Ban affirmative action. Support equality based on merit.

We should do away with preferences for skin color, gender, sexuality. That is discrimination. Those who support affirmative action support discrimination. Those who support discrimination are bigots and supremacists.

Hence, the supporters of affirmative action are bigots and supremacists, as if that isn't the most obvious insight since someone said the sun is hot..

Why are the Democrats so afraid of equality? The democrat party has never supported equality. It has supported

Affirmative action

What is wrong with a merit standard?

If you believe your own demographic is too inferior to stand up in an equal merit based society, does that not make you a bigot and supremacist?

The left cannot debate this issue.

They rather will respond with hate and card tosses...
Right wingers used to vote democrat back then. Right wingers being disingenuous or simply appealing to ignorance is not any form of merit based argumentation. You have to resort to the fewest fallacies for that.
It is your opinion that the things I write are racist,

Says the creature that thanks an aggressively racist post singling out people as "white boy". What's next, somebody who thanks somebody for calling you the n word claiming they aren't a racist, either?

You don't like racism? Good. So stop indulging in so fucking much of it, already.
Why would any of us trust any of you
I am an American and I assumed you were too. Everything you write is racist and you do not desire equality so there is nothing more to talk about.
It is your opinion that the things I write are racist, an uneducated opinion based neither on fact or knowledge.

Things have NEVER been equal between the races in the United States because white supremacist put into law that the white race was superior to people of African descent and that God himself ordained the African race subservient to the white race. An example are the following excerpts from the state of Texas's declaration of secession:

... She [the state of Texas] was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery--the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits--a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time
We hold as undeniable truths that the governments of the various States, and of the confederacy itself, were established exclusively by the white race, for themselves and their posterity; that the African race had no agency in their establishment; that they were rightfully held and regarded as an inferior and dependent race, and in that condition only could their existence in this country be rendered beneficial or tolerable.
That in this free government all white men are and of right ought to be entitled to equal civil and political rights; that the servitude of the African race, as existing in these States, is mutually beneficial to both bond and free, and is abundantly authorized and justified by the experience of mankind, and the revealed will of the Almighty Creator, as recognized by all Christian nations

Those laws were enforced for more than 2 centuries and things are STILL NOT EQUAL but they are closer to being more equal than they have been in centuries.

Basically it's as if our government said "we're going to pass these laws because you all don't know how to act and will always act in a discriminatory manner without them. But as soon as things settle down and everyone stops discriminating then we can get rid of them".

As long as violations of the Civil Rights Act continue, then affirmative action needs to remain in place, in my opinion. It has nothing to do with what you believe to be equality, because it's impossible to control how other people behave. You can however make sure there are consequences for their actions and that's one of the major things affirmative action does since it created a statutory cause of action for violations of the CRA of 1964. Prior to that time there was nothing anyone could do about the fact they were being discriminated against unless in the rare instance their state laws actually had anti-discrimination laws.

So you want to abolish the things that have been put in place that provide consequences for racial and other discrimination because you believe that going back to the time when affirmative action and the Civil Rights Act didn't exist will create equality for all, even knowing what it was like before?

Does that really make sense, I mean the logic of it all?
What year were you born?
Not really. We’re you even alive during any of that?
You have a serious self image problem. Do you honestly believe that people are judged on the color of their skin? Sounds like a racist bigot with an inferiority complex to me. Run along now.
We have 245 years worth of evidence starting from 1776 that proves your comment is a lie. Look at this forum, it is even more proof. and you spew your racist garbage then lie about not seeing race.
Most people don't really care about race. They see it, but it's not a significant factor. Militancy is pretty significant though. People will generally avoid militant blacks, because they're really annoying.
Get the fuck outta here with that lie.
It's not a lie. The only people who like militant blacks are other militant blacks and white liberals that are virtue signaling. Regular black people are fine and probably a lot happier and healthier.

I live in a city that is about 40% black, and most of the black people I interact with are normal people that are no more difficult for me to communicate with than with white people or people of other races. That's how normal people behave.

