
  1. The Original Tree

    ESG, The World Economic Forum, and Sustainable Development are Slowly Destroying Nation's Economies.

    ESG, Sustainable Development, Agenda 2030, Climate Change, Banning Petro Powered Cars, Election Fraud, Illegal Immigration, Drug Trafficking, Legalization of Drugs, Human Trafficking, The Alphabet Pedo Grooming Lobby, Transgenderism, Wokeness, CRT. Cryptocurrency, World Economic Forum. COVID 19...
  2. The Original Tree

    The Biden Regime wants to Illegally Outlaw The American Sports Car and Muscle Car

    Have you taken a look at the prices of used and new vehicles in the United States, specifically Sports and Muscle cars? Holy Inflation Batman! This is not being driven by so called supply chain issues, but is being driven by panic buying due to illegal mandates coming out of the illegitimate...

    Biden Administration Should Revisit its Stance on this Issue!

    In May 2022, the Biden administration withdrew its assistance from the normalization between Sudan and Israel, which was initiated by the Trump administration during US-Sudan negotiations that ended with removing Sudan from the terror list in December 2020. Biden administration's decision was...
  4. The Duke

    It's Over; The FBI and DOJ done messeded up bigly.

    It's over! I thought FBI had to have 2 years of law school? Apparently they have never studied precedents of former presidents and Vice Presidents taking things home with them. There are many, many listed in this court case here where the judge ruled Clinton got to keep the tapes he made: " NARA...
  5. TheGreatGatsby

    Two Years Later: Was The 2020 Presidential Election Stolen?

    Was the 2020 presidential election stolen? Here is the framework for casting your vote in the poll: 1. You decipher whether you are conservative or liberal for the sake of the poll. There is no in between. 2. You say yes or no on the election stolen. Gun to your head, you have to choose the...
  6. Cellblock2429

    BREAKING: Biden admin creates Arctic region ambassador position. No, it’s not the Onion Next time the Trump Haters call DJT stupid or that he made dumb decisions, remind them Joe wants an Ambassador to a frozen wasteland. I nominate Al Gore or John Kerry.
  7. Cellblock2429

    BREAKING: Judge Makes 'Preliminary Intent To Appoint A Special Master

    It ain’t over yet. This is the link: BREAKING: Trump Scores Major Victory Against DOJ, Judge Gives Him What He Wants A federal judge has announced his preliminary intent to appoint a special master, as requested by the attorneys for former President Donald Trump, to review documents that the FBI...
  8. TheProgressivePatriot

    Florida Lawmaker Demands State Police ‘Physically Prevent’ Federal Law Enforcement From Investigating or Arresting Trump This is insanity ! Who thinks that this is a good idea? State and Federal authorities in a physical confrontation with each other? This is...
  9. The Original Tree

    Should Garland Resign to Protect The Biden Regime?

    It's pretty clear that Garland is a political hack and based on everything I have heard, simply authorized a panty raid to make a big scene for materials that were already agreed to be handed over like most outgoing presidents usually do. Garland either took orders directly from the...
  10. S

    Department of Justice fears charging rioters for sedition

    The expenses of House hearings regarding January 6, 2021 are unjustified if our department of justice fears the political consequences of indicting any rioters for a charge of sedition. On January 6, 2021 a mob besieged the U.S. Capitol building for the purpose of delaying and possibly...
  11. Fort Fun Indiana

    Would you lie under oath to protect or to smear Trump?

    Would you lie under oath to protect Trump? (If you had info that could damage him or expose him legally, for example). Or, would you lie under oath to slander Trump? If yes to either, answer yes.
  12. S

    Biden's our truly elected president and the Democratic Party leadership behaves stupidly.

    Our U.S. Department of Justice has permitted January 6th rioters to plead guilty to crimes of trespassing, and/or damaging property, and/or assaulting law enforcing officers, without also including the charge of sedition. Biden's administration has done an injustice to our nation that encourages...
  13. SavannahMann

    Trump talks endorsing Stacy Abrams for Georgia Governor.

