throwing The Democratic Process.

Anyone that has watched their scam impeachment or their attempt to burn AG Barr at the stake should realize that these are sick Evil people, and they are no different than any Nazi Fascist Tyrannical Control Freaks we have seen before in other Oppressive Regimes.

And the impressive thing is that the democrats are doing all this with a Republican in the Oval Office.

Just wait till they have a democrat in the Oval Office
Somehow I think The President had no choice. The Leftist DemNazi State Governments in various states just took advantage of it like all Tyrants do never letting a manufactured crisis go to waste. That's on them.

But you are right. Joe Biden and Pelosi, and Schummer and Nadler and the other Leftist Fiends should scare the shit out of most of America. Sad thing is it only scares about half of America.

In my own state I expect Left Tard RINO Governor Devine to actually close the polls this November so Ohio can be stolen by The DemNazi political machine through fraudulent absentee ballots.

He does that, there needs to be a law suit, as there is no provision in Ohio Law or The Constitution to mandate a state wide mail in ballot election.
Not a single piece of legislation has been passed and here is what you have:

Oil and Gas Wells Capped
Gas and Oil Production drastically scaled back to support falling prices
Airlines idled and planes grounded
Hotels and Motels Empty
Beaches Empty in most parts of the US
People sheltered in their homes and their cars parked in garages.
No one in the stands at Major Sporting Events
All the Schools closed and no school buses running
Restaurants forced to operate at 50% capacity and people sitting at home because they don't want the hassle of going anywhere and having a mask Nazi get in their face.

The Democrats are being given everything they want, including their tearing down of statues without a single legislative action. They are circumventing the rule of law, and over throwing The Democratic Process.

Anyone that has watched their scam impeachment or their attempt to burn AG Barr at the stake should realize that these are sick Evil people, and they are no different than any Nazi Fascist Tyrannical Control Freaks we have seen before in other Oppressive Regimes.

And the impressive thing is that the democrats are doing all this with a Republican in the Oval Office.

Just wait till they have a democrat in the Oval Office
Somehow I think The President had no choice. The Leftist DemNazi State Governments in various states just took advantage of it like all Tyrants do never letting a manufactured crisis go to waste. That's on them.

But you are right. Joe Biden and Pelosi, and Schummer and Nadler and the other Leftist Fiends should scare the shit out of most of America. Sad thing is it only scares about half of America.

In my own state I expect Left Tard RINO Governor Devine to actually close the polls this November so Ohio can be stolen by The DemNazi political machine through fraudulent absentee ballots.

He does that, there needs to be a law suit, as there is no provision in Ohio Law or The Constitution to mandate a state wide mail in ballot election.
Biden has already said he will mandate people all over the nation to wear a mask instead of leaving it up to local officials.

In other words, Biden and his socialist dimwits will treat all states the same, meaning, he will treat states like New York and Montana exactly the same.

But that's how socialism works. It is one size fits all, and if it does not fit, they will get a hammer out and make it fit.

Then he will mandate no school across the nation and close down the economy again.
Either that or a plot by the aliens to have sex with all our women!

Maybe both!

You ridicule every post pointing towards a Democrat plan to Transform America
Yet the evidence is everywhere in plain sight.

As a "Boo", you fail to see, through all the warning signs, that you will have no place if and when they acheive the power you are helping to give them.

Remember the Clintons warned of Boo Savages. You are fighting for a cause that will crucify you.
Not a single piece of legislation has been passed and here is what you have:

Oil and Gas Wells Capped
Gas and Oil Production drastically scaled back to support falling prices
Airlines idled and planes grounded
Hotels and Motels Empty
Beaches Empty in most parts of the US
People sheltered in their homes and their cars parked in garages.
No one in the stands at Major Sporting Events
All the Schools closed and no school buses running
Restaurants forced to operate at 50% capacity and people sitting at home because they don't want the hassle of going anywhere and having a mask Nazi get in their face.

The Democrats are being given everything they want, including their tearing down of statues without a single legislative action. They are circumventing the rule of law, and over throwing The Democratic Process.

