
  1. S

    It’s our congressional leaders’ faults.

    It’s our congressional leaders’ faults. I fault the majority and the minority leaders of both congressional chambers, for their failures to bringing a vote censuring Donald Trump to the floors of their respective chambers. This is the very least they could have done and that’s without regard...
  2. georgephillip

    Should Democrats Subpoena Mike Pence?

    If there is one star witness available to Democrats in Trump's second impeachment trial, it is his loyal VP: America Needs to Hear from Mike Pence "To call the former vice president a key figure in the events preceding and during the deadly January 6th insurrection would understate the matter...
  3. J

    Madison’s view on today’s Senate Impeachment Trial ___ “tyranny”.

    In regard to the legitimacy of today’s Senate impeachment trial and Senator Leahy acting as judge, jury and prosecutor, let us never forget that Madison describes such circumstances as follows: "The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of...
  4. Billy_Bob

    Democrat Hate....

    Why are democrats the party of hatred? There has been nothing but hate from them since Trump came down the escalator. Its not limited to Democrats however, there are some republicans who have this same hatred of Donald Trump as well. What is driving this hatred? Photo credit: Redit One must...
  5. toobfreak

    The Case FOR Election Fraud!

    An interesting study on contrasts in two elections just four years apart and the divergent approaches to the SAME QUESTION. Either two diametrically different explanations are given for similar circumstances where convenient or the exact same explanations are being foisted about for entirely...
  6. Litwin

    Kremlin confident it can ride out protests, ready to use more force - sources " MOSCOW (Reuters) - The Kremlin believes it can easily ride out nationwide protests over the arrest and jailing of opposition politician...
  7. toobfreak

    2nd Impeachment Trial Now Determined To Be Continuation of the Same Political Theater As The First by David Schoen

    The process of impeachment is to charge the accused with a high crime such as treason or bribery then to let the Senate determine guilt or innocence, but David Schoen, one of Trump's lead counsel, has pointed out that the fatal flaw in this as with the first Impeachment is that the Democrats are...
  8. toobfreak

    . . . And Now For Something Refreshingly Different -- -- -- and American, circa 2017

    After watching Biden's dismal and gloomy inaugural speech the other day full of talk of a government labeling whole populations of millions of people as suspects and domestic threats to be watched, censured and stamped out of existence surrounded by battalions of troops, I thought it might be...
  9. Litwin

    U.S. condemns "russia"'s arrests of Navalny protestors

    will Biden´s administration go farther then just empty words? i mean oil - gas - bank sanctions? "U.S. condemns Russia's arrests of Navalny protestors › u-condemns-russias-arrests-navalny... 3 hours ago — The U.S. Embassy in Moscow condemned Russia for jailing Alexei...
  10. S

    Donald Trump’s shamed name.

    Donald Trump’s shamed name. When Jews hear the name “Haman”, when Norwegians hear of Quisling, when Americans hear of Benedict Arnold, it evokes their passionate hatred and sense of disgust. I expect that will be the case for the name of Trump in the United States. Even if the case against...
  11. S

    Is inciting riots against the U.S. government, treason?

    Is inciting riots against the U.S. government, treason? There’s no doubt that President Donald Trump did incite his followers to riot. Respectfully, Supposn
  12. S

    Democratic agenda.

    Democratic agenda. Congressional Democrats should be able to simultaneously chew gum and walk. Congressional members should carry out all other of both their chambers’ tasks even if the house is considering impeaching Donald Trump. Respectfully, Supposn
  13. Litwin

    BREAKING : Navalny Is Detained on Arrival (passport control at Terminal D of Moscow's Sheremetyevo Airport.)

    as i predicted, the next step : public execution of Navalny . such barbaric ulus is Muscovy ...nothing has changed since its creation in 16c .... 13 mins ago — Aleksei Navalny, Russia's most prominent opposition leader, says he will fly ... to passport control at Terminal D of Moscow's...
  14. Litwin

    Navalny Flies to Moscow, toward his death from the hands of brutal Muscovite czar Putin. Biden reaction? Fresh updates!

    what will be Biden reaction? 1) Iranian oil - gas sanctions 2) a reset with KGB (ozero) gang " Aleksei Navalny, Russia’s most prominent opposition leader, boarded a plane leaving Germany on Sunday. The Russian authorities had said they would “take all actions” "...
  15. toobfreak

    CNN Confirms That Trump Did Not Incite Capitol Riot

    First they block all court review of the election to cover up that it involved massive cheating. Next they block accounts to not allow people to even QUESTION the election. Then they vilify the President and muzzle him from speaking in his defense. Next they accuse him of inciting an...
  16. Cellblock2429

    Will Dems blame Dementia Joe for blowing up the debt with his stimulus plan, like they did Trump?

