The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
No administration has coddled Iran and lied to The American people about it more than Obama but The Biden Regime is on a fast track to surpass Obama’s treachery.

Enabling a Terrorist State to obtain Nuclear weapons, practically paying for it and helping Iran to buy Russian Nuclear Scientists to help is a Mortal Sin and Grievous error.

Experts now claim that Iran could already have as many as 7 nuclear weapons or at the very least enough refined nuclear material to build that many.

WWIII may be upon us.

Being honest is not always appreciated but..........

It is what it is. If we all die in nuclear Armageddon tomorrow....welp....that's just the way the dice rolled.
You cant do a thing about it so why worry?

We're all just insignificant tiny cogs in an infinitely massive wheel.
Im finding that worry is pointless. Enjoying every moment is a better way to spend what time is left.
How you die is everything. Peacefully passing in your sleep while having a wonderful dream would be ideal.
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I’m not worried at all. Just sounding the trumpet for the clueless, the delusional and the lost.
Being honest is not always appreciated but..........

It is what it is. If we all die in nuclear Armageddon tomorrow....welp....that's just the way the dice rolled.
You cant do a thing about it so why worry?

We're all just insignificant tiny cogs in an infinitely massive wheel.
Im finding that worry is pointless. Enjoying every moment is a better way to spend what time is left.
Being honest is not always appreciated but..........

It is what it is. If we all die in nuclear Armageddon tomorrow....welp....that's just the way the dice rolled.
You cant do a thing about it so why worry?

We're all just insignificant tiny cogs in an infinitely massive wheel.
Im finding that worry is pointless. Enjoying every moment is a better way to spend what time is left.
No administration has coddled Iran and lied to The American people about it more than Obama but The Biden Regime is on a fast track to surpass Obama’s treachery.

Enabling a Terrorist State to obtain Nuclear weapons, practically paying for it and helping Iran to buy Russian Nuclear Scientists to help is a Mortal Sin and Grievous error.

Experts now claim that Iran could already have as many as 7 nuclear weapons or at the very least enough refined nuclear material to build that many.

WWIII may be upon us.

rightwing fuckup government is bringing more death and destruction to israel.
And that helps them how ?
especially if they are assumed to be "clueless, the delusional and the lost"
Just curious.
It’s a secret. If you don’t know the secret, you are not only lost but you are blind too.

You must look upon the despised thing to be saved from the things that are coming upon The Earth such things as man has never seen and will never see again.

Yet the blind will never see them coming until they are overtaken by them.

To those who say they see, they are blind. The message is for those who are blind but want to see.

To save your life you must hate it, to save your life, you must lose it.
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It’s a secret. If you don’t know the secret, you are not only lost but you are blind too.

You must look upon the despised thing to be saved from the things that are coming upon The Earth such things as man has never seen and will never see again.

Do you realize how many 'Gods" humans have worshiped throughout history?
Billions of Hindu believe in their God. Billions of Muslims believe in Allah. Buddhist believe ....well you know.

You have at times acted extremely "Un-Christian" like on this forum.
None of us should believe we are better than others or that only our beliefs have validity.
Just saying.

If you are Christian....Let go and let God.

War Looming in Israel and Biden Regime is to Blame​

The nutcases in the Israeli regime have no part in all this when the US government has prostituted itself to them since LBJ?
No administration has coddled Iran and lied to The American people about it more than Obama but The Biden Regime is on a fast track to surpass Obama’s treachery.

Enabling a Terrorist State to obtain Nuclear weapons, practically paying for it and helping Iran to buy Russian Nuclear Scientists to help is a Mortal Sin and Grievous error.

Experts now claim that Iran could already have as many as 7 nuclear weapons or at the very least enough refined nuclear material to build that many.

WWIII may be upon us.

Trump wants to know if you got the personal selfies of his ass that he took just for you.

Keep blaming Biden for everything including Israel & they'll be more selfies of Trump's ass coming to youur mailbox.

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