Actual Conservatism vs republicanism


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
Most of us know there's a difference in the two. It's rare to see an actual conservative in DC. But just to get more clarification, what do you think the differences are between being an actual conservative and just being a republican.
When I became a republican, I thought they were one in the same. Today, if you pay any attention to the left or the left media, you never hear them differentiate the two. So I can see why a lot on the left still consider them being the same. But those of us who lean right, know there's a difference. Some of us see a huge difference. Some only see minor differences.

So many this is a chance to really clarify the two.

What say you?
Good luck.

Most folks don't seem to understand that parties and ideologies are not necessarily the same.

Parties are pragmatic - they want to be in power and they want the most number of votes.

Ideology comes second.
Most of us know there's a difference in the two. It's rare to see an actual conservative in DC. But just to get more clarification, what do you think the differences are between being an actual conservative and just being a republican.
When I became a republican, I thought they were one in the same. Today, if you pay any attention to the left or the left media, you never hear them differentiate the two. So I can see why a lot on the left still consider them being the same. But those of us who lean right, know there's a difference. Some of us see a huge difference. Some only see minor differences.

So many this is a chance to really clarify the two.

What say you?
there was a time a long time ago where they were both the same,, the party moved left and the cons just kept voting for them,,,

the only solution is to get rid of political action groups like this in government,
the people voted into office are supposed to represent the people that voted for them not a party
Most of us know there's a difference in the two. It's rare to see an actual conservative in DC. But just to get more clarification, what do you think the differences are between being an actual conservative and just being a republican.
When I became a republican, I thought they were one in the same. Today, if you pay any attention to the left or the left media, you never hear them differentiate the two. So I can see why a lot on the left still consider them being the same. But those of us who lean right, know there's a difference. Some of us see a huge difference. Some only see minor differences.

So many this is a chance to really clarify the two.

What say you?
I am a libertarian/conservative

If you want to fuck a man's ass go for it, keep it behind closed doors and if you get aids and die, i wont give a shit.
If you try to rob me or do me bodily harm, i will with the force blow your ass away, as actions have consequences.
Low taxes , very small government, keep your fucking hands off me. Really quite simple.

oh one more thing, if roads and bridges, pipes , telephone wires, schools, police and firefighters, are all funded by taxpayers, why arent the poor paying for those services, they should pay their fair share...
Most of us know there's a difference in the two. It's rare to see an actual conservative in DC. But just to get more clarification, what do you think the differences are between being an actual conservative and just being a republican.
When I became a republican, I thought they were one in the same. Today, if you pay any attention to the left or the left media, you never hear them differentiate the two. So I can see why a lot on the left still consider them being the same. But those of us who lean right, know there's a difference. Some of us see a huge difference. Some only see minor differences.

So many this is a chance to really clarify the two.

What say you?
I am a libertarian/conservative

If you want to fuck a man's ass go for it, keep it behind closed doors and if you get aids and die, i wont give a shit.
If you try to rob me or do me bodily harm, i will with the force blow your ass away, as actions have consequences.
Low taxes , very small government, keep your fucking hands off me. Really quite simple.

oh one more thing, if roads and bridges, pipes , telephone wires, schools, police and firefighters, are all funded by taxpayers, why arent the poor paying for those services, they should pay their fair share...
1. So you agree, the government should keep it's hands out of a woman's womb?

2. What's a "fair share"?
I am a libertarian/conservative
That's pretty much where I stand. I like the LP platform. I just can't stand a lot of the libertarian voters. Especially the "end the war on drugs" BS.

I think freedom should not only be free. But also legal. The same goes for liberty. I know too many die hard republicans who want to enjoy their freedoms, but want to see others freedoms taken away because they don't like something they said or the way they believe.
It get's pretty tiresome hearing republicans call Trump a conservative. And asked to produce something Trump did that was actually conservative, they point to something he just said. Not something he actually did.
Although one could say the tax cuts were "conservative." But as a true conservative, I thought the tax reduction was extremely minimal and very liberal. (when you consider the tax cuts for the poor, who apparently get more back than they pay in. Especially if they have kids) (and that doesn't include welfare they get for those kids))

I'm a little nationalist. And have no problem with free trade with all nations. The problem, imo, is how the government and the fed have over inflated the USD. Which makes it practical for a large corporation to move to China or Mexico. And the fact that $10hr is now a poverty wage, makes me think republicans have lost their conservative minds. Especially knowing that within 10 years, $15hr will be a poverty wage, thanks to the value of the USD.
Most of us know there's a difference in the two. It's rare to see an actual conservative in DC. But just to get more clarification, what do you think the differences are between being an actual conservative and just being a republican.
When I became a republican, I thought they were one in the same. Today, if you pay any attention to the left or the left media, you never hear them differentiate the two. So I can see why a lot on the left still consider them being the same. But those of us who lean right, know there's a difference. Some of us see a huge difference. Some only see minor differences.

