Calling 911 Is a Direct Expression of White Power & Privilege

white privilege mindset
Wednesday January 19th 2011 by abagond

This post is based partly on “The Privilege Mindset” at Will Capers’s blog Blaque Ink:

The white privilege mindset is the way of thinking that grows out of having white privilege, from the advantages of being white in America.

Which of these statements are true:

  1. There is no such thing as white privilege.
  2. Blacks like to complain.
  3. Blacks are their own worst enemy, not white people or their supposed racism.
  4. Blacks need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps just like everyone else.
  5. I made it on my own, I did not get any special favours. Why should blacks?
  6. If anything, blacks have it easier than whites, what with affirmative action and all.
  7. Affirmative action is unfair to whites.
  8. Whites are a better judge of whether something is racist than blacks are. Blacks are oversensitive.
  9. It is unfair to have a Black History Month when there is no White History Month.
  10. Blacks are just as racist as whites.
Count up the number of true statements and multiply by ten. That is the chance out of 100 that you have a white privilege mindset.

Not all the statements are necessarily untrue. And it is not just white people who say them. But they all fit a white privilege mindset, so whites are the ones most likely to make them and defend them strongly.

That is no accident: the statements make the most sense to someone who has never experienced racism, to someone who can take white privilege for granted.

White History Month is the clearest example. From Patrick Henry’s “Give me liberty or give me death” to “manifest destiny” to America as “the great melting pot”, American history is not merely taught from a white point of view, it is taught as if blacks, Mexicans and Native Americans do not truly count as people. White History Month is the month that never ends.

That is pretty easy to see if you are black. But whites are so used to having everything told from their point of view – from history to news to Hollywood films – that many fail to see it as a point of view at all.

Affirmative action is the same way: whites are so used to being favoured in the labour market that they fail to see it as white affirmative action.

How to have a white privilege mindset:

  1. Notice any small advantage blacks have while overlooking the even greater advantages of whites.
  2. Blame all disadvantages blacks suffer from on them.
  3. Use the Anything But Racism argument as needed.
  4. Discount anything black people say. Only take what white people say seriously.
  5. Never try to see anything from a black point of view.
You can replace “black” with “Latino”, “Native American”, “Muslim” and so on.

In fact, you can pretty much replace “white” and “black” with any privileged/marginalized pair: rich and poor, male and female, straight and gay, Christian and Jew, etc. Because it is not so much about race but power and how power affects thinking.

white privilege mindset
You're reduced to memes. Time to give up, brah.
white privilege mindset
Wednesday January 19th 2011 by abagond

This post is based partly on “The Privilege Mindset” at Will Capers’s blog Blaque Ink:

The white privilege mindset is the way of thinking that grows out of having white privilege, from the advantages of being white in America.

Which of these statements are true:

  1. There is no such thing as white privilege.
  2. Blacks like to complain.
  3. Blacks are their own worst enemy, not white people or their supposed racism.
  4. Blacks need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps just like everyone else.
  5. I made it on my own, I did not get any special favours. Why should blacks?
  6. If anything, blacks have it easier than whites, what with affirmative action and all.
  7. Affirmative action is unfair to whites.
  8. Whites are a better judge of whether something is racist than blacks are. Blacks are oversensitive.
  9. It is unfair to have a Black History Month when there is no White History Month.
  10. Blacks are just as racist as whites.
Count up the number of true statements and multiply by ten. That is the chance out of 100 that you have a white privilege mindset.

Not all the statements are necessarily untrue. And it is not just white people who say them. But they all fit a white privilege mindset, so whites are the ones most likely to make them and defend them strongly.

That is no accident: the statements make the most sense to someone who has never experienced racism, to someone who can take white privilege for granted.

White History Month is the clearest example. From Patrick Henry’s “Give me liberty or give me death” to “manifest destiny” to America as “the great melting pot”, American history is not merely taught from a white point of view, it is taught as if blacks, Mexicans and Native Americans do not truly count as people. White History Month is the month that never ends.

