The big freaken MSM lie: they want to overturn the election


Gold Member
May 24, 2009

For starters, I suggest those interested in the subject, should Google “want to overturn the 2020 election” and you will probably find approximately 55,700,000 results (0.38 seconds), which is what I found. But is the charge [they want to overturn an election] really accurate as claimed by our mainstream media?

According to an article published last month, UPDATE: 21 States Now Support Texas SCOTUS Lawsuit, 42% of America to Sue 8% of America, the lawsuit merely asks the Supreme Court to hear the Texas BILL OF COMPLAINT, which basically asks if specific constitutional provisions have been violated by Defendant States, to declare that Defendant States administered the 2020 presidential election in violation of the Electors Clause and the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and grant such other relief as the Court deems just and proper.

Is this really asking to “overturn an election”, or asking that the rules of our democratic system be adhered to and enforced by our Supreme Court?

Of course, saying that someone wants to overturn the election implies they are attempting to undermine our democratic system ____ a charge which is very serious indeed ___ but wrongfully casts all those who merely seek a corruption free election ___ and an election in compliance with the protections found in our written Constitution ___ in a very bad light.

And so, our Fifth Column MSM and their Yellow Journalist, who have unjustly attacked President Trump for four long years, and those who are comfortable with ignoring the rule of law when it suites their notoriously evil political purposes, are quick to obscure the issue by falsely asserting those wanting to follow the rule of law are attacking our democratic system, and must be severely dealt with and punished.

The latest call for punishment is to “expel House Republicans” LINK who dared to question the legitimacy of the election in the Defendant States named in the Texas lawsuit.

“A first-term Democratic lawmaker, Rep. Cori Bush of Missouri, is seeking sanctions that could include a political death penalty for Republican House members who contested electoral votes sent in by states that finalized Joe Biden’s defeat of President Trump.”

I sincerely suspect that had the Supreme Court done its job, and heard the Texas case and ruled upon its particulars, and constructed an appropriate remedy, the vast majority of Trump’s 75 million voters would have accepted the court’s ruling and moved on, and today’s dangerous political environment may very well have been side-stepped.


MLK was spot on when he said . . . “A riot is the language of the unheard”.

For starters, I suggest those interested in the subject, should Google “want to overturn the 2020 election” and you will probably find approximately 55,700,000 results (0.38 seconds), which is what I found. But is the charge [they want to overturn an election] really accurate as claimed by our mainstream media?

According to an article published last month, UPDATE: 21 States Now Support Texas SCOTUS Lawsuit, 42% of America to Sue 8% of America, the lawsuit merely asks the Supreme Court to hear the Texas BILL OF COMPLAINT, which basically asks if specific constitutional provisions have been violated by Defendant States, to declare that Defendant States administered the 2020 presidential election in violation of the Electors Clause and the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and grant such other relief as the Court deems just and proper.

Is this really asking to “overturn an election”, or asking that the rules of our democratic system be adhered to and enforced by our Supreme Court?

Of course, saying that someone wants to overturn the election implies they are attempting to undermine our democratic system ____ a charge which is very serious indeed ___ but wrongfully casts all those who merely seek a corruption free election ___ and an election in compliance with the protections found in our written Constitution ___ in a very bad light.

And so, our Fifth Column MSM and their Yellow Journalist, who have unjustly attacked President Trump for four long years, and those who are comfortable with ignoring the rule of law when it suites their notoriously evil political purposes, are quick to obscure the issue by falsely asserting those wanting to follow the rule of law are attacking our democratic system, and must be severely dealt with and punished.

The latest call for punishment is to “expel House Republicans” LINK who dared to question the legitimacy of the election in the Defendant States named in the Texas lawsuit.

“A first-term Democratic lawmaker, Rep. Cori Bush of Missouri, is seeking sanctions that could include a political death penalty for Republican House members who contested electoral votes sent in by states that finalized Joe Biden’s defeat of President Trump.”

I sincerely suspect that had the Supreme Court done its job, and heard the Texas case and ruled upon its particulars, and constructed an appropriate remedy, the vast majority of Trump’s 75 million voters would have accepted the court’s ruling and moved on, and today’s dangerous political environment may very well have been side-stepped.


