Platinum Member
This grown ass man doesn't know the difference between an immigrant who attained legal status and a border jumper. He also bolsters his stupidity by telling the young man to "search Google".
This folks is the result of the leftist media brainwashing that is taking place. There are millions of stupid people out there and this is a prime example of a brainwashed zombie (very dangerous). After seeing thousands of unhinged brainwashed people out there (rioters) I do believe we are well on our way to a civil war. The conventions in July are going to be the launching point for this civil war.
To clarify, when I say a civil war is coming I'm not talking about the likes of which we saw in 1861, I'm talking about seversl thousand maniacs reeking havoc around the country as the GE gets under way.
The rhetoric that Trump is Hitler and racist is very very dangerous and there will be violent repurcussions.
At any rate watch this video and see how idiotic, uninformed, stupid, brainwashed and ignorant this grown ass man is. The women isn't any better.