That is pretty easy to see if you are black. But whites are so used to having everything told from their point of view – from history to news to Hollywood films – that many fail to see it as a point of view at all.

Affirmative action is the same way: whites are so used to being favoured in the labour market that they fail to see it as white affirmative action.

How to have a white privilege mindset:

  1. Notice any small advantage blacks have while overlooking the even greater advantages of whites.
  2. Blame all disadvantages blacks suffer from on them.
  3. Use the Anything But Racism argument as needed.
  4. Discount anything black people say. Only take what white people say seriously.
  5. Never try to see anything from a black point of view.
You can replace “black” with “Latino”, “Native American”, “Muslim” and so on.

In fact, you can pretty much replace “white” and “black” with any privileged/marginalized pair: rich and poor, male and female, straight and gay, Christian and Jew, etc. Because it is not so much about race but power and how power affects thinking.

white privilege mindset
You're reduced to memes. Time to give up, brah.

Too bad these aren't memes junior.
white racial frame
Tuesday August 6th 2013 by abagond

The white racial frame (1600s- ) is the frame through which White Americans and the whitewashed make sense of issues about race. It is made up of stereotypes, images, narratives, mythology, history that is played up, history that is played down, etc. It is expressed – and strengthened – through jokes, slurs, discrimination, institutions, heroes, holidays, hatred, Hollywood stereotypes, etc.

It is sociologist Joe R. Feagin’s take on the white lens.

The white racial frame makes sense of racial inequality in American society, excuses it, makes it seem “natural”, “fair”, even “post-racial”!

  • It lies about how whites got so rich.
  • It tells them that they are good people, more moral than ever before, that blacks and other people of colour are screwed up.
  • It shapes institutions and is shaped by them.
  • It shapes white thought and character.
  • It is learned from parents, teachers, friends, the media, etc.
  • It is ingrained into every person brought up as White American, from rednecks to senators to white liberal professors. It becomes like a second skin, one they are blind to.
It is profound and hard to shake: The changes after the Civil War and during the civil rights movement did not affect the deep structure of racism.


By 1700 White American scientists, ministers, thinkers and leaders were already stereotyping blacks as:

  • different looking in skin colour, hair and lips,
  • disagreeable in smell,
  • being like monkeys,
  • unintelligent,
  • uncivilized, alien, foreign,
  • immoral, dangerous, given to crime,
  • lazy,
  • oversexed,
  • ungrateful, rebellious,
  • having disorganized families.
Whites were the opposite of all that, the model majority. These stereotypes were based not on close observation and study but on what excused keeping blacks as slaves, raping their women, breaking up their families, overworking them, keeping them like animals, etc.

In the 1990s, nearly 300 years later, a study of Taiwanese people who knew about Black Americans mainly from American film and television, found that they thought blacks were:

  • lazy,
  • unintelligent,
  • criminal,
  • violent,
  • dirty,
  • self-destructive,
  • ugly.
While the white racial frame is pounded into the heads of Americans of colour through the media and schooling, Black, Latino, Asian and Native Americans each have their own counter-frames.

  • White racial frame: Clarence Thomas, Condoleezza Rice, Fareed Zakaria
  • Counter-frame: Rev Jeremiah Wright
While the whitewashed use the white racial frame, most people of colour use both the white racial frame and a counter-frame.

The liberty-and-justice frame: Most white people do not have any racial counter-frame. But they do have the political liberty-and-justice frame they used to fight and overthrow the British, as expressed in the Declaration of Independence. It contradicts the white racial frame.

Blacks take that frame to its clear, anti-racist conclusions, but only a few whites do. Most whites go with the white racial frame and save liberty and justice for speeches. Barack Obama avoided it completely when he ran for president in 2008.

The good news: Anything that is learned can be unlearned.

The bad news: The white racial frame is deeply ingrained in white history, institutions and character.

