Chicago Public Schools to Allow Both Sexes to Use Same Bathrooms

You very well could be a liar. I don't know you. That's why personal anecdotes aren't proof in a debate moron.

Why would it make it easier to get away with? Rape is still a criminal act. He doesn't get a pass because he was allowed into the bathroom. That not how rape charges work.

As for feelings towards rapists I hate all rapists, it's you white conservatives that really love you some slavers and rapists so long as the were white Founders.
1) You said my anecdote was made up; hence you called me a liar.

2) I explained in my example - which happened, swear on my father’s grave - how disallowing men into women’s bathrooms sends up an alert to anyone who sees a dude going into a bathroom open only to females, and can, if able, can quickly to move to prevent a crime. In my case, it turned out the scumbag was wanted by the police.

3) And finally, you couldn’t go more than a few posts without revealing your racism and contempt for whites, and of course bringing up slavery.

You and people like you are the enemy to this country, given how much you hate it and want to “transform” it.
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1) You said my anecdote was made up; hence you called me a liar.
And? Did I hurt you fee fees or are you too stupid to understand why personal anecdotes aren't proof in a debate?
2) I explained in my example - which happened, swear on my father’s grave - how disallowing men into women’s bathrooms sends up an alert to anyone who sees a dude going into a bathroom open only to females, and can, if able, can quickly to move to prevent a crime. In my case, it turned out the scumbag was wanted by the police.
What you didn't explain is why a bathroom sign would stop someone intent on the illegal act of rape. Let me ask you another question. Which is more serious a crime? Rape or trespassing? If someone is willing to commit rape wouldn't they be just as willing to trespass?
3) And finally, you couldn’t go more than a few posts without revealing your racism and contempt for whites.
For slaving, raping, whites, absolutely.
You and people like you are the enemy to this country, given how much you hate it and want to “transform” it.
Lol. So you can't deny that it's actually you who loves you some slavers and rapists and so you lash out with personal insults. I got you. Lol.
And? Did I hurt you fee fees or are you too stupid to understand why personal anecdotes aren't proof in a debate?

What you didn't explain is why a bathroom sign would stop someone intent on the illegal act of rape. Let me ask you another question. Which is more serious a crime? Rape or trespassing? If someone is willing to commit rape wouldn't they be just as willing to trespass?

For slaving, raping, whites, absolutely.

Lol. So you can't deny that it's actually you who loves you some slavers and rapists and so you lash out with personal insults. I got you. Lol.
So now you’re accusing me of loving slave-owners (which we haven’t had for two centuries) because I don’t want boys in the girls bathroom? Damn, but you leftists are some hateful people. IGNORE.
So now you’re accusing me of loving slave-owners because I don’t want boys in the girls bathroom? Damn, but you leftists are some hateful people. IGNORE.
Of course a fragile snow flake like you would reach for the ignore button rather than admit or deny that you love the Founders who were slavers and rapists.
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Even 20-year-old illegals are allowed in as students in public schools, and for whom we pay the expenses.

Sure, good point. An illegal could just lie about their age. That has certainly happened. Regardless you can have much older males, in the bath room with much younger girls.

It is a very bad idea.

That as a society, we have managed to unlearn this, is pathetic.
Of course a fragile snow flake like you would reach for the ignore button rather than admit or deny that you love the Founders who were slavers and rapists.
No. I don’t want to waste my time debating with someone who is so hateful against those who object to leftist policies that he reverts to accusing them of “loving rapists.”
Sure, good point. An illegal could just lie about their age. That has certainly happened. Regardless you can have much older males, in the bath room with much younger girls.

It is a very bad idea.

That as a society, we have managed to unlearn this, is pathetic.
What’s unreal is that even after the Loudoun County rape, which the liberal School Board tried to hide since they knew it pulled the curtain back as to the risks of letting boys into the girls bathroom, we still have leftists arguing that there’s no risk involved. And if you disagree, you would be accused of “loving white rapists.”

How upside-down crazy is THAT? If a conservative argues against a policy that creates an opportunity for rapists - and thus wants to reverse the rape-enabling policy - she is somehow accused of loving rapists and white slave-owners.
No. I don’t want to waste my time debating with someone who is so hateful against those who object to leftist policies that he reverts to accusing them of “loving rapists.”
You accused me of not caring about rape, I'm simply returning the favor but with actual proof. I have not expressed any support for any rapist. I'm simply making an argument that bathroom signs aren't a deterrent for rapists. I do know though that typically conservatives love them some American Founders who were rapists themselves. What I'm trying to ascertain is whether or not you're simply projecting your rape apology on to me. I can guess the answer by your continued dodging of the question.

Here is the story on the real news.

I don't see it as a big deal. It's still "boy's restrooms" and "girl's restrooms". It's just that if you're a trans girl say, you can use the girl's restroom. Which is how it is today.

