18-year-old student arrested for sexually assaulting child in school's gender-neutral bathroom


Spot the cognitive dissonance.....

"If that's a boy..."

... followed by ...

"you are apparently so f•••ed-up in the head that you don't even know the difference between girls and boys..."

.... dumbfuck, you couldn't tell the difference either. Meaning by your own definition, you're fucked up in the head.

No, it just means that like anyone else, I can be fooled by a convincing enough fake. That I can be fooled by a fake doesn't make the fake real, nor in any way mitigate the deceitfulness and unethicalness of the fakery, or of passing the fake off as genuine. Nor does it mitigate the folly of someone not caring that it is a fake, and insisting that it be treated as genuine even when the fakery is known.
Imbecile, you couldn't tell the difference. Same as me. The difference between our positions is you think that person should have to use a man's bathroom and I think there should be gender neutral bathrooms.

You made a valid point. And then he crushed it. And you couldn't be honest about that.
I hate the way that we don't have any information on the "child". I'm really feeling that laws protecting minors information, are really causing issues for society.

Child? What does that mean? Was someone's little 6 year old sister going to the rest room and monster attacked?

Or was it his 17 year old ex-girl friend who had been fucking him like crazy the week before, before the break up?

Not sure why we need to know that. I'm thinking the important part is that the victim was someone he shouldn't have been in the bathroom with, if we didn't live in leftist Bizarro World these days.

Well, in the second case this loser is an abusive ex-boyfriend who should probably get several months in jail.

In the first, he is a monster who should be locked up for life.


There distinctions are important, and the information they are keeping from us, makes it impossible for us to know what is actually going on.

Couple of points I disagree on.

First of all, an "abusive ex-boyfriend" is not a mitigating factor in sexual assault. It's every bit as bad and wrong for an acquaintance to sexually assault someone as it is for a stranger to.

Second, I don't know that we, the general public, necessarily need to know much more about what's going on. Probably more info will come out as time goes on, but it isn't like any of us are going to really be involved in the aftermath, be it a trial, or school board hearings about the bathroom policy, or whatever.

Third, I don't think anything is being "kept from us", so much as it's just a new story, and there's not a lot of info available.

Meanwhile, for the purposes of public discussion, I think the operative point is that the report made it clear that the "gender neutral" bathroom was an important and relevant point of the story. That seems to indicate that the victim was either female or identifying as female. It was a high school, so the victim was most likely an adolescent, and the charges tell us that the victim was younger than 18. I don't know the laws in that state, but it's possible the use of the word "child" in the charges indicates that she was significantly younger than 18, possibly 14 or 15.
The exception made was for transgendered to have their own bathroom to use since they don't quite fit in in male or female bathrooms. I've seen no indication this case involves a transgender. It appears this was a case where some perv assaulted a minor which could have happened anywhere. You fuckers are dolts trying to politicize a horrible attack.

There is no good reason, ever, to pander to the delusions of those who are mentally ill. Boys belong in boy's restrooms, locker rooms, and other such facilities, even if they are so f•••ed up in the head that they don't know the difference between boys and girls, and are confused about their own sex. Likewise, girls only belong in the corresponding girls' facilities. Insane freaks are not entitled to have separate facilities, just to pander to them. If they cannot keep straight which restroom they should use, then they belong in mental asylums or in prisons, and not in free society.

Sane people need to just stop playing along with this madness. Sane people need to stop allowing themselves to be bullied and shamed by mentally- and morally-defective freaks into supporting that which they know is wrong in every possible way.
Imbecile, according to you, this person should be using men's bathrooms and men's locker rooms...


If that person still has a penis, then yes.

Spot the cognitive dissonance.....

"If that's a boy..."

... followed by ...

"you are apparently so f•••ed-up in the head that you don't even know the difference between girls and boys..."

.... dumbfuck, you couldn't tell the difference either. Meaning by your own definition, you're fucked up in the head.