Tomorrow: Counter-frames

Source: Joe R. Feagin, “The White Racial Frame” (2010).

white racial frame
white privilege mindset
Wednesday January 19th 2011 by abagond

This post is based partly on “The Privilege Mindset” at Will Capers’s blog Blaque Ink:

The white privilege mindset is the way of thinking that grows out of having white privilege, from the advantages of being white in America.

Which of these statements are true:

  1. There is no such thing as white privilege.
  2. Blacks like to complain.
  3. Blacks are their own worst enemy, not white people or their supposed racism.
  4. Blacks need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps just like everyone else.
  5. I made it on my own, I did not get any special favours. Why should blacks?
  6. If anything, blacks have it easier than whites, what with affirmative action and all.
  7. Affirmative action is unfair to whites.
  8. Whites are a better judge of whether something is racist than blacks are. Blacks are oversensitive.
  9. It is unfair to have a Black History Month when there is no White History Month.
  10. Blacks are just as racist as whites.
Count up the number of true statements and multiply by ten. That is the chance out of 100 that you have a white privilege mindset.

Not all the statements are necessarily untrue. And it is not just white people who say them. But they all fit a white privilege mindset, so whites are the ones most likely to make them and defend them strongly.

That is no accident: the statements make the most sense to someone who has never experienced racism, to someone who can take white privilege for granted.

White History Month is the clearest example. From Patrick Henry’s “Give me liberty or give me death” to “manifest destiny” to America as “the great melting pot”, American history is not merely taught from a white point of view, it is taught as if blacks, Mexicans and Native Americans do not truly count as people. White History Month is the month that never ends.

That is pretty easy to see if you are black. But whites are so used to having everything told from their point of view – from history to news to Hollywood films – that many fail to see it as a point of view at all.

Affirmative action is the same way: whites are so used to being favoured in the labour market that they fail to see it as white affirmative action.

How to have a white privilege mindset:

  1. Notice any small advantage blacks have while overlooking the even greater advantages of whites.
  2. Blame all disadvantages blacks suffer from on them.
  3. Use the Anything But Racism argument as needed.
  4. Discount anything black people say. Only take what white people say seriously.
  5. Never try to see anything from a black point of view.
You can replace “black” with “Latino”, “Native American”, “Muslim” and so on.

In fact, you can pretty much replace “white” and “black” with any privileged/marginalized pair: rich and poor, male and female, straight and gay, Christian and Jew, etc. Because it is not so much about race but power and how power affects thinking.

white privilege mindset
You're reduced to memes. Time to give up, brah.

Too bad these aren't memes junior.
No one is surprised that you don't understand what you post.
How White America got rich
Thursday February 25th 2010 by abagond

How did White America become so rich? Those hard-working, pull-themselves-up-by-their-bootstraps White Americans experienced at least three windfalls in their history:

  1. Land: The largest piece of virgin farm land in the world as of 1500, more farm land than in all of China! White Americans took it from Native Americans at low cost.
  2. Labour: at cut rates from people of colour: slaves, coolies, migrant workers, Mexican nannies and landscapers, etc. Blacks are still markedly underpaid even when you take education into account.
  3. Money: much of the wealth of the British Empire. The British Empire went broke fighting Hitler. Where do you think most of that money went? To America, nearly all of it to White Americans (see #2).
And that is not all. I am sure readers can think of a few more.

So White Americans who think it was all just a matter of hard work and the right values are missing the bigger picture.

And even the narrower picture: As much as White Americans like to narrow history to just their own family (“My family never owned slaves”, “My grandfather came to America with $25 in his pocket”), they are forgetting even that little bit of history: if hard work and the right values were enough, then why on earth did their forefathers leave Europe to live the rest of their lives in a foreign land across the ocean? Because they knew that hard work and the right values were not enough in themselves, not by a long shot.

