A Lesson in Irony

Concerned American

Diamond Member
Dec 5, 2020
In your head
A lesson in irony.


The Food Stamp Program, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is proud to be distributing the greatest amount of free meals and food stamps ever, to 46 million people.

Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S Department of the Interior, asks us "Please Do Not Feed the Animals." Their stated reason for the policy is because the animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves.


This ends today's lesson.
A lesson in irony.


The Food Stamp Program, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is proud to be distributing the greatest amount of free meals and food stamps ever, to 46 million people.

Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S Department of the Interior, asks us "Please Do Not Feed the Animals." Their stated reason for the policy is because the animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves.


This ends today's lesson.
False Dilemma (either - or fallacy).
A lesson in irony.


The Food Stamp Program, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is proud to be distributing the greatest amount of free meals and food stamps ever, to 46 million people.

Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S Department of the Interior, asks us "Please Do Not Feed the Animals." Their stated reason for the policy is because the animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves.


This ends today's lesson.
That was a lesson? Are animals that are being drawn to humans the same as providing meals to poor people?

Also, if animals are now considered the same as humans all hunting and slaughter houses employees will be charged with murder.
That was a lesson? Are animals that are being drawn to humans the same as providing meals to poor people?

Also, if animals are now considered the same as humans all hunting and slaughter houses employees will be charged with murder.
the humans are worse than the animals because they have the ability to provide for themselves but are encouraged to take handouts,, for animals is a basic instinct,,
The Number of Low-Income Seniors Receiving SNAP Is Likely to Grow
Seniors Receiving SNAP as a Share of the Population by State, Average SNAP Benefits, 2015
StateSNAP Seniors aSNAP Households with Seniors
50 more rows

Apr 26, 2017

SNAP Helps Millions of Low-Income Seniors | Center on ...

(that is pre CV vaccine; that may decrease depending on how many took the jab)
the humans are worse than the animals because they have the ability to provide for themselves but are encouraged to take handouts,, for animals is a basic instinct,,
School lunch or meal programs help kids learn.

But, I get you. We should outlaw all those charities and churches that help provide for the poor. God never said and goddamn word about helping people in need. He was worried about other things, like keeping a Merica a white nation. Pissed him off that 2021 years ago Indians lived here.
School lunch or meal programs help kids learn.

But, I get you. We should outlaw all those charities and churches that help provide for the poor. God never said and goddamn word about helping people in need. He was worried about other things, like keeping a Merica a white nation. Pissed him off that 2021 years ago Indians lived here.
those charities and churchs are voluntary not backed up with the barrel of a gun,,,

and those school lunchs teach p[arents they dont have to be responsible for their own children,,
dont pay your taxs and see what happens,,

people dependent on government for food are no different than cattle dependent on the farmer for food,,
Don't pay taxes and you go to court to explain why you feel you should enjoy the benefits of our country and not pay for them.

You mean those cows not allowed to roam freely for food?
Don't pay taxes and you go to court to explain why you feel you should enjoy the benefits of our country and not pay for them.

You mean those cows not allowed to roam freely for food?
you only touched on the first part of what happens,, and what happens if you dont go to court or still refuse to pay??

yes the cows that cant provide for themselves because they are locked in a pen,, unlike the humans that live off the government tit who can at anytime provide for themselves,,
Welfare Recipients By State 2021
StateFood Stamps Recipients (2019)Recipients Per 100K (2019)
South Dakota78,8548,795
46 more rows

Welfare Recipients By State 2021 - World Population Review

These statistics make my point. When are people going to become self sufficient again. As I was growing up, self sufficiency was a trait to be admired and to aspire to. Somewhere along the line, it became more important to see how much of other people's money these parasites could claim. I am all for safety nets, but this business of feeding every parasite that is too lazy to get a job has got to stop. Looking at some of these obese welfare recipients, it is clear that they have never missed a meal in their useless lives.
A lesson in irony.


The Food Stamp Program, administered by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, is proud to be distributing the greatest amount of free meals and food stamps ever, to 46 million people.

Meanwhile, the National Park Service, administered by the U.S Department of the Interior, asks us "Please Do Not Feed the Animals." Their stated reason for the policy is because the animals will grow dependent on handouts and will not learn to take care of themselves.


