
  1. The Original Tree

    Vote For Biggest Democrat Lies in the last few years

    We all know that Democrats Lie and have taken their blueprints for gaining total political power from Nazi Germany, The Soviet Union, and books like Rules for Radicals, and Mein Kampf. So what are the biggest lies they have tried to sell the American people in the last few years? Vote and...
  2. The Original Tree

    How long before China invades Taiwan and Russia invades Israel?

    Our enemies are emboldened, and even encouraged by the Bumbling Biden Regime who seemingly walks a thin line between cowardice and stupidity. Hard to tell which day they are doing what. But every day The Biden Regime is in power has our enemies licking their chops at the prospects of achieving...
  3. Silver Cat

    NRA's report: Artificial Intelligence and Autonomy in Russia

    The Russian leadership views the ability to innovate as one of the hallmarks of a great power and sees military innovation as essential to Russia’s overall defense posture in a changing threat environment. The goals of Russia’s artificial intelligence (AI) and autonomous ecosystem are best...
  4. Litwin

    Moscow´s empire ( ulus ) banned from Tokyo Olympics and 2022 World Cup after Cas ruling

    every day gives provides us with the bad news from Muscovy, is it a new 1917 /1991 for Moscow´s empire? did Biden start his work already ? )) " Russia's ban from all major sporting events after a doping scandal has been cut to two years by the Court of Arbitration for Sport. The ban still...
  5. The Original Tree

    Democrat Hackers steal $2 Million from Wisconsin GOP Like I said, and have warned you all, The Democrats intend to pull out ALL STOPS to steal this election including actually stealing campaign funds.
  6. The Original Tree

    Joe Biden will lose Pennsylvania

    Just like in 2016, The Pollsters are lying to you to discourage voter turn out for President Trump. They narrow their points gap margins only immediately before the election so as to appear a little less inaccurate, so as to give a false cloak of legitimacy to their mission, and that is to...
  7. Bleipriester

    Islamist beheads teacher in France

    The terror continues...
  8. Tom Paine 1949

    Stephen Cohen, American scholar of Russia, friend of Gorbachev & advisor to Bush, dies at 81

    Stephen F. Cohen was the leading American Russia expert of his generation. He became a vocal critic of Washington’s “new Cold War” with Moscow after the fall of Yeltsin. He was almost totally removed from mainstream U.S. media over the next decade and a half and ended writing for RT. My own...
  9. Tom Paine 1949

    CDZ Afghanistan, Russia, the U.S. — Background to the “Bounty” Issue

    When we went into Afghanistan after 9-11 our efforts had the support of the Russians, Russian logistics and Russian allies in Afghanistan and in the ex-Soviet Republics in Central Asia. They provided absolutely essential help when the U.S.-backed “Northern Alliance” forces overthrew the Pushtan...
  10. Litwin

    Muscovite "Russian" artist Denis Tsyrenzhapov painted portrait of Vovka Putin as a Khan.

    Finlay Muscovites begin to return to their roots ... "Muscovite "Russian" artist Denis Tsyrenzhapov painted portrait of Vovka Putin as a Khan. Here’s what the author said: “Modern Russia – the successor of the Golden Horde. Russian culture took over from the Golden Horde Mongol culture and...
  11. excalibur

    FBI’s Russia collusion case fell apart in first month of Trump presidency, memos show

    A coup attempt by any other name. ... In rapid fire sequence in January 2017, U.S. officials: • received multiple warnings about the credibility of informant Christopher Steele and his dossier; •affirmed key targets of the FBI counterintelligence investigation made exculpatory...
  12. excalibur

    Buried From Trump Tower Meeting: Translator Telling FBI 'No Collusion'

    But the coup attempt must go on! Just days after news of the infamous Trump Tower meeting drew the attention of Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation, the translator present told the FBI there was no talk of collusion between the Trump campaign and the Kremlin, according to recently released...
  13. The Original Tree

    Fear, Hatred, Intimidation, & Lies

    These are the ingredients necessary to enslave a free people under Socialism and Communism. Socialism & Communism are two sides of the same coin. Both eventually become totalitarian. On one side of The Coin is The Whip, and on the other is The Carrot. Without propaganda, hysteria, lies...
  14. excalibur

    Russia Collusion, Part II

    The only way to explain the next attempt is the Dims are on drugs. But the Democrats are cooking up an even weaker sequel The Roger Stone sentencing farce is as fitting an end to the Russia Collusion saga as one could conjure up . . . though it might be more fitting to call it the end of...
  15. P@triot

    All roads from Russia lead directly to the Democrats

    Of course, the left will spend the next 100 years denying that Russia interfered on behalf of Bernie Sanders, just like they’ve spent the past 4 years denying that Russia had a massive campaign operation to help Hitlery Clinton get elected. Sanders excoriates Russia after being briefed on...
  16. deanrd

    Have you noticed that Donald Trump can’t close a deal?

