Democrat Hate....


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
Why are democrats the party of hatred? There has been nothing but hate from them since Trump came down the escalator. Its not limited to Democrats however, there are some republicans who have this same hatred of Donald Trump as well. What is driving this hatred?


Photo credit: Redit

One must simply follow the money. Its a sad analogy but it tells the whole truth. Like it or not Trump was a true Statesman in the image of Washington, Jefferson, Adams, and many other of the founding fathers. Just as the King of England hated these men, those in power today hate Trump for many of the same reasons. Trump was not beholden to any corporation or big government business. Trump talked to the common man and those left behind by the political elitist's just as the founding fathers did 250 years ago. This scared the hell out of those who think that their power could never be challenged. Many of those in power on both sides of the isle wanted the game to remain the same and a divided country was easily led to do what they wanted.

Trump was raising all ships except the big corporations and Trump was cutting the size of government. Trumps protection of the US Citizen was the first time in 90 years that someone took the side of the common man and brought back to life the middle class dreams of success. That success was not just to the middle class. That success went out to every ethnic group and every American including those who did not complete high school. Lowest unemployment in history for every ethnic group. Highest pay raise for every ethnic group. The tight control on the border raised wages and limited how many people were competing for jobs. Everything Trump did was to allow AMERICANS TO BETTER THEMSELVES.

Energy independence and becoming the world leader in almost everything, including reducing our emissions, by using our heads and our technology, was the crowning gem of making America a self sufficient and prosperous nation. And as we were lifting all boats, those who have been kept on the democrat plantation and in poverty, realized what had been happening. Democrats and those wanting to return to the status quo were desperate to keep American's from realizing the power they had and that every item that the left was using to divide us was a lie. They found pride in having jobs again and making their own way, without the government dictating every step.

Every riot that ANTIFA and BLM created was from the model of division. The whole point was to keep our citizens so engulfed in hate that they could not see they were being manipulated, keeping them from seeing the truth about what the division was doing to them. Trump caused great fear in the elitist's because their profits were now back in line and they were not living off the backs of every American kept in poverty.

In summary, the hate is due to the loss of power. The loss of control over the populace. The populace becoming self sufficient and no longer needing big government or big corporations to survive and thrive. The reason they hate Trump is because he is a statesman who put WE THE PEOPLE before the big government control monster that is bought and paid for by big corporations. The evidence to prove this is in the 44 executive orders that Biden has made. Everything done to make the people self sufficient, safe and America proud has been ordered stopped. The internet has been censored by BIG TECH at the direction of those wanting power back.

America First has again become America Last...
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If you look at the Never Trump group of people they too are people who derive their power from big government and big corporations. The hate from these people comes from the same place as does the hate from democrats.

Its saddens me that people are so easily led to slaughter..

Trump was bringing people together as one cohesive group through equal ability to prosper and gain. This frightened the people who want control, made them rabid. IF we as American's figured out that the division was a lie and people worked together, democrats and big corps would never win another election..

For these people they saw this as a matter of life and death... The ends justified the means to stop Trump.. IMHO the virus and the election fraud are all means that they saw as justified.
Taday's democrat party consists of the globalists and technocrats convincing the dregs of society that other peope are responsibe for their lack of sef-worth. The hatred is a product of the manipulation and is based upon envy and a fase sense they have been denied something.
That is an interesting perspective. The DNC is a NWO globalist group who see's our US Constitution as an obstacle to their power and control. Biden is destroying our independence and sovereignty from them and trying very hard to put us back under the thumb of the UN. I don't think self-worth is the problem. I think it is pure greed, control over others, and power that they crave.
Taday's democrat party consists of the globalists and technocrats convincing the dregs of society that other peope are responsibe for their lack of sef-worth. The hatred is a product of the manipulation and is based upon envy and a fase sense they have been denied something.
That is an interesting perspective. The DNC is a NWO globalist group who see's our US Constitution as an obstacle to their power and control. Biden is destroying our independence and sovereignty from them and trying very hard to put us back under the thumb of the UN. I don't think self-worth is the problem. I think it is pure greed, control over others, and power that they crave.

