
  1. deanrd

    Does anyone believe we will get an infrastructure package passed?

    Does anyone believe we will get an infrastructure package? We had enough money to give trillions in tax cuts to millionaires under Bush. We had enough to give trillions in tax cuts to needy billionaires under Trump . We simply don’t have any money left over to spend on this country. I...
  2. toobfreak

    Trump Fights Back

    The Trump Family sues banks to stop the new mauler investigation by the Democrats to continue to criminally maul through the president's personal life in search of something to use against him politically after their famous Mueller "investigation" failed. Now the errant Democrats abuse the...
  3. deanrd

    Congratulations! President Trump passed 10,000!

    Washington Post fact-checker says Trump has 'now hit 10,000' lies as president Kessler noted that Trump's rate of saying false or misleading statements have picked up recently, alleging the president had made 171 such statements in the previous three days. Kessler alleges Trump made 45 false...
  4. deanrd

    Who will be Trump's voters in the next election?

    Trump's returning voters in the next election: Billionaires Multi Millionaires People who didn't lose their job and got at least a small raise and still have healthcare The Alt White and other white nationalists Trump's new voters: Not sure. Can't think of any. -------- Who will vote for...
  5. georgephillip

    Trump, Russia, and November 2020

    "Kirstjen Nielsen, the former homeland security secretary, tried to raise the issue of potential interference in the 2020 election, but was told not to mention it in front of President Trump." If anyone still finds the FBI a credible for source for counterintelligence information, they should...
  6. deanrd

    Will Hillary Clinton make an audiobook of the Mueller report?

    Will Hillary Clinton make an audiobook of the Mueller report? Possibly Yes . Hillary Clinton reads parts of Mueller report out loud "The investigation established that the Russian government perceived it would benefit from a Trump presidency," Clinton said, leading Klepper to urge Clinton to...
  7. deanrd

    You guys do understand that Trump is forcing Democrats to begin impeachment proceedings? Right?

    The Republicans rushed to impeach Bill Clinton. The Starr Report was released in full and unredacted and right after that, they impeached Bill Clinton in the house without even a hearing first. Just the vote. Even though we know Trump is an unindicted co-conspirator in multiple felonies and...
  8. JGalt

    Trump to send armed troops to border after incident with Mexican soldiers

    Apparently the U.S. troops who were bushwacked by those Mexican soldiers were only carrying sidearms. "Following an incident involving a pair of lightly armed U.S. soldiers and a squad of more heavily-armed Mexican troops in Texas earlier this month, POTUS Donald Trump announced Wednesday that...
  9. deanrd

    Taking down the FBI, is that the GOP’s next big target?

    Taking down the FBI, is that the GOP’s next big target? FBI Director Touts Record Job Applications Despite Bashing of Bureau From the title, it sounds all good. But, is it? The FBI was asked if they have recruiting problems after all the terrible things Trump and the Republicans have been...
  10. deanrd

    Are Republicans setting us up for a Sri Lanka type attack here?

    Are Republicans setting us up for a Sri Lanka type attack here? Hundreds of people killed and 500 people injured. Coordinated attacks. The intelligence community not having even a clue that this is going to happen. The republican president trusts despot and murderer Vladimir Putin over...
  11. deanrd

    Could Donald Trump be successfully primaried before the next election?

    Maybe. 18 state are introducing legislation that any Presidential candidate must release their tax returns to appear on the ballot. States Move To Require Presidential Candidate Tax Returns Remember, the states decide how to vote. It's in our constitution. States Rights. And as far as I...
  12. deanrd

    United Constitutional Patriots investigated for targeting Obama, Hilary and Soros for assassination

    Alleged Leader Of Border Militia Facing Federal Firearms Charges In New Mexico A criminal complaint filed by the FBI states that Hopkins, also known as Johnny Horton Jr., was in possession of nine firearms and ammunition in his northern New Mexico home in Nov. 2017. He had three prior felony...
  13. TheProgressivePatriot

    U.S. Supreme Court Grants Review in Three LGBTQ Employment Discrimination Lawsuits

    The Trump administration declared that a landmark federal law doesn't protect LGBT employees from workplace discrimination This should be real interesting given the change in complexion of the supreme court since the appointment of two new Justices by trump-the first changes since Windsor and...
  14. deanrd

    Trump Fed pick Stephen Moore called it a 'travesty' that women 'feel free' to play sports with men

    Trump Fed pick Stephen Moore called it a 'travesty' that women 'feel free' to play sports with men "Here's the rule change I propose: No more women refs, no women announcers, no women beer venders, no women anything," he wrote in March 2002. "There is, of course, an exception to this rule...
  15. georgephillip

    Trump Sues to Block Release of his Financials

    Why Is Trump So Worried About His Finances Going Public? – Rolling Stone "On Monday, the president went so far as to sue House Oversight Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings (D-MD), as well as his own accounting firm, in an attempt to block a subpoena of Trump’s accounting firm...." "Cummings...
  16. deanrd

    Trump lingers on damning report. Are we seeing evidence of the "Ultimate" Snowflake?