    Have you noticed that Donald Trump can’t close a deal? There was little Kim. All the love letters and all the sweet talk and now they’re building nuclear weapons. Donald Trump thought that little Kim would get him a Nobel prize. Not only did he not get the prize, but Lil Kim has nuclear...
  17. deanrd

    Remember all trumps scandals before he was impeached? They didn’t go away.

    Remember all trumps scandals before he was impeached? They didn’t go away. there were small things like how nasty his properties are managed. and we have problems like Russia calling Donald Trump an agent and sending Russian agents into the oval office to collect secret and top-secret...
  18. deanrd

    Should we punish Russia for daring to call our president a puppet and an agent?

    Russian State TV calls Trump an 'agent' after pic emerges from White House meeting with country's foreign minister Russia’s state-controlled media outlets have branded President Donald Trump an “agent” for their country “Should we get another apartment in Rostov ready?” asked host Vladimir...
  19. The Original Tree

    Dems Just Quoted PUTIN as a Witness?

    You cannot make this stuff up. Douchebag argues that Russia wants to interfere in our election and then uses a short statement Putin made, to urge The Senate to Interfere in our Elections! You cannot make this stuff up. They are batshit crazy and desperate.
  20. The Original Tree

    Dem impeachment witness Vindman unloads on Blackburn as Dems wrap 3rd day of Trump's trial

    Yes he is a spy, and worked with the Whistleblower to file false reports and should immediately be deported back to The Ukraine. He had been asked by the previous corrupt Ukraine Government to be it's defense secretary over 6 times and that is where he should go. Remember kids: The Whistle...
  21. EvilEyeFleegle

    Russian government resigns

    Wow! I bet Trump sure wishes this could happen here! Scary thing is..there are a few million Trump supporters that would be OK with it! Russian government resigns - Prime Minister Medvedev "Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said on Wednesday that the government he heads was resigning to...
  22. The Original Tree

    Iran Will Accidentally Detonate a Nuke on Themselves.

    I happen to read a lot about Iran's Nuclear Program. These people aren't very smart, and it's like trying to teach monkeys how to make fire. They just don't have the technical know how, and because they are being watched closely, they essentially are being tutored from afar. I also believe...
  23. The Original Tree

    Iran, Russia, Turkey & The Battle of Gog & Magog

    A prophecy nearly 2,500 years old is coming to light due to the fact that Iran, Russia and Turkey have never been allied in all this time until recently. In Ezekiel 38 & 39, Isaiah 17, and Revelation 20, God reserves a special judgment for these countries and their allies as they decide to come...
  24. The Original Tree

    What The IG & Mueller Report Taught America!

    In the simplest terms, I will break this down. 1.) Adam Schiff lied repeatedly 2.) Nunes Memo was 100% correct 3.) Jerry Nadler lied repeatedly 4.) Nancy Pelosi lied repeatedly 5.) There was a plot by numerous Obama Administration Officials to Frame President Trump and remove him from...
  25. Uncensored2008

    Trump is a Russian Asset?

    In 2012, Barack Obama kowtowed and swore loyalty to Vladimir Putin in the now famous "more flexible" declaration. In 2014, Russia invaded the Ukraine. The government of Ukraine BEGGED the Obama regime for help against the invading Russians. Obama sent TV Dinners and blankets in response to the...
  26. Litwin

    Great news from Putinstan, "russia"’s grant mufti "Muslims to make up 30% of Muscovite’s population

    Great news from Putinstan, "russia"’s grant mufti "Muslims to make up 30% of Muscovite’s population by 2034’ ruling religion of juchi of ulus comes back "Muslims to make up 30% of Russia’s population by 2034’ Number of Muslims in the country has been increasing every day, says Russia’s...
  27. Litwin

    Maskal spies used French Alps as base camp for kills on Britain and other countries

    its clear for everyone that Muscovy much worst than Iran and IS, its the biggest in world terrorist nest . and we have to fix it like IS in "Syria" with help of east European "kurds" "Maskal spies used French Alps as base camp for kills on Britain and other countries Fifteen Russian (maskal)...
  28. The Original Tree

    Fake Impeachment 2.0 Isn't really about Trump or any wrong doing at all.

