At what point will Americans stop buying stuff?

That’s because they didn’t realize — as you and many others apparently still don’t realize — that pot can cause psychosis and psychosis leads to violence.
Mass shooters are all potheads. Not a good workplace circumstance.

Alcohol causes far more deaths than pot by far.

Anybody that believes that pot makes people violent is talking out of their ass. Pot makes people relaxed and passive.

I doubt ANY of the mass shooters are potheads.

Please stop posting about subjects that you know nothing about!

You're wrong. Nobody has a right to have a business, and workers do have a right to unionize in most places.

The government has a responsibility to set standards for doing business. Regulating business is as old as civilization itself.

There is plenty of interest in home ownership. More today than ever. Nobody likes to rent. The problem is that banks have set too high standards for mortgages, and home prices are too high. People are being turned down or mortgages were the monthly mortgage payments would be considerably less than what they currently pay in rent. An entire generation is being screwed.

I'm not only concerned with low intelligence people not getting a living wage, I'm also upset by all the mediocre intelligence people that get advanced degrees. I know a doctor that could barely pass in high school even though he was absolutely dedicated to school work. The man is an idiot that should have worked as a janitor. I could write a list of morons with college degrees that I've known. These people get relatively high paying jobs and lots of authority in corporations. They are only motivated to get educated because if they don't they'll live in poverty. I wish they'd just accepted a job that was on par with their intelligence.

I don't think that it's an employers business what an employee does off hours. It shouldn't matter to the employer if they do drugs. Just as long as they're not high at work. I smoked pot for years while I worked an an engineer. It didn't interfere with my work at all. Back in the early 1980s, when I applied for a security clearance to work for a Navy contractor and was asked about drug use, I told them that I smoked pot regularly. They gave me the clearance. Of course they desperately needed an engineer that could work in a predominantly Rastafarian area, so I fit the bill.

At the time of the American revolution the keyword that was used by the leaders of the revolution was 'Liberty'. At that time 'liberty' was mostly used to mean 'Freedom from your employer'. It was granted to ship's crews by their captain. It was granted to indentured servants by there employers, and to slaves by their masters. It's a word that's misinterpreted by most Americans today to mean absolute freedom. That's not at all what was meant by the founding fathers.

Yes, employees have the right to unionize just like the company has the right to move away from the unions far enough where nobody will follow them, which has taken place for decades and again, why we rely on China to make cheaper products.

So where is this restriction on business that says they don't have a right to have a business unless they pay their employees well? It's not in our Constitution. It's not in our Declaration of Independence. Outside of the national minimum wage, no city or state has a wage mandate they must pay their employees to get an occupancy permit.

Renting increased sharply after the housing collapse. True, some destroyed their credit, but the millennials are a different breed. I've read articles where they don't want to deal with anything. They rent their furniture, appliances, televisions, lease their car. They do prefer renting because renting makes your problems somebody else's. Our loan standards are not strict, they just went back to where they were before they were loosened up for minorities to buy homes, which of course led to the housing collapse.

I think you are confusing intelligence with logic. Intelligence is the ability to learn. Logic is the ability to determine right and wrong. A lot of people have college degrees that don't have a lick of common sense. It doesn't mean they're not intelligent. My nephew has a masters degree and a good paying job. But he couldn't change a flapper valve in a toilet. He could afford to buy a house of his own, but he opts to rent a townhouse where the landlord takes care of all the problems.

I agree with you on the drugs, but it is what it is. Companies that are looking for cheaper rates on their workmans compensation have to have a drug testing policy. I rented to a couple several years back that both worked fast food jobs. They were smart enough to get better jobs, plenty energetic, but they didn't want to give up their pot. It was a choice between working for lower wages and staying high, or lead a straight life and make better money. They chose the former.
Welfare account for only a tiny percentage of the American people. I am oblivious to the 'Welfare culture' - I've never known anyone on welfare.

Conservatives always pull out the 'Welfare' card and make it sound like half of America is on welfare. It's pure BULLSHIT!!!

