Acculturation Requires An Epiphany


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Access to this modern world required the religion of our Founders.
Strangely, many today subscribe to the paganism that leads back to slavery, serfdom, submission and slaughter.

Epiphany Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster › dictionary › epiph...

a moment in which you suddenly see or understand something in a new or very clear way

1.Western Civilization represents both the highest attainment in the history of mankind, and one more of the myriad errors in Liberal thinking. The title of the thread refers to how explosively successful Western Civilization became as a result of a religious conversion, from primitive beliefs, such as animism, under the Judeo-Christian faith.

Acculturation means the assimilation to a different culture, typically the dominant one. (Google)

This thread will show how the beliefs of slave traders of Africa, or the prior inhabitants of North America, before the settlers, or any of these atheistic views- Bolsheviks, Nazis, Progressives, Liberals, the current Democrats- produce dangerous and deadly cultures and societies.

2. Under Liberal/Leftist auspices, one must jettison truth in favor of never being critical to another belief or worldview. They are all deemed equal…..whether they are or not.

"The roots of postmodernism can be traced to the anthropologist Franz Boas, who, in an effort to study exotic cultures without prejudice, found it useful to take the position that no culture is superior to any other. Thus was born the idea of cultural relativity.
The idea spread like wildfire through the universities, catapulted by the radical impetus of the sixties, ready and willing to reject "the universality of Western norms and principles."
Bawer, "The Victim's Revolution"


3. It is a strange progression that has come full circle.....back to where we started.
Perhaps the earliest of religious beliefs was animism…. Animism—the belief that all natural phenomena, including human beings, animals, and plants, but also rocks, lakes, mountains, weather, and so on, share one vital quality—the soul or spirit that energizes them—is at the core of most Arctic belief systems.
Animism - an overview | ScienceDirect Topic › topics › social-sciences

In the words of the song, “Everything old is new again.”

Today, our most feted elites, our experts and scholars, the most educated, have ‘advanced’ back to the views of animism, where being human lives mean no more than that of herd animals, and human lives no more meaning than that of any other thing.
Enter, Left stage, the atheistic, animistic, Democrat Party.
4. If, as the Leftists have determined, humans are no different from any other creature, the same morality, the same value of life, applies. Under this view, slavery in all of its forms, is perfectly reasonable.
Professor Jason Hill writes about the slavery in Africa that led to it being installed in the West, and states that said peoples accepted slavery due to their view of themselves as no more than animals.

“But why would the African indigene allow himself to engage in this type of degrading transactional relationship in which cheap costume jewelry and tawdry goods were used in exchange for the lives of human beings? This book begins the examination of culpability and moral responsibility by looking at how the African indigene made himself into a slave by adhering to a primitive, philosophic belief in animism (an enslavement to a cyclical, biological, and zoomorphic identification with nature and the animal world) and the absence of a conception of an appreciation for the intrinsic dignity and inviolate moral worth of the individual human being as a human being.

In other words, the sub-Saharan bushman had no conception of the inviolability and intrinsic value of human life and no political ideology or moral system that could fight the onslaught of slavery.

The African indigene regarded himself as part of nature. The European, endowed with a Christian sensibility, saw himself as separate and apart from nature and viewed it not as a friend but as a phenomenon to be exploited—a thing that would adapt itself to meet his needs and desires. The African positioned as indistinguishable from nature, and the European viewed him as such. Concomitantly, as part of the expression of the Western personality, the European exploited that manifestation of nature and adapted it to meet his needs. The indigene, living outside the historical process, sentimentalized nature and adapted himself to it like all cyclical creatures who are, therefore, incapable of technological, spiritual, and cognitive evolution on a par with Western man.”
Jason D. Hill, “What-Do-White-Americans-Owe-Black-People-Racial-Justice-in-the-Age-of-Post-Oppression”

It was religion that fought slavery, and took its cue in Genesis 1:26.

And God said, Let us make man in our image
5. The primitive thinking that is found in animism, that humans are, and can be treated like, any other animal, still exists. And, amazingly, it is found in the most educated, most ‘progressive’ of individuals.

It is the cornerstone of secular belief, the religion most prevalent in Democrats, Leftists, Liberals: Militant Secularism.

Physicist Victor Stengler writes: “Astronomical observations continue to demonstrate that the earth is no more significant than a single grain of sand on a vast beach.” The more science teaches us about the natural world, the less important the role human beings play in the grand scheme of things.

As science writer Tom Bethell notes, “an article of our secular faith that there is nothing exceptional about human life.” Thus, we can add this ‘atheism-article-of-faith’ to the others, materialism, and moral relativism, that form the Cliff-Notes of modern liberalism.

For the result of this modern animism, view the slaughter of the 20th century, and the 60 million abortions.
the sub-Saharan bushman had no conception of the inviolability and intrinsic value of human life and no political ideology or moral system that could fight the onslaught of slavery.
Why would the Western world engage in slavery. Didn't they know about the inviolability and intrinsic value of human life?

It was religion that fought slavery, and took its cue in Genesis 1:26.