There are white countries, and even some Asian ones, where people are just as well off as White Americans without enjoying any of these windfalls. What about them? Some of them had empires of their own. Even Belgium once ruled the Congo. As for the others, like Norway or Switzerland, it is hard to believe they would have got so rich without America and all the wealth that poured into Europe from the white empires.

Given that white people ruled most of the world in 1900 and are now so rich it is profoundly dishonest to believe:

  1. It was just a matter of brains, hard work and clean living.
  2. It was because white people are just a cut above people of colour, like it or not.
White Americans like to believe that stuff because:

  1. It appeals to their white pride (which they deny they have);
  2. It fits their racist picture of the world (which they think is just seeing the world as it is);
  3. It covers over their dirty, ugly history of how they got so rich.
If whites are just naturally better than others then they would have been rich and powerful all throughout history, or at least most of it, not just during chance bits of it – like now and in the time of Rome (which also got rich by robbing and ruling other lands).

And if it is just a matter brains, hard work and clean living, then why all the slaves and dead natives?

How White America got rich
It's really easy to get along. Just avoid blacks like the plague they are.

Look at this animal.
Report to the United Nations on Racial Disparities in the U.S. Criminal Justice System
April 19, 2018

Report to the United Nations on Racial Disparities in the U.S. Criminal Justice System | The Sentencing Project
I snipped this from the above article.....

More than one in four people arrested for drug law violations in 2015 was black, although drug use rates do not differ substantially by race and ethnicity and drug users generally purchase drugs from people of the same race or ethnicity.15) For example, the ACLU found that blacks were 3.7 times more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession than whites in 2010, even though their rate of marijuana usage was comparable.

First, let me begin by saying....

Why state more than 1, out of 4...
why not 2, 3, out of 4...thats misleading right there

Secondly, to conclude racial bias
because more blacks are arrested than whites,
for drug law violations, based on the premises,....

that generally, drug users purchase drugs
from those of the same race or ethnicity

and that drug usage, among race
is comparable across-the-board....

Is racially biased, in itself.

Just because marijuana usage is comparable
between blacks and whites, doesnt prove racial bias,
simply because more blacks are arrested for possession....

To me, it suggests, white people aren't caught as often,
with arrestable amounts of weed on them,....
so, how does that make the arrest rates biased?

If the %'s by race, within the population,
are used to conclude racial bias,
why are not those same %'s used to justify,
the higher arrest rate for blacks vs whites?

Why is there no one crying foul,
that blacks are being arrested and incarcerated,
for breaking laws, yet, people in this country, illegally,
are being feed, housed, given cash assistance, working,
and being protected in sanctuary cities

Breaking the law is breaking the law

Selling drugs is easy money and profitable
You can make more money, tax free,
in a single day, than working 40 hrs a week

6 million crimes were committed by those,
who make up 200 million, of the population

3 million crimes were committed by those,
who make up 30 million, of the population

Are more blacks sitting in jail, because of their color?
Report to the United Nations on Racial Disparities in the U.S. Criminal Justice System
April 19, 2018

Report to the United Nations on Racial Disparities in the U.S. Criminal Justice System | The Sentencing Project
I snipped this from the above article.....

More than one in four people arrested for drug law violations in 2015 was black, although drug use rates do not differ substantially by race and ethnicity and drug users generally purchase drugs from people of the same race or ethnicity.15) For example, the ACLU found that blacks were 3.7 times more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession than whites in 2010, even though their rate of marijuana usage was comparable.

First, let me begin by saying....

Why state more than 1, out of 4...
why not 2, 3, out of 4...thats misleading right there

Secondly, to conclude racial bias
because more blacks are arrested than whites,
for drug law violations, based on the premises,....

that generally, drug users purchase drugs
from those of the same race or ethnicity

and that drug usage, among race
is comparable across-the-board....

Is racially biased, in itself.

Just because marijuana usage is comparable
between blacks and whites, doesnt prove racial bias,
simply because more blacks are arrested for possession....

