Bangladesh: Muslims scream “Allahu akbar” as they’re sentenced to death..Only 1 way to stop it!!!

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
They must be killed or they have so often done to Christians....we see another one today stabbing Christian's on the London Bridge....he is now being fucked in the ass for eternity by Satan and his followers!!!!



Bangladesh: Muslims scream “Allahu akbar” as they’re sentenced to death for murdering 22 non-Muslims

“Seven Islamists have been sentenced to death for a 2016 attack on a cafe in the Bangladeshi capital in which 22 people….Some of the men shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ (an Arabic phrase meaning ‘God is greatest’) as they were led away from the packed courtroom.”

As far as they were concerned, it was a triumph.

“Holey Artisan cafe: Bangladesh Islamists sentenced to death for 2016 attack,” BBc, November 27, 2019:

Seven Islamists have been sentenced to death for a 2016 attack on a cafe in the Bangladeshi capital in which 22 people, mostly foreigners, were killed.

The attack on the Holey Artisan cafe in Dhaka was carried out by a group of five men, who took diners hostage.

Eight people were on trial, accused of planning the attack and supplying weapons. One man was acquitted.

The 12-hour siege was Bangladesh’s deadliest Islamist attack. Most of the victims were Italian or Japanese.

The attack was claimed by the Islamic State (IS) group, but Bangladesh disputed this, instead holding a local militant group responsible. All of the gunmen were killed by police….

Sentencing the men in Dhaka, the judge said they wanted to undermine public safety and create anarchy.

Some of the men shouted “Allahu Akbar” (an Arabic phrase meaning “God is greatest”) as they were led away from the packed courtroom, AFP news agency reported….... Now a fitting punishment...take all their organs. heart. Lungs. Kidneys, eyes, etc. while ALIVE and donate them to Christian's that need organ transplants....I would imagine knowing Christian's will live from their body parts would be worse than drinking a quart of pigs blood!!!!
Wrap them in pigskins before execution and tell them that Allah will turn from them in disgust and then see how tough they are.

It's only a movie, but I'll bet it would work....Don't know until it is tried on some heathen terrorists...(Kudos to the actor who played the Muslim).

Here's a clip from the 1939 movie The Real Glory" (fighting Muslims in the 1900s Philippines). The educational part starts at 2:10.....This was when America was ONE UNITED COINTRY. and knew right from wrong and EXACTLY WHO our enemy was....AND it is HISTORICALLY CORRECT!!!!!

I'm surprised it is still up on YouTube.....Dedicated to Omar and the Squad....
There is no reason to bring religion into this.
Islam does not sanction any religious coercion or abuse.
These attackers were not Islamic.
If they were attacking foreigners, then the motivation was nationalistic, not religious.
They had no idea what religion the Italians or Orientals were.
There is no reason to bring religion into this.
Islam does not sanction any religious coercion or abuse.
These attackers were not Islamic.
If they were attacking foreigners, then the motivation was nationalistic, not religious.
They had no idea what religion the Italians or Orientals were.
Well then. Child, how about the ETHICS PART of this forum....and pointing out the HISTORICAL TRUTH IS SOMETHING that few know......ALTHOUGH....

Wrap them in pigskins before execution and tell them that Allah will turn from them in disgust and then see how tough they are.
That might have worked a 100 years ago on muslims in the Philippines who didn't know their religion.

But that foolishness wouldn't work on todays muslims. ... :cool:
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There is no reason to bring religion into this.
Islam does not sanction any religious coercion or abuse.
These attackers were not Islamic.
If they were attacking foreigners, then the motivation was nationalistic, not religious.
They had no idea what religion the Italians or Orientals were.
Well then. Child, how about the ETHICS PART of this forum....and pointing out the HISTORICAL TRUTH IS SOMETHING that few know......ALTHOUGH....


If Islam never existed, then we not only would all be Jewish, but women would never have been considered to have souls, allowed to divorce, be able to inherit, etc.
Mohammed created rights for women out of gratitude to the wealthy merchant widow he married.
Before Mohammed, women did not have rights in most of the world.
Wrap them in pigskins before execution and tell them that Allah will turn from them in disgust and then see how tough they are.
That worked a 100 years on muslims in the Philippines who didn't know their religion.

But that foolishness wouldn't work on todays muslims because they know their religion much better. ... :cool:

Wrapping a Moslem in pigskin would not bother a Muslim because they would not be doing it themselves.
What someone else does can not effect your degree of sin.
It is only eating pork that is sinful.
A Moslem can wear pigskin gloves for example, without any sin.