The lack of self worth comment relates to the sheeple they manipuate, and not the globalists.
Taday's democrat party consists of the globalists and technocrats convincing the dregs of society that other peope are responsibe for their lack of sef-worth. The hatred is a product of the manipulation and is based upon envy and a fase sense they have been denied something.
That is an interesting perspective. The DNC is a NWO globalist group who see's our US Constitution as an obstacle to their power and control. Biden is destroying our independence and sovereignty from them and trying very hard to put us back under the thumb of the UN. I don't think self-worth is the problem. I think it is pure greed, control over others, and power that they crave.

The lack of self worth comment relates to the sheeple they manipuate, and not the globalists.
IF you beat someone down enough their self-worth is gone and makes them very susceptible to brain washing and doing things that are against their own best interests.. So we agree on this point..
Why are democrats the party of hatred? There has been nothing but hate from them since Trump came down the escalator. Its not limited to Democrats however, there are some republicans who have this same hatred of Donald Trump as well. What is driving this hatred?

View attachment 454476
Photo credit: Redit

One must simply follow the money. Its a sad analogy but it tells the whole truth. Like it or not Trump was a true Statesman in the image of Washington, Jefferson, Adams, and many other of the founding fathers. Just as the King of England hated these men, those in power today hate Trump for many of the same reasons. Trump was not beholden to any corporation or big government business. Trump talked to the common man and those left behind by the political elitist's just as the founding fathers did 250 years ago. This scared the hell out of those who think that their power could never be challenged. Many of those in power on both sides of the isle wanted the game to remain the same and a divided country was easily led to do what they wanted.

Trump was raising all ships except the big corporations and Trump was cutting the size of government. Trumps protection of the US Citizen was the first time in 90 years that someone took the side of the common man and brought back to life the middle class dreams of success. That success was not just to the middle class. That success went out to every ethnic group and every American including those who did not complete high school. Lowest unemployment in history for every ethnic group. Highest pay raise for every ethnic group. The tight control on the border raised wages and limited how many people were competing for jobs. Everything Trump did was to allow AMERICANS TO BETTER THEMSELVES.

Energy independence and becoming the world leader in almost everything, including reducing our emissions, by using our heads and our technology, was the crowning gem of making America a self sufficient and prosperous nation. And as we were lifting all boats, those who have been kept on the democrat plantation and in poverty, realized what had been happening. Democrats and those wanting to return to the status quo were desperate to keep American's from realizing the power they had and that every item that the left was using to divide us was a lie. They found pride in having jobs again and making their own way, without the government dictating every step.

Every riot that ANTIFA and BLM created was from the model of division. The whole point was to keep our citizens so engulfed in hate that they could not see they were being manipulated, keeping them from seeing the truth about what the division was doing to them. Trump caused great fear in the elitist's because their profits were now back in line and they were not living off the backs of every American kept in poverty.

In summary, the hate is due to the loss of power. The loss of control over the populace. The populace becoming self sufficient and no longer needing big government or big corporations to survive and thrive. The reason they hate Trump is because he is a statesman who put WE THE PEOPLE before the big government control monster that is bought and paid for by big corporations. The evidence to prove this is in the 44 executive orders that Biden has made. Everything done to make the people self sufficient, safe and America proud has been ordered stopped. The internet has been censored by BIG TECH at the direction of those wanting power back.

America First has again become America Last...

I think you are partially correct. However, I also know it goes much deeper than the reasons you have elucidated. From a more spiritual and moral standpoint, perhaps, one must view the sudden mass hatred of Donald J. Trump as something else, entirely. I believe to this day that whatever hive mind of pure evil controls the Democratic Party, its voters and many RHINO republicans was terrified Trump was THE ONE. Take that to mean whatever you like. However, and even though Trump turned out not to be THE ONE, he sure as Hell put the fear of God into the godless that he might have been.

Trump almost immediately came to represent a savior of sorts for millions of Americans while simultaneously striking fear in the hearts of all the evil motherfuckers out there that he could be that guy come back to chew bubble gum and kick ass and was all out of bloody bubble gum. It is a very difficult thing to explain.

See, any pure force of good manifested in a flawed human being scares and always has, the shit out of vile, evil people. Why? Because in a truly good person they see someone who is not vulnerable to be being bought off, corrupted—someone who is what they always wanted to be like but were too weak to become. A truly good person terrifies them more than anything else and is someone they must hate more than anyone or any thing else. A truly good person is just like sunlight to a vampire to the masses of evil bastards out there.

This is also why they so despised Trump.
Why are democrats the party of hatred? There has been nothing but hate from them since Trump came down the escalator. Its not limited to Democrats however, there are some republicans who have this same hatred of Donald Trump as well. What is driving this hatred?