To me, it suggests, white people aren't caught as often,
with arrestable amounts of weed on them,....
so, how does that make the arrest rates biased?

If the %'s by race, within the population,
are used to conclude racial bias,
why are not those same %'s used to justify,
the higher arrest rate for blacks vs whites?

Why is there no one crying foul,
that blacks are being arrested and incarcerated,
for breaking laws, yet, people in this country, illegally,
are being feed, housed, given cash assistance, working,
and being protected in sanctuary cities

Breaking the law is breaking the law

Selling drugs is easy money and profitable
You can make more money, tax free,
in a single day, than working 40 hrs a week

6 million crimes were committed by those,
who make up 200 million, of the population

3 million crimes were committed by those,
who make up 30 million, of the population

Are more blacks sitting in jail, because of their color?

Your argument has no merit no matter how many times you repeat it. There is proven racism at every level of the criminal justice system. That fact is not to be ignored and arguments ignoring it cannot be taken seriously.
Report to the United Nations on Racial Disparities in the U.S. Criminal Justice System
April 19, 2018

Report to the United Nations on Racial Disparities in the U.S. Criminal Justice System | The Sentencing Project
I snipped this from the above article.....

More than one in four people arrested for drug law violations in 2015 was black, although drug use rates do not differ substantially by race and ethnicity and drug users generally purchase drugs from people of the same race or ethnicity.15) For example, the ACLU found that blacks were 3.7 times more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession than whites in 2010, even though their rate of marijuana usage was comparable.

First, let me begin by saying....

Why state more than 1, out of 4...
why not 2, 3, out of 4...thats misleading right there

Secondly, to conclude racial bias
because more blacks are arrested than whites,
for drug law violations, based on the premises,....

that generally, drug users purchase drugs
from those of the same race or ethnicity

and that drug usage, among race
is comparable across-the-board....

Is racially biased, in itself.

Just because marijuana usage is comparable
between blacks and whites, doesnt prove racial bias,
simply because more blacks are arrested for possession....

To me, it suggests, white people aren't caught as often,
with arrestable amounts of weed on them,....
so, how does that make the arrest rates biased?

If the %'s by race, within the population,
are used to conclude racial bias,
why are not those same %'s used to justify,
the higher arrest rate for blacks vs whites?

Why is there no one crying foul,
that blacks are being arrested and incarcerated,
for breaking laws, yet, people in this country, illegally,
are being feed, housed, given cash assistance, working,
and being protected in sanctuary cities

Breaking the law is breaking the law

Selling drugs is easy money and profitable
You can make more money, tax free,
in a single day, than working 40 hrs a week

6 million crimes were committed by those,
who make up 200 million, of the population

3 million crimes were committed by those,
who make up 30 million, of the population

Are more blacks sitting in jail, because of their color?

Your argument has no merit no matter how many times you repeat it. There is proven racism at every level of the criminal justice system. That fact is not to be ignored and arguments ignoring it cannot be taken seriously.
Your argument has no merit no matter how many times you repeat it. There is proven racism at every level of the criminal justice system. That fact is not to be ignored and arguments ignoring it cannot be taken seriously
Your argument is irrelevant
no matter how many times you repeat it,
simply by dismissing and excusing other relevant facts!

The scales of justice are unbalanced, for many reasons.
Racism is not colorblind, it exists among all races.

I don't ignore the existence of racism,
nor, do I ignore personal accountability,
by blaming everything on racism!
white racial frame
Tuesday August 6th 2013 by abagond

The white racial frame (1600s- ) is the frame through which White Americans and the whitewashed make sense of issues about race. It is made up of stereotypes, images, narratives, mythology, history that is played up, history that is played down, etc. It is expressed – and strengthened – through jokes, slurs, discrimination, institutions, heroes, holidays, hatred, Hollywood stereotypes, etc.

It is sociologist Joe R. Feagin’s take on the white lens.

The white racial frame makes sense of racial inequality in American society, excuses it, makes it seem “natural”, “fair”, even “post-racial”!

