Gen. Milley tells Woodward that Trump is "fascist to the core"

And the key here, of course, is that the flock is fine with this. No problem. Full speed ahead.

We're re-living history. Who knew.

Assuming Trump wins, I wonder if they'll finally admit it.
We already had 4 years of Trump. The only Nazis were you people. YOU are holding political prisoners without trial. We need Trump back to free them
We already had 4 years of Trump. The only Nazis were you people. YOU are holding political prisoners without trial. We need Trump back to free them
People like me? People who wrote in Liz Cheney because we can no longer stomach either major party?

Dang, I had no idea we were so powerful!

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Fascists love to massively reduce regulations and taxes on corporations.

That's the best way to control them, by controlling them less.
Generally, it's just human nature not wanting to be suppressed, whether in private or in the workplace, especially when you feel it's needless red tape and cost.
General Mi-Lee of the Chinese Red Army?

Why would anyone listen to that traitor. He had secret communication with our enemy behind the back of his superior, the Commander-in-Chief and President of the United States.

They did it because Trump is a demented sociopath who was out of control. Trump should have been removed using the 25th ammendment.

And we can thank cowards like Mitch, Lindsey & the rest of those spineless fucks if he does win. Trump will sell this Country right down the river just for revenge & MAGA will own what's coming. See how much you love him then.
Wow. All caps? Triggered a little?
No, you have to yell because you people are stupid. You have to be stunned into silence so that words can penetrate those thick skulls of yours.
Kelly says this 2 weeks before the election and not when it happened…NO OTHER WITNESSES? :auiqs.jpg: 🤡 🤡 🤡

And Kavanugh raped Blasey Ford and Trump took the wheel of the beast….that has a massive partition between the driver and the back seat.


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