18 anti American, left wing war movies, vs. American Sniper...guess which made more money.....?

What exactly do you think "making more money" means?
Are you personally invested in the flick?

I would say America is getting tired of whiny ass liberals.

Bzzt. sorry, incorrect.

Here's a hint:
"Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public".

Here's another hint:
"Step right up, step right up...."

Those who do not know how marketing works are doomed to be snookered by it.

Well, the idiots who made Anti American war movies after 9/11, 18 of them about our current conflict, don't know how to make movies...let alone market them......
right and you're Stephan Spielberg...
I can pretty much guarantee you know less than jack shit about how movies are made or marketed..

Hmmmm...never said I did....but I do know the anti American war movies about our fight against muslim terrorists have all been bombs...while this movie has been a success....for a guy who actually defined our enemies for what they were...savages....(and no....not all Iraqis or Afghanis.....the head choppers....).....
Probably all of them were made by liberals.

Other than Clint Eastwood, is there anyone else in Hollywood that isn't?
false! Clint is not a right winger in any sense you'd understand
He sure the hell didn't show up at any democrat convention that I've ever seen...talking to an empty chair.
what you see or don't see means jack shit..
What you know and think you know means jack shit II
But the "anti-war" crowds narratives are much more complex, nuanced, critically thought through and objective.... Lol
What exactly do you think "making more money" means?
Are you personally invested in the flick?

I would say America is getting tired of whiny ass liberals.

Bzzt. sorry, incorrect.

Here's a hint:
"Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public".

Here's another hint:
"Step right up, step right up...."

Those who do not know how marketing works are doomed to be snookered by it.

Well, the idiots who made Anti American war movies after 9/11, 18 of them about our current conflict, don't know how to make movies...let alone market them......
right and you're Stephan Spielberg...
I can pretty much guarantee you know less than jack shit about how movies are made or marketed..

Hmmmm...never said I did....but I do know the anti American war movies about our fight against muslim terrorists have all been bombs...while this movie has been a success....for a guy who actually defined our enemies for what they were...savages....(and no....not all Iraqis or Afghanis.....the head choppers....).....

The point you're making is that Fear Sells.

And you're right. Movies and TV (and before them unscrupulous newspapers, and after them unscrupulous bloggers) have always known that.

:eusa_clap: Go to the head of the class. You got it right. Finally.
Last edited:
I would say America is getting tired of whiny ass liberals.

Bzzt. sorry, incorrect.

Here's a hint:
"Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public".

Here's another hint:
"Step right up, step right up...."

Those who do not know how marketing works are doomed to be snookered by it.

Well, the idiots who made Anti American war movies after 9/11, 18 of them about our current conflict, don't know how to make movies...let alone market them......
right and you're Stephan Spielberg...
I can pretty much guarantee you know less than jack shit about how movies are made or marketed..

Hmmmm...never said I did....but I do know the anti American war movies about our fight against muslim terrorists have all been bombs...while this movie has been a success....for a guy who actually defined our enemies for what they were...savages....(and no....not all Iraqis or Afghanis.....the head choppers....).....

The point you're making is that Fear Sells.

And you're right. Movies and TV (and before them unscrupulous newspapers, and after them unscrupulous bloggers) have always known that.

:eusa_clap: Go to the head of the class. You got it right. Finally.

It's not fear that sells this movie....it is good guy vs. really, really evil guys that sells and always has....the left thinks that the bad guys have to be good guys and the good guys are actually the bad guys....
Bzzt. sorry, incorrect.

Here's a hint:
"Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public".

Here's another hint:
"Step right up, step right up...."

Those who do not know how marketing works are doomed to be snookered by it.

Well, the idiots who made Anti American war movies after 9/11, 18 of them about our current conflict, don't know how to make movies...let alone market them......
right and you're Stephan Spielberg...
I can pretty much guarantee you know less than jack shit about how movies are made or marketed..

Hmmmm...never said I did....but I do know the anti American war movies about our fight against muslim terrorists have all been bombs...while this movie has been a success....for a guy who actually defined our enemies for what they were...savages....(and no....not all Iraqis or Afghanis.....the head choppers....).....

The point you're making is that Fear Sells.

And you're right. Movies and TV (and before them unscrupulous newspapers, and after them unscrupulous bloggers) have always known that.

:eusa_clap: Go to the head of the class. You got it right. Finally.

It's not fear that sells this movie....it is good guy vs. really, really evil guys that sells and always has....the left thinks that the bad guys have to be good guys and the good guys are actually the bad guys....

You just said "it's not fear" and then proceeded to explain how it's fear. And you can't even see it.
"18 anti American, left wing war movies, vs. American Sniper...guess which made more money.....?"

Obviously you're unaware of how ridiculous this is.
Clayton....your nurses gave you back your computer privileges?
Well, the idiots who made Anti American war movies after 9/11, 18 of them about our current conflict, don't know how to make movies...let alone market them......
right and you're Stephan Spielberg...
I can pretty much guarantee you know less than jack shit about how movies are made or marketed..

