CDZ Close Down All Mosques; Eliminate All Korans

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Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
The 4 things that the US government should be doing about Islam are :

1. Close down all the Muslim mosques, Islamic centers , schools, etc Anything Muslim.

2. Get rid of all Korans. Confiscate them from schools, libraries, bookstores. Burn them.

3. Stop the wearing of headscarves and face coverings.

4. Abolish all Muslim things (foot-washing basins, prayer rooms & rugs, call to prayer, etc)

In short, eradicate the cancer of Islam from America.
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If we make one religion illegal, then we're going to have to make ALL of them illegal.

Nothing like a little fear mongering though, eh?

BTW...........another thread has right wing politicians telling people that because of the gays, they're going to make Christianity illegal.
If we make one religion illegal, then we're going to have to make ALL of them illegal.

Bingo. I've told him this many times. Any religion has a right to exist in America. You ban one, you have to ban the rest.

Nothing like a little fear mongering though, eh?

He's a neo-conservative. He's pretty much a kook.

BTW...........another thread has right wing politicians telling people that because of the gays, they're going to make Christianity illegal.

Surely not.
1. Close down all the Muslim mosques, Islamic centers , schools, etc Anything Muslim.

Why? You use the same argument that some of the fringe leftists use, if a man with a gun kills another person, then all people with guns should have theirs taken from them. Not realistic.

2. Get rid of all Korans. Confiscate them from schools, libraries, bookstores. Burn them.

Ah, just like the Nazis did, hmm?

3. Stop the wearing of headscarves and face coverings.

Good luck with that. If you tell a Muslim to stop wearing a hijab or niqab, then a Jew must stop wearing his kippah. You do realize that right?
Yes, I think all the forum's queers should be chortling their mentally ill defense of a "religion" that wants to murder all the queers. It's such a left thing to do. When a "religion" follows an edict to murder 4/5 of the people on planet earth, that's when it stops being a "religion". Wake the fuck up.
Are Muslims from this country disproportionately nutty, when compared to other religions? Should we blame all Christians for religious pedophiles? They do seem predominantly Christian....
Yes, I think all the forum's queers should be chortling their mentally ill defense of a "religion" that wants to murder all the queers. It's such a left thing to do. When a "religion" follows an edict to murder 4/5 of the people on planet earth, that's when it stops being a "religion". Wake the fuck up.

Tom, what would the constitution say if it could talk?

It would call you a hypocrite, at least with regards to your .
'picking and choosing' how it is implemented.
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The 4 things that the US government should be doing about Islam are :

1. Close down all the Muslim mosques, Islamic centers , schools, etc Anything Muslim.

2. Get rid of all Korans. Confiscate them from schools, libraries, bookstores. Burn them.

3. Stop the wearing of headscarves and face coverings.

4. Abolish all Muslim things (foot-washing basins, prayer rooms & rugs, call to prayer, etc)

In short, eradicate the cancer of Islam from America.

Who's next? You going to get rid of unionist? I guess only certain denominations of Christianity will remain, which ones? What of the dark skinned people?

What about the mentally ill?

If they come for the mentally ill, I won't be there to speak up in your defense; Ill be next to you on the death train.
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Islam is danger, but eliminating Islam is not necessary and definitely not an option when hundreds of people are born to Islam every passing day, it is the theology of Islam that has to be elevated to a new religious - call it sect - that will promote Islamic coexistence and peace, Islam at its current meta is a religious idea more than a religion - and this part must be faced, eventually with growing tension Islam is going to be revolutionized into a modern-type religion, when the "old" Islam will continue to sway in chaos and eventually die, every day we are simply marching to a next war between the biggest ideologies in the world - the next war would be circled around religion - the biggest ideologies of our time, and the funny part is that its all in the bible - but there still hope because after that - humanity will know peace.
Islam is danger, but eliminating Islam is not necessary and definitely not an option when hundreds of people are born to Islam every passing day, it is the theology of Islam that has to be elevated to a new religious - call it sect - that will promote Islamic coexistence and peace, Islam at its current meta is a religious idea more than a religion - and this part must be faced, eventually with growing tension Islam is going to be revolutionized into a modern-type religion, when the "old" Islam will continue to sway in chaos and eventually die, every day we are simply marching to a next war between the biggest ideologies in the world - the next war would be circled around religion - the biggest ideologies of our time, and the funny part is that its all in the bible - but there still hope because after that - humanity will know peace.

