Another reason to not trust the Republican Party

Rye Catcher

Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2019

Social Security advocates who breathed a sigh of relief when Senate Republicans rejected President Trump's demand to place a payroll cut in the latest coronavirus relief bill exhaled too soon.

The version unveiled Monday by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) incorporates a provision even more menacing for Social Security (and Medicare too).

This is the so-called TRUST Act, which was crafted by Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) and has been bubbling along in Capitol Hill corridors since last year.

The TRUST Act is a device to tamper with Social Security behind closed doors and in a way that would allow senators and members of Congress to wreak havoc on the program without leaving fingerprints.

The TRUST Act is now a provision of the HEALS Act — the Senate GOP's opening bid on coronavirus relief. So it's timely to give it a close look.

Once again efforts to support Big Business at the expense of working men and women is afoot. This bill is an effort to the special interests - Corporations [who are not people] and industries which lobby the GOP for more and more profits lining the pockets of GOP Pols who are supporting Republican Pols in elections.

The Left is completely opposed to this effort by Plutocrats, a devious and cunning effort to take more and more for themselves, greed which has been exposed in the so called Tax Reform Bill by Ryan and signed by Trump, attacks on labor unions and efforts to repeal and replace the ACA with a for profit cartel.

Social Security advocates who breathed a sigh of relief when Senate Republicans rejected President Trump's demand to place a payroll cut in the latest coronavirus relief bill exhaled too soon.

The version unveiled Monday by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) incorporates a provision even more menacing for Social Security (and Medicare too).

This is the so-called TRUST Act, which was crafted by Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) and has been bubbling along in Capitol Hill corridors since last year.

The TRUST Act is a device to tamper with Social Security behind closed doors and in a way that would allow senators and members of Congress to wreak havoc on the program without leaving fingerprints.

The TRUST Act is now a provision of the HEALS Act — the Senate GOP's opening bid on coronavirus relief. So it's timely to give it a close look.

Once again efforts to support Big Business at the expense of working men and women is afoot. This bill is an effort to the special interests - Corporations [who are not people] and industries which lobby the GOP for more and more profits lining the pockets of GOP Pols who are supporting Republican Pols in elections.

The Left is completely opposed to this effort by Plutocrats, a devious and cunning effort to take more and more for themselves, greed which has been exposed in the so called Tax Reform Bill by Ryan and signed by Trump, attacks on labor unions and efforts to repeal and replace the ACA with a for profit cartel.

A counter opinion, and that's what your quote is, just an opinion.

In our opinion: Sen. Mitt Romney’s Trust Act won’t kill Social Security, but the pandemic might

Incredibly, some Democrats have cast this as an attempt to fast-track dramatic cuts to Social Security and Medicare, or to use the pandemic as an excuse to destroy them. One of these critics, House Ways and Means Committee Chair Richard Neal, D-Mass., said, “The last thing struggling Americans need right now is a secret panel designed to slash their earned benefits and further undermine their economic security.”

We agree, but this bill wouldn’t do that. Cavalierly running up the national debt while allowing those programs to run headlong into insolvency, however, is a sure way to slash benefits and take away economic security in a few years.

Fortunately, not all Democrats agree with Neal. The bill enjoys broad bipartisan support.

Social Security advocates who breathed a sigh of relief when Senate Republicans rejected President Trump's demand to place a payroll cut in the latest coronavirus relief bill exhaled too soon.

The version unveiled Monday by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) incorporates a provision even more menacing for Social Security (and Medicare too).

This is the so-called TRUST Act, which was crafted by Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) and has been bubbling along in Capitol Hill corridors since last year.

The TRUST Act is a device to tamper with Social Security behind closed doors and in a way that would allow senators and members of Congress to wreak havoc on the program without leaving fingerprints.

The TRUST Act is now a provision of the HEALS Act — the Senate GOP's opening bid on coronavirus relief. So it's timely to give it a close look.

Once again efforts to support Big Business at the expense of working men and women is afoot. This bill is an effort to the special interests - Corporations [who are not people] and industries which lobby the GOP for more and more profits lining the pockets of GOP Pols who are supporting Republican Pols in elections.

The Left is completely opposed to this effort by Plutocrats, a devious and cunning effort to take more and more for themselves, greed which has been exposed in the so called Tax Reform Bill by Ryan and signed by Trump, attacks on labor unions and efforts to repeal and replace the ACA with a for profit cartel.
In the past 24 hours democrats have silenced a black doctor, and refused to let bill barr speak.. Call me crazy but I think I’m gonna vote Republican
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Unbelievable how anyone of Social Security age could vote republican at the federal level.

So just running up the national debt until SS and Medicare reach insolvency is a good idea to you?

Social Security dollars circulate within the community, Medicare allows those to seek treatment sooner, and the costs therefore are less than allowing disease to fester, and then the patient will end up in a public hospital paid for by local taxpayers. Simple Simons like you have no clue as to microeconomics or macroeconomics.

