
  1. washamericom

    either we have a country or we don't.

    it's one of my favorite trumpisms. controlling the border is a big thing because we are the richest most powerful country in the world. i think we can do it. People also ask How long is the border between Mexico and the United States? How many states does Mexico border? Is Mexico part...
  2. Toro

    Should We Halt Immigration?

    Immigration has become an important issue around the world. It helped propel Donald Trump to the Republican nomination and was the defining issue that led to the Leave campaign winning the Brexit vote. Currently, the United States admits 1,000,000 new legal immigrants per year. What should...
  3. G

    There is no radical Islam without Islam; however, there is no Islam without radical Islam.

    Hello, There is no Radical Islam without Islam; however, there is no Islam without Radical Islam. Accepting Islam means accepting terror, human rights abuses, homophobia and Sharia Law. Considering the number of problems we already have, why do we want to exacerbate our problems by allowing...
  4. excalibur

    Deportation Budget Grows 25 Percent While Deportations Plummet

    So Obama has bragged about increased deportations. Surprise, just another lie. Exclusive Chart: Deportation Budget Grows 25 Percent While Deportations Plummet - Breitbart
  5. American_Jihad

    Immigration Failure -- By Design

    To hell with impeachment, hang them all for treason... Immigration Failure -- By Design Doing the bidding of the Open Borders anarchists. April 19, 2016 Michael Cutler The Obama administration's immigration policies, including outrageous executive orders and other such directives, have...
  6. American_Jihad

    'You're Supposed to be Demonstrating What Good Citizens You'd Make'

    That's how rude they are, load them into buses and take them straight to the border... Rep. King to Angry Immigrant Activists: 'You're Supposed to be Demonstrating What Good Citizens You'd Make' "Are you an example of the America we can expect?" 4.18.2016 News Trey Sanchez Rep. Steve...
  7. G

    Was Mohammad the Preeminent Pedophile in History?

    Hello, Since marrying Ayisha at 9 years old, Muslims world wide have been able to point to the example of the prophet to justify child marriage and sexual intercourse with children as young as 9. There is, I believe, no Muslim state in the world that forbids child marriage and sexual...
  8. Freja

    Gang rape on a party ferry for graduating High School students

    Four men between 18-19 yrs of age gang raped a girl on a party ferry. ( I've summerized the information available and translated the text. The sources in swedish can be found at the bottom. ) Four men was arrested on march 30th on suspicion of gang raping a girl, during a student cruise on...
  9. Freja

    The Lion King is a fascist movie!!

    BREAKING NEWS Swedish media reports that Disneys "The Lion King" is fascist propaganda. Andrev Walden from Aftonbladet writes: It's not obvious, especially not for a child. We don't wear the critical glasses when we watch a movie with furry characters and musical elements. The lions, with...
  10. American_Jihad

    Sanctuary Cities: Anatomy of a Disaster

    President Trump will take care of that problem with an executive order... Sanctuary Cities: Anatomy of a Disaster A look at the origins and consequences of a policy rooted in phony “compassion.” March 17, 2016 John Perazzo ... he sanctuary cities movement grew initially out of the...
  11. Slade3200

    Immigration... Whats wrong with the GOP?

    The GOP is supposed to be the job friendly party that promotes free enterprise... When it comes to illegal immigration why is nobody proposing a way to create jobs and put 11 million immigrants to work? We have a tremendous opportunity to kickstart our industries and the workforce available to...
  12. Alexander the Arrogant

    Are Children of Illegal Immigrants Citizens of the U.S.?

    I have my own views but I want to hear what you guys think first.
  13. Freja

    Sweden is falling apart

    Hi I'm a twenty-something woman from Sweden. I'm writing on an american forum as I'm desperate to reach out to the world. Something has happened to my country... When I was a child, Sweden was very peaceful. You didn't even have to lock the door in the neighborhood, small children could be...
  14. American_Jihad

    The next administration's immigration crisis

    Stop talking and do something... THE NEXT ADMINISTRATION’S IMMIGRATION CRISIS National security must be much more than a sound bite. February 8, 2016 Michael Cutler Immigration has finally emerged for the elections and the debates - particularly among the Republican candidates for the...
  15. American_Jihad


    Stop talking and do something... THE NEXT ADMINISTRATION’S IMMIGRATION CRISIS National security must be much more than a sound bite. February 8, 2016 Michael Cutler Immigration has finally emerged for the elections and the debates - particularly among the Republican candidates for the...
  16. American_Jihad

    Will Democrats' gain 5 million new voters with the stroke of a pen?