People who fixate on race are the assholes that annoy the rest of us -- whether it's the white supremist types, the black militant types, or any other group that has a chip on their shoulder.
It is a lie. Whites like you live in a state of psychosis whereby you ignore all 245 years of American history. You don't interact with black people on any serious level. This nations has fixated on race from day one and your fixation on race is why you're in here wiyth the other whites bitching about a policy that has benefitted whites the most and if the policy operated by your defintion, would mean whites would be the highest quota.

I am black and I know what "normal" blacks think white boy. So don't try explaining black people to me again.
Nobody is ignoring history. You’re the ones that want to erase it.

I don’t waste my time interacting with black people like you. That would be a waste of both our time. There’s nothing about you worth putting an effort into interacting with that would be beneficial to anyone.

While it’s true you are black, it’s also true you’re a fucking clown. A racist, unhinged fucking clown. You are the reason stereo types of blacks are what they are. You’re a clown in black face that can’t be washed off.

Do you feel better now white boy. Did you get all the phlem out of your chest?

You don't interact with blacks like me because you're an ignorant uneducated loser who wants to hear black people blaming each other for the problems whites like you created. You can't beat facts. The whites mans system requires recordkeeping and documentation. So what you see are blacks using what whites have documented against you and you can't handle the truth.
I can tell by your attitude every problem in your life is self inflicted.
Why would any of us trust any of you
I am an American and I assumed you were too. Everything you write is racist and you do not desire equality so there is nothing more to talk about.
It is your opinion that the things I write are racist, an uneducated opinion based neither on fact or knowledge.

Things have NEVER been equal between the races in the United States because white supremacist put into law that the white race was superior to people of African descent and that God himself ordained the African race subservient to the white race. An example are the following excerpts from the state of Texas's declaration of secession:

... She [the state of Texas] was received as a commonwealth holding, maintaining and protecting the institution known as negro slavery--the servitude of the African to the white race within her limits--a relation that had existed from the first settlement of her wilderness by the white race, and which her people intended should exist in all future time
We hold as undeniable truths that the governments of the various States, and of the confederacy itself, were established exclusively by the white race, for themselves and their posterity; that the African race had no agency in their establishment; that they were rightfully held and regarded as an inferior and dependent race, and in that condition only could their existence in this country be rendered beneficial or tolerable.
That in this free government all white men are and of right ought to be entitled to equal civil and political rights; that the servitude of the African race, as existing in these States, is mutually beneficial to both bond and free, and is abundantly authorized and justified by the experience of mankind, and the revealed will of the Almighty Creator, as recognized by all Christian nations

Those laws were enforced for more than 2 centuries and things are STILL NOT EQUAL but they are closer to being more equal than they have been in centuries.

Basically it's as if our government said "we're going to pass these laws because you all don't know how to act and will always act in a discriminatory manner without them. But as soon as things settle down and everyone stops discriminating then we can get rid of them".

As long as violations of the Civil Rights Act continue, then affirmative action needs to remain in place, in my opinion. It has nothing to do with what you believe to be equality, because it's impossible to control how other people behave. You can however make sure there are consequences for their actions and that's one of the major things affirmative action does since it created a statutory cause of action for violations of the CRA of 1964. Prior to that time there was nothing anyone could do about the fact they were being discriminated against unless in the rare instance their state laws actually had anti-discrimination laws.

So you want to abolish the things that have been put in place that provide consequences for racial and other discrimination because you believe that going back to the time when affirmative action and the Civil Rights Act didn't exist will create equality for all, even knowing what it was like before?

Does that really make sense, I mean the logic of it all?
What year were you born?
You know why. He wants to use that raggedy "that was in the past" excuse.
A past you were never a part of yet still cling to as the excuse for your failures. You want to be selective about history though. That’s the only way your excuses can hold up.
It is your opinion that the things I write are racist,

Says the creature that thanks an aggressively racist post singling out people as "white boy". What's next, somebody who thanks somebody for calling you the n word claiming they aren't a racist, either?