The only thing that's changed is the sign on the door.
Yeah there's only been a small number of assaults across the country, no big deal. Right ?
What’s unreal is that even after the Loudoun County rape, which the liberal School Board tried to hide since they knew it pulled the curtain back as to the risks of letting boys into the girls bathroom, we still have leftists arguing that there’s no risk involved. And if you disagree, you would be accused of “loving white rapists.”

How upside-down crazy is THAT? If a conservative argues against a policy that creates an opportunity for rapists - and thus wants to reverse the rape-enabling policy - she is somehow accused of loving rapists and white slave-owners.

They are turning any and all discussions/debates, into nothing but propaganda for them.

Any and all attempts to discuss polices or issues, are buried under shit talking points, that they just constantly repeat.

If we address the stupid shit they say, every discussion gets sidetracked, into discussions of how wacist we are, thus creating the illusion that we must be wacist, cause it is all that gets discussed.

or we let it pass and it creates the illusion that we must be wacist, because the accusation was made and not challenged.

They are eliminating the peaceful discussion of issues as a viable option in our society.
They are turning any and all discussions/debates, into nothing but propaganda for them.

Any and all attempts to discuss polices or issues, are buried under shit talking points, that they just constantly repeat.

If we address the stupid shit they say, every discussion gets sidetracked, into discussions of how wacist we are, thus creating the illusion that we must be wacist, cause it is all that gets discussed.

or we let it pass and it creates the illusion that we must be wacist, because the accusation was made and not challenged.

They are eliminating the peaceful discussion of issues as a viable option in our society.
Yes, that’s what they do: deflect and put their opponent on the defensive, having to defend against ridiculous accusations. And I notice that in almost all cases, where race is not a factor, the leftist will introduce it. In my debate with the leftist above, he not only called me a liar when I gave a real-life example of how disallowing boys into girls bathrooms can deter crime, but he accused me of loving white people who owned slaves.

Just think how much contempt for America is wrapped up in that! Here we are, discussing transgender bathroom policies, and he’s back to crapping on white people and out nation’s founders. The brainwashing against America must be very strong.
Yes, that’s what they do: deflect and put their opponent on the defensive, having to defend against ridiculous accusations. And I notice that in almost all cases, where race is not a factor, the leftist will introduce it. In my debate with the leftist above, he not only called me a liar when I gave a real-life example of how disallowing boys into girls bathrooms can deter crime, but he accused me of loving white people who owned slaves.

Just think how much contempt for America is wrapped up in that! Here we are, discussing transgender bathroom policies, and he’s back to crapping on white people and out nation’s founders. The brainwashing against America must be very strong.

And their hate of us, personally. Think of what if must be like to be that man, calling you a liar for telling a tale of a time with a man followed you into a bathroom.

I don't see how this path in not going to just...descend into greater and greater political and racial violence for...a generation at least.

Barring some radical change very soon.
You are the poster boy for liberal indoctrination.
I'm not the one who's been indoctrinated to idolize slavers and rapists. If you were able to be objective and honest with yourself you'd recognize the truth in that.
Leftists claim that not only women give birth, so this is a logical extension.

Birthing people…..not women.

The left are clinically insane.
And their hate of us, personally. Think of what if must be like to be that man, calling you a liar for telling a tale of a time with a man followed you into a bathroom.

I don't see how this path in not going to just...descend into greater and greater political and racial violence for...a generation at least.

Barring some radical change very soon.
Yes, the hate is strong. Here I was saved from being the victim of a criminal by the two men who observed the guy following me into the bathroom. Even with that, the poster is so full of hate because I won’t “submit” to leftistism and its dangerous policies, that he calls me a liar and then reverts to the nonsense about my loving white founders (there’s the racist component) who owned and raped slaves 200 years ago.

These people are really crazy. The Democrats have created an environment where the leftist half has more condemnation for a white teen who showed up to protect against the destruction of BLM savages than the savages themselves!

I try to avoid them IRL as much as possible.
I'm not the one who's been indoctrinated to idolize slavers and rapists. If you were able to be objective and honest with yourself you'd recognize the truth in that.

YOu certainly are. And you are a vile piece of shit. And a coward.
They are turning any and all discussions/debates, into nothing but propaganda for them.

Any and all attempts to discuss polices or issues, are buried under shit talking points, that they just constantly repeat.

If we address the stupid shit they say, every discussion gets sidetracked, into discussions of how wacist we are, thus creating the illusion that we must be wacist, cause it is all that gets discussed.

or we let it pass and it creates the illusion that we must be wacist, because the accusation was made and not challenged.

They are eliminating the peaceful discussion of issues as a viable option in our society.
This has been going on for many decades and even centuries from those who want world government. When it is achieved there will be a lot poorer Americans. And life will be cheaper. Pointing this out does not matter, as they pay no heed because of how they were treated in the past. All of this costs a lot of money.

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