    The Georgia Republican Primary should be heating up. But every poll shows that the Current Governor Kemp is the odds on favorite. So long as he continues he will almost certainly win the nomination. And that is something that Donald Trump would rather not happen. He’s done several speeches about...
  14. Astrostar

    Trump the Criminal! Wow! We are talking felony here! But then again, this is a judge talking, someone expert on the law, a member of the same fraternity of judges who refused Trump's efforts to steal the 2020 election through the courts...
  15. ChemEngineer

    Science is Hard If You're a Democrat

    A woman just delivered a newborn and hears it cry out beneath her surgical coverings over her bent knees: "Doctor, is it a boy or a girl!" Doctor: "I don't know. I'm not a biologist. We'll have to wait until it's 16 or 18 to find out which of the 54 sexes it chooses to be." New Mother: "Did...
  16. JGalt

    President Trump just filed a lawsuit against Hillary over the "Russian Collusion" allegations

    Shit's fixin' to get real, yo. Case 2:22-cv-14102-XXXX Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/24/2022 Page 1 of 108 "UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA CASE NO. DONALD J. TRUMP, Plaintiff, v. HILLARY R. CLINTON, HFACC, INC., DEMOCRATIC NATIONAL COMMITTEE, DNC SERVICES...
  17. Litwin

    Famous Moscow imperialist and ex FSB colonel Girkin (Strelkov): Muscovite troops are "tied" everywhere. We cannot win without universal mobilization

    Famous Moscow imperialist and ex FSB colonel Girkin (Strelkov): Muscovite troops are "tied" everywhere. We cannot win without universal mobilization Former FSB colonel Igor Girkin was the main figure in the creation of the so-called "Donetsk People's Republic" in 2014. He was the...
  18. Litwin

    putin´s gang Bring Mobile Cremation Machines Onto Battlefield In Ukraine/ nazis-cremating-Jews-to-hide-evidence-of-their-deaths kind of chilling…

    putin´s gang Bring Mobile Cremation Machines Onto Battlefield In Ukraine I don’t know why but this is so chilling. Like, nazis-cremating-Jews-to-hide-evidence-of-their-deaths kind of chilling…
  19. Litwin

    The Muscovite Orthodox Church in Amsterdam announced its break with the Moscow NKVD Patriarchate

    The Muscovite Orthodox Church in Amsterdam announced its break with the Moscow NKVD "Patriarchate" soon we see not just collapse Moscow ulus but koba´s NKVD "Patriarchate" as well , great news ! Baron , grandpa on which side are you ?
  20. Litwin

    EXCLUSIVE Facebook allows Ukraine war posts urging violence against invading Muscovites, Putin

    Finally ! great move FB! death to the Golden Horde ! death to the occupiers ! ps Muscovites, "russians" have nothing to do with Kyiv Rus´
  21. Litwin

    Moscow warns of ‘catastrophic’ fallout if West bans oil imports

    Moscow warns of ‘catastrophic’ fallout if West bans oil imports Kremlin official threatens to cut Europe’s gas supplies and warns oil prices could top $300 per barrel in the event of a ban on Russian oil...
  22. Litwin

    BREAKING: Pentagon: Moscow so called "army" SUCKS, its Short On Morale, Supplies, Food

    BREAKING: Pentagon: Moscow so called "army" SUCKS, its Short On Morale, Supplies, Food No gas, food or supplies means no war. If you can't satisfy those 3 elements you will come to a standstill and the Ukrainians were smart enough to know that. Bravo Ukraine.......Bravo
  23. georgephillip

    SDNY "KleptoCapture Task Force and Trump?

    Many progressives believe Biden and his Attorney General have demonstrated no interest in investigating possible criminal activities by Don the Con before he became POTUS. Did Putin's invasion of Ukraine change that? U.S. launches 'KleptoCapture' task force aimed at Russian oligarchs...
  24. Litwin

    BREAKING : Italy will send machine guns, rocket launchers and ammunition to Ukraine.

    BREAKING : Italy will send machine guns, rocket launchers and ammunition to Ukraine. ONE FOR SURE MOSCOW barbarian imperialism has changed Europe forever, ...bad news not only for pootler but for China as well ) Long Live Free world death to Oriental despotism !
  25. Litwin

    Moscow Planning Post-Invasion Arrest and Assassination Campaign in Ukraine, U.S. Officials Say

    U.S. officials have reportedly obtained intelligence that Muscovy is ... planning to undertake an arrest and assassination campaign in Ukraine if it goes forth with an invasion, targeting well-known opposition members, anti-corruption activists, and Belarusian and Muscovite dissidents living in...
  26. Litwin

    Top hardline Moscow general warns Putin NOT to invade Ukraine and accuses him of a 'criminal policy of provoking a war' in rare outbreak of internal " A top retired Moscow general has...
  27. Litwin

    Moscow blink as Irish fishermen ready to block navy war games

    Moscow blink as Irish fishermen ready to block navy war games Russians blink: Irish fishermen to block navy war games moscow horde got the message , - Don't mess with the Irish.
  28. Litwin


  29. Litwin

    Ukrainian schools prepare kids for possible attack, Thank Germany for this continuing to be a threat.