No, it just means that like anyone else, I can be fooled by a convincing enough fake. That I can be fooled by a fake doesn't make the fake real, nor in any way mitigate the deceitfulness and unethicalness of the fakery, or of passing the fake off as genuine. Nor does it mitigate the folly of someone not caring that it is a fake, and insisting that it be treated as genuine even when the fakery is known.
Imbecile, you couldn't tell the difference. Same as me. The difference between our positions is you think that person should have to use a man's bathroom and I think there should be gender neutral bathrooms.

I also can't tell a counterfeit $50 bill from a real one by looking at it, but that doesn't mean I won't be arrested if I try to buy groceries with the fake.

It's almost like reality isn't based just on appearance, or something.
I find it fascinating how the Right is always so focused on condemning other people over sex issues, specially anything beyond MF missionary. It is not enough for them to judge consenting adults, they look for anything they can possibly spin into rape, molestation, child exploitation, or other crimes. Meanwhile, the only thing that is pretty much proven to be a consistently dangerous is leaving your kid alone with a Catholic priest.
I find it fascinating how the Right is always so focused on condemning other people over sex issues, specially anything beyond MF missionary. It is not enough for them to judge consenting adults, they look for anything they can possibly spin into rape, molestation, child exploitation, or other crimes. Meanwhile, the only thing that is pretty much proven to be a consistently dangerous is leaving your kid alone with a Catholic priest.

He DID molest a kid, and it is wrong. No twisting at all. Is there a reason you can't condemn it?
Again.......................the bathroom itself did nothing wrong. The person that did the assault is what the problem is, not the bathroom.

I mean hell...................you conservatives are continually telling us that guns don't kill, it's the people that use them that kill, so the right of law abiding persons should not be infringed on.

Well, in this case, it's not the bathrooms fault that the assault took place, it's the person who used it to commit an assault that is wrong.
Again.......................the bathroom itself did nothing wrong. The person that did the assault is what the problem is, not the bathroom.

I mean hell...................you conservatives are continually telling us that guns don't kill, it's the people that use them that kill, so the right of law abiding persons should not be infringed on.

Well, in this case, it's not the bathrooms fault that the assault took place, it's the person who used it to commit an assault that is wrong.

Again, the bathroom created the opportunity. Frankly it is silly to even entertain the idea of a "gender Neutral" bathroom. Scientifically there are TWO biological genders. It is NOT bigoted to say if you have a penis PEE in the Mens room where you belong.
I find it fascinating how the Right is always so focused on condemning other people over sex issues, specially anything beyond MF missionary. It is not enough for them to judge consenting adults, they look for anything they can possibly spin into rape, molestation, child exploitation, or other crimes. Meanwhile, the only thing that is pretty much proven to be a consistently dangerous is leaving your kid alone with a Catholic priest.

He DID molest a kid, and it is wrong. No twisting at all. Is there a reason you can't condemn it?

It had absolutely nothing to do with transgender's.
Imbecile, according to you, this person should be using men's bathrooms and men's locker rooms...


If that's a boy, then he sure as Hell has no business violating the privacy and modesty of girls, even if he's made himself look like one.

If he can't deal with that, then there are always mental institutions and prisons.

And given that you are apparently so f•••ed-up in the head that you don't even know the difference between girls and boys, or at least as as easily fooled as you seem, at best, to be, where do you get off calling me or anyone else an “imbecile”? I at least, know the difference, and I understand why this difference matters, which makes me at least a few orders of magnitude more intelligent than you have any hope of ever being.

Spot the cognitive dissonance.....

"If that's a boy..."

... followed by ...

"you are apparently so f•••ed-up in the head that you don't even know the difference between girls and boys..."

.... dumbfuck, you couldn't tell the difference either. Meaning by your own definition, you're fucked up in the head.


You missed it. The point is, boys should look, and dress, and act like boys. Girls should look, and dress, and act like girls.