You don't like racism? Good. So stop indulging in so fucking much of it, already.
You have a serious self image problem. Do you honestly believe that people are judged on the color of their skin? Sounds like a racist bigot with an inferiority complex to me. Run along now.
We have 245 years worth of evidence starting from 1776 that proves your comment is a lie. Look at this forum, it is even more proof. and you spew your racist garbage then lie about not seeing race.
Most people don't really care about race. They see it, but it's not a significant factor. Militancy is pretty significant though. People will generally avoid militant blacks, because they're really annoying.
Get the fuck outta here with that lie.
It's not a lie. The only people who like militant blacks are other militant blacks and white liberals that are virtue signaling. Regular black people are fine and probably a lot happier and healthier.

I live in a city that is about 40% black, and most of the black people I interact with are normal people that are no more difficult for me to communicate with than with white people or people of other races. That's how normal people behave.

People who fixate on race are the assholes that annoy the rest of us -- whether it's the white supremist types, the black militant types, or any other group that has a chip on their shoulder.
It is a lie. Whites like you live in a state of psychosis whereby you ignore all 245 years of American history. You don't interact with black people on any serious level. This nations has fixated on race from day one and your fixation on race is why you're in here wiyth the other whites bitching about a policy that has benefitted whites the most and if the policy operated by your defintion, would mean whites would be the highest quota.

I am black and I know what "normal" blacks think white boy. So don't try explaining black people to me again.
What policy are you referring to? AA has primarily benefited blacks and Latinos. It's primarily held back Asians. It's why Asians benefit the most when AA is removed.

Whites are in the middle. We're not the biggest beneficiaries of AA or of its removal. And eventually, we won't be feasible as your favorite scapegoat. Latinos don't care about your racial grievances, and when they are the majority, they aren't going to attempt to appease you.

I do interact with black people who aren't militant, which is thankfully the majority of black people I encounter. If the majority of them were like you, then I would avoid them.
AA has primarily benefitted white women and it has not held back Asians. I know plenty of Aztecs, Incas and Mayans. Those are some of the people whites like you call hispanic and you're way off when you try making the standard white boy claim about hispanics and blacks. You don't interact with anybody black in serious debates about race. Most of us know a racist shortly after we meet one and don't waste our time trying to get headaches from listening to your bullshit. The majority of blacks are like me, you live in the same delusion your ancestors did. They thought blacks were happy in slavery, they though blacks were happy in jim crow, and now you run your stupid ass white mouth talking about "militant" blacks and how the majority of blacks are just happy about how things are.

Psychosis is the inability to deal with reality. You have psychosis.
A militant ape calling me psychotic.... Amusing. Well, it's pretty clear any further communication with you is a waste of time.
You have a serious self image problem. Do you honestly believe that people are judged on the color of their skin? Sounds like a racist bigot with an inferiority complex to me. Run along now.
We have 245 years worth of evidence starting from 1776 that proves your comment is a lie. Look at this forum, it is even more proof. and you spew your racist garbage then lie about not seeing race.
Most people don't really care about race. They see it, but it's not a significant factor. Militancy is pretty significant though. People will generally avoid militant blacks, because they're really annoying.
Get the fuck outta here with that lie.
It's not a lie. The only people who like militant blacks are other militant blacks and white liberals that are virtue signaling. Regular black people are fine and probably a lot happier and healthier.

I live in a city that is about 40% black, and most of the black people I interact with are normal people that are no more difficult for me to communicate with than with white people or people of other races. That's how normal people behave.

People who fixate on race are the assholes that annoy the rest of us -- whether it's the white supremist types, the black militant types, or any other group that has a chip on their shoulder.
It is a lie. Whites like you live in a state of psychosis whereby you ignore all 245 years of American history. You don't interact with black people on any serious level. This nations has fixated on race from day one and your fixation on race is why you're in here wiyth the other whites bitching about a policy that has benefitted whites the most and if the policy operated by your defintion, would mean whites would be the highest quota.

I am black and I know what "normal" blacks think white boy. So don't try explaining black people to me again.
What policy are you referring to? AA has primarily benefited blacks and Latinos. It's primarily held back Asians. It's why Asians benefit the most when AA is removed.