Of those that are on welfare - if their employers paid them a fair wage, they wouldn't be on welfare.

I don't know anybody on the right that ever said half.

  • There are over 59 million Americans that receive welfare during an average month
  • SNAP is the biggest welfare program in the US
  • Children, the disabled and elderly constitute the majority of public benefit recipients.
  • More women than men are dependent on food stamps
Yes, employees have the right to unionize just like the company has the right to move away from the unions far enough where nobody will follow them, which has taken place for decades and again, why we rely on China to make cheaper products.

So where is this restriction on business that says they don't have a right to have a business unless they pay their employees well? It's not in our Constitution. It's not in our Declaration of Independence. Outside of the national minimum wage, no city or state has a wage mandate they must pay their employees to get an occupancy permit.

Renting increased sharply after the housing collapse. True, some destroyed their credit, but the millennials are a different breed. I've read articles where they don't want to deal with anything. They rent their furniture, appliances, televisions, lease their car. They do prefer renting because renting makes your problems somebody else's. Our loan standards are not strict, they just went back to where they were before they were loosened up for minorities to buy homes, which of course led to the housing collapse.

I think you are confusing intelligence with logic. Intelligence is the ability to learn. Logic is the ability to determine right and wrong. A lot of people have college degrees that don't have a lick of common sense. It doesn't mean they're not intelligent. My nephew has a masters degree and a good paying job. But he couldn't change a flapper valve in a toilet. He could afford to buy a house of his own, but he opts to rent a townhouse where the landlord takes care of all the problems.

I agree with you on the drugs, but it is what it is. Companies that are looking for cheaper rates on their workmans compensation have to have a drug testing policy. I rented to a couple several years back that both worked fast food jobs. They were smart enough to get better jobs, plenty energetic, but they didn't want to give up their pot. It was a choice between working for lower wages and staying high, or lead a straight life and make better money. They chose the former.

Sometimes you're too easy.

You refuted your own statement, then covered your but by saying: 'Outside' of the national minimum wage.

The minimum wage is a guarantee that employers pay well. It's just that we disagree on the definition of 'Well'.

Yes, employers can run from state to state, but they can't hide forever. Soon they have to go to Bolivia to find non-Unionized workers. Good luck using Bolivian labor! There's a rebirth in unionization going on - it won't be long before the 'right to work' nonsense is ended.

No doubt the Conservative sources you read condemn millennials as privileged spoiled brats that do not want any responsibilities. The ones I've known are hard-working and honest. Unfortunately, due to years of Conservativism since Reagan, the only hope they have is thru inheritance. That's the trend that Conservatives have set. A rigid hierarchical socio-economic order based on a person's birth. Like you who lived with your parents until they paid for your truck driving training...or perhaps you were able to save you pennies because they let you live rent free and paid all your other expenses.

My sons will do well since my wife & I both make very good money, but my son's best friend had to join the Air Force because the free market left him no alternatives. Fortunately, joining the Air Force was the best thing that ever happened to him. (Thanks for paying those taxes!).

Logic is the implementation of intelligence. Learning makes a person more knowledgeable, not more intelligent. A moron with a college degree is still a moron. Your nephew is a moron if he rents when he could buy. If he has that much money he can pay people to do the maintenance - while his equity grows.

Too bad those potheads your rented didn't become electrical engineers. Nobody gives a shit if an electrical engineer smokes pot.
I don't know anybody on the right that ever said half.

  • There are over 59 million Americans that receive welfare during an average month
  • SNAP is the biggest welfare program in the US
  • Children, the disabled and elderly constitute the majority of public benefit recipients.
  • More women than men are dependent on food stamps

If you wer epaying attention, you'd know that we were talking about federal housing assistance:

"Housing assistance programs such as Section 8 & Public Housing provide affordable housing to 2.8% of Americans through rental and housing subsidies"

Welfare account for only a tiny percentage of the American people. I am oblivious to the 'Welfare culture' - I've never known anyone on welfare.