So many this is a chance to really clarify the two.

What say you?
I am a libertarian/conservative

If you want to fuck a man's ass go for it, keep it behind closed doors and if you get aids and die, i wont give a shit.
If you try to rob me or do me bodily harm, i will with the force blow your ass away, as actions have consequences.
Low taxes , very small government, keep your fucking hands off me. Really quite simple.

oh one more thing, if roads and bridges, pipes , telephone wires, schools, police and firefighters, are all funded by taxpayers, why arent the poor paying for those services, they should pay their fair share...
1. So you agree, the government should keep it's hands out of a woman's womb?

2. What's a "fair share"?
Government has never had their hands in a woman’s womb...thats retarded Lib speak...government is supposed to protect the sanctity of life.

Let me walk you through this elementary shit...Determining a fair share is simple...if you and I are going to split a $5 bag of Doritos...we should both pitch in $2.50 for said bag of Doritos....TA-DA!
See how simple that was?
"I think freedom should not only be free. But also legal."

What do you mean by that?

It sounds like you have something against poor people.
1. So you agree, the government should keep it's hands out of a woman's womb?

2. What's a "fair share"?
In that woman's womb, is a child. Regardless of it's size and shape. it's still a life. And individuals life. So it's not just a woman's body. It's now a human being inside a woman's body.

Why people misconstrue this, I can't understand.

And "fair share" is just someone's opinion.
Most of us know there's a difference in the two. It's rare to see an actual conservative in DC. But just to get more clarification, what do you think the differences are between being an actual conservative and just being a republican.
When I became a republican, I thought they were one in the same. Today, if you pay any attention to the left or the left media, you never hear them differentiate the two. So I can see why a lot on the left still consider them being the same. But those of us who lean right, know there's a difference. Some of us see a huge difference. Some only see minor differences.

So many this is a chance to really clarify the two.

What say you?
I am a libertarian/conservative

If you want to fuck a man's ass go for it, keep it behind closed doors and if you get aids and die, i wont give a shit.
If you try to rob me or do me bodily harm, i will with the force blow your ass away, as actions have consequences.
Low taxes , very small government, keep your fucking hands off me. Really quite simple.

oh one more thing, if roads and bridges, pipes , telephone wires, schools, police and firefighters, are all funded by taxpayers, why arent the poor paying for those services, they should pay their fair share...
1. So you agree, the government should keep it's hands out of a woman's womb?

2. What's a "fair share"?
As long as it is Progressive women aborting their future Democrat voters, the more the merrier. The only way to stop the stupid gene is to kill the baby before it takes it first breath.

A fair share, i pay over 60,000 a year in taxes, should i get to use the roads more, and have police show up faster at my house than some poor person who pays nothing in federal taxes?
And "fair share" is just someone's opinion.
Not really.
If 1,000 people are going to use a road that costs $1,000 to build than each person should pitch in $1.
This shit isn’t complicated at all.
You just used math...

Yep and now Coyote will call me racist for using complex mathematics.
1. So you agree, the government should keep it's hands out of a woman's womb?

2. What's a "fair share"?
In that woman's womb, is a child. Regardless of it's size and shape. it's still a life. And individuals life. So it's not just a woman's body. It's now a human being inside a woman's body.

Why people misconstrue this, I can't understand.

And "fair share" is just someone's opinion.

In HER body. So you're ok with government intervening in her private medical decisions. That's why I have issues with so called proponents of freedom.
1. So you agree, the government should keep it's hands out of a woman's womb?

2. What's a "fair share"?
In that woman's womb, is a child. Regardless of it's size and shape. it's still a life. And individuals life. So it's not just a woman's body. It's now a human being inside a woman's body.

Why people misconstrue this, I can't understand.

And "fair share" is just someone's opinion.

In HER body. So you're ok with government intervening in her private medical decisions. That's why I have issues with so called proponents of freedom.
murdering your child isnt a medical decision,,
"I think freedom should not only be free. But also legal."

What do you mean by that?

It sounds like you have something against poor people.

It's pretty self explanatory.
Example: It's not legal in most cities to ad on to your house without a permit. A permit that you have to pay for. So legally, I don't have the freedom to add on to my house, without being adversely affected by the government.
Another example: Legally, in the state of Texas, you can't renew your drivers license at the DMV without a birth certificate, if your drivers license has expired more than (IIRC) 30 days. In other words, they won't allow you to use the same license they issued you as proof that you are who you say you are. Last time I did this, I had to go to the county clerks office for a copy of my birth cert. And they also wouldn't accept my drivers license as proof.
But you know what they did accept? An electric bill. One that didn't have a state issued photo ID on it.
Long story short, when I got back to the DMV with my birth cert. I held it up beside my face and asked the lady "Does this look like me?" She didn't think it was funny.

Freedom in this country is so minimal. From cradle to grave. The phrase "the cost of freedom" negates itself.

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