Biden had no authority at all to hold classified documents at his home or his other places

You’re talking about a ROUNDING error

We can keep acting like funding these things is no big deal because it's just a little bit of money but it never stops. How much money have we given over to Israel over course of it's existence? It's over 300 Billion directly. I dont think anyone knows how much we've spent indirectly, whether that's through intelligence work, power projection via the US Navy, the terror wars etc. etc. So it's not just a rounding error. It's an everlasting gobstopper of spending.
No one does, not even our presidents.

But fyi, under Obama, through executive order, the vp (Biden) was given the same classifying and declassifying power as the president....
Lies. He was given classifying power, not declassifying power. The POTUS is the only person who has that power.
Lies. He was given classifying power, not declassifying power. The POTUS is the only person who has that power.
That's not true either. Billets that have been delegated original classification authority can declassify those things which were classified under that authority. The decision to declassify something doesn't go to the President's desk every time.
1. Biden stole those classified documents. It doesn't matter if he gave them back.

2. Trump has the "Presidential Records Act" card to play. Interesting that Hur did NOT try to address the PRA in his report.

The PRA isn’t a card to play as it clearly lays out that official documents are the property of the United States government and are to be surrendered at the end of a Presidents time in office.

In addition the espionage laws pertain to national security / classified documents.

Here is the executive order Biden worked under during the Obama presidency:

The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
December 29, 2009

Executive Order 13526- Classified National Security Information

This order prescribes a uniform system for classifying, safeguarding, and declassifying national security information, including information relating to defense against transnational terrorism. Our democratic principles require that the American people be informed of the activities of their Government. Also, our Nation's progress depends on the free flow of information both within the Government and to the American people. Nevertheless, throughout our history, the national defense has required that certain information be maintained in confidence in order to protect our citizens, our democratic institutions, our homeland security, and our interactions with foreign nations. Protecting information critical to our Nation's security and demonstrating our commitment to open Government through accurate and accountable application of classification standards and routine, secure, and effective declassification are equally important priorities.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, by the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:

The order is long and very detailed, but still easy to read.

Well, in gives remedy for those with clearance who break the rules and are not so careful in their handling of the classified material they were entrusted with....punishments like sanctions, other penalties, losing clearance, losing job, being moved to another job, ethics violations, etc etc etc....ending with criminal punishment as a resolution for the worst of the worst, with malice or criminal intent, Espionage or criminal resistance/obstruction....

All the big guys and gals at the top, usually get a pass if they cooperate. That is how it has always been.

Even with Petraeus, he intentionally took all those classified documents and shared them with an unauthorized person (who once did have clearance for top secret).

But he lied about what he did and where he stored them to the FBI and obstructed their investigation...

So they did charge Petraeus with felonies....but...

But... Once he cooperated and owned up for it, they cut a PLEA DEAL with him, lowering his felony charges to Misdemeanor charges.

Former President Trump, has caused much... if not all, of his own problems with his situation...with his lying and obstruction and dereliction, and unwillingness to cooperate with our govt trying to retrieve the Top Secret and Defense Documents.

If he had only done, what was right
Here is the executive order Biden worked under during the Obama presidency:

The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release
December 29, 2009

Executive Order 13526- Classified National Security Information

This order prescribes a uniform system for classifying, safeguarding, and declassifying national security information, including information relating to defense against transnational terrorism. Our democratic principles require that the American people be informed of the activities of their Government. Also, our Nation's progress depends on the free flow of information both within the Government and to the American people. Nevertheless, throughout our history, the national defense has required that certain information be maintained in confidence in order to protect our citizens, our democratic institutions, our homeland security, and our interactions with foreign nations. Protecting information critical to our Nation's security and demonstrating our commitment to open Government through accurate and accountable application of classification standards and routine, secure, and effective declassification are equally important priorities.

NOW, THEREFORE, I, BARACK OBAMA, by the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, it is hereby ordered as follows:

The order is long and very detailed, but still easy to read.

