Lame Duck


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2009
Los Angeles, California
What damage could this Quacker inflict between now and January 2021?

"If he is defeated on Election Day, a lame-duck President Trump could wreak havoc during the eleven weeks before inauguration day write Jeremi Suri and Jeffrey K. Tulis.

"Political opponents of President Donald Trump are rightly worried that he will not concede defeat but will use the period between Election Day and the meeting of the Electoral College on December 14 to subvert the counting of ballots, resorting to intensive litigation to remain in power.

"The president has reportedly said as much himself, and some of his surrogates have been frank about the strategy."

How a lame-duck Trump could imperil the United States, and what Congress can do to stop him.

Don-the-Con has much to lose (including his freedom) if Biden wins.
Trump has also never been shy of litigation.
He and his businesses have been involved in 3500 legal cases, more legal disputes than Edward J. DeBartolo, Donald Bren, Stephen M. Ross, Sam Zell, and Larry Silverstein combined.

Stay tuned.:eek:

Legal affairs of Donald Trump - Wikipedia
What damage could this Quacker inflict between now and January 2021?

"If he is defeated on Election Day, a lame-duck President Trump could wreak havoc during the eleven weeks before inauguration day write Jeremi Suri and Jeffrey K. Tulis.

"Political opponents of President Donald Trump are rightly worried that he will not concede defeat but will use the period between Election Day and the meeting of the Electoral College on December 14 to subvert the counting of ballots, resorting to intensive litigation to remain in power.

"The president has reportedly said as much himself, and some of his surrogates have been frank about the strategy."

How a lame-duck Trump could imperil the United States, and what Congress can do to stop him.

Don-the-Con has much to lose (including his freedom) if Biden wins.
Trump has also never been shy of litigation.
He and his businesses have been involved in 3500 legal cases, more legal disputes than Edward J. DeBartolo, Donald Bren, Stephen M. Ross, Sam Zell, and Larry Silverstein combined.

Stay tuned.:eek:

Legal affairs of Donald Trump - Wikipedia
Arrest all people involved in voter fraud in Michigan and Pennsylvania?? Not sure if there is enough room in the jails.
What damage could this Quacker inflict between now and January 2021?

"If he is defeated on Election Day, a lame-duck President Trump could wreak havoc during the eleven weeks before inauguration day write Jeremi Suri and Jeffrey K. Tulis.

"Political opponents of President Donald Trump are rightly worried that he will not concede defeat but will use the period between Election Day and the meeting of the Electoral College on December 14 to subvert the counting of ballots, resorting to intensive litigation to remain in power.

"The president has reportedly said as much himself, and some of his surrogates have been frank about the strategy."

How a lame-duck Trump could imperil the United States, and what Congress can do to stop him.

Don-the-Con has much to lose (including his freedom) if Biden wins.
Trump has also never been shy of litigation.
He and his businesses have been involved in 3500 legal cases, more legal disputes than Edward J. DeBartolo, Donald Bren, Stephen M. Ross, Sam Zell, and Larry Silverstein combined.

Stay tuned.:eek:

Legal affairs of Donald Trump - Wikipedia
The thread highjacker from Langley is at it again,still even more proof George’s account has been highjacked,the real george Phillips did not have an obsession with trump as this imposter does and he always talked about how corrupt Obama he was objective in how both parties are corrupt and one in the same so the real George would have been giving equal time to slamming Biden as much as trump.
What damage could this Quacker inflict between now and January 2021?

"If he is defeated on Election Day, a lame-duck President Trump could wreak havoc during the eleven weeks before inauguration day write Jeremi Suri and Jeffrey K. Tulis.

"Political opponents of President Donald Trump are rightly worried that he will not concede defeat but will use the period between Election Day and the meeting of the Electoral College on December 14 to subvert the counting of ballots, resorting to intensive litigation to remain in power.

"The president has reportedly said as much himself, and some of his surrogates have been frank about the strategy."

How a lame-duck Trump could imperil the United States, and what Congress can do to stop him.

Don-the-Con has much to lose (including his freedom) if Biden wins.
Trump has also never been shy of litigation.
He and his businesses have been involved in 3500 legal cases, more legal disputes than Edward J. DeBartolo, Donald Bren, Stephen M. Ross, Sam Zell, and Larry Silverstein combined.

Stay tuned.:eek:

Legal affairs of Donald Trump - Wikipedia
The thread highjacker from Langley is at it again,still even more proof George’s account has been highjacked,the real george Phillips did not have an obsession with trump as this imposter does and he always talked about how corrupt Obama he was objective in how both parties are corrupt and one in the same so the real George would have been giving equal time to slamming Biden as much as trump.
Will you SOB like a SNOWFLAKE when Trump loses?

What damage could this Quacker inflict between now and January 2021?

"If he is defeated on Election Day, a lame-duck President Trump could wreak havoc during the eleven weeks before inauguration day write Jeremi Suri and Jeffrey K. Tulis.

"Political opponents of President Donald Trump are rightly worried that he will not concede defeat but will use the period between Election Day and the meeting of the Electoral College on December 14 to subvert the counting of ballots, resorting to intensive litigation to remain in power.

"The president has reportedly said as much himself, and some of his surrogates have been frank about the strategy."

How a lame-duck Trump could imperil the United States, and what Congress can do to stop him.

Don-the-Con has much to lose (including his freedom) if Biden wins.
Trump has also never been shy of litigation.
He and his businesses have been involved in 3500 legal cases, more legal disputes than Edward J. DeBartolo, Donald Bren, Stephen M. Ross, Sam Zell, and Larry Silverstein combined.

