No, Mr. Carson, the American People have not taken the moral low road on immigration!


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
Ben Carson indicates in his book that a pathway to citizenship for those who have invaded our borders is the “moral” thing to do. He wrote:

"Is it moral for us, for example, to take advantage of cheap labor from illegal immigrants while denying them citizenship? I'm sure you can tell from the way I phrased the question that I believe we have taken the moral low road on this issue…"

Carson fails to make the distinction between “we” [the American People] from employers who break our laws and take advantage of illegals who are more than willing to work for these employers off the books, below the going wage and will not pay tax on their earned wage, thereby squeezing the American Citizen out of a job.

Carson’s sense of morality is to turn a blind eye on those [employer and illegal alien] who knowingly and willingly engage in criminal conduct, and Ben even wants to reward the illegal alien with citizenship for squeezing American Citizens out of jobs by breaking our laws.

No, Mr. Carson, “we”, the American People are not taking the “moral low road” by refusing citizenship to illegal entrants who break our laws and who want employers to be punished for taking advantage of illegals by hiring them on different terms than American Citizens so they can increase their profits by utilizing cheap labor.

Your sense of morality, Mr. Carson exhibits your bleeding heart liberalism which is helping to destroy America from within!


To support Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio or John Kasich is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!
Valid criticism BUT unlike all the others Carson is not above listening to others to come to a better position on issues he may not have all the facts on.
Ben Carson indicates in his book that a pathway to citizenship for those who have invaded our borders is the “moral” thing to do. He wrote:

"Is it moral for us, for example, to take advantage of cheap labor from illegal immigrants while denying them citizenship? I'm sure you can tell from the way I phrased the question that I believe we have taken the moral low road on this issue…"

Carson fails to make the distinction between “we” [the American People] from employers who break our laws and take advantage of illegals who are more than willing to work for these employers off the books, below the going wage and will not pay tax on their earned wage, thereby squeezing the American Citizen out of a job.

Carson’s sense of morality is to turn a blind eye on those [employer and illegal alien] who knowingly and willingly engage in criminal conduct, and Ben even wants to reward the illegal alien with citizenship for squeezing American Citizens out of jobs by breaking our laws.

No, Mr. Carson, “we”, the American People are not taking the “moral low road” by refusing citizenship to illegal entrants who break our laws and who want employers to be punished for taking advantage of illegals by hiring them on different terms than American Citizens so they can increase their profits by utilizing cheap labor.

Your sense of morality, Mr. Carson exhibits your bleeding heart liberalism which is helping to destroy America from within!


To support Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio or John Kasich is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!

Here is the context of that quote you stole from the hannity message board. Lol

"Carson has also said the United States should model its immigration reform after Canada's guest-worker program. "People already here illegally could apply for guest-worker status from outside of the country," Carson wrote in November. "This means they would have to leave first."

Source: National Journal 2016 series: Republicans on immigration , Feb 23, 2015

Pathway to citizenship unfair to past & current immigrants
Carson took a hard line on the path-to-citizenship issue: "The American people should not be manipulated into believing that they are heartless simply because they want to preserve the rule of law in our nation and look after their own before they take in others," he wrote. "We also have to consider the millions of people who have immigrated here legally as well as those who are in the queue. It is incredibly unfair to them to grant amnesty to those who have jumped ahead of them in line illegally."
Ben Carson indicates in his book that a pathway to citizenship for those who have invaded our borders is the “moral” thing to do. He wrote:

"Is it moral for us, for example, to take advantage of cheap labor from illegal immigrants while denying them citizenship? I'm sure you can tell from the way I phrased the question that I believe we have taken the moral low road on this issue…"

Carson fails to make the distinction between “we” [the American People] from employers who break our laws and take advantage of illegals who are more than willing to work for these employers off the books, below the going wage and will not pay tax on their earned wage, thereby squeezing the American Citizen out of a job.

Carson’s sense of morality is to turn a blind eye on those [employer and illegal alien] who knowingly and willingly engage in criminal conduct, and Ben even wants to reward the illegal alien with citizenship for squeezing American Citizens out of jobs by breaking our laws.

No, Mr. Carson, “we”, the American People are not taking the “moral low road” by refusing citizenship to illegal entrants who break our laws and who want employers to be punished for taking advantage of illegals by hiring them on different terms than American Citizens so they can increase their profits by utilizing cheap labor.

Your sense of morality, Mr. Carson exhibits your bleeding heart liberalism which is helping to destroy America from within!


To support Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio or John Kasich is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!

I think you're reading too far between the lines of his comment. Carson has made it very clear that he does *not* favor citizenship for illegals. He would eventually let them become permanent residents, but not citizens--unless they left the country and came back legally.
Why the citizenship hangup? The real issue is about securing our borders and knowing who has come into the country. Amnesty has come to symbolize our failure to deal with this issue, instead making it an even bigger problem. AFTER our borders have been secured (along with effective Visa enforcement), a procedure for determining who can stay here can be developed. At that point, I would not have a problem with granting permanent status to long-term law abiding and self-supporting residents, especially if they came here as children.
Ben Carson indicates in his book that a pathway to citizenship for those who have invaded our borders is the “moral” thing to do. He wrote:

"Is it moral for us, for example, to take advantage of cheap labor from illegal immigrants while denying them citizenship? I'm sure you can tell from the way I phrased the question that I believe we have taken the moral low road on this issue…"

Carson fails to make the distinction between “we” [the American People] from employers who break our laws and take advantage of illegals who are more than willing to work for these employers off the books, below the going wage and will not pay tax on their earned wage, thereby squeezing the American Citizen out of a job.

Carson’s sense of morality is to turn a blind eye on those [employer and illegal alien] who knowingly and willingly engage in criminal conduct, and Ben even wants to reward the illegal alien with citizenship for squeezing American Citizens out of jobs by breaking our laws.

No, Mr. Carson, “we”, the American People are not taking the “moral low road” by refusing citizenship to illegal entrants who break our laws and who want employers to be punished for taking advantage of illegals by hiring them on different terms than American Citizens so they can increase their profits by utilizing cheap labor.

Your sense of morality, Mr. Carson exhibits your bleeding heart liberalism which is helping to destroy America from within!


To support Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio or John Kasich is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!

Here is the context of that quote you stole from the hannity message board. Lol

I haven't stolen anything from Hannity's message board.


To support Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio or John Kasich is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!


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