Conservatives always pull out the 'Welfare' card and make it sound like half of America is on welfare. It's pure BULLSHIT!!!

Of those that are on welfare - if their employers paid them a fair wage, they wouldn't be on welfare.
I’m not a conservative, I’m an American.
50% of the blacks in my town — and blacks make up 28% of the population — are on welfare. It’s a culture and it’s pervasive.
Alcohol causes far more deaths than pot by far.

Anybody that believes that pot makes people violent is talking out of their ass. Pot makes people relaxed and passive.

I doubt ANY of the mass shooters are potheads.

Please stop posting about subjects that you know nothing about!

I said nothing defending alcohol abuse.
All of the shooters are/were potheads.
Yes it is, but the problem is it's spreading rapidly. The Democrat party has conditioned people not to work and that's bringing our country down. Today we have the most young people living with their parents since statistics were kept. I'm not talking young adults in their early 20s, but people in their 30's, 40's and even older. The younger parents today welcome it. On talk radio when the subject came up, I was shocked to hear parents calling in stating not only do their adult kids live with them, they hope they never move out.

Our government is spending way too much money providing housing. If I have to support you, I want to support you there, not here in the suburbs. People work hard to live here and government just inserts these lowlifes into our neighborhood, and along with it comes the noise, filth and crime. The Democrats don't care, they are using our tax money to pander to their voters.

Explain what is wrong with a young person working and living with their parents.
I’m not a conservative, I’m an American.
50% of the blacks in my town — and blacks make up 28% of the population — are on welfare. It’s a culture and it’s pervasive.

And you know this how?

Do they all let you investigate their personal finances?

Or are you just basing this on your personal stereotypes and bigotry?

BTW - There is no such thing as 'Welfare' anymore. That ended long ago.
Explain what is wrong with a young person working and living with their parents.

There's nothing wrong with it unless people start making government policies based on the economics of people living with their parents. (Which is what Republicans tend to do). Ray From Cleveland is wrong by blaming democrats for this. The entire economic system deprives young people of making enough to live, own a home and raise a family. All the money goes to older people - because it takes many, many years to figure out how to get employers to pay fairly. It's the fault of the private sector's wealth distribution, not the government (for the most part).
There's nothing wrong with it unless people start making government policies based on the economics of people living with their parents. (Which is what Republicans tend to do). Ray From Cleveland is wrong by blaming democrats for this. The entire economic system deprives young people of making enough to live, own a home and raise a family. All the money goes to older people - because it takes many, many years to figure out how to get employers to pay fairly. It's the fault of the private sector's wealth distribution, not the government (for the most part).

It's not hard to figure out. Learn something that makes you worth a living wage.

You people on the left act like this low wage thing is something new. It's been this way for generations. My first full-time job was minimum wage. My second full-time job was minimum wage. My third full-time job was minimum wage. I lived with my parents because there was no possible way for me to support myself with those jobs. I couldn't move out until 1980 when I turned 20 years old.

You people on the left portray this situation as if it started 10 or 15 years ago when it's been going on forever. The difference is we turned into a bunch of wimps. Instead of crying that non-skilled work should be overpaid, we went out and found better paying jobs.
Explain what is wrong with a young person working and living with their parents.

Nothing if they are trying to help their children out while in college or moving their way up to better pay. But if a kid is doing nothing but smoking pot in the basement working 20 hours a week or not at all, they will never learn to grow up and start taking care of themselves. Watch a nest of birds sometime and learn. When the baby birds are able to fly and obtain their own food instead of getting food from the mother, she shoves them out of the nest. If the mother allowed the bird to stay well beyond that, the mother dies and so does the now adult baby bird because the bird didn't learn how to survive on it's own. It's called nature.
If you wer epaying attention, you'd know that we were talking about federal housing assistance:

No, he was using housing as an example of welfare:

You are oblivious to welfare culture. Where I live, the welfare money used to pay for public housing could cover a mortgage in an old house. It’s about incentive and expectations of personal responsibility. Welfare culture is similar to if not identical to union culture.