View attachment 454476
Photo credit: Redit

One must simply follow the money. Its a sad analogy but it tells the whole truth. Like it or not Trump was a true Statesman in the image of Washington, Jefferson, Adams, and many other of the founding fathers. Just as the King of England hated these men, those in power today hate Trump for many of the same reasons. Trump was not beholden to any corporation or big government business. Trump talked to the common man and those left behind by the political elitist's just as the founding fathers did 250 years ago. This scared the hell out of those who think that their power could never be challenged. Many of those in power on both sides of the isle wanted the game to remain the same and a divided country was easily led to do what they wanted.

Trump was raising all ships except the big corporations and Trump was cutting the size of government. Trumps protection of the US Citizen was the first time in 90 years that someone took the side of the common man and brought back to life the middle class dreams of success. That success was not just to the middle class. That success went out to every ethnic group and every American including those who did not complete high school. Lowest unemployment in history for every ethnic group. Highest pay raise for every ethnic group. The tight control on the border raised wages and limited how many people were competing for jobs. Everything Trump did was to allow AMERICANS TO BETTER THEMSELVES.

Energy independence and becoming the world leader in almost everything, including reducing our emissions, by using our heads and our technology, was the crowning gem of making America a self sufficient and prosperous nation. And as we were lifting all boats, those who have been kept on the democrat plantation and in poverty, realized what had been happening. Democrats and those wanting to return to the status quo were desperate to keep American's from realizing the power they had and that every item that the left was using to divide us was a lie. They found pride in having jobs again and making their own way, without the government dictating every step.

Every riot that ANTIFA and BLM created was from the model of division. The whole point was to keep our citizens so engulfed in hate that they could not see they were being manipulated, keeping them from seeing the truth about what the division was doing to them. Trump caused great fear in the elitist's because their profits were now back in line and they were not living off the backs of every American kept in poverty.

In summary, the hate is due to the loss of power. The loss of control over the populace. The populace becoming self sufficient and no longer needing big government or big corporations to survive and thrive. The reason they hate Trump is because he is a statesman who put WE THE PEOPLE before the big government control monster that is bought and paid for by big corporations. The evidence to prove this is in the 44 executive orders that Biden has made. Everything done to make the people self sufficient, safe and America proud has been ordered stopped. The internet has been censored by BIG TECH at the direction of those wanting power back.

America First has again become America Last...

I think you are partially correct. However, I also know it goes much deeper than the reasons you have elucidated. From a more spiritual and moral standpoint, perhaps, one must view the sudden mass hatred of Donald J. Trump as something else, entirely. I believe to this day that whatever hive mind of pure evil controls the Democratic Party, its voters and many RHINO republicans was terrified Trump was THE ONE. Take that to mean whatever you like. However, and even though Trump turned out not to be THE ONE, he sure as Hell put the fear of God into the godless that he might have been.

Trump almost immediately came to represent a savior of sorts for millions of Americans while simultaneously striking fear in the hearts of all the evil motherfuckers out there that he could be that guy come back to chew bubble gum and kick ass and was all out of bloody bubble gum. It is a very difficult thing to explain.

See, any pure force of good manifested in a flawed human being scares and always has, the shit out of vile, evil people. Why? Because in a truly good person they see someone who is not vulnerable to be being bought off, corrupted—someone who is what they always wanted to be like but were too weak to become. A truly good person terrifies them more than anything else and is someone they must hate more than anyone or any thing else. A truly good person is just like sunlight to a vampire to the masses of evil bastards out there.

This is also why they so despised Trump.
I had not addressed the religious component of the Trump Hatred. Trump is an imperfect man and he admitted it. This ability to be forthright and not lie scares those who live by deception and lies. Trump was supported by the religious because he was truthful. This is also why the left is going great lengths to make him out to be a liar. They must take away the coalition that he has form from being truthful.

The left does not understand why they embrace him. The Bible is clear the "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" and "all your good works are as if dirty rags". They can't figure out how any man can be redeemed and allowed to lead all while being imperfect.

What the left tries to do is marginalize a person and God fearing men and woman do not judge. This allows them to allow God to choose who we need in our leaders.
Both parties are haters who cry victim when nothing else is working for them. The only difference between a black democratic person screaming racism and white republican Christian screaming persecution is that the black person will actually try to do something about it.

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