Are you saved? Are you going to heaven?

The short answer is to leave this world a better person; to progress each day.
Everything has progressed and evolved since day one.

Cosmic evolution
Stellar evolution
Chemical evolution
Biological evolution
Evolution of consciousness

The definition of evolution is whenever anything moves from a less advanced state to a more advanced state.

My question to you is why wouldn’t you expect consciousness to evolve just as every other stage of the evolution of matter has before it.
The short answer is to leave this world a better person; to progress each day.
Everything has progressed and evolved since day one.

Cosmic evolution
Stellar evolution
Chemical evolution
Biological evolution
Evolution of consciousness

The definition of evolution is whenever anything moves from a less advanced state to a more advanced state.

My question to you is why wouldn’t you expect consciousness to evolve just as every other stage of the evolution of matter has before it.
An argument I never expected to see from you. However, evolution is a force of nature, like gravity. The concepts of 'progressed' and 'advanced' are as alien to evolution as they are to gravity. Bacteria have been around for billions of years, they constantly evolve but do they progress or advance? They are certainly among the most successful life form.

As for individual consciousness, I don't see it as evolving, more like accumulating experience.

One evolution you didn't mention is cultural evolution. I'm not sure cultures progress or advance but I'm hopeful.
The short answer is to leave this world a better person; to progress each day.
Everything has progressed and evolved since day one.

Cosmic evolution
Stellar evolution
Chemical evolution
Biological evolution
Evolution of consciousness

The definition of evolution is whenever anything moves from a less advanced state to a more advanced state.

My question to you is why wouldn’t you expect consciousness to evolve just as every other stage of the evolution of matter has before it.
Only some deserving of evolving?
I have booked a seat in the Messageboard posters section of heaven
Are you a child of God? How do you know?
How do you know? From an altar call?

“Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, this he will also reap.” – Galatians 6:7

Those who think if they believe in Jesus as their Savior are guaranteed heaven upon death are ignoring a thousand other admonitions in Scripture.

How do you reconcile the Last Judgment in Matthew 25: 31-46 with the protestant sola fide claim?

Once you come to know that purgatory is very real and that is where God’s justice and mercy are made perfect, then all that is in Scripture will become so much more comprehensive and / or reasonable.
The short answer is to leave this world a better person; to progress each day.
Everything has progressed and evolved since day one.

Cosmic evolution
Stellar evolution
Chemical evolution
Biological evolution
Evolution of consciousness

The definition of evolution is whenever anything moves from a less advanced state to a more advanced state.

My question to you is why wouldn’t you expect consciousness to evolve just as every other stage of the evolution of matter has before it.
Only some deserving of evolving?
It’s not a straight line for anyone. But we are all being pruned one way or another.
The short answer is to leave this world a better person; to progress each day.
Everything has progressed and evolved since day one.

Cosmic evolution
Stellar evolution
Chemical evolution
Biological evolution
Evolution of consciousness

The definition of evolution is whenever anything moves from a less advanced state to a more advanced state.

My question to you is why wouldn’t you expect consciousness to evolve just as every other stage of the evolution of matter has before it.
An argument I never expected to see from you. However, evolution is a force of nature, like gravity. The concepts of 'progressed' and 'advanced' are as alien to evolution as they are to gravity. Bacteria have been around for billions of years, they constantly evolve but do they progress or advance? They are certainly among the most successful life form.

As for individual consciousness, I don't see it as evolving, more like accumulating experience.

One evolution you didn't mention is cultural evolution. I'm not sure cultures progress or advance but I'm hopeful.
I like to keep people guessing.

All life, for that matter all energy and matter, is part of the living organism called the universe.

Everything is connected. It is complex adaptive systems upon complex adaptive systems.

The atoms in your body were present for the creation of space and time. Since that time they have merely changed form.

There is zero doubt that the universe has complexified. As such matter and energy did evolve until beings that know and create arose. This was no accident. It is the nature of energy and matter because the laws of nature are such that the potential for the universe to become self aware was predestined before space and time were created.
As for individual consciousness, I don't see it as evolving, more like accumulating experience
Of course your consciousness is evolving. Evolution occurs when anything moves from a less advanced state to a more advanced state.

You gaining knowledge is a more advanced state.
One evolution you didn't mention is cultural evolution. I'm not sure cultures progress or advance but I'm hopeful.

Cultural evolution is a subset of consciousness. I didn’t mention cultural evolution because by my standards it’s not a new stage. My standards require a drastic leap to be made. Something entirely new. Man has always been a social creature. Communities came before intelligence. Anyway don’t get bogged down on this.

Yes, societies and cultures evolve. And yes, like biological evolution it is not always in a straight line. But that is just the nature of evolution. It is not unique to the evolution of consciousness. We can see how evolution works by looking at technology. When any idea reaches it’s practically complete state it bursts onto the scene. It explodes so to speak. This is called the inflationary phase. Then slight differences work to create competition. This is called the equilibrium phase. It is diversity which propels evolution until whatever slight differences or combinations of differences produces the next big leap; it’s practically complete state. Where it then explodes onto the scene and produces the next big breakthrough and the process begins anew.

I call it the conflict and confusion process and this process repeated itself over and over again until matter and energy reached its potential. Which in our present state is beings that know and create.
As for individual consciousness, I don't see it as evolving, more like accumulating experience
Of course your consciousness is evolving. Evolution occurs when anything moves from a less advanced state to a more advanced state.

You gaining knowledge is a more advanced state.
You call it evolution, I call it getting old. All evolution is change, not all change is evolution.
I call it the conflict and confusion process and this process repeated itself over and over again until matter and energy reached its potential. Which in our present state is beings that know and create.
It doesn't get any better than this? A depressing thought. What happened to evolving, won't we continue to change?

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