Stay tuned.:eek:

Legal affairs of Donald Trump - Wikipedia
The thread highjacker from Langley is at it again,still even more proof George’s account has been highjacked,the real george Phillips did not have an obsession with trump as this imposter does and he always talked about how corrupt Obama he was objective in how both parties are corrupt and one in the same so the real George would have been giving equal time to slamming Biden as much as trump.
Will you SOB like a SNOWFLAKE when Trump loses?

Uh unlike you biden loving trolls,I will be able to accept it mr imposter.I won’t be protesting carrying signs in the streets as you hitlery lovers did when trump won. :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: You biden fans have whined on and on for four years now with your butthurt over trumps election. I have noticed that trump haters here at this site,have whined five times more often in just four short years than the trump supporters ever did in the 8 years obama was in office.:laughing0301::auiqs.jpg:

that’s because they are like me,when Obama got re-elected and I did not get the man I wanted in office for potus Ron Paul,I was bummed out about it for a week or two but then I got over it and got on with my life and moved on and accepted it. :uhoh3:

I did not make thread after thread about it for years as you Biden loving trolls have done for the past four I did not make threads just a few days before and after the election whining about who will win the trolls can’t accept defeat and move on as I did when Ron paul did not elected as I wanted him to.:uhoh3:
What damage could this Quacker inflict between now and January 2021?

"If he is defeated on Election Day, a lame-duck President Trump could wreak havoc during the eleven weeks before inauguration day write Jeremi Suri and Jeffrey K. Tulis.

"Political opponents of President Donald Trump are rightly worried that he will not concede defeat but will use the period between Election Day and the meeting of the Electoral College on December 14 to subvert the counting of ballots, resorting to intensive litigation to remain in power.

"The president has reportedly said as much himself, and some of his surrogates have been frank about the strategy."

How a lame-duck Trump could imperil the United States, and what Congress can do to stop him.

Don-the-Con has much to lose (including his freedom) if Biden wins.
Trump has also never been shy of litigation.
He and his businesses have been involved in 3500 legal cases, more legal disputes than Edward J. DeBartolo, Donald Bren, Stephen M. Ross, Sam Zell, and Larry Silverstein combined.

Stay tuned.:eek:

Legal affairs of Donald Trump - Wikipedia
The thread highjacker from Langley is at it again,still even more proof George’s account has been highjacked,the real george Phillips did not have an obsession with trump as this imposter does and he always talked about how corrupt Obama he was objective in how both parties are corrupt and one in the same so the real George would have been giving equal time to slamming Biden as much as trump.
Will you SOB like a SNOWFLAKE when Trump loses?

We all know what YOU will do once Biden loses,your handlers at Langley will tell you all to go out and start looting and rioting and burning down buildings.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301:
What damage could this Quacker inflict between now and January 2021?

"If he is defeated on Election Day, a lame-duck President Trump could wreak havoc during the eleven weeks before inauguration day write Jeremi Suri and Jeffrey K. Tulis.

"Political opponents of President Donald Trump are rightly worried that he will not concede defeat but will use the period between Election Day and the meeting of the Electoral College on December 14 to subvert the counting of ballots, resorting to intensive litigation to remain in power.

"The president has reportedly said as much himself, and some of his surrogates have been frank about the strategy."

How a lame-duck Trump could imperil the United States, and what Congress can do to stop him.

Don-the-Con has much to lose (including his freedom) if Biden wins.
Trump has also never been shy of litigation.
He and his businesses have been involved in 3500 legal cases, more legal disputes than Edward J. DeBartolo, Donald Bren, Stephen M. Ross, Sam Zell, and Larry Silverstein combined.

Stay tuned.:eek:

Legal affairs of Donald Trump - Wikipedia
The thread highjacker from Langley is at it again,still even more proof George’s account has been highjacked,the real george Phillips did not have an obsession with trump as this imposter does and he always talked about how corrupt Obama he was objective in how both parties are corrupt and one in the same so the real George would have been giving equal time to slamming Biden as much as trump.
Will you SOB like a SNOWFLAKE when Trump loses?

We all know what YOU will do once Biden loses,your handlers at Langley will tell you all to go out and start looting and rioting and burning down buildings.:laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::laughing0301::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::laughing0301:
I’m glad you agree with me that is indeed hysterical that you will do that. :up: :abgg2q.jpg:
"In the midst of a killer pandemic and mass unemployment, the Democrats could have offered the nation a universal health care plan, a moratorium on evictions and a guaranteed basic income.

"Instead, they believed that the key to victory over Trump was to meld neoliberal economics with a neoconservative foreign policy.

"I don’t know where they got this idea.

"Probably, the same place Obama got his health insurance plan, the Heritage Foundation.

"+ The Democrats’ candidate voted for the Iraq war, NAFTA, the destruction of welfare, helped instigate the war on drugs, wrote federal crime laws that incarcerated two generations of young black & brown Americans and has preached austerity his entire political career.

"I’m not surprised by the inconclusive results of an election which should have been a sure thing."

Roaming Charges: The Fuck Up -
Hopefully three more Supreme Court appointments.
Before January 21st?o_O
The Progs did their damage as lame ducks in 2010. They even expanded the Patriot Act and made Homeland Security more powerful. The Repub Senate needs to get every Judge possible. And then be pure stonewall for the Prog President in January if still in power. Executive Orders are the way to go. Biden...bwhahhaaaa!
What needs to be done by the Senate is to get Covid relief passed.

Is that a possibility at this point?

Who knows

As far as the damage Trump can do on his way out the door...the people around him have to realize that THEY will be held responsible for what he does...and that includes the Senate

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