In the Philippines in 1905, it was machineguns and shotguns that defeated the poor rebels who wanted the freedom the US promised when they helped defeat the Spanish.
We lied to them and stole their country.
Wrap them in pigskins before execution and tell them that Allah will turn from them in disgust and then see how tough they are.
That worked a 100 years on muslims in the Philippines who didn't know their religion. ... :cool:
Sunni, I respect YOU as being a patriot and an American FIRST....BUT. when people tell me it is not islam that is responsible I can only reasonably and logically say BULLSHIT.....YOUR PEOPLE need to clean up and kill these scum that are supposedly corrupting your religion....perhaps your MEN need to grow a pair of testicles and take care of business!
There is no reason to bring religion into this.
Islam does not sanction any religious coercion or abuse.
These attackers were not Islamic.
If they were attacking foreigners, then the motivation was nationalistic, not religious.
They had no idea what religion the Italians or Orientals were.
Well then. Child, how about the ETHICS PART of this forum....and pointing out the HISTORICAL TRUTH IS SOMETHING that few know......ALTHOUGH....


If Islam never existed, then we not only would all be Jewish, but women would never have been considered to have souls, allowed to divorce, be able to inherit, etc.
Mohammed created rights for women out of gratitude to the wealthy merchant widow he married.
Before Mohammed, women did not have rights in most of the world.
How stupid is that Jewish remark as Christian came from Jews and muslims had nothing to do with it, you were thought of hundreds of years after Christian's andvthousands of years after Jews! And we all know about your pedophile leader and his fucking a 9 year old!
BUT. when people tell me it is not islam that is responsible I can only reasonably and logically say BULLSHIT.
Most of the time these incidents have nothing to do with Islam.

But are about disputes over land, natural resources, or politics. ... :cool:

Sunni that SOUNDS great until you come to the part where they yell Allah snackbar....and smile As if they won, only to be killed....and if it was about the 3vthings you named, then they truly are heathens and do not recognize ANY TYPE OF RECOGNIZED LAW, EXCEPT THEIR OWN!
During the two World wars in Europe it was Christian Britain, France, and America vers Christian Germany and Italy.

Both sides had military Chaplin's who held religious services and told the troops God was on their side, and to go ahead and slaughter each other. Yet, the war was over land and politics, not religion.

Basically, the fight between muslims is the same thing, land and politics, not religion. ... :cool:
During the two World wars in Europe it was Christian Britain, France, and America vers Christian Germany and Italy.

Both sides had military Chaplin's who held religious services and told the troops God was on their side, and to go ahead and slaughter each other. Yet, the war was over land and politics, not religion.

Basically, the fight between muslims is the same thing, land and politics, not religion. ... :cool:

Sunn . Then we have this story....

Brooklyn: Muslim encourages “inflicting harm” on non-Muslims with bombs and knives in NYC subways

JIHAD WATCH ^ | NOV 29, 2019 3:00 PM

Zachary Clark is apparently a convert to Islam. From whom did he learn Islam? Where does he go to mosque? Has that mosque’s teachings been investigated? Why not?

“Brooklyn Man Arrested for Encouraging ISIS Terrorist NYC Subway Attacks,” by Katabella Roberts, Epoch Times, November 28, 2019:

A Brooklyn man has been arrested and charged for attempting to provide material support to Islamic State, The Department of Justice announced on Nov. 27.

Zachary Clark, 40, of Brooklyn, New York, was arrested in the borough on Wednesday and was expected to appear before Magistrate Judge Robert W. Lehrburger in Manhattan federal court on the same day.

Clark was charged with one count of attempting to provide material support to ISIS, and one count of distributing information relating to explosives, destructive devices, and weapons of mass destruction, and faces up to 40 years in prison.

According to the complaint, he had previously pledged his allegiance to ISIS twice, first in July 2019, to its then-leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, and then in October 2019, to ISIS’s new leader, Abu Ibrahim al-Sashemi al-Qurayshi….

Clark’s propaganda included calls for ISIS supporters to commit lone-wolf attacks in New York City, and on Aug. 3, 2019, he posted instructions about how to conduct such an attack.

The instructions included guidance on how to select a target, how to conduct preoperational surveillance and planning, and how to avoid attracting the attention of law enforcement when preparing for and conducting such an attack.

On another occasion, Clark posted a manual entitled “Knife Attacks,” which stated that discomfort at “the thought of plunging a sharp object into another person’s flesh” is “never an excuse for abandoning jihad.”

It also said that “[k]nives, though certainly not the only weapon for inflicting harm upon the kuffar [non-believers] are widely available in every land and thus readily accessible.”

According to the complaint, Clark urged the participants in encrypted chat rooms to attack specific targets and posted photos and maps of the New York City subway system, encouraging ISIS supporters to attack certain locations.

Clark posted a manual entitled “Make a bomb in the kitchen of your Mom,” which gave detailed instructions about constructing an explosive device



All common sense leaked out those ear holes. Ok, so there wasn’t much common sense when he first put those plugs in.

He is young, so taking his eyes, kidneys, lungs, and heart, among other organs while alive and donating them to Christian's who could use them, would be a fitting punishment!
Wrap them in pigskins before execution and tell them that Allah will turn from them in disgust and then see how tough they are.
That might have worked a 100 years ago on muslims in the Philippines who didn't know their religion.

