Colorado baker told to bake that cake

Who said they broke any law? Other than the Law of God? And who said they NEED to break any law?

The bakery was a Christian bakery and they chose not to bake ONE FUCKING CAKE for a gay couple because the message they wanted on it was sinful and offensive to the owners of the business. But no, they were unwilling to change the cake message.

Just as that couple CHOSE to live in sin, the owner too CHOSE not to be a part of it!

Now, all they had to do was lift up their fairy asses and go down the street to the next bakery, maybe a bakery catering to faggots, and they could buy all the cakes they want. Or try Walmart.

They'll bake anyone a cake, even you.

Meantime, fuck you--- NO ONE has a RIGHT to a freaking cake.
And neither do you. Adulterers and criminals don't walk into your store announcing their crimes.
????? Which? What?

Non sequitur much?
I have no earthly idea what this references.

Are you OK, Norm?
Is this the right venue for you?
Norm is not of this earth. He answers to the voices in his head,
I was talking about two people not married living together.

But a cake has nothing to do with them being gay either, yet here we are. Making a cake for a wedding does not in any way show support for the wedding.
Ok, how do the pipes in their house have anything to do with them living together? The plumber fixing the pipes is not him doing a service to their living together, it’s just fixing their pipes.

You’re right, a cake doesn’t have anything to do with them being gay, but asking someone to make a cake for a specific occasion, they felt like that would be them performing a service specifically related to something they feel their religion won’t allow them to do.

Whew!!! That helps. Now we know.
Per Norm, we now have a definitive way to determine which cake is which. Thankfully. We were so worried we would mis-identify.


Per Norm:
  • On the Left is: A product not offered in a non discriminatory way.
  • On the Right is: A product offered in a non-discriminatory way.

How could we ever mistake which is which?*

*Hopefully, the assistant doesn't mix 'em up in the shop's display case. And hopefully, the gay couple wanting to get married won't come in and pick the one on the right.

THAT.....would be a Christianist scandal if there ever was one. Hellfire damnation soon to follow. Not for the happy couple.....but for the baker. Norm said so.
Because it’s not about the cake….
So if my marriage goes wrong I can sue the cake guy. Because he was a party to the service.
No, how you work your marriage, and it’s success is only your own responsibility, and this has nothing to do with someone being asked to perform a service for something their religion says is a sin.
Which God?
Which law?
Help us out.
Be our Yoda on sorting out all this God stuff.
And which God is against cakes?
And why?


Ah well, is that God-speak?
Which God?
And is he/she proud of you, 2bfreak?
Glad you are a proselytizer for him/her?
That you speak his/her language?
Because it’s not about the cake…
I am sorry but stone aged bullcrap shouldn't override the rights of the indivual within a modern democracy. The baker should grow up and stop living in that time period.
So you don’t believe in constitutionally protected freedoms?
"Because it’s not about the cake…"

Well, that simplifies things.

The cake ain't a problem, so...... bake the thing, sell it to the couple, and then write a nasty letter to some LGBQ association.

After all, it ain't the cake that is the issue.
Let's dissect this bit of stupidity.

Or, the gay couple needs to respect his rights and find another bakery.

As far as the whole Aztec thing goes, they didn’t have a constitution, which says you can practice a religion, or you can not practice a religion. If you take someone against their will and sacrifice them, then you have violated their freedom to not be a part of a religion.

This is often where these arguments devolve. Someone wants to bring up something about canabalism or ritual sacrifice.

Exactly my point. I can't unwilling sacrifice someone (or even willingly sacrifice someone) and you can't discriminate because you want to use religion to hide your homophobia. Sounds completely reasonable to me.

Should a halal butcher be forced to process pork products? I know you say no because they don’t do pork products for anyone, but, their job is a butcher, and PA laws mean they have to serve everyone equally, right? So if one guy comes in with a cow to process then the next comes in with a pig, are a butcher, you process meat, that’s your job, and PA laws say you have to serve everyone equally, so, you must process my pig.

Again, not even a good comparison. First, no one brings their own animals to a butcher, the butcher has to decide which animals he buys from the slaughterhouse. Secondly, a halal butcher wouldn't have the skill set to properly prepare pork. He just wouldn't know how, he's probably never seen the inside of a pig before.

The only difference between a straight wedding cake and a gay wedding cake is the two plastic people they put on top.


I get it, you, like others here, don’t recognize religious freedom. You believe that someone’s religious freedom ends at their front door, and they should be forced to compromise their beliefs to anyone else who asks them to. I know, you’re going to say “then they shouldn’t own a business”. So, what you are trying to say is that, anyone who has a belief or value system shouldn’t own a business because one day, you may be asked to compromise those values.

Uh welcome to the real world, buddy. We all have to make compromises. I had to go years without punching that scumbag ex-boss in his face. Why? Compromises.

It's against the law for me to punch him out.
It's against the law for masterpiece cakeshop to discriminate against gays.

See how that works. WE HAVE LAWS FOR A REASON. And they protect everyone.

Well, there will certainly be a lot fewer businesses to choose from.

We have a constitution, that protects the free exercise of religion. It doesn’t say that you can only practice your religion in your home, or that it has to be confined to a church building. It doesn’t say that you might have to compromise your religion when someone else asks you to, and it doesn’t say that Congress can make laws that directly violate the protections of the constitution. You say that people can’t use freedom of religion (the constitution) to violate PA laws, I say, people can’t make PA laws (or any law), that violates the constitution. If they want to remove freedom of religion, or make any changes, then get an article 5 convention, and change it.

There's no constitutional right to be a bigot, and frankly, most churches are moving away from homophobia. Even Pope Francis called for laws against homosexuality to be repealed in parts of the world where it's still a crime. If your faith is defined by who you mindlessly hate, that's on you.

You once said that if a Muslim trucking company refused to haul alcohol, that was cool, because they don’t haul alcohol for anyone. Well, the same could be said for Phillips, he doesn’t do gay weddings, for anyone. But then you are going to say “but he bakes cakes for weddings, so he has to do gay wedding”, and then I’ll say “the Muslim trucking company hauls other goods and services, including other beverages, and if I hire them to haul a trailer full of pork, they must do so, right?”
Not even close to the same thing, because there are actually special requirements needed to transport alcohol.

I disagree, I think religious freedom means you don’t have to do anything that violates your religious beliefs and convictions.

Then you should find something else to do for a living?

Again, if this man is such an anti gay person, it should be easy to find examples of him turning away gay people for other services, based solely on the fact that they are gay. If you find these, then I’ll agree with you.
Not at all. We knew he was a homophobe the minute he refused a perfectly reasonable request.

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