13-foot-long 'Book of the Dead' scroll found in burial shaft in Egypt

Natural Citizen

American Made
Aug 8, 2016
Apparently it's a cheat sheet for reaching the afterlife. How dude...

A funerary temple belonging to Queen Nearit has been discovered in the ancient Egyptian burial ground Saqqara next to the pyramid of her husband, pharaoh Teti, who ruled Egypt from around 2323 B.C. to 2291 B.C., the Egyptian antiquities ministry said in a statement.

Made of stone, the temple has three mud-brick warehouses on its southeastern side that held offerings made to the queen and her husband.

Near the pyramid, the team of Egyptian archaeologists also found a series of burial shafts containing the remains of people who lived during the 18th and 19th dynasties of Egypt (1550 B.C. - 1186 B.C.), the ministry said in the statement, which was released Jan. 16. These burials were likely part of a Teti-worshipping cult that formed after the pharaoh's death. The cult seems to have remained active for more than a millennium, with people wanting to be buried near the pharaoh's pyramid. So far, the team has uncovered more than 50 wooden coffins in these shafts, along with a wide array of objects.

One of the most fascinating objects found in the burial shafts is a 13-foot-long (4 meters) papyrus that contains Chapter 17 of the "Book of the Dead," a manuscript that ancient Egyptians used to help guide the deceased through the afterlife. The name of the papyrus's owner, Pwkhaef, is written on it; that same name was also found on one of the wooden coffins and on four shabti figurines meant to serve the deceased in the afterlife.

Continued - 13-foot-long 'Book of the Dead' scroll found in burial shaft in Egypt
Any religious folks out there, I can point you towards way better fantasy fiction than whatever you're reading. Send me a PM.
The original bible. Written by Black people.
In stone.
Usually papyrus. Have they found the original one?

Ah. Youre talking about the hieroglyphics. I got you. i remember seeing a cross on one of the temples. Not an Ankh but a cross. Imma see if I can find it.

The original bible. Written by Black people.
Don't realize people in egypt then were whiter or know the history of Alexander the Great that followed and the GREEK inbred Ptolemy ruling line either? GEEBUS find a history book ...........that wasn't written by racists over at the BLM .
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The original bible. Written by Black people.
Don't realize people in egypt then were whiter or know the history of Alexander the Great and the GREEK inbred Ptolemy ruling line either? GEEBUS find a history book ...........that wasn't written by racists over at the BLM .

Yeah the greeks were taught by the Black people in Kmt. The greeks left zero doubt who the Egyptians were.
I hope they aren't trying to read the thing.....don't they know what happened last that was done

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