As a good liberal I'll offer you a short and simple explanation:

A payroll tax is an attack on SS? :rolleyes:
What a fucking moonbat

Payroll taxes FUND Social Security

Slashing Payroll Taxes will destabilize SS and give Republicans a reason to kill it
No shit.
When obama reduced the SS payroll tax(none of you hacks said a word) money was redirected to fund it.
But here you are, shitting your boomer diapers not even knowing how the program would work.
Goddamn moonbats
Unbelievable how anyone of Social Security age could vote republican at the federal level.

Not only those receiving SS benefits, but those with adult children who will step up to provide money for rent or food or medical care. The Greed and Hypocrisy of Romney and Trump and McConnell is sinful.
Its crazy how you hacks all gurgle the same saltwater. Over and over and over and over and over and over and over.
Make your own glass of it for once, you dilapidated bags of dumbfuck
A payroll tax is an attack on SS? :rolleyes:
What a fucking moonbat

Payroll taxes FUND Social Security

Slashing Payroll Taxes will destabilize SS and give Republicans a reason to kill it
No shit.
When obama reduced the SS payroll tax(none of you hacks said a word) money was redirected to fund it.
But here you are, shitting your boomer diapers not even knowing how the program would work.
Goddamn moonbats

Obamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ain't in office, and he inherited a Great Recession without any playbook to guide him. He made some mistakes, but all in all by 2016 we were out of the woods. Keep your eyes open, put your biases aside and consider we've all been led by Trump into the woods by him, McConnell and those Republican Pols who continue to support chaos.

Social Security advocates who breathed a sigh of relief when Senate Republicans rejected President Trump's demand to place a payroll cut in the latest coronavirus relief bill exhaled too soon.

The version unveiled Monday by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) incorporates a provision even more menacing for Social Security (and Medicare too).

This is the so-called TRUST Act, which was crafted by Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) and has been bubbling along in Capitol Hill corridors since last year.

The TRUST Act is a device to tamper with Social Security behind closed doors and in a way that would allow senators and members of Congress to wreak havoc on the program without leaving fingerprints.

The TRUST Act is now a provision of the HEALS Act — the Senate GOP's opening bid on coronavirus relief. So it's timely to give it a close look.

Once again efforts to support Big Business at the expense of working men and women is afoot. This bill is an effort to the special interests - Corporations [who are not people] and industries which lobby the GOP for more and more profits lining the pockets of GOP Pols who are supporting Republican Pols in elections.

The Left is completely opposed to this effort by Plutocrats, a devious and cunning effort to take more and more for themselves, greed which has been exposed in the so called Tax Reform Bill by Ryan and signed by Trump, attacks on labor unions and efforts to repeal and replace the ACA with a for profit cartel.
How rediculous is that! Let someone who worked for and earned their money keep most of it. Why that's downright unamerican. Where did they get such a crazy notion anyway, Russia, China or one of those other communist countries?
A payroll tax is an attack on SS? :rolleyes:
What a fucking moonbat

Payroll taxes FUND Social Security

Slashing Payroll Taxes will destabilize SS and give Republicans a reason to kill it
No shit.
When obama reduced the SS payroll tax(none of you hacks said a word) money was redirected to fund it.
But here you are, shitting your boomer diapers not even knowing how the program would work.
Goddamn moonbats

Obamaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ain't in office, and he inherited a Great Recession without any playbook to guide him. He made some mistakes, but all in all by 2016 we were out of the woods. Keep you eyes open, put you biases aside and consider we've all been led by Trump into the woods by him, McConnell and those Republican Pols who continue to support chaos.
AKA when obama does it, its cool. When Trump does it, without even knowing how it would be enacted, hebwants to kill SS.
Good gawd man, I know you have ZERO self awareness but TRY to listen to yourself.
Also, I only brought him up in the first place as an example of how it could have went this tine around.
rye doesnt want to help working americans but he supports stealing working americans labor to give to illegals.
What a POS

Social Security advocates who breathed a sigh of relief when Senate Republicans rejected President Trump's demand to place a payroll cut in the latest coronavirus relief bill exhaled too soon.

The version unveiled Monday by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) incorporates a provision even more menacing for Social Security (and Medicare too).

This is the so-called TRUST Act, which was crafted by Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) and has been bubbling along in Capitol Hill corridors since last year.

The TRUST Act is a device to tamper with Social Security behind closed doors and in a way that would allow senators and members of Congress to wreak havoc on the program without leaving fingerprints.

The TRUST Act is now a provision of the HEALS Act — the Senate GOP's opening bid on coronavirus relief. So it's timely to give it a close look.

Once again efforts to support Big Business at the expense of working men and women is afoot. This bill is an effort to the special interests - Corporations [who are not people] and industries which lobby the GOP for more and more profits lining the pockets of GOP Pols who are supporting Republican Pols in elections.

The Left is completely opposed to this effort by Plutocrats, a devious and cunning effort to take more and more for themselves, greed which has been exposed in the so called Tax Reform Bill by Ryan and signed by Trump, attacks on labor unions and efforts to repeal and replace the ACA with a for profit cartel.
Republicans can’t wait for the right moment to cut social security 20% in the name of saving the program.

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