    Thank Germany for this continuing to be a threat. They care for their Muscovite gas more than these children's lives. ps Im glad that more and more Ukrainians speak their native language.
  30. Litwin

    UK prepares to impose sanctions on "russian" oligarchs in event of Ukraine invasion

    somebody here wrote : "go after Putin´s dirty cash " and here we go , looks like UK parliament read us guys ) ! Great move , Long Live the Liberal Order , down with Oriental despotism. My qestion, what Pootler is gonna do in retaliation ? To Bomb Voronezh...
  31. Litwin

    War Continues! Czech Republic To Supply Ukraine With More Weapons, death to The Golden Horde !

    War Continues! Czech Republic To Supply Ukraine With More Weapons, death to The Golden Horde ! War Continues, Czech Republic To Supply Ukraine With More Weapons. The Czech Republic is historically, politically and in terms of alliances on Ukraine’s side. If Ukraine needs help, we will do our...
  32. Litwin

    When China takes back the lands stolen by Moscow ? my answer is 2-6 years , What do you think ?

    When China takes back the lands stolen by Moscow ? my answer is 2-6 years , What do you think ?
  33. Litwin

    Bad news for the Oriental Despotias " EU sues China in WTO over Lithuania blockade " The hans much like Muscovites have to know without our cash they ´ll...
  34. J

    Biden flouts Supreme Court, continues illegal catch and release

    . See: Viral video shows illegal immigrants released at the border January 26, 2022 "A new viral video shows illegal immigrants nabbed at the border in Texas being released, ferried to airports and dropped off to catch flights taking them deeper into the U.S. Bill Melugin, a Fox News...
  35. The Original Tree

    Schummer took Campaign Donations from Putin and Nordstream

    So not only did Putin purchase Biden through his influence and payments laundered through Burisma, Putin got to Chuck Schummer, and as we know, many others. Remember Kids, The...
  36. Litwin

    U.S. Military Experts "U.S. Needs ‘Actions With Backbone’ to Deter Moscow From Invading Ukraine "

    U.S. MILITARY EXPERTS "U.S. NEEDS ‘ACTIONS WITH BACKBONE’ TO DETER MOSCOW FROM INVADING UKRAINE " as I have suggested all my years here, so I was right ?
  37. Litwin

    Canada Send its Most Elite Unit to Stop MOSCOW BARBARIC Aggression, Solidarity With Ukraine!

    Stay strong Ukraine God bless them all. Canada , USA, Sweden, UK show to the oriental depots that we are still ready to die for our values , death to oriental despotism , Long Live the Liberal Order !
  38. The Original Tree

    Blacks are Right to Refuse The Vax

    Blacks are right to refuse the vax. Black Americans are the single largest demographic in The US refusing to take the vaccines and with good cause. Look what the GOV has done to them over the years. Why should anyone trust The GOV to put things in to your body, or to manage your health care...
  39. The Original Tree

    Biden snuggles up with Pooty Poot Putin

    After a long night of drinking, and gazing in to Putin's mesmerizing eyes, China Joe found himself in Putin's bed the next morning, slightly hung over and clumsily searching for his underwear. Putin comes in from his early morning jog with his pet grizzly bear, and remarks to Joe, what a...
  40. Litwin

    BREAKING: Moscow State Duma proposed to proactively hit the United States with nuclear weapons! 1 TARGET: IS STATE Nevada, ANYBODY FROM Nevada?

    ONE OF THE TARGETS: IS STATE Nevada, ANYBODY FROM Nevada IS HERE? MY 100% support to your great state and your family ! pro - Putin deputy Fedorov suggested a proactively Nuclear Strike on USA! as I said before we have to dismantle Moscow (juchi project) empire , break it the last time , and...

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