Actual Conservatism vs republicanism

1. So you agree, the government should keep it's hands out of a woman's womb?

2. What's a "fair share"?
In that woman's womb, is a child. Regardless of it's size and shape. it's still a life. And individuals life. So it's not just a woman's body. It's now a human being inside a woman's body.

Why people misconstrue this, I can't understand.

And "fair share" is just someone's opinion.

In HER body. So you're ok with government intervening in her private medical decisions. That's why I have issues with so called proponents of freedom.
It isn’t her body that suffers the consequences of death based on her decisions. There’s now a third person involved in this. The spermee and the spermer made their decision the night of. The result of that decision should now get a voice. The your body your decision bullshit ended when you made yours at the beginning.
And yet Goldwater, Amash, both Pauls and Patrick Buchanan were losers in the Presidential race. Reagan OWNS the most lopsided victory in US election history. That record is not likely to be broken.

Victory in a rigged game, isn't much of a victory, is it?
Ron Paul introduced a $1 trillion spending cut that would've taken place his first year in office. And didn't take a dime from social security.
What was Romney's? The same as Obama's. In fact, so was Romney's healthcare plan. The same as Obama. Which was also the same as Trumps.

Reagan beat Carter because Carter was also trying to solve our oil and money problems on our own. To force a few more years of hard times so that in the end, the problem would've been solved. But people wanted to do it the easy way. Which is part of the reason we're in the shape were in today.
Borrowing from the fed, creating HUGE financial bubbles that burst ever so often.
BTW, Carter was hell bent on becoming energy independent. He was not opposed to almost any source of energy. Especially nuclear. He was a HUGE fan of nuclear power. But Carter wanted to "drill baby drill." He wanted to use coal until something better came along.
Reagan on the otherhand, wanted to borrow from the fed (with interest), make everything look good for a while, and then borrow more.
Is it any wonder why Reagan was THE first president to ever spend $1 trillion? And he opened up the flood gates for foreign investors buying up American lands and businesses.
17 debt ceiling increases, 1 tax reduction and 4 tax increases.

Oh yeah, Reagan was a real winner (for the liberals)
Unfortunately that ‘balanced budget‘ ship has sailed for now....Voters can’t give two fucks about debt.
’Republicans’ have to stop trying to sell that bullshit.
Reagan was a RINO?

So was Trump, W and HW. Even Obama, for that matter. Obama was good to the republicans. Not as good as Trump was to the progressives. But not a bad republican like democrat.
Hell, I think there was more Border wall build during Obama, than there was with Trump. Or close.
1. So you agree, the government should keep it's hands out of a woman's womb?

2. What's a "fair share"?
In that woman's womb, is a child. Regardless of it's size and shape. it's still a life. And individuals life. So it's not just a woman's body. It's now a human being inside a woman's body.

Why people misconstrue this, I can't understand.

And "fair share" is just someone's opinion.

In HER body. So you're ok with government intervening in her private medical decisions. That's why I have issues with so called proponents of freedom.
It isn’t her body that suffers the consequences of death based on her decisions. There’s now a third person involved in this. The spermee and the spermer made their decision the night of. The result of that decision should now get a voice. The your body your decision bullshit ended when you made yours at the beginning.
We scared Coyote out of here with too much logic and reason....Libs hate that shit you know.
1. So you agree, the government should keep it's hands out of a woman's womb?

2. What's a "fair share"?
In that woman's womb, is a child. Regardless of it's size and shape. it's still a life. And individuals life. So it's not just a woman's body. It's now a human being inside a woman's body.

Why people misconstrue this, I can't understand.

And "fair share" is just someone's opinion.

In HER body. So you're ok with government intervening in her private medical decisions. That's why I have issues with so called proponents of freedom.
It isn’t her body that suffers the consequences of death based on her decisions. There’s now a third person involved in this. The spermee and the spermer made their decision the night of. The result of that decision should now get a voice. The your body your decision bullshit ended when you made yours at the beginning.
The "my body" part doesn't end until birth.

Kind of like your attitude towards guns.
That works too. Shockingly that was the deal when income taxes were first passed. They would NEVER go above 1% the politicians said.

imagine if you will, tonight all the taxes, rules and government regulations of 1950 were in place tonight. And we've never seen this 30% income tax BS. Never seen any of the laws that were in place in 1950. Like FISA 702, NDAA, Patriot Act etc etc etc
But suddenly, we wake up in the morning and every law since 1950 were enacted all at once. Even the democrats would rise up and throw this government to the curb.
They stick us a little at a time, so we get used to just a little pain. Just a minor adjustment. Once we get use to that one, they stick it a little deeper. Rinse and repeat, because it works.

IMO, this ain't a fight between the left and the right. Or at least it shouldn't be. Republicans need to be fighting the GOP's leadership and get them back into shape. The democrats need to be fighting and getting their parties leadership back in place.
Reagan was a RINO?

