18 anti American, left wing war movies, vs. American Sniper...guess which made more money.....?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Well, as soon as we decided that allowing muslim terrorists to continually kill Americans with out responding was a bad idea......and we went to war to make them stop...the anti American Left used their minions in the entertainment wing of the democrat party to pump out anti American, anti military war films......and they all bombed.......

Then came American Sniper.....and it is on it's way to being the top grossing War film.......

Math American Sniper To Out-Gross All 18 Anti-War On Terror Films Combined - Breitbart

Over the course of about 5 years between 2004 – 2009, Hollywood produced no fewer than 18 anti-War On Terror box office bombs that defamed our country, our troops, and the righteous cause of the war against Islamic extremism. Every single one of those films bombed. The flop rate was 100%. Even Leftists stayed away in droves.

Let me pass along some settled science…

The domestic box office gross for all 18 of those films was around $300 million — or a pathetic $16 million each. My guess is that Hollywood lost somewhere around a billion — with “B” — dollars producing those box office bombs, that were designed specifically to undermine our warriors and to encourage the savage terrorists determined to kill them (and innocent Arabs and Muslims).

“American Sniper,” a single patriotic pro-troop film that portrays the war against those same terrorist barbarians as righteous, will out-gross all 18 of those anti-War On Terror films combined.

That’s science.

That’s math.

That’s a fact.

In just 10 days of wide release, director Clint Eastwood’s masterpiece has already grossed $200 million. Box Office Mojo now predicts “Sniper” will easily pass the $350 million mark and could possibly gross $400 millio
What exactly do you think "making more money" means?
Are you personally invested in the flick?

Well, as soon as we decided that allowing muslim terrorists to continually kill Americans with out responding was a bad idea

We've been responding for over 30 years, where were you?
to the op American sniper is an anti war film, most all war films are.
pro war films like G.I JOE and pearl harbor made a ton of bucks too.
to the op American sniper is an anti war film, most all war films are.
pro war films like G.I JOE and pearl harbor made a ton of bucks too.
My one issue with Pearl Harbor was the misquote, as they made the President say 'over three thousand' when in real life he said 'very many American lives have been lost'.
What exactly do you think "making more money" means?
Are you personally invested in the flick?

I would say America is getting tired of whiny ass liberals.

Bzzt. sorry, incorrect.

Here's a hint:
"Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public".

Here's another hint:
"Step right up, step right up...."

Those who do not know how marketing works are doomed to be snookered by it.
Well if it's on Breitphart then it must be true. They've never lied to the pubic before.........
What exactly do you think "making more money" means?
Are you personally invested in the flick?

I would say America is getting tired of whiny ass liberals.

Bzzt. sorry, incorrect.

Here's a hint:
"Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public".

Here's another hint:
"Step right up, step right up...."

Those who do not know how marketing works are doomed to be snookered by it.
here's another "come see the great egress"!
What exactly do you think "making more money" means?
Are you personally invested in the flick?

I would say America is getting tired of whiny ass liberals.

Bzzt. sorry, incorrect.

Here's a hint:
"Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public".

Here's another hint:
"Step right up, step right up...."

Those who do not know how marketing works are doomed to be snookered by it.

Well, the idiots who made Anti American war movies after 9/11, 18 of them about our current conflict, don't know how to make movies...let alone market them......
What exactly do you think "making more money" means?
Are you personally invested in the flick?

I would say America is getting tired of whiny ass liberals.

Bzzt. sorry, incorrect.

Here's a hint:
"Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public".

Here's another hint:
"Step right up, step right up...."

Those who do not know how marketing works are doomed to be snookered by it.

Well, the idiots who made Anti American war movies after 9/11, 18 of them about our current conflict, don't know how to make movies...let alone market them......
right and you're Stephan Spielberg...
I can pretty much guarantee you know less than jack shit about how movies are made or marketed..

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