    Here is the real run down of what is actually going on, and you will not really hear this from anyone else. This is going to be long, and represents 3 years of personal research of mine. I promise this long winding road will help you connect the dots on exactly how The Obama-Clinton New York -...
  29. EvilEyeFleegle

    Trump lifts sanctions on Turkey, says cease-fire permanent

    Trump sold out the Kurds..ceded power in the region to Russia and endorses Endogan's invasion, all in a week's time! Are we safer as a result? Have we traded short term safety for long-term trouble? One thing is certain..about 500 ISIS fighters are happy with his decisions! Assad is happy..and...
  30. Litwin

    Muscovite empire , Stalin - Putlers "church "urged to teach children old Bulgarian instead of Englis

    Muscovite empire , Stalin - Putlers "church "urged to teach children archaic Bulgarian language instead of English . i think its great, less paid trolls we will see here , i love that Muscovy does , moving back in time " The head of the Patriarchal Commission for Family Affairs, Archpriest...
  31. deanrd

    America looks to our intelligence agencies to keep us safe. Republicans look to Russia.

    America looks to our intelligence agencies to keep us safe. Republicans look to Russia. Graham sending letter to other countries asking them to cooperate with DOJ probe into Russia investigation US intelligence agencies already said Russia was behind the attack on our elections. RePublicans...
  32. deanrd

    The “R” in NRA stands for Russia. Turns out the NRA is a Russian asset.

    The “R” in NRA stands for Russia. Turns out the NRA is a Russian asset. NRA Was 'Foreign Asset' To Russia Ahead of 2016, New Senate Report Reveals Tax-exempt organizations are barred from using funds for the personal benefit of its officials or for actions significantly outside their stated...
  33. deanrd

    At some point fox and other Trump sycophants are going to turn on him. Are we seeing that now?

    Fox News is pulling out all the stops. Hannity and Laura Ingram are freaking out. And I’m watching Fox and friends and they had Sarah Huckabee come out and lie and lie and lie. They’re questioning any Republican who had even the slightest concern about Donald Trump. The more information...
  34. deanrd

    America is about to get a class in Russian aggression with the Ukraine as the example

    I was just watching interviews of soldiers out in the field where they’re fighting a hot war against Russian aggression. One Ukrainian soldier Picked up a handful of soil and said this is my land and I was born here and I don’t want to live under Russian rule. The US had a cold war for...
  35. deanrd

    Trying to do to Biden what they did to Hillary. Can it work a second time? What about a third? More?

    Trying to do to Biden what they did to Hillary. Can it work a second time? What about a third? More? Joe Biden and his son we’re already investigated thoroughly by the media. Especially Fox and other right wing outlets. So the Trump administration is trying to create another Hillary Clinton...
  36. deanrd

    China funding 26 giant projects in Iran with US money.

    China funding 26 giant projects in Iran with US money. China turns to Iran for LPG, ignoring sanctions Why Trump’s threat to withdraw from Iran nuclear deal is a concern for China Iran has become a major part of the expansive infrastructure investment plan. One key project is a US$2.56...
  37. JGalt

    Once again, Putin puppet Trump disobeys his Russian overlords

    That Magnificent Orange SOB needs to try a little harder if he's going fulfill the liberal's fantasy that he's a "Russian agent." Poland Cleared to Purchase 32 American F-35 Fighters "The U.S. State Department has OK’d Poland to buy the F-35, America’s most advanced fighter, setting up the...
  38. Dan Stubbs

    Look out for Gold and Silver to show a new face. China and Russia are making changes

    Here it comes, many year ago I wrote about the Gold and Silver that was being stock piled in China and Russia. The need to go back to the Silver an Gold standard. The main attack is going to be the Petro Dolllars that the Oil nations use now. But China is not alone. Figures released by...
  39. deanrd

    CIA secretly extracted US spy from Russia before Trump could turn him over to Vladimir Putin.

    CIA secretly extracted US spy from Russia before Trump could turn him over to Vladimir Putin. US extracted top spy from inside Russia in 2017 A person directly involved in the discussions said that the removal of the Russian was driven, in part, by concerns that President Donald Trump and his...
  40. JGalt

    So I found a fat Russian Army Colonel's uniform at a garage sale today...

    $20 from some lady who immigrated here from Poland. Couldn't hardly call this "stolen valor", so trick or treat bitches. :lmao:

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