So was Trump, W and HW. Even Obama, for that matter. Obama was good to the republicans. Not as good as Trump was to the progressives. But not a bad republican like democrat.
Hell, I think there was more Border wall build during Obama, than there was with Trump. Or close.
Nobody I know saw or sees Trump as a nutless Republicant...we see him as a Nationalist and or a Populist. Republicans are a thing of the past bud...they couldn’t defend America against the Left...FUCK THEM they had their chance.
I’d rather watch America burn to fucking ground before I vote for another nutless conservative.
This was the Kenyans wall.

The "my body" part doesn't end until birth.

Kind of like your attitude towards guns.

The baby's body isn't yours. It's just inside yours. In fact, since you're connected, then your body is the baby's body. And you're responsible for keeping it safe and fed.
If you don't have the capability of being a responsible parent, then you shouldn't have put yourself in a position to get pregnant. The consequences are either being a responsible parent or a murderer.
The "my body" part doesn't end until birth.

Kind of like your attitude towards guns.

The baby's body isn't yours. It's just inside yours. In fact, since you're connected, then your body is the baby's body. And you're responsible for keeping it safe and fed.
If you don't have the capability of being a responsible parent, then you shouldn't have put yourself in a position to get pregnant. The consequences are either being a responsible parent or a murderer.
Nope. Until viability it's entirely my body. And your government can control it.
Nobody I know saw or sees Trump as a nutless Republicant...we see him as a Nationalist and or a Populist. Republicans are a thing of the past bud...they couldn’t defend America against the Left...FUCK THEM they had their chance.
I’d rather watch America burn to fucking ground before I vote for another nutless conservative.

I saw Trump as a nutless progressive who spent too much, taxed too much and cared more about what the left said, than he did running the country.

With that said, had the neolibs left him alone and let him run the country his way, instead of all these witch hunts and lies they spread about him (like him being racist), things might have been better. Maybe he actually had a better healthcare plan. After all, he was more progressive than conservative.
But honestly, I think Pelosi could've secretly handed Trump a healthcare plan, that had everything the liberals and progressives wanted, and they'd still oppose it.
Nope. Until viability it's entirely my body. And your government can control it.

Viability occurs at conception. Responsibility also occurs at conception. The stages may differ. But the end result, is it's still another life inside the womans body.

Yeah Yeah, I know what the "law" states. I know what the Supreme Court said. But Roe V wade was settled under the argument of privacy. NOT LIFE. Scientifically, the baby is viable at conception. It just needs a different way to breathe. A different way to get fed. But it's still breathing and still getting nourishment.
Most of us know there's a difference in the two. It's rare to see an actual conservative in DC. But just to get more clarification, what do you think the differences are between being an actual conservative and just being a republican.
When I became a republican, I thought they were one in the same. Today, if you pay any attention to the left or the left media, you never hear them differentiate the two. So I can see why a lot on the left still consider them being the same. But those of us who lean right, know there's a difference. Some of us see a huge difference. Some only see minor differences.

So many this is a chance to really clarify the two.

What say you?
In today's world?
A distinction without a difference.
Sorry but if you're claiming to be a big C Conservative and you're still standing with the GOP after these last 10 years then you truly are not a Conservative.
1. So you agree, the government should keep it's hands out of a woman's womb?

2. What's a "fair share"?
In that woman's womb, is a child. Regardless of it's size and shape. it's still a life. And individuals life. So it's not just a woman's body. It's now a human being inside a woman's body.

Why people misconstrue this, I can't understand.

And "fair share" is just someone's opinion.

In HER body. So you're ok with government intervening in her private medical decisions. That's why I have issues with so called proponents of freedom.
It isn’t her body that suffers the consequences of death based on her decisions. There’s now a third person involved in this. The spermee and the spermer made their decision the night of. The result of that decision should now get a voice. The your body your decision bullshit ended when you made yours at the beginning.
The "my body" part doesn't end until birth.

Kind of like your attitude towards guns.
Oh well then. We can stab your child in the neck as soon as it’s head pops out of your pussy? Not murder mind you, woman’s choice. So what part of your child’s body is the one that needs to exit your vagina that makes them a person? If we’re going to put a limit on murdering your child what point would we decide that? Is it the head popping out? The shoulders? Abortion is an option until the feet come out? If we’re cutting it that close maybe we should extend abortion until the kid hits what? Two or three? 16 maybe?

Im just trying to figure out when your body your choice ends and the child needs to be protected from a psycho mom intent on murder because this kid is a pain in the ass.
Can you give me the exact moment when the child is no longer under your threat of killing them and we can try to help know..,not be murdered by you?
The "my body" part doesn't end until birth.