Well, in gives remedy for those with clearance who break the rules and are not so careful in their handling of the classified material they were entrusted with....punishments like sanctions, other penalties, losing clearance, losing job, being moved to another job, ethics violations, etc etc etc....ending with criminal punishment as a resolution for the worst of the worst, with malice or criminal intent, Espionage or criminal resistance/obstruction....

All the big guys and gals at the top, usually get a pass if they cooperate. That is how it has always been.

Even with Petraeus, he intentionally took all those classified documents and shared them with an unauthorized person (who once did have clearance for top secret).

But he lied about what he did and where he stored them to the FBI and obstructed their investigation...

So they did charge Petraeus with felonies....but...

But... Once he cooperated and owned up for it, they cut a PLEA DEAL with him, lowering his felony charges to Misdemeanor charges.

Former President Trump, has caused much... if not all, of his own problems with his situation...with his lying and obstruction and dereliction, and unwillingness to cooperate with our govt trying to retrieve the Top Secret and Defense Documents.

If he had only done, what was right
Yeah and if you actually understood what you read you’d understand why VP Biden didn’t have the same declassification authority as either Pres Obama or Trump.
Yeah and if you actually understood what you read you’d understand why VP Biden didn’t have the same declassification authority as either Pres Obama or Trump.
I read Obama's executive order and he includes himself in following the procedures and protocol set forth by him, to declassify, and explains why the procedure protocols are important for declassification.

Me thinks it is YOU, who has not understood this executive order.
Yes, he did. The EO gave it to him. You are goofy.
It granted him original classification authority. Do you have trouble reading?

Read something on the subject.

Take a course

Does it logically even make sense that the Sec of Transportation could unilaterally just declassify something the NSA or CIA classified? Of course not.
I read Obama's executive order and he includes himself in following the procedures and protocol set forth by him, to declassify, and explains why the procedure protocols are important for declassification.

Me thinks it is YOU, who has not understood this executive order.

Dont think. Read something. Anything. Read the definition of original classification authority. Yes the VP can declassify those things which were classified under his original classification authority. Not those things which were classified under someone else's. The President as the origin of all classification authority (he has to be if he's delegating it doesn't he) does have that authority. Get it now? Is it sinking in? Making any sense?

The Sec of State cant declassify a document or information which was classified by the DOE. But they can petition for it to be and if the DOE says no the President can override that decision the VP cant.
I doubt this would have ever come up if Australian Anthony Pratt hadn't boastfully blabbered about conversations about US nuclear submarines.

This whole situation has me thinking about how things are handled in IT with database administrators and auditors in authority to store, secure, and make sure their available only to authorized personnel. Looking up who would be in command of these roles for the nation's sensitive documents points to the Archivist of the United States. From November 2009 through April 2022 that was Obama appointee David Ferriero.

All these misplaced documents happened under Ferriero's watch. While politicians need to be held accountable, a critical look at the National Archives' apathetic handling of its responsibilities should not be neglected.
There the argument that his sacrifice was to protect America from an individual who was widely perceived (even by Republican voters) 'untrustworthy' and 'incompetent'.

(not my judgement, see the 27-page report Trump himself commissioned. By Tony Fabrizio.)

It is always notable...and a bit amusing in a snarky way..... to see our QAnon-constituency here go to their 'Vulgarity Thesaurus' and search for a defensive smokescreen of f-bombs and ad hominem epithets whenever they perceive they are falling behind in these discussions.

It's a tell.
I know y'all see that.

But, in truth, their over-use of the f-bomb ain't really all that harmful to other posters. Though it does color perceptions of judgment; of education; and perceptions of maturity.

So there is that.

I read Obama's executive order and he includes himself in following the procedures and protocol set forth by him, to declassify, and explains why the procedure protocols are important for declassification.

Me thinks it is YOU, who has not understood this executive order.
Biden never had declassification authority, Simp.

Has Tater ever claimed he declassified any of the documents he stole as Senator and VP? Nope.
Biden never had declassification authority, Simp.

Has Tater ever claimed he declassified any of the documents he stole as Senator and VP? Nope.
Massive double standard.....
Very easy to see....
However I think the report was more damaging the way it was presented.

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