An Investigation Into Manu, Noah And "man" And Proto-indo-european


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
With enough reading and study in Caucasian religions and linguistics, I was pleased to see that I wasn't the only one of this opinion:

Noah and Human Etymology

To see it's connection with ancient China and Japanese root words, suggests that perhaps this tale goes back further than the Ice Age. The link with aborginal Japanese facistnates me the most because the Amaretsu hidden sun myth is identical to the Vedas hidden sun myth, which found it's way into the Old Testament in Genesis (which was filtered and rewritten to conform to a non-idolatry + monotheistic interpretation).

It's possible that Amaretsu (and the Vedas) are the best preserved record (passed down orally) of the oldest recorded event in human history - The Lake Toba Super Eruption, and I've been corresponding with several well distinguished professors (such as Michael Witzel of Harvard) upon this possibility. Professor Michael Witzel was able to determine (linguistically) that these myths came from a common tongue shared at least 35,000 years ago.

Here's the first e-mail I sent to Professor Witzel quite some time ago that set off a chain reaction:

Hello Professor Witzel,

Whilst I was reading about the super eruption at Lake Toba that eradicated over 99% of the human population, and reduced it to less than 1,000 mating pairs, I was sure that such a catastrophe would have been preserved and passed down through Oral Tradition for thousands of years, as no other event in human history could ever compare to such wanton destruction of a people and their culture, and it would have effected all humans on earth!

Immediately I was reminded of a video that had mentioned the Amaterasu myth, and I wanted to see if there were other such myths, and that is when I came across your paper on the subject. I sincerely believe that you correctly identified that the myth must have had a common origin preceding 35,000 BCE based upon linguistic and migratory patterns.

This also coincides precisely during the time frame when humans had entered India and Japan, and would explain why Meso American myths are also similar; even the Aboriginal sun myth bears great resemblance.

Australian Aboriginal Myths Legends The sun

Also, all of these cultures have flood myths that occur after the sun myth, I wonder if these coincide with the end of the Ice Age? Most humans today live near the coast, and I would venture to guess that most humans also lived near the coast back then. Rapid rises in sea levels would have flooded entire long-established cultures, and it would have felt like the end of the world to all of them, we can see evidence of this in the Yonaguni Monument off the coast of Japan. Again, these flood myths are strongly preserved by oral tradition.

Do you think that the Lake Toba Eruption may actually be the oldest recorded event in human history?

Edward Solomon
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