Anyone that has watched their scam impeachment or their attempt to burn AG Barr at the stake should realize that these are sick Evil people, and they are no different than any Nazi Fascist Tyrannical Control Freaks we have seen before in other Oppressive Regimes.

Spot On.

But even more importantly, "We" you and I are to blame ultimately.

As we do nothing, a minority is attacking and destroying the country.
This was NOT the advice of Thomas Jefferson.

Americans who called themselves "Good men"decided long go that they prefer to hold on to their material gains (as long as possible) rather
than to risk losing them in a fight for their freedom.

Ultimately, we all will lose both. We saw and were tasked with saving America and Freedom, and our response was silence and look the other way.

"A man who gives up his freedom for a bit of false security deserves neither"

'All that was required for evil men to prevail was for good men to do nothing"

Either that or a plot by the aliens to have sex with all our women!

Maybe both!

You ridicule every post pointing towards a Democrat plan to Transform America
Yet the evidence is everywhere in plain sight.

As a "Boo", you fail to see, through all the warning signs, that you will have no place if and when they acheive the power you are helping to give them.

Remember the Clintons warned of Boo Savages. You are fighting for a cause that will crucify you.

Ridiculous conspiracy theories should be ridiculed. Plandemic and frightfuckedlness over the outline called the green new deal should ridiculed twice as much. It's like stupid squared.
Either that or a plot by the aliens to have sex with all our women!

Maybe both!

You ridicule every post pointing towards a Democrat plan to Transform America
Yet the evidence is everywhere in plain sight.

As a "Boo", you fail to see, through all the warning signs, that you will have no place if and when they acheive the power you are helping to give them.

Remember the Clintons warned of Boo Savages. You are fighting for a cause that will crucify you.

Ridiculous conspiracy theories should be ridiculed. Plandemic and frightfuckedlness over the outline called the green new deal should ridiculed twice as much. It's like stupid squared.

Boo, I honestly hoped you were smarter than that.
I don't know of many "Boo's" who have embraced socialism. It's usually dumb white SWJ's
I suspect like many of the radicals , it's all about reparations and getting yours. Hatred for white all that matters.
Yet here you are, working for the worst of the worst whiteys passionately. See the irony?

Whatever your motivation for helping the Elite WHITE power Mongering Overlords,
you are hanging yourself. When you've finished building their Plantations, you probably won't even be offered a place on them.

Just remember I warned you when that instant comes you reaize how wrong you were. But too late.
Not a single piece of legislation has been passed and here is what you have:

Oil and Gas Wells Capped
Gas and Oil Production drastically scaled back to support falling prices
Airlines idled and planes grounded
Hotels and Motels Empty
Beaches Empty in most parts of the US
People sheltered in their homes and their cars parked in garages.
No one in the stands at Major Sporting Events
All the Schools closed and no school buses running
Restaurants forced to operate at 50% capacity and people sitting at home because they don't want the hassle of going anywhere and having a mask Nazi get in their face.

The Democrats are being given everything they want, including their tearing down of statues without a single legislative action. They are circumventing the rule of law, and over throwing The Democratic Process.

Anyone that has watched their scam impeachment or their attempt to burn AG Barr at the stake should realize that these are sick Evil people, and they are no different than any Nazi Fascist Tyrannical Control Freaks we have seen before in other Oppressive Regimes.

And the impressive thing is that the democrats are doing all this with a Republican in the Oval Office.

Just wait till they have a democrat in the Oval Office
Somehow I think The President had no choice. The Leftist DemNazi State Governments in various states just took advantage of it like all Tyrants do never letting a manufactured crisis go to waste. That's on them.

But you are right. Joe Biden and Pelosi, and Schummer and Nadler and the other Leftist Fiends should scare the shit out of most of America. Sad thing is it only scares about half of America.

In my own state I expect Left Tard RINO Governor Devine to actually close the polls this November so Ohio can be stolen by The DemNazi political machine through fraudulent absentee ballots.

He does that, there needs to be a law suit, as there is no provision in Ohio Law or The Constitution to mandate a state wide mail in ballot election.
Biden has already said he will mandate people all over the nation to wear a mask instead of leaving it up to local officials.

In other words, Biden and his socialist dimwits will treat all states the same, meaning, he will treat states like New York and Montana exactly the same.