And God said, Let us make man in our image
If you mean the religion of the Quakers, you'd be right. If you mean the religion of the Southern Baptists, you'd be wrong.
Why would the Western world engage in slavery. Didn't they know about the inviolability and intrinsic value of human life?

If you mean the religion of the Quakers, you'd be right. If you mean the religion of the Southern Baptists, you'd be wrong.

Democrats.....the faith is Militant Secularism. a 'religion' whose pillars include atheism and socialism, a revolt against the faith that founded this noble experiment, America.
6. America was, at one time, not so much any longer, the answer to the atheism of the Bolsheviks and Nazis. But control of the schools and the media by the Bolshevik franchise in America, the Democrat Party, has largely put a cork in that bottle.

One of the grandest of the Left’s lies, aimed at destroying the reputation of America and by extension, of religious folks, is that this nation is built on the blood and bones of the Indians. What took place in the early years of America’s foundation was a war of defense against stone-age savages who were animists, too.

“… a response to the malarkey surrounding the idea that America was genocidal towards Native Americans, and the idea that America was created via theft.
To begin with, there is no such thing as genocide of Native Americans, and no land was ever stolen. That is a case of the Big Lie if ever there were one.

The Native Americans were the first genocidal warlords on the continent. They stole the continent from the Holocene Megafauna and slaughtered them into extinction.
For centuries Native Americans had the land and did virtually nothing with it; that is, in terms of emancipating themselves from an animistic biological and cyclical lifestyle. The notion of progress lay unknown to them. They existed outside the historical process.

The Native American indigene was a natural creature who had not yet transformed himself out of biological time into an epoch-making world historical person. Having failed to abstract himself from nature by transcending it, the American aboriginal viewed himself as inextricably bound to nature. To enter the historical process, one must see oneself as transcendent of nature.

Only a self that is divorced from nature can enter the historical process. An irrevocable tie to nature condemns one to a life of cyclicality, a range-of-the-moment existence in which innovation, change, moral and political evolution, and creative adaptation are not possible.”
Genocide, Stolen Land, and Other Lies about America - Frontpagemag

The 'divorce' from nature comes as a result of the religious epiphany.

Human life meant nothing to the America aboriginals. They made war on others as they would on forest animals that they hunted. There are many stories of European priests who tried to bring understanding of how special humans are….not all the stories ended well.
Democrats.....the faith is Militant Secularism. a 'religion' whose pillars include atheism and socialism, a revolt against the faith that founded this noble experiment, America.
What a surprise, when you can't support your absurd posts you find something to insult and deflect.

What would it take to get our society and the world on track? What does success look like on a large scale according to your world view?

What would it take to get our society and the world on track? What does success look like on a large scale according to your world view?

Alas.....I am the perennial president of the Pessimist's Club.

The problem is that mankind has within it the seeds of it's own destruction.

When there were problems of life and death, we has problems which required full attention, and had folks seeking guidance beyond ourselves.

It appears that, at least Western Civilization, reached a level which may be our apex, and turned from a spiritual existence to one of materialism....and that is what Marxism is, materialism.

"The Left’s concept of materialism broadens into the overarching desire to see every individual materially equal. The Left is less interested in creating wealth than in distributing it, and has been far more interested in fighting material inequality than tyranny, which is why Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, etc., tend to have the support of Leftists around the world.
End social and economic inequality and one will have Utopia! Sadly, attempts toward creation of utopia in this world lead to dystopia. Which leads to this comparison: conservatives marvel at how good America is, Leftists want to ‘transform’ it."
Prager, ”Still The Best Hope”

We are simply basking in the afterglow of a once great civilization.



So where in the New Testament did Jesus or any other writer encourage Christians to seize earthly political power?

When one begins a sentence with "So..." it implies that the sentence will continue a thought that brought said sentence into fruition.

You appear not to know this, as is true in so very many other posts of yours.

How many times a day do total strangers refer to you as a dunce?
What's the point of your effort here then?

Britannica noted this about the Prophet Jeremiah:

"Jeremiah had more to say about repentance than any other prophet. He called upon men to turn away from their wicked ways and dependence upon idols and false gods and return to their early covenantal loyalty to Yahweh. Repentance thus had a strong ethical colouring, since it meant living in obedience to Yahweh’s will for the individual and the nation."

Need I mention that the Democrat Party ran a candidate they called god, Jesus, and the messiah?
Last edited: do.

Your lies, so diaphanous, and you may be the only one who doesn't see through them.

You'll be back.
You're too dishonest for me to take your ideas seriously but your ideas are too dangerous to this country to let go unchallenged. Very much like Timothy McVeigh or Ted Kaczynski or any other terrorist.
You're too dishonest for me to take your ideas seriously but your ideas are too dangerous to this country to let go unchallenged. Very much like Timothy McVeigh or Ted Kaczynski or any other terrorist.

If you actually didn't 'take me seriously,' you'd hardly be sticking to me like a barnacle to an ocean liner.

And....'ll be back.
When one begins a sentence with "So..." it implies that the sentence will continue a thought that brought said sentence into fruition.

You appear not to know this, as is true in so very many other posts of yours.

How many times a day do total strangers refer to you as a dunce?
So answer the question!

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