  • It lies about how whites got so rich.
  • It tells them that they are good people, more moral than ever before, that blacks and other people of colour are screwed up.
  • It shapes institutions and is shaped by them.
  • It shapes white thought and character.
  • It is learned from parents, teachers, friends, the media, etc.
  • It is ingrained into every person brought up as White American, from rednecks to senators to white liberal professors. It becomes like a second skin, one they are blind to.
It is profound and hard to shake: The changes after the Civil War and during the civil rights movement did not affect the deep structure of racism.


By 1700 White American scientists, ministers, thinkers and leaders were already stereotyping blacks as:

  • different looking in skin colour, hair and lips,
  • disagreeable in smell,
  • being like monkeys,
  • unintelligent,
  • uncivilized, alien, foreign,
  • immoral, dangerous, given to crime,
  • lazy,
  • oversexed,
  • ungrateful, rebellious,
  • having disorganized families.
Whites were the opposite of all that, the model majority. These stereotypes were based not on close observation and study but on what excused keeping blacks as slaves, raping their women, breaking up their families, overworking them, keeping them like animals, etc.

In the 1990s, nearly 300 years later, a study of Taiwanese people who knew about Black Americans mainly from American film and television, found that they thought blacks were:

  • lazy,
  • unintelligent,
  • criminal,
  • violent,
  • dirty,
  • self-destructive,
  • ugly.
While the white racial frame is pounded into the heads of Americans of colour through the media and schooling, Black, Latino, Asian and Native Americans each have their own counter-frames.

  • White racial frame: Clarence Thomas, Condoleezza Rice, Fareed Zakaria
  • Counter-frame: Rev Jeremiah Wright
While the whitewashed use the white racial frame, most people of colour use both the white racial frame and a counter-frame.

The liberty-and-justice frame: Most white people do not have any racial counter-frame. But they do have the political liberty-and-justice frame they used to fight and overthrow the British, as expressed in the Declaration of Independence. It contradicts the white racial frame.

Blacks take that frame to its clear, anti-racist conclusions, but only a few whites do. Most whites go with the white racial frame and save liberty and justice for speeches. Barack Obama avoided it completely when he ran for president in 2008.

The good news: Anything that is learned can be unlearned.

The bad news: The white racial frame is deeply ingrained in white history, institutions and character.

Tomorrow: Counter-frames

Source: Joe R. Feagin, “The White Racial Frame” (2010).

white racial frame
In the 1990s, nearly 300 years later, a study of Taiwanese people who knew about Black Americans mainly from American film and television, found that they thought blacks were:

  • lazy,
  • unintelligent,
  • criminal,
  • violent,
  • dirty,
  • self-destructive,
  • ugly.

Just like the #MeToo rhetoric....20 years in the making

Women who have used film, music, television and magazines,
to portray women as sex objects and easily manipulated

Women who use fashion, make up, boob jobs, butt lifts,
botox, hair dye, fake nails, lashes and plastic surgery, to entice men

Women who use their looks as bait,
seduction and flirtation, so he'll bite,
then reels him in, by giving him what he wants
in order to get what she wants

Women who start grooming their young daughter early on,
with eye shadow, lip stick, blush, a ton of hair spray,
and scantily outfits, parading them onstage, like meat.

People of color, men, women and children,
took roles and played characters, stereotypical of blacks,
which gave merit to the perception, of people of color....

If you play the role, you must fit the part
If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem
It's not about what others have preconceived,
it's about whether or not you mirror, what is perceived

Blame, blame, sad it must be, to be you
Why is it that so many people only here at USMB claim not to know what a racist is?
Because you call any white posters who disagree with you a racist. Since that is incorrect, perhaps you can explain YOUR definition of racist.
Report to the United Nations on Racial Disparities in the U.S. Criminal Justice System
April 19, 2018

Report to the United Nations on Racial Disparities in the U.S. Criminal Justice System | The Sentencing Project
I snipped this from the above article.....