But that's how socialism works. It is one size fits all, and if it does not fit, they will get a hammer out and make it fit.

Then he will mandate no school across the nation and close down the economy again.
The Mandates and Fascist Orders will never end with The Left. Right now they are threatening to cut off utilities to churches. In the NFL you can be suspended now if you go to church and it goes on and on.

The idea is to implement The Green New Deal without any legislation and force it upon The People and then force Global Government on The People again without a single piece of Legislation being passed.

The Democrat party is worse than the Nazis and Soviet Communists Combined in their capacity to Oppress People with Tyranny.

They plan on Mandated Vaccines and a chip to track you and will use The Threat of never letting you be free again as extortion to force you to comply.

Sick Evil SOBs that will burn in Hell on Judgment Day.
Either that or a plot by the aliens to have sex with all our women!

Maybe both!

You ridicule every post pointing towards a Democrat plan to Transform America
Yet the evidence is everywhere in plain sight.

As a "Boo", you fail to see, through all the warning signs, that you will have no place if and when they acheive the power you are helping to give them.

Remember the Clintons warned of Boo Savages. You are fighting for a cause that will crucify you.

Ridiculous conspiracy theories should be ridiculed. Plandemic and frightfuckedlness over the outline called the green new deal should ridiculed twice as much. It's like stupid squared.
But you will accept the vaccine and the chip, won't you? Then you will fall down on your knees and worship The AntiChrist and you may as well because you will have sealed your fate to an eternal Hell.

Not a single piece of legislation has been passed and here is what you have:

Oil and Gas Wells Capped
Gas and Oil Production drastically scaled back to support falling prices
Airlines idled and planes grounded
Hotels and Motels Empty
Beaches Empty in most parts of the US
People sheltered in their homes and their cars parked in garages.
No one in the stands at Major Sporting Events
All the Schools closed and no school buses running
Restaurants forced to operate at 50% capacity and people sitting at home because they don't want the hassle of going anywhere and having a mask Nazi get in their face.

The Democrats are being given everything they want, including their tearing down of statues without a single legislative action. They are circumventing the rule of law, and over throwing The Democratic Process.

Anyone that has watched their scam impeachment or their attempt to burn AG Barr at the stake should realize that these are sick Evil people, and they are no different than any Nazi Fascist Tyrannical Control Freaks we have seen before in other Oppressive Regimes.

And the impressive thing is that the democrats are doing all this with a Republican in the Oval Office.

Just wait till they have a democrat in the Oval Office
Somehow I think The President had no choice. The Leftist DemNazi State Governments in various states just took advantage of it like all Tyrants do never letting a manufactured crisis go to waste. That's on them.

But you are right. Joe Biden and Pelosi, and Schummer and Nadler and the other Leftist Fiends should scare the shit out of most of America. Sad thing is it only scares about half of America.

In my own state I expect Left Tard RINO Governor Devine to actually close the polls this November so Ohio can be stolen by The DemNazi political machine through fraudulent absentee ballots.

He does that, there needs to be a law suit, as there is no provision in Ohio Law or The Constitution to mandate a state wide mail in ballot election.
Biden has already said he will mandate people all over the nation to wear a mask instead of leaving it up to local officials.

In other words, Biden and his socialist dimwits will treat all states the same, meaning, he will treat states like New York and Montana exactly the same.

But that's how socialism works. It is one size fits all, and if it does not fit, they will get a hammer out and make it fit.

Then he will mandate no school across the nation and close down the economy again.
The Mandates and Fascist Orders will never end with The Left. Right now they are threatening to cut off utilities to churches. In the NFL you can be suspended now if you go to church and it goes on and on.

The idea is to implement The Green New Deal without any legislation and force it upon The People and then force Global Government on The People again without a single piece of Legislation being passed.

The Democrat party is worse than the Nazis and Soviet Communists Combined in their capacity to Oppress People with Tyranny.

They plan on Mandated Vaccines and a chip to track you and will use The Threat of never letting you be free again as extortion to force you to comply.

Sick Evil SOBs that will burn in Hell on Judgment Day.
A lot of us could wind up spending our last days in a Concentration Camp:shock:
Either that or a plot by the aliens to have sex with all our women!