The bible says that "thou shalt not suffer a witch to live," thereby all non-Christians should be put to death in accordance with biblical scriptures.

You can't judge the Qu'ran for its literal translation, unless you are willing to scrutinize the Bible by that same standard.

By the way, the bible is quite specific in its harsh condemnation of judging non-believers:

1 Corinthians 5:12
"But actually, I wrote to you not to associate with any so-called brother if he is an immoral person, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or a swindler-- not even to eat with such a one. For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Do you not judge those who are within the church? But those who are outside, God judges. REMOVE THE WICKED MAN FROM AMONG YOURSELVES."
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I'll ponder that vexing philosophical muse...
as I watch you swan dive off a ten-story roof.

Snap out of it --- you believe in the Constitution? Then you believe in freedom of religion.

If I started a religion that advocated the murder of moron posters in political forums, you'd stand ready to die in defense of my right to do exactly that...wouldn't you? Islam isn't a religion. Islam is a dark cult of intolerance, a cult of murder, suicide, pedophilia, racism, sexism, slavery, and religious totalitarianism. It's a mental illness, the most depressing in human history, with the exception of communism it goes without saying. Only the lowest cowards would supplicate themselves to this cesspool of lunacy...which is why the American left spends its existence kissing Islam's ass.
If I started a religion that advocated the murder of moron posters in political forums, you'd stand ready to die in defense of my right to do exactly that...wouldn't you? Islam isn't a religion. Islam is a dark cult of intolerance, a cult of murder, suicide, pedophilia, racism, sexism, slavery, and religious totalitarianism. It's a mental illness, the most depressing in human history, with the exception of communism it goes without saying. Only the lowest cowards would supplicate themselves to this cesspool of lunacy...which is why the American left spends its existence kissing Islam's ass.

Again, you are missing the point of how the bible presents identical scenarios with human sacrifices, religious persecution of enemies and genocide.

Apparently, standing up for constitutional rights, somehow equates to being a butt-kisser?

*Please, remember that this is the clean debate zone, thank you.
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Islam is danger, but eliminating Islam is not necessary and definitely not an option when hundreds of people are born to Islam every passing day, it is the theology of Islam that has to be elevated to a new religious - call it sect - that will promote Islamic coexistence and peace, Islam at its current meta is a religious idea more than a religion - and this part must be faced, eventually with growing tension Islam is going to be revolutionized into a modern-type religion, when the "old" Islam will continue to sway in chaos and eventually die, every day we are simply marching to a next war between the biggest ideologies in the world - the next war would be circled around religion - the biggest ideologies of our time, and the funny part is that its all in the bible - but there still hope because after that - humanity will know peace.

The bible says that "thou shalt not suffer a witch to live," thereby all non-Christians should be put to death in accordance with biblical scriptures.

You can't judge the Qu'ran for its literal translation, unless you are willing to scrutinize the Bible by that same standard.

By the way, the bible is quite specific in its harsh condemnation of judging non-believers:

1 Corinthians 5:12
"But actually, I wrote to you not to associate with any so-called brother if he is an immoral person, or covetous, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or a swindler-- not even to eat with such a one. For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Do you not judge those who are within the church? But those who are outside, God judges. REMOVE THE WICKED MAN FROM AMONG YOURSELVES."
I'm Sorry for the confusion I made here, when I speak of the Bible I refer only to the Old Testament since I never learned about the Christian scriptures in depth, now with that being said I want you to understand the difference between Islam and the OT and also the following Christian scriptures which heavily relies on the OT - Islam is meant to be literal and deny all reinterpretation while the OT for instance is based on at least four different interpretations and full of conditions that 'overwrite' different situations and other interpretations, it is only the choice of few to interpret a certain path and to ignore the rest, while Islam is about purity and blind belief for the Islamic scriptures and the prophet, this settles down every debate whether IS is Islamic or not, they are the true Muslims if you want to go for the Islam definition for Muslim.
Now lets move on to the part of which we wonder why we even bother to compare Islam to other religions, are we looking for justifications? - think about it, why does people compare between religions? if you dare to accept there is a comparison so the answer must be based on the other (every adjective is related to the initial concept) which means that when you compare Islam today to Judaism today you find that Islam is a vile ideology of death and sorrow and therefore must be revolutionized.