MLK was spot on when he said . . . “A riot is the language of the unheard”.
SC fucked the pooch. Have blood on her hands.

Guess Roberts flew to Jeffrey's island. Who knows.

For starters, I suggest those interested in the subject, should Google “want to overturn the 2020 election” and you will probably find approximately 55,700,000 results (0.38 seconds), which is what I found. But is the charge [they want to overturn an election] really accurate as claimed by our mainstream media?

According to an article published last month, UPDATE: 21 States Now Support Texas SCOTUS Lawsuit, 42% of America to Sue 8% of America, the lawsuit merely asks the Supreme Court to hear the Texas BILL OF COMPLAINT, which basically asks if specific constitutional provisions have been violated by Defendant States, to declare that Defendant States administered the 2020 presidential election in violation of the Electors Clause and the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and grant such other relief as the Court deems just and proper.

Is this really asking to “overturn an election”, or asking that the rules of our democratic system be adhered to and enforced by our Supreme Court?

Of course, saying that someone wants to overturn the election implies they are attempting to undermine our democratic system ____ a charge which is very serious indeed ___ but wrongfully casts all those who merely seek a corruption free election ___ and an election in compliance with the protections found in our written Constitution ___ in a very bad light.

And so, our Fifth Column MSM and their Yellow Journalist, who have unjustly attacked President Trump for four long years, and those who are comfortable with ignoring the rule of law when it suites their notoriously evil political purposes, are quick to obscure the issue by falsely asserting those wanting to follow the rule of law are attacking our democratic system, and must be severely dealt with and punished.

The latest call for punishment is to “expel House Republicans” LINK who dared to question the legitimacy of the election in the Defendant States named in the Texas lawsuit.

“A first-term Democratic lawmaker, Rep. Cori Bush of Missouri, is seeking sanctions that could include a political death penalty for Republican House members who contested electoral votes sent in by states that finalized Joe Biden’s defeat of President Trump.”

I sincerely suspect that had the Supreme Court done its job, and heard the Texas case and ruled upon its particulars, and constructed an appropriate remedy, the vast majority of Trump’s 75 million voters would have accepted the court’s ruling and moved on, and today’s dangerous political environment may very well have been side-stepped.


MLK was spot on when he said . . . “A riot is the language of the unheard”.
The Supreme Court did do its job by appropriately refusing to tolerate the right’s ridiculous and baseless efforts to overturn the 2020 General Election.
Other than the quote at the end, good post.
But media is always using language to conjure false impressions about non-democrats so I don’t see this instance as special.
Just another reminder that we have a large portion of our electorate who are not very bright and certainly not very curious with Pravda and the demmunists capitalizing on that.
To the point where we’ve now lost our country.
The Supreme Court did do its job by appropriately refusing to tolerate the right’s ridiculous and baseless efforts to overturn the 2020 General Election.

The Texas lawsuit was not about overturning the election. It was about a number of States violating the Electors Clause of Article II, Section 1, Clause 2, and the Fourteenth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Stop making crap up like our Fifth Column media ___ MSNBC, NEW YORK TIMES, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, WASHINGTON POST, ATLANTIC MAGAZINE, New York Daily News, Time, in addition to Facebook, Twitter ETC., and countless Yellow Journalists who are socialist revolutionaries.


When our federal judicial system ignores our written Constitution and assents to legislative acts contrary to our supreme law of the land, it not only opens the door to anarchy, but participates in such treachery.
Communists want to expell all republicans from office. They want complete one party rule. They do not want elections they want to take the decision from the people.

Ultimately removing the vote is the foundation of the war against Trump. The communists are terrified that people will vote for Trump. They must be stopped.
Communists want to expell all republicans from office. They want complete one party rule. They do not want elections they want to take the decision from the people.

Ultimately removing the vote is the foundation of the war against Trump. The communists are terrified that people will vote for Trump. They must be stopped.

The problem is our socialist/fascist revolutionaries, which now control the Democrat Party Leadership, have created a massive voting block dependent upon government cheese.


First the President is cut off from twitter, then Sen. Hawley’s book is cancelled, then the WalkAway Facebook page is taken down. . . Is it not self-evident a dangerous and un-American pattern is developing to cancel conservative speech?

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