“I See No Prospects of Reconciliation. Nothing Is Left Now But to Fight It Out”

That was then. This is now. The initiation of force is immoral.
Gandhi initiated mass revolt via hunger and working strikes.

It brought the UK to their knees.

There are all kinds of ways to fight really.

Right now, the stocks of Big Tech are reeling from people boycotting them.

Corporations are becoming increasingly appendages of a particular party, but currently are mostly dominated by democrats.

That could change quickly.
That was then. This is now. The initiation of force is immoral.
Gandhi initiated mass revolt via hunger and working strikes.

It brought the UK to their knees.

There are all kinds of ways to fight really.

Right now, the stocks of Big Tech are reeling from people boycotting them.

Corporations are becoming increasingly appendages of a particular party, but currently are mostly dominated by democrats.

That could change quickly.
Your forgetting that Ghandi’s actions started a bloody revolution that ended with India splitting and hundreds of thousands dead.
That was then. This is now. The initiation of force is immoral.
Gandhi initiated mass revolt via hunger and working strikes.

It brought the UK to their knees.

There are all kinds of ways to fight really.

Right now, the stocks of Big Tech are reeling from people boycotting them.

Corporations are becoming increasingly appendages of a particular party, but currently are mostly dominated by democrats.

That could change quickly.
Your forgetting that Ghandi’s actions started a bloody revolution that ended with India splitting and hundreds of thousands dead.
Kill joy
That was then. This is now. The initiation of force is immoral.
Gandhi initiated mass revolt via hunger and working strikes.

It brought the UK to their knees.

There are all kinds of ways to fight really.

Right now, the stocks of Big Tech are reeling from people boycotting them.

Corporations are becoming increasingly appendages of a particular party, but currently are mostly dominated by democrats.

That could change quickly.

Ghandhi had the benefit of a free British press to make his tactics work. Today in Red China almost no Chinese are even aware of the Tienmen Square guy who stopped the tank. Stalin starved millins of peasants to death, with no revolts in the rest of Russia or the Soveit Union, and and Mao met almost no resistance in his mass slaughters of millions. He controlled the press, too. The same will happen here; the media is no longer anything but an extension of one political party; that's why over half the country thinks faggots aren't mentally ill and aren't a major high risk group for pedophile rapes of children, media propaganda and deliberately refusing to publish any negative stories about their pet deviants.
The initiation of force is immoral.

Force has already been initiated ...


... anything from that point on is defense.
that's why over half the country thinks faggots aren't mentally ill and aren't a major high risk group for pedophile rapes of children, media propaganda and deliberately refusing to publish any negative stories about their pet deviants.
Hyperbole doesn't gain credibility- nor does pejorative name calling- the "that's why over half the country" is a problem, for sure- but, with so much information available at one's finger tips, to just accept the opinions of talking heads (or alleged journalist) is a much bigger and deeper rooted problem- it speaks to trained ignorance- training comes from authority figures trusted to do the right thing- yet, we have a History of that not being the case- so, the alleged journalist are trained as are those who don't think for themselves- people seem to have a desire (or believed need) to be told who, what, when, where, and how by someone else and accept bullshit from professional bullshitters with a history of bullshitting, including politicians who have taken up the banner of aurhoritarian as though they are special and trained sheeple accept it- and many will even fight for it- or at least make a lot of noise with their obnoxious opinions-
For the most part if y'all want to kill liberals you'll have to go looking for trouble.
What part of "the initiation of force is immoral" do you not get?
You asked me a question about defense- then give an answer you want to see by painting with a broad brush?! Maybe you don't recognize the difference between defense and looking for trouble- I do.
What part of "the initiation of force is immoral" do you not get?
You asked me a question about defense- then give an answer you want to see by painting with a broad brush?! Maybe you don't recognize the difference between defense and looking for trouble- I do.

So what's your opinion about the right wingers that feel justified shooting leftists because "they already started it" with ANTIFA?
So what's your opinion about the right wingers that feel justified shooting leftists because "they already started it" with ANTIFA?
That's their problem- can you not read? Good lord!

What do you think about "left wingers" who are stupid and just start shit because they're stupid?

IDC about "wingers". Period. I care about liberty. Period. I care about my kids future. Period. I detest stupid people. Period. I detest stupid people with a shallow mind and superiority complex even more. I detest materialism. I despise politicians and authority figures.
Get in my face and find out how much I detest- until then, what ifs are bullshit.
That's their problem- can you not read? Good lord!

What do you think about "left wingers" who are stupid and just start shit because they're stupid?

IDC about "wingers". Period. I care about liberty. Period. I care about my kids future. Period. I detest stupid people. Period. I detest stupid people with a shallow mind and superiority complex even more. I detest materialism. I despise politicians and authority figures.
Get in my face and find out how much I detest- until then, what ifs are bullshit.

You sound very bad ass.
That was then. This is now. The initiation of force is immoral.
Should war break out how would we know who initiated force.? Seems almost a given that both sides would claim the other started it and MSM would back whoever paid them the most and winners write the histories. Is it also immoral to defend?
Hewes was a Quaker and a very wealthy man (slave owner?) owning about 400 acres in N.J. He had a lot to lose in a revolution but peer pressure brought him around to support independence. Is it supposed to have some relevance to politics in the 21st century?

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