Biden Admin reinstates title 42

Such compassion. He waits until they all line up at the border to do that.

What a dick.
Poor Faux Not News viewers. Late to the party, as expected....

Updated 4:51 PM EST, Tue February 21, 2023

"The Biden administration released a new rule Tuesday that largely bars migrants who traveled through other countries on their way to the US-Mexico border from applying for asylum in the United States, marking a departure from decadeslong protocol.

Biden is pretty conservative. I agree that we have to stop a flow of illegals from breaking our laws but I just wish we could help people in need with a more liberal legal immigration system.
What you are saying is that you want to help the cartels, criminals, gang-bangers, human smugglers, and illegal drug trade so you can "hep them there poor needy peeps get hep", so you can get "duh warm and fuzzies". Man, fuck off with that stupid shit!! This is the real fucking world, in which hard decisions need to be made. The fact is, the overwhelming majority of those migrants have absolutely NO valid claim to asylum. They must file their asylum claims in contiguous nations to their own, or the "first safe" country. There is absolutely no valid claim to asylum. They are frivolous claims. Yet we let them in to make their frivolous claims. And when they do not show up for court they just get to stay. There there are the snootch bags who overstay their visas. We have tons of undocumented non-Americans roaming around our nations right now, coming from Hispanic countries, China, countries known to host terror organizations, and COUNTRIES THAT ARE EXPERIENCING NO DOMESTIC STRIFE WHATSOEVER, making the asylum claims frivolous.

In short, America and Americans are getting fucked. Granted, I realize that some folks like to get F-ed in the A. But most of us do not, and we do not consent to it by a pack of swarthy immigrants and bunch of even swarthier Democrat politicians and apparatchiks. What is being allowed to happen on our southern border is malfeasance rising to the level of sedition. We cannot allow this to continue with zero accountability. But then we have weird fuckers like you who "just wan to hep these here poor souls". None of these people are innocent, save for some of the children. Your concern for claiming to want to help these people is premised on a make-believe world. If you take all the Winnie the Pooh and Dora the Explorer dolls from those migrant children, and rip them open, probably well over half of them contain fentanyl or meth.

Of course, you can do as you wish, as I whole heartedly support freedom and liberty. But you may want to give some consideration to educating yourself before opening your stupid mouth.
He's the furthest left president we've had since FDR
I disagree.
Economically, I'd say every president up until Reagan was more to the left working to expand investment in science, tech and infrastructure to compete as a world power. Socially, I believe Barack Obama has the title.
-LBJ greatly enhanced the safetynet and in todays environemnt would be using the DOJ and probably sending federal troops to attack conservative states in what they're doing. Florida probably would be a state in which would be under attack.
-Nixon...Greatly expanded government to protect the environment(the epa) and cleaned up our air, water and environment.
-Dwight D. Eisenhower bought our highway system opening up this country. I seriously doubt republicans would do the same today as they're anti-government and investment in their own country.

Why exactly would you believe that he is the most leftist? Sure, he is probably second or third socially but economically he does very little for the worker, the little guy or the poor.
Biden is pretty conservative. I agree that we have to stop a flow of illegals from breaking our laws but I just wish we could help people in need with a more liberal legal immigration system.

Huh? more liberal? no one in the world brings in more legal immigrants than the U.S. the one million or so was just fine! how about solving the problems with homeless Americans living on the streets... before you try tackling the problems of other people around the world....who all by the way have governments that need to be looking after their own peoples problems. Why does it need to become the problem of our government?

Maybe AOC can go down to the border and put on a donkey show

Reinstatement of Title 42 admits that Trump policies were working. After 2 years Joey Xi and is Merry Maoist Democrat Marxists finally have to admit that Trump was right, and they were wrong.
Obviously, Democrat Marxists will never hold themselves accountable for their failed policies and would never ever admit tgat a Republican policy actually was better than the Democrat policy and that it worked.
Certainly. this is too little too late for Joey Xi and is crony Baghdad Bob Mayorkas. Just look across at the Mexican side of the border. You will need to send almost all of the Active Forces and hope that the Cartel does not commence shooting back as all those illegals are crossing. The only reason for this quick action is that all those Blue States and Blue cities are hoping on winning in 2024 will be over run and you do not have the fiscal resources to save them from destruction.
This has never been a failure according to Mayorkas. This was all intentional and planned by Maoist/DSA Democrat Marxists..
This isn't 1940.
Joey Xi was fraudulently elected and destroyed the middle class within two years.


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