Maybe both!

You ridicule every post pointing towards a Democrat plan to Transform America
Yet the evidence is everywhere in plain sight.

As a "Boo", you fail to see, through all the warning signs, that you will have no place if and when they acheive the power you are helping to give them.

Remember the Clintons warned of Boo Savages. You are fighting for a cause that will crucify you.

Ridiculous conspiracy theories should be ridiculed. Plandemic and frightfuckedlness over the outline called the green new deal should ridiculed twice as much. It's like stupid squared.

Boo, I honestly hoped you were smarter than that.
I don't know of many "Boo's" who have embraced socialism. It's usually dumb white SWJ's
I suspect like many of the radicals , it's all about reparations and getting yours. Hatred for white all that matters.
Yet here you are, working for the worst of the worst whiteys passionately. See the irony?

Whatever your motivation for helping the Elite WHITE power Mongering Overlords,
you are hanging yourself. When you've finished building their Plantations, you probably won't even be offered a place on them.

Just remember I warned you when that instant comes you reaize how wrong you were. But too late.

Nice rant. The virus was not a planned event. It is beyond reasonable to think so, imho. Furthermore, it will not hasten the implementation of the equally unreasonable guidelines called the green new deal.

But I was wrong. It's not stupid squared, but stupid cubed.
Not a single piece of legislation has been passed and here is what you have:

Oil and Gas Wells Capped
Gas and Oil Production drastically scaled back to support falling prices
Airlines idled and planes grounded
Hotels and Motels Empty
Beaches Empty in most parts of the US
People sheltered in their homes and their cars parked in garages.
No one in the stands at Major Sporting Events
All the Schools closed and no school buses running
Restaurants forced to operate at 50% capacity and people sitting at home because they don't want the hassle of going anywhere and having a mask Nazi get in their face.

The Democrats are being given everything they want, including their tearing down of statues without a single legislative action. They are circumventing the rule of law, and over throwing The Democratic Process.

Anyone that has watched their scam impeachment or their attempt to burn AG Barr at the stake should realize that these are sick Evil people, and they are no different than any Nazi Fascist Tyrannical Control Freaks we have seen before in other Oppressive Regimes.

And the impressive thing is that the democrats are doing all this with a Republican in the Oval Office.

Just wait till they have a democrat in the Oval Office
Somehow I think The President had no choice. The Leftist DemNazi State Governments in various states just took advantage of it like all Tyrants do never letting a manufactured crisis go to waste. That's on them.

But you are right. Joe Biden and Pelosi, and Schummer and Nadler and the other Leftist Fiends should scare the shit out of most of America. Sad thing is it only scares about half of America.

In my own state I expect Left Tard RINO Governor Devine to actually close the polls this November so Ohio can be stolen by The DemNazi political machine through fraudulent absentee ballots.

He does that, there needs to be a law suit, as there is no provision in Ohio Law or The Constitution to mandate a state wide mail in ballot election.
Biden has already said he will mandate people all over the nation to wear a mask instead of leaving it up to local officials.

In other words, Biden and his socialist dimwits will treat all states the same, meaning, he will treat states like New York and Montana exactly the same.

But that's how socialism works. It is one size fits all, and if it does not fit, they will get a hammer out and make it fit.

Then he will mandate no school across the nation and close down the economy again.
The Mandates and Fascist Orders will never end with The Left. Right now they are threatening to cut off utilities to churches. In the NFL you can be suspended now if you go to church and it goes on and on.

The idea is to implement The Green New Deal without any legislation and force it upon The People and then force Global Government on The People again without a single piece of Legislation being passed.

The Democrat party is worse than the Nazis and Soviet Communists Combined in their capacity to Oppress People with Tyranny.

They plan on Mandated Vaccines and a chip to track you and will use The Threat of never letting you be free again as extortion to force you to comply.