Whites are in the middle. We're not the biggest beneficiaries of AA or of its removal. And eventually, we won't be feasible as your favorite scapegoat. Latinos don't care about your racial grievances, and when they are the majority, they aren't going to attempt to appease you.

I do interact with black people who aren't militant, which is thankfully the majority of black people I encounter. If the majority of them were like you, then I would avoid them.
White women have benefited from affirmative action more than any other group .
Sounds like a good reason to get rid of it then.
You have a serious self image problem. Do you honestly believe that people are judged on the color of their skin? Sounds like a racist bigot with an inferiority complex to me. Run along now.
We have 245 years worth of evidence starting from 1776 that proves your comment is a lie. Look at this forum, it is even more proof. and you spew your racist garbage then lie about not seeing race.
Most people don't really care about race. They see it, but it's not a significant factor. Militancy is pretty significant though. People will generally avoid militant blacks, because they're really annoying.
Get the fuck outta here with that lie.
It's not a lie. The only people who like militant blacks are other militant blacks and white liberals that are virtue signaling. Regular black people are fine and probably a lot happier and healthier.

I live in a city that is about 40% black, and most of the black people I interact with are normal people that are no more difficult for me to communicate with than with white people or people of other races. That's how normal people behave.

People who fixate on race are the assholes that annoy the rest of us -- whether it's the white supremist types, the black militant types, or any other group that has a chip on their shoulder.
It is a lie. Whites like you live in a state of psychosis whereby you ignore all 245 years of American history. You don't interact with black people on any serious level. This nations has fixated on race from day one and your fixation on race is why you're in here wiyth the other whites bitching about a policy that has benefitted whites the most and if the policy operated by your defintion, would mean whites would be the highest quota.

I am black and I know what "normal" blacks think white boy. So don't try explaining black people to me again.
Nobody is ignoring history. You’re the ones that want to erase it.

I don’t waste my time interacting with black people like you. That would be a waste of both our time. There’s nothing about you worth putting an effort into interacting with that would be beneficial to anyone.

While it’s true you are black, it’s also true you’re a fucking clown. A racist, unhinged fucking clown. You are the reason stereo types of blacks are what they are. You’re a clown in black face that can’t be washed off.

Do you feel better now white boy. Did you get all the phlem out of your chest?

You don't interact with blacks like me because you're an ignorant uneducated loser who wants to hear black people blaming each other for the problems whites like you created. You can't beat facts. The whites mans system requires recordkeeping and documentation. So what you see are blacks using what whites have documented against you and you can't handle the truth.
I can tell by your attitude every problem in your life is self inflicted.
Yep. That's a good summary of these malcontents. He's lucky that he's old enough that he will die before he won't be able to blame whitey anymore.

Young black people today will eventually inherit a country with a Latino majority that isn't going to waste any time with appeasing these nutjobs.
Not really. We’re you even alive during any of that?

Sorry to intrude on your conversation with IM2 and NewsVine Mariyam, but you are missing the point as to why Affirmative Action is necessary.
People brought up in poverty are deprived. They live in bad neighborhoods to have to go to bad schools with bad teachers, parents too busy scrambling for rent to have time to help them, lack or travel, computers, educated relatives to teach them things, etc.
People brought up in wealth have lots of advantages, like their own libraries of boos, computers, magazine subscriptions, stimulating trips and vacations to other countries, museums, art galleries, 2 parents, etc.

So why are there these economic disparities?
It usually has nothing to do with intelligence or aptitude.
The fact is that slavery took the production of many and gave it all to a few.
This disparity is passed on from generation to generation, even after slavery ended.
Blacks had no way to regain the wealth taken from them, and with wealth it is easy to generate more wealth, even after slavery was over.

So Affirmative Action is the only way.
And Affirmative Action is not where you give unqualified people jobs just to make your racial quotas look good.
All Affirmative Action means is that you take the poverty of the person's up bringing into account when you try to evaluate their potential. You just don't rely on standardized testing because standardized testing does not work for someone with a deprived childhood. That is true for all races. Standardized testing is not really very valid.
Not really. We’re you even alive during any of that?