Obviously this can't be done.

What would be nice is if:
  1. There could be a much stronger, louder and more consistent backlash within Islam to condemn and isolate Jihadism
  2. The American PC Police would stop deflecting for and enabling Jihadism with their incredible "but the Crusades were bad too" crap
  3. The next American President (this one won't do it) strongly & clearly promoted assimilation, which Muslims worldwide refuse to do
  4. The next American President (this one won't do it) stopped leveraging Identity Politics to divide us and enable non-assimilation
  5. The American PC Police would stop leveraging Identity Politics to divide us and enable non-assimilation
That would be a nice start. Then we'd see where we were.

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The 4 things that the US government should be doing about Islam are :

1. Close down all the Muslim mosques, Islamic centers , schools, etc Anything Muslim.

2. Get rid of all Korans. Confiscate them from schools, libraries, bookstores. Burn them.

3. Stop the wearing of headscarves and face coverings.

4. Abolish all Muslim things (foot-washing basins, prayer rooms & rugs, call to prayer, etc)

In short, eradicate the cancer of Islam from America.

Ever hear of the 1st Amendment?
Yes, I think all the forum's queers should be chortling their mentally ill defense of a "religion" that wants to murder all the queers. It's such a left thing to do. When a "religion" follows an edict to murder 4/5 of the people on planet earth, that's when it stops being a "religion". Wake the fuck up.

Except they really don't want to do that.

We have a problem with the Islamic world because we keep fucking with them. Our policy is sticking our hands in a hornets nest and then whining about getting stung, usually by a hornet that we nurtured to be bigger and meaner than the other hornets.
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The 4 things that the US government should be doing about Islam are :

1. Close down all the Muslim mosques, Islamic centers , schools, etc Anything Muslim.

2. Get rid of all Korans. Confiscate them from schools, libraries, bookstores. Burn them.

3. Stop the wearing of headscarves and face coverings.

4. Abolish all Muslim things (foot-washing basins, prayer rooms & rugs, call to prayer, etc)

In short, eradicate the cancer of Islam from America.

Yes! Because we know that government enforced prohibition works so well!!
Obviously this can't be done.

What would be nice is if:
  1. There could be a much stronger, louder and more consistent backlash within Islam to condemn and isolate Jihadism
  2. The American PC Police would stop deflecting for and enabling Jihadism with their incredible "but the Crusades were bad too" crap
  3. The next American President (this one won't do it) strongly & clearly promoted assimilation, which Muslims worldwide refuse to do
  4. The next American President (this one won't do it) stopped leveraging Identity Politics to divide us and enable non-assimilation
  5. The American PC Police would stop leveraging Identity Politics to divide us and enable non-assimilation
That would be a nice start. Then we'd see where we were.

1. Muslims are the ones doing most of the fighting and dying against the extremist groups. We whine and give up after 4500 casualties.
2. I promise you, there isn't a single Extermist who is motivated by what our leaders say about the "Crusades". They are motivated by current events, like what the Zionists are doing right now.
3. Why should anyone be forced to give up their heritage? Most Muslims in this country speak English and follow our laws.
4. and 5. Ah, yes, Mac thinks the PC Police are under his bed again.
Obviously this can't be done.

What would be nice is if:
  1. There could be a much stronger, louder and more consistent backlash within Islam to condemn and isolate Jihadism
  2. The American PC Police would stop deflecting for and enabling Jihadism with their incredible "but the Crusades were bad too" crap
  3. The next American President (this one won't do it) strongly & clearly promoted assimilation, which Muslims worldwide refuse to do
  4. The next American President (this one won't do it) stopped leveraging Identity Politics to divide us and enable non-assimilation
  5. The American PC Police would stop leveraging Identity Politics to divide us and enable non-assimilation
That would be a nice start. Then we'd see where we were.

1. Muslims are the ones doing most of the fighting and dying against the extremist groups. We whine and give up after 4500 casualties.
2. I promise you, there isn't a single Extermist who is motivated by what our leaders say about the "Crusades". They are motivated by current events, like what the Zionists are doing right now.
3. Why should anyone be forced to give up their heritage? Most Muslims in this country speak English and follow our laws.
4. and 5. Ah, yes, Mac thinks the PC Police are under his bed again.
More great examples of my point, thanks.

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