    For the jackass it's always about the VOTE... High Court To Hear Amnesty Challenge Will Democrats' gain 5 million new voters with the stroke of a pen? January 21, 2016 Matthew Vadum The Supreme Court has decided to hear 26 states' challenge to President Obama's unpopular and...
  17. American_Jihad

    Muslim Migration

    We need a thread on this... Will Banning Muslim Migration Ruin the Anti-ISIS Coalition? We don’t need to become ISIS to fight ISIS. January 19, 2016 Daniel Greenfield The most common attack on proposals to end Muslim migration to the United States is that this policy would somehow...
  18. American_Jihad

    Muslim Immigration is Exactly What ISIS Wants

    And obama is helping, is he a muslim, remember he went to the church of god damn America for 20 years... Muslim Immigration is Exactly What ISIS Wants Immigration is what ISIS needs to defeat America. December 25, 2015 Daniel Greenfield ... The ritualistic “Why do they hate us”...
  19. J

    Rubio ok with allowing 10–20 million illegal entrants to stay and keep American jobs!

    Well, the cats out the bag! Rubio will allow illegal entrants to stay! See: For Immigrants In U.S. Illegally, Rubio Favors 'Very Long Path' To Citizenship Updated November 11, 2015 ”Rubio told NPR on Wednesday that he favors a path to citizenship for some, though the prospect would be very...
  20. J

    Foxnews’ Judge Napolitano ignores constitutional limits in immigration/refugee debate

    See: Can Governors Legally Block Refugees from Coming to Their States? ”In response to the influx of migrants “from the American invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq,” Congress in 2005 gave President George W. Bush unlimited authority to admit people for humanitarian purposes, noted Judge...
  21. J

    Who has power to regulate a state’s immigration? The question remains!

    I'm still waiting for someone to verify the wording in our Constitution under which the president or Congress has been granted a power to flood a state with unwanted "refugees". I certainly cannot find a power delegated to Congress or the President in our written Constitution repealing a power...
  22. J

    Federal Court confirms Ben Carson is wrong on legal status for illegal entrants!

    . Ben Carson has repeatedly indicated he would give legal status to millions of poverty stricken, poorly educated, low and unskilled aliens who have invaded our borders. But Carson’s compassion for these illegal entrants does not take into account the devastating financial burden which would be...
  23. J

    No, Mr. Carson, the American People have not taken the moral low road on immigration!

    Ben Carson indicates in his book that a pathway to citizenship for those who have invaded our borders is the “moral” thing to do. He wrote: "Is it moral for us, for example, to take advantage of cheap labor from illegal immigrants while denying them citizenship? I'm sure you can tell from the...
  24. Maggdy

    Hungary: National Consultation on Immigration and Terrorism

    April 24, 2015 "National consultation on immigration to begin" Government page: National consultation on immigration to begin "Answers from every Hungarian citizen who completed the age of 18 years are expected by 1 July 2015. According to the information provided by the Government...
  25. J

    Ben Carson will legalize tens of millions who have invaded our borders!

    See: Ben Carson: Give Illegals Six Months to Register as Guest Workers September 14, 2015 ”( - GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson told CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday that his immigration plan would include giving illegal immigrants six months to register as guest workers...
  26. Maggdy

    Green Card Lottery, help?

    "Our State Department Web site for the 2017 Diversity Visa program (DV-2017) is now open. The entry submission period for DV-2017 is from 12:00PM EDT (GMT -4) on October 1, 2015 to 12:00PM EST (GMT -5) on November 3, 2015. The entry form will only be available for submission during this period...
  27. J

    Ben Carson on illegal immigration!

    See: Ben Carson supports citizenship for illegal aliens September 5, 2015 ”On Wednesday, Dr. Ben Carson said America’s borders must be sealed to protect against terrorism and told a prominent group of Latino elected officials that he also supports giving illegal immigrants a path to...
  28. J

    Ben Carson, our soft spoken progressive RINO

    Ben Carson tells us we need to support “compassion action”, formally referred to a “compassionate conservativism” which really indicates Mr. Carson wants to use the federal government’s taxing and spending power to help various groups achieve the American Dream. This thinking of course is in...
  29. mlw

    Racialism as scapegoating

    Many people, perhaps a majority, need scapegoats, because it is part and parcel of their psychic economy. It does not depend on a "misunderstanding". Rather, it a way of "feeling good" by transferring one's own inferior nature to another person. It actually helps to maintain psychical and...
  30. Maggdy

    Migrant tragedy

    " EU migrant crisis: 50 refugees found 'suffocated' in the back of a single lorry in Austria, reports" "Up to 50 people, presumed to be asylum-seekers, have been found deadin the back of a lorry in Austria.Officials referred to the dead as migrants, and local media reports suggested they died...
  31. J

    Bleeding heart Jeb Bush: Trump’s plan would cost hundreds of $billions

    SEE: Bush in South Texas Says Trump’s Border Plan ‘Not Realistic’ ” Building a fence like Donald Trump wants “doesn’t work,” Jeb Bush tells reporters, adding “we need a comprehensive strategy to deal with border security.” “Mr. Trump’s plans are not grounded in conservative principles”; says...

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