Sorry to intrude on your conversation with IM2 and NewsVine Mariyam, but you are missing the point as to why Affirmative Action is necessary.
People brought up in poverty are deprived. They live in bad neighborhoods to have to go to bad schools with bad teachers, parents too busy scrambling for rent to have time to help them, lack or travel, computers, educated relatives to teach them things, etc.
People brought up in wealth have lots of advantages, like their own libraries of boos, computers, magazine subscriptions, stimulating trips and vacations to other countries, museums, art galleries, 2 parents, etc.

So why are there these economic disparities?
It usually has nothing to do with intelligence or aptitude.
The fact is that slavery took the production of many and gave it all to a few.
This disparity is passed on from generation to generation, even after slavery ended.
Blacks had no way to regain the wealth taken from them, and with wealth it is easy to generate more wealth, even after slavery was over.

So Affirmative Action is the only way.
And Affirmative Action is not where you give unqualified people jobs just to make your racial quotas look good.
All Affirmative Action means is that you take the poverty of the person's up bringing into account when you try to evaluate their potential. You just don't rely on standardized testing because standardized testing does not work for someone with a deprived childhood. That is true for all races. Standardized testing is not really very valid.
Affirmative Action isn't the only way, nor is it my responsibility to pay for past ills. Not everyone gets an equal start in life. That's been true since the dawn of time.

The only equalizers in society are "mass-mobilization warfare, transformative revolutions, state collapse, and catastrophic plagues."

Amazon product ASIN 0691165025
Now, admittedly, we might be headed for one or more of these soon. But it won't take long for inequality to rise again when the dust settles. This is why this quest for equality is futile. It's only temporary and the result of carnage and suffering.

People mistakenly think that the inequality itself is worse in terms of misery, but history clearly shows that to be wrong.
Not really. We’re you even alive during any of that?

Sorry to intrude on your conversation with IM2 and NewsVine Mariyam, but you are missing the point as to why Affirmative Action is necessary.
People brought up in poverty are deprived. They live in bad neighborhoods to have to go to bad schools with bad teachers, parents too busy scrambling for rent to have time to help them, lack or travel, computers, educated relatives to teach them things, etc.
People brought up in wealth have lots of advantages, like their own libraries of boos, computers, magazine subscriptions, stimulating trips and vacations to other countries, museums, art galleries, 2 parents, etc.

So why are there these economic disparities?
It usually has nothing to do with intelligence or aptitude.
The fact is that slavery took the production of many and gave it all to a few.
This disparity is passed on from generation to generation, even after slavery ended.
Blacks had no way to regain the wealth taken from them, and with wealth it is easy to generate more wealth, even after slavery was over.

So Affirmative Action is the only way.
And Affirmative Action is not where you give unqualified people jobs just to make your racial quotas look good.
All Affirmative Action means is that you take the poverty of the person's up bringing into account when you try to evaluate their potential. You just don't rely on standardized testing because standardized testing does not work for someone with a deprived childhood. That is true for all races. Standardized testing is not really very valid.
Affirmative Action isn't the only way, nor is it my responsibility to pay for past ills. Not everyone gets an equal start in life. That's been true since the dawn of time.

The only equalizers in society are "mass-mobilization warfare, transformative revolutions, state collapse, and catastrophic plagues."

Amazon product ASIN 0691165025
Now, admittedly, we might be headed for one or more of these soon. But it won't take long for inequality to rise again when the dust settles. This is why this quest for equality is futile. It's only temporary and the result of carnage and suffering.

People mistakenly think that the inequality itself is worse in terms of misery, but history clearly shows that to be wrong.

Affirmative Action does not cost you anything.
There are so few under privileged looking jobs, and there already are so many jobs you can easily get, that the effect is insignificant.

And it is your responsibility to pay for past ills because you don't want the harmful effects that allowing injustice will cause. You said it could cause warfare, revolution, collapse, plagues, etc. So we should all pay so that we avoid any of that.
Not really. We’re you even alive during any of that?