Welfare account for only a tiny percentage of the American people. I am oblivious to the 'Welfare culture' - I've never known anyone on welfare.

The word welfare applies to a series of programs by the feds: School lunches, SNAP's, section 8 housing, SCHIP's, TANF, HUD, daycare vouchers, all of it. It's all welfare. In fact the feds give so much that these lowlifes are living in the suburbs, and the commies want to expand that even more.

Sometimes you're too easy.

You refuted your own statement, then covered your but by saying: 'Outside' of the national minimum wage.

The minimum wage is a guarantee that employers pay well. It's just that we disagree on the definition of 'Well'.

Yes, employers can run from state to state, but they can't hide forever. Soon they have to go to Bolivia to find non-Unionized workers. Good luck using Bolivian labor! There's a rebirth in unionization going on - it won't be long before the 'right to work' nonsense is ended.

No doubt the Conservative sources you read condemn millennials as privileged spoiled brats that do not want any responsibilities. The ones I've known are hard-working and honest. Unfortunately, due to years of Conservativism since Reagan, the only hope they have is thru inheritance. That's the trend that Conservatives have set. A rigid hierarchical socio-economic order based on a person's birth. Like you who lived with your parents until they paid for your truck driving training...or perhaps you were able to save you pennies because they let you live rent free and paid all your other expenses.

My sons will do well since my wife & I both make very good money, but my son's best friend had to join the Air Force because the free market left him no alternatives. Fortunately, joining the Air Force was the best thing that ever happened to him. (Thanks for paying those taxes!).

Logic is the implementation of intelligence. Learning makes a person more knowledgeable, not more intelligent. A moron with a college degree is still a moron. Your nephew is a moron if he rents when he could buy. If he has that much money he can pay people to do the maintenance - while his equity grows.

Too bad those potheads your rented didn't become electrical engineers. Nobody gives a shit if an electrical engineer smokes pot.

My friend is an electrical engineer, and he's been drug tested all the time by his company when he was working.

My nephew is far from a moron, but he doesn't have the education or experience in taking care of a home himself. He would have to hire people to do all those things so he figures he's better off renting. My sister owned a house my father built for her. After her divorce, my father was there all the time fixing things. When he got too old to do that, I was always there fixing things. My sister is a college graduate making close to six figures. She finally sold the house and got a townhouse paying maintenance fees. Now she doesn't have to do anything.

It's called aptitude. Some people just can't catch on to certain things. I had a part-time job as a music instructor at a music store years ago. When my boss sent me a new student who was dressed in sports clothes, and all he wanted to to is talk about the Indians or Browns, I knew that kid had no chance at ever becoming a successful musician. There is just something about people like that where they simply can't catch on to music. Oh, they try like all hell, but it just wasn't in them.

Now tell me, when did the minimum wage ever pay well? I'm 62 years old and it never paid well. Right to work are state regulations. If anything, as industries flock to those states, it will grow before it gets smaller. Don't look at your little state and think that's what's going on across the entire nation. I've delivered crates to plenty of companies that moved the hell out of here to get away from unions.
In other words:


