Backfire: Voters Slam Ted Cruz And Marco Rubio For Blaming Chicago Rally Shutdown On Donald Trump

yeah , first Cruz votes to approve TPP a few months ago and now this kinda talk coming from him . Cruz was my first choice , at least equal to Trump but now after talk like this Trump is my favorite .
the trump phenomena looks a lot like the little alien exploding out of the chest of the guy in Alien. And now its out and you have to save the cat from it.
Real Americans understand what’s going on and will shun anti-Constitution scholar Ted Cruz. Let’s be honest, Little Marco and Kasich never had a chance.

Voters Slam Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio for Blaming Chicago Rally Shutdown on Donald Trump - Breitbart

Yo? Anti-Constitution? Ted Cruz? Wrong, sorry!

Real Americans understand what’s going on and will shun anti-Constitution scholar Ted Cruz. Let’s be honest, Little Marco and Kasich never had a chance.

Voters Slam Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio for Blaming Chicago Rally Shutdown on Donald Trump - Breitbart

I knew that was coming. They have all just shot themselves in the foot. They can forget about playing any part in a Trump administration.
I never really believed that they were going to anyway.

If they are going to, it will only be because Trump will need the support to beat Hillary.

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