Saying "you couldn't tell!" shouldn't even be an issue. The only reason this is even a thing, is because of immoral deviants like the left wing, teachings insane asylum crap that "you can be what you say you want to be!". No... you can't.

If that person in the photo has an XY chromosome, then they are a boy. Period. They should dress like a boy. They should live like a boy, and they should be using the boys bathroom.

To deny that, is to be anti-science, and a disgusting deviant.
WHat we know..

The school is grades 9 - 12.
So the youngest the "child" could be would be 14.
If he was exposing himself to a 14 year old, and he is 18 - that is wrong and he should suffer for it. And the fact his face is planted all over the internet - I would say that alone will suffice.

In my honest opinion, without any back story as in was there any kind of relationship between the two before this... it was horribly irresponsible for the media to plaster this kids face everywhere. What if the girl kind of liked him and didn't mind it so much, but got caught up with the drama of #metoo after telling a friend and this kid is branded a sick fuck when maybe he really wasn't?

The main problem here...
1) WTF is wrong with people's brains to put a gender neutral bathroom in a fucking high school?? People are so damned stupid all in the name of virtue signaling. Collectively losing their minds.
2) The media for showing this kids face without knowing details is unforgivably irresponsible and indefensible.
"18-year-old Rhinelander, Wisconsin high school student Austin Sauer was arrested Thursday for fourth-degree sexual assault, child enticement, and exposing his genitals to a child inside the school's gender-neutral bathroom, according to the Oneida County Sheriff's Office.

After the incident, the school closed the gender-neutral bathroom.

Reports currently do not indicate the sex of the minor victim, but both available reports stressed that the crime occurred in a gender-neutral bathroom, indicating that the child is a girl."

18-year-old student arrested for sexually assaulting child in school's gender-neutral bathroom

^^^^^ The stench of "Progressivism".
Ya, so the progressives invented rape and sexual advancment. LOL yall are hillarious!
"18-year-old Rhinelander, Wisconsin high school student Austin Sauer was arrested Thursday for fourth-degree sexual assault, child enticement, and exposing his genitals to a child inside the school's gender-neutral bathroom, according to the Oneida County Sheriff's Office.

After the incident, the school closed the gender-neutral bathroom.

Reports currently do not indicate the sex of the minor victim, but both available reports stressed that the crime occurred in a gender-neutral bathroom, indicating that the child is a girl."

18-year-old student arrested for sexually assaulting child in school's gender-neutral bathroom

^^^^^ The stench of "Progressivism".
Ya, so the progressives invented rape and sexual advancment. LOL yall are hillarious!

Apparently you don't have any real comprehension abilities. They DID invent "Gender Neutral" bathrooms.
Hope that helps.
"18-year-old Rhinelander, Wisconsin high school student Austin Sauer was arrested Thursday for fourth-degree sexual assault, child enticement, and exposing his genitals to a child inside the school's gender-neutral bathroom, according to the Oneida County Sheriff's Office.

After the incident, the school closed the gender-neutral bathroom.

Reports currently do not indicate the sex of the minor victim, but both available reports stressed that the crime occurred in a gender-neutral bathroom, indicating that the child is a girl."

18-year-old student arrested for sexually assaulting child in school's gender-neutral bathroom

^^^^^ The stench of "Progressivism".
Ya, so the progressives invented rape and sexual advancment. LOL yall are hillarious!

Apparently you don't have any real comprehension abilities. They DID invent "Gender Neutral" bathrooms.
Hope that helps.
I think ya got it the other way around. You are blaming this on gender nuetral bathrooms while this crime has been perpetrated since the begininig of time. We all know it.
I find it fascinating how the Right is always so focused on condemning other people over sex issues, specially anything beyond MF missionary. It is not enough for them to judge consenting adults, they look for anything they can possibly spin into rape, molestation, child exploitation, or other crimes. Meanwhile, the only thing that is pretty much proven to be a consistently dangerous is leaving your kid alone with a Catholic priest.