Sorry to intrude on your conversation with IM2 and NewsVine Mariyam, but you are missing the point as to why Affirmative Action is necessary.
People brought up in poverty are deprived. They live in bad neighborhoods to have to go to bad schools with bad teachers, parents too busy scrambling for rent to have time to help them, lack or travel, computers, educated relatives to teach them things, etc.
People brought up in wealth have lots of advantages, like their own libraries of boos, computers, magazine subscriptions, stimulating trips and vacations to other countries, museums, art galleries, 2 parents, etc.

So why are there these economic disparities?
It usually has nothing to do with intelligence or aptitude.
The fact is that slavery took the production of many and gave it all to a few.
This disparity is passed on from generation to generation, even after slavery ended.
Blacks had no way to regain the wealth taken from them, and with wealth it is easy to generate more wealth, even after slavery was over.

So Affirmative Action is the only way.
And Affirmative Action is not where you give unqualified people jobs just to make your racial quotas look good.
All Affirmative Action means is that you take the poverty of the person's up bringing into account when you try to evaluate their potential. You just don't rely on standardized testing because standardized testing does not work for someone with a deprived childhood. That is true for all races. Standardized testing is not really very valid.
Affirmative Action isn't the only way, nor is it my responsibility to pay for past ills. Not everyone gets an equal start in life. That's been true since the dawn of time.

The only equalizers in society are "mass-mobilization warfare, transformative revolutions, state collapse, and catastrophic plagues."

Amazon product ASIN 0691165025
Now, admittedly, we might be headed for one or more of these soon. But it won't take long for inequality to rise again when the dust settles. This is why this quest for equality is futile. It's only temporary and the result of carnage and suffering.

People mistakenly think that the inequality itself is worse in terms of misery, but history clearly shows that to be wrong.

Affirmative Action does not cost you anything.
There are so few under privileged looking jobs, and there already are so many jobs you can easily get, that the effect is insignificant.

And it is your responsibility to pay for past ills because you don't want the harmful effects that allowing injustice will cause. You said it could cause warfare, revolution, collapse, plagues, etc. So we should all pay so that we avoid any of that.
UBI would be more effective, because it doesn't distinguish by race. It just provides income and lets people do what they will with it. If they make poor choices, they suffer. If they make good choices, they succeed.

Any inequality left in that system would be mostly self-determined.
What is wrong with a merit standard?

Who determines "Merit"? Frankly, I've had one case in my life where I saw a minority promoted due to "Affirmative Action". I've seen a dozen cases were I've seen people promoted due to being friends with the boss, sleeping with the boss, being the Boss's nephew, and so on.

And the boss is usually a white guy.
What is wrong with a merit standard?

Who determines "Merit"? Frankly, I've had one case in my life where I saw a minority promoted due to "Affirmative Action". I've seen a dozen cases were I've seen people promoted due to being friends with the boss, sleeping with the boss, being the Boss's nephew, and so on.

And the boss is usually a white guy.
being white has nothing to do with it when youre related or banging the boss,,it happens no matter what color you are,,
Not really. We’re you even alive during any of that?

Sorry to intrude on your conversation with IM2 and NewsVine Mariyam, but you are missing the point as to why Affirmative Action is necessary.
People brought up in poverty are deprived. They live in bad neighborhoods to have to go to bad schools with bad teachers, parents too busy scrambling for rent to have time to help them, lack or travel, computers, educated relatives to teach them things, etc.
People brought up in wealth have lots of advantages, like their own libraries of boos, computers, magazine subscriptions, stimulating trips and vacations to other countries, museums, art galleries, 2 parents, etc.

So why are there these economic disparities?
It usually has nothing to do with intelligence or aptitude.
The fact is that slavery took the production of many and gave it all to a few.
This disparity is passed on from generation to generation, even after slavery ended.
Blacks had no way to regain the wealth taken from them, and with wealth it is easy to generate more wealth, even after slavery was over.

So Affirmative Action is the only way.
And Affirmative Action is not where you give unqualified people jobs just to make your racial quotas look good.
All Affirmative Action means is that you take the poverty of the person's up bringing into account when you try to evaluate their potential. You just don't rely on standardized testing because standardized testing does not work for someone with a deprived childhood. That is true for all races. Standardized testing is not really very valid.
Affirmative Action isn't the only way, nor is it my responsibility to pay for past ills. Not everyone gets an equal start in life. That's been true since the dawn of time.

