Chicago Public Schools to Allow Both Sexes to Use Same Bathrooms

YOu certainly are. And you are a vile piece of shit. And a coward.
That's just you lashing out in anger because you can't deny that any of what I said. You're the indoctrinated ones. You're the ignorant and the uneducated.
That's just you lashing out in anger because you can't deny that any of what I said. You're the indoctrinated ones. You're the ignorant and the uneducated.

Standard lefty tactic number #3 Act like an asshole and when people respond to you appropriately, act as though them being angry with you, is a problem with them.

Girls want privacy in the BATHROOM, you freak. Men want their wives and daughters to be safe in the restroom.

That you take that and accuse of of being "rapist lovers" is you being an asshole.

And you are a coward, because you would never dare talk to us like that in real life, face to face.
Ok I've seen a lot of unisex bathrooms but they are all individual bathrooms you can lock. That's perfectly fine.

But if they are talking about bathrooms anyone can just walk in and out of with others in it is fucking horrible.
I asked my kids...would it be okay if the boys and girls at your school all used the same restroom.

first response. Well they can't because we use those to change for gym.

No. I mean just your regular restrooms. Is it okay with you if you all, boys and girls, used the same restrooms at the same times?

answer: That's stupid.

It's not the kids that are clamoring for this. It's the adults in charge that are doing the clamoring.
Now why would they do that.
I'm not the one who's been indoctrinated to idolize slavers and rapists. If you were able to be objective and honest with yourself you'd recognize the truth in that.
You spew the same garbage over and over again. Pathetic. No one idolizes slavers you dumb mother fucker.
You spew the same garbage over and over again. Pathetic. No one idolizes slavers you dumb mother fucker.
I put the idiot on Ignore. Somehow that hateful, nasty person thinks anyone who doesn’t want boys to go into girls’ bathrooms, providing an opportunity for rape, idolizes slave-holders of 200 years ago.

Race isn’t even a factor in the discussion, and he goes straight to his racist accusations. Some of these leftists are completely deranged.
Has anyone come up with an answer as to why school officials, democrat leftists in particular want to diminish the lines between sexes? ie same restrooms, sex education including perverse acts, transgenderism...all of them have the same goal seemingly since they are related in that they deal with sex/gender, interaction.
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Has anyone come up with an answer as to why school officials, democrat leftists in particular want to diminish the lines between sexes? ie same restrooms, sex education including perverse acts, transgenderism...all of them have the same goal seemingly since they are related in that they deal with sex/gender, interaction.

I have to think that there is some sort of demonic/Satanic influence involved.

Some of this shit that is now coming at us from the left wrong is so blatantly insane and depraved, that I do not think that the human mind could come up with it, or accept it, without there being some supernatural influence of a malevolent nature involved. I have to think that Satan himself is putting these ideas into those minds that have opened themselves to him.

That so much of humanity accepts these ideas as being plausible or better, says some very disturbing things about the state of humanity as a whole. I cannot imagine that a human mind not seriously under diabolical influence could have any other reaction to these ideas that to wholly reject them as absurd and insane and outright evil.
In other news:
21% of kids met or exceeded English standards this year, compared to 28% in 2019. In math, only 16% met or exceeded expectations, down from 24% the year before the pandemic. The test wasn’t administered last year.

No doubt this will land inner city minorities a scholarship.

Can we say Loudoun County?

Rape rooms. You can imagine how excited the leftists are.

The real news says this is what they're changing the signs to.

If they are single stall bathroom with a lock on the other side then there is no issue at all.
That's a rape room.

If a person goes into a single stall bathroom and locks it then it is less likely a person will be raped.

You do know stores like Kroger have what is called a Family Bathroom and can you tell me how many rapes have happened in one of those and when you can not name one then let be clear a single stall bathroom is much safer than a open bathroom where anyone can walk in!

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