He DID molest a kid, and it is wrong. No twisting at all. Is there a reason you can't condemn it?

It had absolutely nothing to do with transgender's.

Excepting the fact that they are the reason the victim was alone in a bathroom with him in the first place.
"18-year-old Rhinelander, Wisconsin high school student Austin Sauer was arrested Thursday for fourth-degree sexual assault, child enticement, and exposing his genitals to a child inside the school's gender-neutral bathroom, according to the Oneida County Sheriff's Office.

After the incident, the school closed the gender-neutral bathroom.

Reports currently do not indicate the sex of the minor victim, but both available reports stressed that the crime occurred in a gender-neutral bathroom, indicating that the child is a girl."

18-year-old student arrested for sexually assaulting child in school's gender-neutral bathroom

^^^^^ The stench of "Progressivism".
Ya, so the progressives invented rape and sexual advancment. LOL yall are hillarious!

Apparently you don't have any real comprehension abilities. They DID invent "Gender Neutral" bathrooms.
Hope that helps.
I think ya got it the other way around. You are blaming this on gender nuetral bathrooms while this crime has been perpetrated since the begininig of time. We all know it.

(smile) You're an intellgent one aren't you? It happened in a "Gender Neutral" bathroom. Something people like you invented. Psssst, that's what the thread is about.
WHat we know..

The school is grades 9 - 12.
So the youngest the "child" could be would be 14.
If he was exposing himself to a 14 year old, and he is 18 - that is wrong and he should suffer for it. And the fact his face is planted all over the internet - I would say that alone will suffice.

In my honest opinion, without any back story as in was there any kind of relationship between the two before this... it was horribly irresponsible for the media to plaster this kids face everywhere. What if the girl kind of liked him and didn't mind it so much, but got caught up with the drama of #metoo after telling a friend and this kid is branded a sick fuck when maybe he really wasn't?

The main problem here...
1) WTF is wrong with people's brains to put a gender neutral bathroom in a fucking high school?? People are so damned stupid all in the name of virtue signaling. Collectively losing their minds.
2) The media for showing this kids face without knowing details is unforgivably irresponsible and indefensible.

He isn't a kid. He's an adult.
"18-year-old Rhinelander, Wisconsin high school student Austin Sauer was arrested Thursday for fourth-degree sexual assault, child enticement, and exposing his genitals to a child inside the school's gender-neutral bathroom, according to the Oneida County Sheriff's Office.

After the incident, the school closed the gender-neutral bathroom.

Reports currently do not indicate the sex of the minor victim, but both available reports stressed that the crime occurred in a gender-neutral bathroom, indicating that the child is a girl."

18-year-old student arrested for sexually assaulting child in school's gender-neutral bathroom

^^^^^ The stench of "Progressivism".
Ya, so the progressives invented rape and sexual advancment. LOL yall are hillarious!

Apparently you don't have any real comprehension abilities. They DID invent "Gender Neutral" bathrooms.
Hope that helps.
I think ya got it the other way around. You are blaming this on gender nuetral bathrooms while this crime has been perpetrated since the begininig of time. We all know it.

(smile) You're an intellgent one aren't you? It happened in a "Gender Neutral" bathroom. Something people like you invented. Psssst, that's what the thread is about.
Psst , You are not writing in code! Please show some causal effect of the bathroom before trying to blame it. You realy think a sign made the difference? If so I love to play poker and would love to have you at my table. Got some land in florida for ya also.
I find it fascinating how the Right is always so focused on condemning other people over sex issues, specially anything beyond MF missionary. It is not enough for them to judge consenting adults, they look for anything they can possibly spin into rape, molestation, child exploitation, or other crimes. Meanwhile, the only thing that is pretty much proven to be a consistently dangerous is leaving your kid alone with a Catholic priest.

It is amazing, the lengths to which the left wrong will go, to defend and excuse the foulest of sexual misconduct, now even including the blatant sexual abuse of children, except when they think they can pin it on a conservative.

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