The only equalizers in society are "mass-mobilization warfare, transformative revolutions, state collapse, and catastrophic plagues."

Amazon product ASIN 0691165025
Now, admittedly, we might be headed for one or more of these soon. But it won't take long for inequality to rise again when the dust settles. This is why this quest for equality is futile. It's only temporary and the result of carnage and suffering.

People mistakenly think that the inequality itself is worse in terms of misery, but history clearly shows that to be wrong.

Affirmative Action does not cost you anything.
There are so few under privileged looking jobs, and there already are so many jobs you can easily get, that the effect is insignificant.

And it is your responsibility to pay for past ills because you don't want the harmful effects that allowing injustice will cause. You said it could cause warfare, revolution, collapse, plagues, etc. So we should all pay so that we avoid any of that.
UBI would be more effective, because it doesn't distinguish by race. It just provides income and lets people do what they will with it. If they make poor choices, they suffer. If they make good choices, they succeed.

Any inequality left in that system would be mostly self-determined.
Kind of like we have now only working people get to pay for UBI and get nothing from it--yeah that sounds equitable--not.
Not really. We’re you even alive during any of that?

Sorry to intrude on your conversation with IM2 and NewsVine Mariyam, but you are missing the point as to why Affirmative Action is necessary.
People brought up in poverty are deprived. They live in bad neighborhoods to have to go to bad schools with bad teachers, parents too busy scrambling for rent to have time to help them, lack or travel, computers, educated relatives to teach them things, etc.
People brought up in wealth have lots of advantages, like their own libraries of boos, computers, magazine subscriptions, stimulating trips and vacations to other countries, museums, art galleries, 2 parents, etc.

So why are there these economic disparities?
It usually has nothing to do with intelligence or aptitude.
The fact is that slavery took the production of many and gave it all to a few.
This disparity is passed on from generation to generation, even after slavery ended.
Blacks had no way to regain the wealth taken from them, and with wealth it is easy to generate more wealth, even after slavery was over.

So Affirmative Action is the only way.
And Affirmative Action is not where you give unqualified people jobs just to make your racial quotas look good.
All Affirmative Action means is that you take the poverty of the person's up bringing into account when you try to evaluate their potential. You just don't rely on standardized testing because standardized testing does not work for someone with a deprived childhood. That is true for all races. Standardized testing is not really very valid.

A Jew supporting affirmative action

How convenient

Let's make a separate group for semites and see how much you like it then you piece of shit.

Fucking jews, you spent decades whining about what the Ivy League is doing to Asians. Rightly.

And now you want to turn around and piss on us the same exact way they pissed on you? Fuck you
What is wrong with a merit standard?

Who determines "Merit"? Frankly, I've had one case in my life where I saw a minority promoted due to "Affirmative Action". I've seen a dozen cases were I've seen people promoted due to being friends with the boss, sleeping with the boss, being the Boss's nephew, and so on.

And the boss is usually a white guy.

Standardized test scores define merit in universities in every functioning academic setting on the planet. And we have huge gaps

Every major corporation has HR filled with black people for affirmative action reasons.

The higher you go in society the more obvious it becomes.

Black Americans get no preferential treatment applying at McDonalds. Not true when you have a graduate degree. Considering hte gaps in admittance scores even the degrees are not worth the same.

The average Asian scored 300 points higher on the SAT than their black harvard educated counterparts. And that's with the African immigrants taking up a lot of those spots. Yea lot of affirmative action going on dude.

I see Indians all over the Republican party (i'm half indian). Other than black Americans we are per capita the most supportive of the democratic party, and generally more liberal than black america. That's definitely affirmative action at work. Aijit Pai? That prick, yup. He may be technically qualified but I know why they chose him over the others. There are so few Indians in the Republcian party when they get one it's easy to climb

Nicki Haley, Bobby Jindal, Pai

From an ethnic group that is 80%+ voting democrat every cycle. We have more reps than the Koreans who are overwhelmingly Christian and much more likely to be Republicans. But Koreans aren't as dark as us.
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