But that foolishness wouldn't work on todays muslims. ... :cool:

I agree that the pigskin idea is out dated. If it worked back then----that is well.
Today far more proactive methods are necessary. Muslims who murder kaffirin are
called HEROES-----and their surviving families rise both economically and socially. LOTS of people LIKE the idea of being a posthumous hero, pigskin notwithstanding.
Even the blacksheep son can FINALLY make mom and dad "proud". It is that
posthumous hero thing that must be obviated along with the family benefits
Wrap them in pigskins before execution and tell them that Allah will turn from them in disgust and then see how tough they are.
That might have worked a 100 years ago on muslims in the Philippines who didn't know their religion.

But that foolishness wouldn't work on todays muslims. ... :cool:

I agree that the pigskin idea is out dated. If it worked back then----that is well.
Today far more proactive methods are necessary. Muslims who murder kaffirin are
called HEROES-----and their surviving families rise both economically and socially. LOTS of people LIKE the idea of being a posthumous hero, pigskin notwithstanding.
Even the blacksheep son can FINALLY make mom and dad "proud". It is that
posthumous hero thing that must be obviated along with the family benefits
Really, very easy to correct....eradicate his whole family....NO EXCEPTIONS....BUT the easy answers are not politically correct so expect more innocent Christian and Jews, and Hindus, and Buddhists and anyone else they consider an INFIDEL to continue to die, while the GOOD MUSLIMS do nothing but continue to tell us it is NOT Islams fault!

Wrap them in pigskins before execution and tell them that Allah will turn from them in disgust and then see how tough they are.
That might have worked a 100 years ago on muslims in the Philippines who didn't know their religion.

But that foolishness wouldn't work on todays muslims. ... :cool:

I agree that the pigskin idea is out dated. If it worked back then----that is well.
Today far more proactive methods are necessary. Muslims who murder kaffirin are
called HEROES-----and their surviving families rise both economically and socially. LOTS of people LIKE the idea of being a posthumous hero, pigskin notwithstanding.
Even the blacksheep son can FINALLY make mom and dad "proud". It is that
posthumous hero thing that must be obviated along with the family benefits
Really, very easy to correct....eradicate his whole family....NO EXCEPTIONS....BUT the easy answers are not politically correct so expect more innocent Christian and Jews, and Hindus, and Buddhists and anyone else they consider an INFIDEL to continue to die, while the GOOD MUSLIMS do nothing but continue to tell us it is NOT Islams fault!


to know islam, talk to copts, chaldeans, Zoroastrians from Iran and Mumbai, maronites, and jews with family background in muslim cesspits and then------get invited to a mosque in which the weekly khutbah
jumaat feces fling is delivered in English. Persons from south east asia do not
speak Arabic and actually use ENGLISH as their lingua franca------especially here in the USA------even visiting GENIUS Imams use English. Be prepared to be
During the two World wars in Europe it was Christian Britain, France, and America vers Christian Germany and Italy.

Both sides had military Chaplin's who held religious services and told the troops God was on their side, and to go ahead and slaughter each other. Yet, the war was over land and politics, not religion.

Basically, the fight between muslims is the same thing, land and politics, not religion. ... :cool:

I agree----the fight between Sunnis and Shiites is largely economic. It is not clear to me that US military clergy -----even during wars fart out DEATH TO ...chants. Sunnis constitute a majority and tend to be the "haves" vs the "have not" Shiites in many muslim countries. -------in some "shoot a Shiite" in drive bys is Friday sport --- (Pakistan is an example)
Clark was charged with one count of attempting to provide material support to ISIS, and one count of distributing information relating to explosives, destructive devices, and weapons of mass destruction, and faces up to 40 years in prison.
Big deal, you find one looney tune who was shooting his mouth off about liking ISIS and now all muslims are guilty of being radical jihadis. .... :cuckoo:
Clark was charged with one count of attempting to provide material support to ISIS, and one count of distributing information relating to explosives, destructive devices, and weapons of mass destruction, and faces up to 40 years in prison.
Big deal, you find one looney tune who was shooting his mouth off about liking ISIS and now all muslims are guilty of being radical jihadis. .... :cuckoo:

calm yourself habibi-------in fact some of the more intelligent muslims I have
known were Bangladeshis (here in the USA) For information on the Pakistani
SUNNI atrocities in East Bengal circa 1971------talk to a Bangladeshi
Clark was charged with one count of attempting to provide material support to ISIS, and one count of distributing information relating to explosives, destructive devices, and weapons of mass destruction, and faces up to 40 years in prison.
Big deal, you find one looney tune who was shooting his mouth off about liking ISIS and now all muslims are guilty of being radical jihadis. .... :cuckoo:
Clark was charged with one count of attempting to provide material support to ISIS, and one count of distributing information relating to explosives, destructive devices, and weapons of mass destruction, and faces up to 40 years in prison.
Big deal, you find one looney tune who was shooting his mouth off about liking ISIS and now all muslims are guilty of being radical jihadis. .... :cuckoo:
OK, then tell us how to define and find a radical muslim that wants to kill us, from a muslim who wants to be an American and assimilate into our got any answers, as I sure don't, and neither does anyone else!

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