Why the Sudden Doubts about the Verdict?

Because there are different rules for the wealthy and privileged. If it were you and me and we were found guilty?...yeah, we'd be going to prison.

The system. Two tiers.

That's not gonna happen. :)
But you can hope.
Your premise is absurd. No one - Republican, Democrat, man, woman, or Mx would ever be put on trial with such flimsy evidence of no particular crime - except Donald Trump.

There are not two tears of justice. There are an infinite number of ways “justice” can be applied, depending on the whims and wishes of whoever is temporarily in charge of prosecutions and investigations.

Our system makes it ridiculously easy to weapon the law. We’ve only avoided the kind of absurdity. We see in the Manhattan trial because we haven’t had a president, so hated as Donald Trump.

Mind you, hated by those for whom putting America first is an anathema.
Trump has already sued Cohen for $500 Million. Then he dropped the suit when he found out he'd have to testify in a deposition.

The last thing Trump wants it to have to testify under any circumstances. Because he can't help himself and will lie.
Strange how it looks like Trump had reason to sue the guy, because he stole from him.

I guess this means you support stealing from your boss.

Where do you work, moron? I bet your boss wants to know what you think.
I don't get it. If the evidence is so strong, and the judge so fair, and the Jury made of savvy New Yorkers who won't be put off by the likes of fellow New Yorker Michael Cohen, why doubt the outcome?
Why doubt the outcome.


Hey, remember that time OJ Simpson got off on murder?

Good times.

Your premise is absurd. No one - Republican, Democrat, man, woman, or Mx would ever be put on trial with such flimsy evidence of no particular crime - except Donald Trump.

There are not two tears of justice. There are an infinite number of ways “justice” can be applied, depending on the whims and wishes of whoever is temporarily in charge of prosecutions and investigations.

Our system makes it ridiculously easy to weapon the law. We’ve only avoided the kind of absurdity. We see in the Manhattan trial because we haven’t had a president, so hated as Donald Trump.

Mind you, hated by those for whom putting America first is an anathema.
What reality do you live in? Prosecution for falsification of business records is pursued on a regular basis. :)

Again, if this were anyone else, you wouldn't say boo. Your arguments here are all political in nature.
So, as it has been since 2015, the central questions remain...

What is it about this man that makes you believe he should be above the law? What is it about this man that deserves your unswerving love and devotion? What is it that you think he is going to return you to?
If he's found innocent, leftists will protest in force.
If he's found guilty, Trump supporters will climb onto the Trump Bandwagon in force.

It's absolutely peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerfic for an election debate (argument).

Course if you're a Democrat you can lie about what really happened all you want. Either way, Biden (The Walking-Dead) will use it in the debate.

He can't be found innocent. He can either be found guilty on one or more charges. He can be found guilty on lesser charges in the indictment. He can be found not guilty based uopn the failure of the prosecution to prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt.

But he cannot be found innocent.
Gosh, I remember a time we didn't put people on trial for being a sleazeball.

But then you liberals did and I stopped giving two craps about this so-called nation.

I'm fairly sure i had nothing to do with it.
Guilty or not, he is and always still will be a sleazeball.
"Guilty or not"? That's the best you've got now, Pk? Do you have any idea how much money was spent by New York to put on this joke of a trial? This was always about lawfare. You're struggling to get the verdict you thought was a given despite having a biased jury...a biased DA and a biased judge!
Guilty or not, he is and always still will be a sleazeball.
Bill Clinton set the precedent that being a sleazeball doesn't matter. He got a blow job from and intern and lied about it, but that didn't matter. And that is only the tip of the iceberg. Most democrats would probably vote for him to be president again if they could.
Agreed. If the Jury finds him Not Guilty then that is that. But will you accept whatever verdict the Jury returns?
On a case that will overturned on appeal in a matter of minutes? Why would anyone who's impartial accept ANYTHING about this trial? It's a travesty and it's going to bite Joe Biden in the ass.
Sorry, but that's not how this works.

Ask yourself why other countries like Venezuela collapsed into anarchy?
Venezuela is having problems because we've been punishing them for 25 years for picking a form of government we don't like.

Because their governments stopped being fair to their people. They lied to their people so obviously that it angered a large swath of the populous. Their governments became abusive and corrupt, forcing the people to take matters into their own hands. The people became their own police because the police force and the courts were filled with diversity hires who refused to enforce the law fairly. A two-tiered justice system is the quickest way to turn your country into a mess and bring down any form of order. I've been in a lot of countries that were good places to live at one time, but because of government corruption they descended into a Banana Republic.

Wow, you are doing a lot of projecting.

Donald Trump can fuck off and die, and America will be fine. YOu need to stop conflating the well-being of America with one orange sack of shit. He's in trouble because he doesn't follow the rules the rest of us follow.

I'm not worried about what is happening to Trump because 1) I don't cheat on my wife with a porn star, and 2) I make sure that all my records are accurate.

See how easy that is.

On one hand there are you angry folks (who watch CNN & MSNBC, etc) who want what you've been told is justice, and on the other hand there's over 75 million who can see this for what it is and we don't like it one bit. You think you're on the right side of history, but in reality you're cheering corruption and selective-prosecutions. I bet you are even on board if someone decides that putting Jews on trains is a very good idea.

I suspect most of the 75 million who voted for Trump will be happy when he's finally gone.

Trump has far more resources and opportunities than 99% of people who find themselves caught up in the justice system. If he didn't have a history of stiffing his lawyers, he'd probably be getting better representation.
On a case that will overturned on appeal in a matter of minutes? Why would anyone who's impartial accept ANYTHING about this trial? It's a travesty and it's going to bite Joe Biden in the ass.

We’ll hold on. The OP is demanding that people agree now to accept the verdict if Not Guilty is the decision. So why isn’t that a two way street?
Bill Clinton set the precedent that being a sleazeball doesn't matter. He got a blow job from and intern and lied about it, but that didn't matter. And that is only the tip of the iceberg. Most democrats would probably vote for him to be president again if they could.
Actually, I doubt Clinton would survive the current PoundMeToo craziness. Al Franken and Andrew Cuomo didn't. Which is too bad, either of those guys would have made pretty good presidents.
I think this is fantastic. We should hold presidents to the law.

The worst thing that happened in American Politics was when Ford Pardoned Nixon. Nixon was clearly guilty of crimes, but was never held to account for them.

If you make the Presidency an immunity from prosecution, you will have lawless presidents.
Oh, bullshit! When you allow local DA's to prosecute Presidents for "crimes" that didn't even exist...you're destroying the office.
We’ll hold on. The OP is demanding that people agree now to accept the verdict if Not Guilty is the decision. So why isn’t that a two way street?
If this biased jury with a biased DA and a biased judge STILL returns a verdict that isn't guilty then it's glaringly obvious that this case never should have been brought in the first place and will go down in history as one of the more despicable acts by a party in power!
"Guilty or not"? That's the best you've got now, Pk? Do you have any idea how much money was spent by New York to put on this joke of a trial? This was always about lawfare. You're struggling to get the verdict you thought was a given despite having a biased jury...a biased DA and a biased judge!

How NY spends its money is little to nothing my concern.
Actually, I doubt Clinton would survive the current PoundMeToo craziness. Al Franken and Andrew Cuomo didn't. Which is too bad, either of those guys would have made pretty good presidents.
Al Franken? President? OMG...I can't even respond to that...

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