Kind of like your attitude towards guns.

The baby's body isn't yours. It's just inside yours. In fact, since you're connected, then your body is the baby's body. And you're responsible for keeping it safe and fed.
If you don't have the capability of being a responsible parent, then you shouldn't have put yourself in a position to get pregnant. The consequences are either being a responsible parent or a murderer.
Nope. Until viability it's entirely my body. And your government can control it.
So viability happens about when? 18? Used to be earlier than that but you idiots have passed keeping kids on your insurance until 27. Is 27 the new age of viability?
In today's world?
A distinction without a difference.
Sorry but if you're claiming to be a big C Conservative and you're still standing with the GOP after these last 10 years then you truly are not a Conservative.

I haven't voted republican since 2012. And that was for someone the GOP was throwing under the bus. So no, I'm not a republican. I like what they say. But I despise what they do. Especially to actual conservatives.

Does that clear things up? Or are you so far on the left that you don't even care?
Most of us know there's a difference in the two. It's rare to see an actual conservative in DC. But just to get more clarification, what do you think the differences are between being an actual conservative and just being a republican.
When I became a republican, I thought they were one in the same. Today, if you pay any attention to the left or the left media, you never hear them differentiate the two. So I can see why a lot on the left still consider them being the same. But those of us who lean right, know there's a difference. Some of us see a huge difference. Some only see minor differences.

So many this is a chance to really clarify the two.

What say you?
IMO the modern Republican Party only vaguely resembles the party of decades ago. VERY few fiscal or social Conservatives are left in it. As the changes have come about, fewer and fewer Americans expected conservatives to be elected or once they were, to actually keep the promise of changes in DC.
I come from a family that NEVER voted Republican. My parents nearly disowned me for voting Reagan in my first presidential election.

In the past 40+ years, I've never voted Democrat, even in local elections. Mind you, it wasn't like today. There was never a moment where I actually disrespected or even disliked my neighbors for their choice. I just felt that the Republican view more closely matched my own. I was raised to believe I was responsible for my life and my future and that no one owed me ANYTHING.

Even 20-25 years ago, when I occasionally struggled financially because of not getting an education or learning a valuable Trade, I still could not stomach voting for those who tried to tell me my situation was not my responsibility. I guess a good Liberal will read this and shake their head saying I was thoroughly indoctrinated. That's probably true but we form our core values early in life and it's damned difficult to do a volte-face where core principles are concerned.

I'm 60 now and tend to be both socially and fiscally Conservative BUT I'm also wiser about the role of our government in making way for capitalism to flourish by policies that ease the burden on investors vs using tax policy not just as a means of funding government but also to pick winners, losers, and even these days to punish opponents.
Anyone who wants to understand the fundamental differences between Republicans and Conservatives would do well to go to a library or a book store and start at the beginning of the list of tomes written by Mark Levin.
I'll go ahead and acknowledge that ANYONE who truly believes in Progressivism as shaped by Wilson, Dewey, and the like, will recoil from Mark Levin as if from poison. This recommendation is lost on them because for them, our Constitution does not represent the bedrock principles that allow America to survive. Progressives see the Constitution - and other preliminary founding documents like the Federalist Papers - as "antiquated" ideas that MUST be "brought up to modern thinking".

IMO, today's Left is comprised of very few old-school Democrats or if these Democrats are voting for the current incarnation of figures like AOC, Omar, and the like then they are doing so out of tribalism. The changes this party is pushing will end America. IMO, the best solution we have left at this point is a movement to try to hash out an amicable/peaceful divorce. We are already seeing signs that this movement is becoming more acceptable, at least by the Right in this nation.

The only other projected future would be a situation where half the electorate distrusted elections and the other half foolishly believed half of America could be compelled to the will of the other half.
Especially knowing that within 10 years, $15hr will be a poverty wage, thanks to the value of the USD.
You have MUCH more confidence in our economic future than I have. There has NEVER been a Fiat currency that did not collapse at some point. Ours began the slide to that collapse when Nixon declared the dollar not to be tied to gold reserves.
Before 2022, we'll have just over 30 Trillion dollars in actual debt. NO currency can survive that kind of manipulation and still retain credibility.
That's why we're beginning to hear rumors of this "great reset". They know if they don't begin the process slowly and the collapse happens overnight then there will be mass chaos and bloodshed. I wouldn't put it past the Global/Marxist Left to bring down America economically, then leave the nation in violent upheaval for months. They will be insulated and safe while the rest of us struggle with food and shelter. The inner-city plantation dwellers as well as others who have NO margin financially will do whatever it takes to feed themselves and their children.
The riots, looting, and arson of last summer will seem like the good old days by comparison. EVERY bit of this is by a plan. It isn't random and it isn't inevitable. Choices were made and they don't give a damn how many die in the process.

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