More than one in four people arrested for drug law violations in 2015 was black, although drug use rates do not differ substantially by race and ethnicity and drug users generally purchase drugs from people of the same race or ethnicity.15) For example, the ACLU found that blacks were 3.7 times more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession than whites in 2010, even though their rate of marijuana usage was comparable.

First, let me begin by saying....

Why state more than 1, out of 4...
why not 2, 3, out of 4...thats misleading right there

Secondly, to conclude racial bias
because more blacks are arrested than whites,
for drug law violations, based on the premises,....

that generally, drug users purchase drugs
from those of the same race or ethnicity

and that drug usage, among race
is comparable across-the-board....

Is racially biased, in itself.

Just because marijuana usage is comparable
between blacks and whites, doesnt prove racial bias,
simply because more blacks are arrested for possession....

To me, it suggests, white people aren't caught as often,
with arrestable amounts of weed on them,....
so, how does that make the arrest rates biased?

If the %'s by race, within the population,
are used to conclude racial bias,
why are not those same %'s used to justify,
the higher arrest rate for blacks vs whites?

Why is there no one crying foul,
that blacks are being arrested and incarcerated,
for breaking laws, yet, people in this country, illegally,
are being feed, housed, given cash assistance, working,
and being protected in sanctuary cities

Breaking the law is breaking the law

Selling drugs is easy money and profitable
You can make more money, tax free,
in a single day, than working 40 hrs a week

6 million crimes were committed by those,
who make up 200 million, of the population

3 million crimes were committed by those,
who make up 30 million, of the population

Are more blacks sitting in jail, because of their color?

Your argument has no merit no matter how many times you repeat it. There is proven racism at every level of the criminal justice system. That fact is not to be ignored and arguments ignoring it cannot be taken seriously.

. . . well, you need no longer fear.

Here is a white man now demonstrating how every black man is to deal with the American Police officers. :71:

Apparently many citizens are not aware of the family, people and community harming 'NO SNITCH' rule adopted by the FEMALE-dominated PRO BLACK community. A rule that says, "You don't call me out for my poor or anti-social behaviors and I won't beef about your fvvkery."

It's called The Code of Sister Solidarity that Mrs. Michelle "GIRL POWER" Obama fully and emphatically embraces.

"Negro Women, Skeleton Bones & Secrets":

Negro Women, Skeleton Bones & Secrets

for IM3 -----for the record---in the course of my long life, I have known a few Taiwanese people. Any comment on their "SOCIAL ATTITUDES" about blacks
is very incomplete without a CONTROL STUDY on their "SOCIAL ATTITUDES"
about American WASPS
Here is a white man now demonstrating how every black man is to deal with the American Police officers. :71:
That mask is not covering his nose.

Also his sunglasses aren't needed for Corona Virus. Also he can show the cop his license and registration without opening up the window.

Also, if the cop needed to arrest the guy, he could call in special medical workers to take the guy to a hospital jail.
Here is a white man now demonstrating how every black man is to deal with the American Police officers. :71:
That mask is not covering his nose.

Also his sunglasses aren't needed for Corona Virus. Also he can show the cop his license and registration without opening up the window.

Also, if the cop needed to arrest the guy, he could call in special medical workers to take the guy to a hospital jail.

Do you know that so far this year, police have killed more innocent Americans than the Corona virus has?
Here is a white man now demonstrating how every black man is to deal with the American Police officers. :71:
That mask is not covering his nose.

Also his sunglasses aren't needed for Corona Virus. Also he can show the cop his license and registration without opening up the window.

Also, if the cop needed to arrest the guy, he could call in special medical workers to take the guy to a hospital jail.

Do you know that so far this year, police have killed more innocent Americans than the Corona virus has?

do you know that very few people have died of the Corona virus in the USA. Since the Corona virus thing has been ongoing in the USA, how many
innocent people have been killed by police?

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