Hmmmm...never said I did....but I do know the anti American war movies about our fight against muslim terrorists have all been bombs...while this movie has been a success....for a guy who actually defined our enemies for what they were...savages....(and no....not all Iraqis or Afghanis.....the head choppers....).....

The point you're making is that Fear Sells.

And you're right. Movies and TV (and before them unscrupulous newspapers, and after them unscrupulous bloggers) have always known that.

:eusa_clap: Go to the head of the class. You got it right. Finally.

It's not fear that sells this movie....it is good guy vs. really, really evil guys that sells and always has....the left thinks that the bad guys have to be good guys and the good guys are actually the bad guys....

You just said "it's not fear" and then proceeded to explain how it's fear. And you can't even see it.

again...not fear....good guys vs. bad guys.....someone standing up against really evil people....resolve, honor, courage, loyalty....sacrifice....I know you libs don't know what those words are or mean...kind of like teaching a dog math.....but trust me....those are the things the people go to see in movies not aimed at taking shots at the United States and the U.S. military......
right and you're Stephan Spielberg...
I can pretty much guarantee you know less than jack shit about how movies are made or marketed..

Hmmmm...never said I did....but I do know the anti American war movies about our fight against muslim terrorists have all been bombs...while this movie has been a success....for a guy who actually defined our enemies for what they were...savages....(and no....not all Iraqis or Afghanis.....the head choppers....).....

The point you're making is that Fear Sells.

And you're right. Movies and TV (and before them unscrupulous newspapers, and after them unscrupulous bloggers) have always known that.

:eusa_clap: Go to the head of the class. You got it right. Finally.

It's not fear that sells this movie....it is good guy vs. really, really evil guys that sells and always has....the left thinks that the bad guys have to be good guys and the good guys are actually the bad guys....

You just said "it's not fear" and then proceeded to explain how it's fear. And you can't even see it.

again...not fear....good guys vs. bad guys.....someone standing up against really evil people....resolve, honor, courage, loyalty....sacrifice....I know you libs don't know what those words are or mean...kind of like teaching a dog math.....but trust me....those are the things the people go to see in movies not aimed at taking shots at the United States and the U.S. military......

People went to see Titanic too. Doesn't mean they "agree with" the idea of drowning.

You're exactly the kind of mind media manipulators love. One that has no idea how it's being played.
Hmmmm...never said I did....but I do know the anti American war movies about our fight against muslim terrorists have all been bombs...while this movie has been a success....for a guy who actually defined our enemies for what they were...savages....(and no....not all Iraqis or Afghanis.....the head choppers....).....

The point you're making is that Fear Sells.

And you're right. Movies and TV (and before them unscrupulous newspapers, and after them unscrupulous bloggers) have always known that.

:eusa_clap: Go to the head of the class. You got it right. Finally.

It's not fear that sells this movie....it is good guy vs. really, really evil guys that sells and always has....the left thinks that the bad guys have to be good guys and the good guys are actually the bad guys....

You just said "it's not fear" and then proceeded to explain how it's fear. And you can't even see it.

again...not fear....good guys vs. bad guys.....someone standing up against really evil people....resolve, honor, courage, loyalty....sacrifice....I know you libs don't know what those words are or mean...kind of like teaching a dog math.....but trust me....those are the things the people go to see in movies not aimed at taking shots at the United States and the U.S. military......

People went to see Titanic too. Doesn't mean they "agree with" the idea of drowning.

You're exactly the kind of mind media manipulators love. One that has no idea how it's being played.

Yeah....people see Titanic for the same reason they went to see American Sniper......:laugh:
The point you're making is that Fear Sells.

And you're right. Movies and TV (and before them unscrupulous newspapers, and after them unscrupulous bloggers) have always known that.

:eusa_clap: Go to the head of the class. You got it right. Finally.

It's not fear that sells this movie....it is good guy vs. really, really evil guys that sells and always has....the left thinks that the bad guys have to be good guys and the good guys are actually the bad guys....

You just said "it's not fear" and then proceeded to explain how it's fear. And you can't even see it.

again...not fear....good guys vs. bad guys.....someone standing up against really evil people....resolve, honor, courage, loyalty....sacrifice....I know you libs don't know what those words are or mean...kind of like teaching a dog math.....but trust me....those are the things the people go to see in movies not aimed at taking shots at the United States and the U.S. military......

People went to see Titanic too. Doesn't mean they "agree with" the idea of drowning.

You're exactly the kind of mind media manipulators love. One that has no idea how it's being played.

Yeah....people see Titanic for the same reason they went to see American Sniper......:laugh:

Action. Drama. Fear and loathing, morality plays. As you yourself said, the "bad bad" guys. Cowboys and Indians/Cops and Robbers has always sold. It's bare naked psychology. Emotion sells. Always has.

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