    Or will the hypocritical, two faces democRATs forget all about the debt?
  17. Street Juice

    And it's not just voter fraud

    Here's another way this election was stolen. Not long before the election, the hard drive of an abandoned laptop owned by Joe Biden’s son Hunter revealed a gigantic international corruption scheme, quite possibility involving the candidate himself. But the facts of this enormous political...
  18. J

    Listen to Trump incite supporters at the end of his “Save America March” speech

    . . Holly crap. Those are inciteful words? "So let’s walk down Pennsylvania Avenue. I want to thank you all. God bless you and God Bless America" incited a riot? Of course those words incited a riot, especially when our Fifth Column Media and their Yellow Journalist, repeatedly pounded the...
  19. J

    The big freaken MSM lie: they want to overturn the election

    . For starters, I suggest those interested in the subject, should Google “want to overturn the 2020 election” and you will probably find approximately 55,700,000 results (0.38 seconds), which is what I found. But is the charge [they want to overturn an election] really accurate as claimed by...
  20. J

    If blame is to be assigned for the Jan. 6th protest, our S.C. should be at the top of the list!

    When our Supreme Court refused to give the Texas BILL OF COMPLAINT an evidentiary hearing ___ a complaint which listed and detailed illegal election activities in four States ___ it effectively rejected that State’s right, and the people of the United States right, to a redress of grievances...
  21. S

    Congressional votes of censure.

    Congressional votes of censure. A Congressional House or Senate vote of censure has little if any legal standing within federal law. Republican and Democratic members of both chambers should as an act of bi-partisan agreements, censure President Donald Trump for the inclusions and absences of...
  22. Chuz Life

    Which is it? CDZ Poll and Discussion

    Mod note: Hot retail political topics still warring on the boards are NEVER good CDZ topics.. And there are a dozens of threads ALREADY open and active on this topic.. CDZ Rules apply. Please vote in the poll and then let's have a discussion about the EVIDENCE between these two specific...
  23. TheProgressivePatriot

    FBI: White Supremacists Plotted Attack on US Power Grid if Trump Lost the Election

    For all of the Trump-Publicans lapping up all the crazy talk about things like marshal law and disruping the convention, please know that this is the sort of thing that loose talk can and does inspire FBI: White supremacists plotted attack on US power grid ( And it is what Trump's...
  24. J

    Yes! Trump should pocket veto the Swamps’ foreigners’ first Covid relief bill

    While the good people of, e.g., Georgia, struggle under the Covid Pandemic and find thousands of businesses closing down leaving hundreds of thousands of people unemployed and unable to meet their rent and other necessities of life, our swamp creatures in Congress pass a $ 2.3 trillion Covid...
  25. EvilEyeFleegle

    Trump grants full pardon to George Papadopoulos and others

    along with many others.. . - President Donald Trump granted a full pardon on Tuesday to George Papadopoulos, a former campaign...
  26. TheProgressivePatriot

    Christian Pastor Cries And Begs God To Make Trump President Again

    Folks, it does not get any more pathetic than this! Does anyone here actually think that this guy has both oars in the water? This is just one more example of the insanity on the religious right. I am old enough to remember when Christians actually believed in the teaching of Christ. You know...
  27. Robert Urbanek

    Quantum history

    Multiple research teams have conducted experiments which seem to confirm quantum entanglement: Actions performed on one particle effect another particle even over a large distance, the “spooky action at a distance” dubbed by Albert Einstein. What if quantum entanglements reverberated to higher...
  28. georgephillip

    What if Trump Had Worn a Mask?