This ends today's lesson.
You would probably have a good analogy if it were commonplace for humans could go out into the wilderness and provide sustenance for themselves. Another variation would be a society that allowed individuals to starve as a kind of "survival of the fittest". Having said that, I grant you that the various government programs are widely abused.
You would probably have a good analogy if it were commonplace for humans could go out into the wilderness and provide sustenance for themselves. Another variation would be a society that allowed individuals to starve as a kind of "survival of the fittest". Having said that, I grant you that the various government programs are widely abused.
I would counter your extreme comparison of "go out into the wilderness and provide sustenance for themselves" with planting a simple garden to offset some of their needs,,
You would probably have a good analogy if it were commonplace for humans could go out into the wilderness and provide sustenance for themselves. Another variation would be a society that allowed individuals to starve as a kind of "survival of the fittest". Having said that, I grant you that the various government programs are widely abused.
We have a society that provides more than enough opportunity for people of all stripes to earn a living. Also, if you starve in the US, it is your own damn fault. Without mentioning all of the private charities, food banks, missions, Salvation Army, church soup kitchens etc, the US has more redundant programs to feed people than any place on earth. Children are fed breakfast and lunch daily at school year around for the asking. When did it become society's job to feed other people's kids. I thought that was what SNAP and welfare were for. Personal responsibility for anything has become extinct.
We have a society that provides more than enough opportunity for people of all stripes to earn a living. Also, if you starve in the US, it is your own damn fault. Without mentioning all of the private charities, food banks, missions, Salvation Army, church soup kitchens etc, the US has more redundant programs to feed people than any place on earth. Children are fed breakfast and lunch daily at school year around for the asking. When did it become society's job to feed other people's kids. I thought that was what SNAP and welfare were for. Personal responsibility for anything has become extinct.
SNAP and welfare is society paying to feed other peoples kids,,
These statistics make my point. When are people going to become self sufficient again. As I was growing up, self sufficiency was a trait to be admired and to aspire to. Somewhere along the line, it became more important to see how much of other people's money these parasites could claim. I am all for safety nets, but this business of feeding every parasite that is too lazy to get a job has got to stop. Looking at some of these obese welfare recipients, it is clear that they have never missed a meal in their useless lives.
I suppose you can assume it proves your point if you are not looking at the whole and are simply ignoring the history of the whole of what has brought us to this point.

We have a wide disparity in a lot of areas and aspects, no?

The whole economic system has been based off of consuming hasn't it?

The latest model which started with Obama for economic success was being based on health/sickness. Since that was breaking the country with all the pharma and procedures that the "experts" determined were needed so what did Congress do? They gave over a good portion of Medicare to the insurance companies who are also a shit load of greedy f'n bankers. Congress members should never get more in their retirement or better medical insurance than the people unless they are paying for it from their own pockets.

Cash was always king when it came to purchases but again the bankers could not get their cut or interest if the people were not using their cards. What did Congress do about that? Some bright dickhead said, "I know we will make it illegal for them to carry too much cash and claim we are doing it to protect them from the big money drug pushers". BTW, big name republicans helped push for that shit too.

Schemes and scams. Look at the farming industry and what the bankers did and still continue to do to private enterprise farmers and small business too for that matter.

Our justice system has also been in shambles for a long time too and getting continually worse.

I can say I do think that allowing the government to system to be in charge of what your child eats at school absolutely sucks. There again though that government policy shit gets in the way because they don't want those children whom have been poisoned by vaccines eating some sandwich that another mom made for her child to eat while at school.

You want it all back? Then start looking at the real issues and quit calling people who cannot afford to work, pay taxes and take care of the future generation parasites; the old people who worked all their lives and paid into SS who don't make enough to feed themselves should not starve either just because of the bad management and created inflation to enrich a select few.
I would counter your extreme comparison of "go out into the wilderness and provide sustenance for themselves" with planting a simple garden to offset some of their needs,,

Kudos for going specific with a valid solution that many a family utilize growing their own veggies, fruit, spices, etc. at a fraction of the cost! My neighbors have a garden and every year they come over with “extra” tomatoes, potatoes, corn, and peppers. I need to get on that myself to give back and to help reduce outlandish grocery costs. Great idea for all!

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