On May 24, 2022, Salvador Ramos fatally shot nineteen students and two teachers and wounded seventeen others at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. Earlier that day, the perpetrator shot his grandmother in the face, severely wounding her. It appears Salvador is likely another mass murderer who used pot. He said he hated his mother and grandmother who restricted his marijuana use.
For over 5 years AALM has been warning about the connection between marijuana use and mass murder. This warning was given to US Attorney General Merrick Garland in March. Our letter received no response. Please refer to exhibit 5 for a list of mass murderers who where also marijuana users.
In the wake of recent mass shootings and mass murder events, AALM demands toxicology reports of shooters be released to the public.
More Sources:
  • In 2007 the prestigious medical journal Lancet recanted its previous benign view of marijuana, citing studies showing “an increase in the risk of psychosis of about 40 percent.”
  • A seminal long-term study of 50,465 Swedish army conscripts found those who had tried marijuana by age 18 had 2.4 times the risk of being diagnosed with schizophrenia in the following 15 years than those who had never used the drug. Heavy users were 6.7 times more likely to be admitted to a hospital for schizophrenia.
  • Another study, of 1,037 people in New Zealand, found those who used cannabis at ages 15 and 18 had higher rates of psychotic symptoms at age 26 than non-users.
  • A 2011 study in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) of 2,000 teenagers found those who smoked marijuana were twice as likely to develop psychosis as those who didn’t. Another BMJ study estimated that “13 percent of cases of schizophrenia could be averted if all cannabis use were prevented.”
  • In 2014, people who had cannabis use disorder made up about 1.5 percent of Americans. But they accounted for eleven percent of all the psychosis cases in emergency rooms—90,000 cases, 250 a day, triple the number in 2006.
  • The National Academy of Medicine found in 2017 that “cannabis use is likely to increase the risk of developing schizophrenia and other psychoses; the higher the use, the greater the risk.” Also, that “regular cannabis use is likely to increase the risk for developing a social anxiety disorder.”
  • A Study showed cases in which marijuana led to unnecessary violence, health risks, and, in many cases, both.
  • In a Secret Service study (pg 13) over half of the attackers had a history of illicit drug use and/or substance abuse. This abuse, which included alcohol and marijuana, was evidenced by such factors as the attacker receiving treatment for the abuse, suffer legal consequences, or having significant problems in their personal lives stemming from the abuse.
  • Marijuana and Psychosis
AALM calls on public officials to release the toxicology reports on all mass murderers.

Below is a shortlist of some of the well-known murderers who were pot users. Most often toxicology reports are not made public. Perpetrators’ marijuana use is often discovered via interviews with acquaintances, military records, or some other secondary source.
Darrel Brooks, The Waukesha Wisconsin driving rampager was a user of marijuana with domestic abuse and multiple episodes of violence in his past. He had more recently been caught with meth which is a natural progression from marijuana. On his twitter profile he describes himself as a stoner and avid user of pot.
Ian David Long Killed 13 people on November 7, 2018, in Thousand Oaks, California, United States, at the Borderline Bar and Grill, a country-western bar frequented by college students. Toxicology later revealed he had marijuana in his system
Nikolas Cruz On February 14, 2018, opened fire with a semi-automatic rifle at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, killing 17 people and injuring 17 others. He blamed his marijuana use for his actions.
Manchester terrorist Salmon Abedi blew himself up and killed 22 in the United Kingdom on 22 May 2017. Abedi was a pot-smoking university dropout.
A toxicology report on Devin Patrick Kelley, who shot and killed 26 at a church in Texas, revealed marijuana. November 5, 2017
Diagnosed with cannabis-induced psychosis, Satoshi Uematsu killed 19 handicapped people in Japan and injured many others. July 26, 2016
Nice terrorist Mohammed Bouhlel smoked very strong weed in high school, and had his first psychotic break at 19. July 14, 2016
Omar Mir Seddique Mateen was an American mass murderer and domestic terrorist who murdered 49 people and wounded 53 others in a mass shooting at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando, Florida, on June 12, 2016, before he was killed in a shootout with the local police. He was an avid pot user.
Robert Dear, Planned Parenthood shooter, November 27, 2015. He was described as a "marijuana newcomer" by neighbors brought to Colorado by the promise of legal weed.
Noah Harpham, was in mania when he shot three people in Colorado Springs. He had marijuana metabolites in his urine at the time of his death in 2015.
Eddie Routh, veteran with PTSD, smoked pot the morning before he killed Chris Kyle Chad Littlefield. February 2, 2013
James Holmes, Aurora shooter used to smoked weed behind his apartment constantly. 2012
Jared Loughner killed six and injured many in Tucson, AZ, 2011. He was a habitual pot user.
Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh killed 168 in 1996. He experimented with marijuana and meth.
"Senseless violence and mass murders are in the news and in the minds of Americans once again. Mental health problems

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