    Suppose "The Con" had decided his best chance at reelection required embracing mask wearing: "First, masks would have sold out nationwide within days. "Trump would have then used the Defense Production Act to fast track the manufacturing of more. "Entrepreneurs would have wasted no time...
  29. TheProgressivePatriot

    GOP gubernatorial candidate in Virginia calls on Trump to declare martial law

    This is complete insanity! What has happened to our country? People like this call themselves patriots, while at the same time engaging in dagerous rhetoric the threatens the very foundation of our republic. It is dangerous and irresponsible and suborns the idea that resorting to force is ok...
  30. Litwin

    Trump Security Adviser Cuts Trip Short for Talks on Muscovite imperial cyber attacks

    Trump Security Adviser Cuts Trip Short for Talks on Muscovite imperial cyber attacks . i am 100% sure that these 2 stories connected . Its clear that CIA successfully hacked GRU/FSB (KGB) chemical terrorists, and today´s Putin´s attack on USA is retaliation BREAKING: Pictures OF Putin´s KGB...
  31. Litwin

    BREAKING : "Russian" government spies are behind a hacking campaign that has breached U.S. agencies and a top cyber firm

    yes, Putin did it again, we need to stop the crime cartel ozero , sanction OIL - GAS !! as i wrote before : With cost of “black gold” at 15-23 dollars per barrel, the USSR economy collapsed, and the sovok itself collapsed, and the "golden" horde ("russia") budget can only be fulfilled only with...
  32. The Original Tree

    Shocking Report on Biden and Obama’s involvement with Dominion

    Not shocking that this Fraud goes clear back to Obama and the 2012 elections. That’s when all this started.
  33. TheProgressivePatriot

    Trump set to execute more inmates than any other president

    The cruelty is astounding! This is unprecedented! Even now that he is on his way out of office, he is trying to prove that he is a tough law and order guy. His motives are the same here as his motive in pushing voter fraud: To gin up his base and solidify support for a 2024 run for...
  34. Litwin

    "America Is Back In The Game": Joe Biden To World Leaders

    does it mean end for the world despots like Putin ? yes , Putin will be hanged , like the bloody dog (sadam ) was in Iraq No way, Biden will do one more reset with ozero/KGB gang " "I'm letting them know that America is back. We're going to be back in the game. It's not America alone," Biden...
  35. EvilEyeFleegle

    Ga., Mich. blow Trump’s efforts to undo election

    Well...Georgia certifies the vote--and Michigan's GOP House leaders have said they will not submit another slate of electors..and are committed to staying within the law as regards the certification process and the instructions electors are given...
  36. TheProgressivePatriot

    Stop the Steal’ Movement Will ‘Force’ States Biden Won to Send Republican Electors to Electoral College,

    Sure they will. If you read this hogwash, you will realize that they do not actually have a plan or a means to do that They are...
  37. The Original Tree

    Democracy & Justice Dying on The Vine in America

    Glenn Beck sums up exactly how I and the honest average man feels It is also why I feel as a Christian that we are in the age of prophecy where “The Mystery of Lawlessness is revealed” and are heading like a freight train in to the final Biblical prophecies as revealed in books like Isaiah...
  38. EvilEyeFleegle

    'It's just a shock': Military wife accused of voter fraud points out why GOP is wrong appears that the GOP has decided that military people are not allowed to cast their votes? The Trump campaign told Attorney General William Barr they identified more than 3,000 people who cast ballots in Nevada despite not...
  39. N

    Win a Trump Card or Fall Back to Obama-Biden Spectrum of Virus/GeneManip/TransGender/War/Islamist Terror/Ferguson+ Horrors ?

    The Recent "Come Back" of Barack Hussein Obama, serving as ...Emergency Crutches-provider to Biden's "Sleepy" Electoral Campaign, (too Often Closed into a Basement), withOut having Anything New to Propose, But Only Miserably Attempting to ...Exploit the Pandemic in order to Cowardly and UnJustly...
  40. georgephillip

    Lame Duck

    What damage could this Quacker inflict between now and January 2021? "If he is defeated on Election Day, a lame-duck President Trump could wreak havoc during the eleven weeks before inauguration day write Jeremi Suri and Jeffrey K. Tulis. "Political opponents of President Donald Trump are...

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