    From 'total exoneration' to 'total bullsh**': Trump lingers on damning report Instead of the "total exoneration" Trump had proclaimed earlier, the report portrayed the President as deceitful and paranoid, encouraging his aides to withhold the truth and cross ethical lines in an attempt to...
  17. deanrd

    Republicans Weaponized the house against Obama. Now Democrats will use those weapons.

    Republicans Weaponized the house against Obama. Now Democrats will use those weapons. Subpoenas under Rep. Issa top 100 By 2014 Republicans had already served the Obama administration over 100 subpoenas. Oversight Republicans Block Six More Subpoenas for a Total of 52 Motions Denied...
  18. The Original Tree

    ISIS member tasked with 'bringing in migrants'

    The Next 911 Is Being Planned As We Speak! I have been telling people this. ICE and Border Patrol have been telling you they are capturing people on Terrorist Watch Lists at our Border. They so called Refugee Crisis, Caravans, Asylum Seekers, and Lax Border Policies and weak Immigration...
  19. The Original Tree

    Sanctuary Status is a State & Local Program, and needs to be funded by State & Local Resources.

    This will eventually be the finding in Federal Court when Sanctuary Status for Cities and States is Challenged and appealed to the Supreme Court. The Federal Government does not Recognize nor does it have Sanctuary Status Programs. States and Cities are required to abide by Federal...
  20. The Original Tree

    Comey, Clapper & Brennan could get 300 Years in Prison!

    Avenatti, once the number one candidate for The Democrat Party Nomination Will now NEVER BE PRESIDENT and neither will the above mentioned criminals. All 4 have something in common. They all thought they were above the law, and they are all in jeopardy for spending the rest of their lives in...
  21. protectionist

    Trump Must Enact CITIZENSHIP Voter ID Before 2020 Election

    The Republicans could be facing a catastrophe in 2020, if they don't some up with an airtight system to stop illegal alien and other non-citizen voting. The Mexican border isn't being deluged by accident, with migrants trying to get into the US. Leftist schemers are behind all these caravans...
  22. Litwin

    Sudan´s dictator is out, who is next on the line Putler, Maduro, Assad or Trump?

    my congratulations !! Sudan´s dictator is out, who is next on the line Putler, Maduro, Assad or Trump? my top 4 1) Maduro 2) Grandpa Botox (pynia, Putler) 3) Assad 4) Trump what do you think ? Africa Live: Sudan waits as coup rumours grow
  23. georgephillip

    Will Republicans Make 2020 About Trump's Integrity?

    How many Senate Republicans will stake their electoral futures on the honesty of Donald Trump and his family members? These are the senators facing re-election fights in 2020 - CNNPolitics "Democrats faced a more challenging Senate map in 2018 than Republicans, in part because they had more...
  24. deanrd

    There is no underlying crime for obstruction of justice against Donald Trump.

    There is no underlying crime for obstruction of justice against Donald Trump. The thing is that there really aren’t that many laws against a president working with foreign adversary against the best interest of America. Because we never thought that we could have a traitor in the White...
  25. deanrd

    AOC or the P*rn Star President? Who will damage the Republican Party the most?

    Republicans are freaking out so much about this one young lady, they actually believe she wants to take away your hamburger and ice cream and stop having kids. Republicans actually believe that nonsense. I know, I know, it's hard to believe, but they actually believe that. You can actually...
  26. deanrd

    Trump builds makeshift concentration camps behind barbed wire under bridges.

    FACT CHECK: Did the Trump Administration House Undocumented Immigrants Under a Bridge in El Paso? undocumented immigrants held under a bridge in El Paso, Texas ---- WASHINGTON, D.C. — Children wrap themselves up with Mylar blankets to ‘symbolically represent the thousands of children...
  27. deanrd

    Told you so. Attorney General William Barr is in full panic mode.

    I told you. Under Clinton, the Attorney General handed over the info without comment for the House to review. Under Nixon, the Attorney General handed over the info without comment for the House to review. Under Trump, the Attorney General appointed by Trump tells us don't worry about it...
  28. DOTR

    THIS is their excuse?

    Reporters don’t investigate...they just repeat what they have been told to repeat? Via:cernovich

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