Sick Evil SOBs that will burn in Hell on Judgment Day.
A lot of us could wind up spending our last days in a Concentration Camp:shock:
If that's what it takes. I won't willingly go.
Not a single piece of legislation has been passed and here is what you have:

Oil and Gas Wells Capped
Gas and Oil Production drastically scaled back to support falling prices
Airlines idled and planes grounded
Hotels and Motels Empty
Beaches Empty in most parts of the US
People sheltered in their homes and their cars parked in garages.
No one in the stands at Major Sporting Events
All the Schools closed and no school buses running
Restaurants forced to operate at 50% capacity and people sitting at home because they don't want the hassle of going anywhere and having a mask Nazi get in their face.

The Democrats are being given everything they want, including their tearing down of statues without a single legislative action. They are circumventing the rule of law, and over throwing The Democratic Process.

Anyone that has watched their scam impeachment or their attempt to burn AG Barr at the stake should realize that these are sick Evil people, and they are no different than any Nazi Fascist Tyrannical Control Freaks we have seen before in other Oppressive Regimes.

And the impressive thing is that the democrats are doing all this with a Republican in the Oval Office.

Just wait till they have a democrat in the Oval Office
Somehow I think The President had no choice. The Leftist DemNazi State Governments in various states just took advantage of it like all Tyrants do never letting a manufactured crisis go to waste. That's on them.

But you are right. Joe Biden and Pelosi, and Schummer and Nadler and the other Leftist Fiends should scare the shit out of most of America. Sad thing is it only scares about half of America.

In my own state I expect Left Tard RINO Governor Devine to actually close the polls this November so Ohio can be stolen by The DemNazi political machine through fraudulent absentee ballots.

He does that, there needs to be a law suit, as there is no provision in Ohio Law or The Constitution to mandate a state wide mail in ballot election.
Biden has already said he will mandate people all over the nation to wear a mask instead of leaving it up to local officials.

In other words, Biden and his socialist dimwits will treat all states the same, meaning, he will treat states like New York and Montana exactly the same.

But that's how socialism works. It is one size fits all, and if it does not fit, they will get a hammer out and make it fit.

Then he will mandate no school across the nation and close down the economy again.
The Mandates and Fascist Orders will never end with The Left. Right now they are threatening to cut off utilities to churches. In the NFL you can be suspended now if you go to church and it goes on and on.

The idea is to implement The Green New Deal without any legislation and force it upon The People and then force Global Government on The People again without a single piece of Legislation being passed.

The Democrat party is worse than the Nazis and Soviet Communists Combined in their capacity to Oppress People with Tyranny.

They plan on Mandated Vaccines and a chip to track you and will use The Threat of never letting you be free again as extortion to force you to comply.

Sick Evil SOBs that will burn in Hell on Judgment Day.
A lot of us could wind up spending our last days in a Concentration Camp:shock:
If that's what it takes. I won't willingly go.
I would fight back and make them shoot me down :smoke:
Either that or a plot by the aliens to have sex with all our women!

Maybe both!

You ridicule every post pointing towards a Democrat plan to Transform America
Yet the evidence is everywhere in plain sight.

As a "Boo", you fail to see, through all the warning signs, that you will have no place if and when they acheive the power you are helping to give them.

Remember the Clintons warned of Boo Savages. You are fighting for a cause that will crucify you.

Ridiculous conspiracy theories should be ridiculed. Plandemic and frightfuckedlness over the outline called the green new deal should ridiculed twice as much. It's like stupid squared.

Boo, I honestly hoped you were smarter than that.
I don't know of many "Boo's" who have embraced socialism. It's usually dumb white SWJ's
I suspect like many of the radicals , it's all about reparations and getting yours. Hatred for white all that matters.
Yet here you are, working for the worst of the worst whiteys passionately. See the irony?

Whatever your motivation for helping the Elite WHITE power Mongering Overlords,
you are hanging yourself. When you've finished building their Plantations, you probably won't even be offered a place on them.

Just remember I warned you when that instant comes you reaize how wrong you were. But too late.

Nice rant. The virus was not a planned event. It is beyond reasonable to think so, imho. Furthermore, it will not hasten the implementation of the equally unreasonable guidelines called the green new deal.

But I was wrong. It's not stupid squared, but stupid cubed.
It was totally planned, and not long after Shampeachment Failed. It's the last bullet in The Globalist Nazis gun.


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