Was Mohammad the Preeminent Pedophile in History?


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2016
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Since marrying Ayisha at 9 years old, Muslims world wide have been able to point to the example of the prophet to justify child marriage and sexual intercourse with children as young as 9. There is, I believe, no Muslim state in the world that forbids child marriage and sexual intercourse with children.

So my question is: Has there been anyone in history who advanced the cause of pedophilia than the prophet Mohammad?


Since marrying Ayisha at 9 years old, Muslims world wide have been able to point to the example of the prophet to justify child marriage and sexual intercourse with children as young as 9. There is, I believe, no Muslim state in the world that forbids child marriage and sexual intercourse with children.

So my question is: Has there been anyone in history who advanced the cause of pedophilia than the prophet Mohammad?


not a popular stance--------don't push it even if it STATISTICALLY holds up.
That EMULATE MUHUMMAD thing is the problem------EMULATE ALEXANDER
THE GREAT would be a problem if such a "religion" existed

Since marrying Ayisha at 9 years old, Muslims world wide have been able to point to the example of the prophet to justify child marriage and sexual intercourse with children as young as 9. There is, I believe, no Muslim state in the world that forbids child marriage and sexual intercourse with children.

So my question is: Has there been anyone in history who advanced the cause of pedophilia than the prophet Mohammad?


not a popular stance--------don't push it even if it STATISTICALLY holds up.
That EMULATE MUHUMMAD thing is the problem------EMULATE ALEXANDER
THE GREAT would be a problem if such a "religion" existed


Sorry I guess you agree with the post. Certainly, because Muslims see Mohammad as being the 'perfect man' they are encouraged to emulate him in every manner. And Mohammad did marry a 9 year old girl. Many important Muslim scholars agree that you "should not let a girl come into his first blood in her fathers house." Consequently, they should be married off and into her husbands house before she menstrates for the first time. This is now a common practise across the Muslim world and fully in accordance with sharia law. If sharia law were to be accepted in the United States then Muslims could marry 9 year old girls.


Since marrying Ayisha at 9 years old, Muslims world wide have been able to point to the example of the prophet to justify child marriage and sexual intercourse with children as young as 9. There is, I believe, no Muslim state in the world that forbids child marriage and sexual intercourse with children.

So my question is: Has there been anyone in history who advanced the cause of pedophilia than the prophet Mohammad?


not a popular stance--------don't push it even if it STATISTICALLY holds up.
That EMULATE MUHUMMAD thing is the problem------EMULATE ALEXANDER
THE GREAT would be a problem if such a "religion" existed


Sorry I guess you agree with the post. Certainly, because Muslims see Mohammad as being the 'perfect man' they are encouraged to emulate him in every manner. And Mohammad did marry a 9 year old girl. Many important Muslim scholars agree that you "should not let a girl come into his first blood in her fathers house." Consequently, they should be married off and into her husbands house before she menstrates for the first time. This is now a common practise across the Muslim world and fully in accordance with sharia law. If sharia law were to be accepted in the United States then Muslims could marry 9 year old girls.


I sorta agree with the post that STATISTICALLY in today's world-----as islam is NOW interpreted by ENOUGH muslim scholars--------it is the emulate muhummad
thing that leads to premature marriage. Somehow "EMULATE JESUS" never led to universal abstinence-----somehow.-----but good thing. Emulate Muhummad also led to ISIS -----as muslims TODAY INTERPRET THE KORAN---------they need
to do some reinterpreting. The Talmud is STILL A WORK IN PROGRESS-----
even the POPES are willing to reinterpret. ISLAM NEEDS REINTERPRETING
The biblical patriarch probably ranked right with Mohammed.
Actually, she was 6. He just waited until she was 9 to rape her. What a guy!
Sounds like the NE to the Far East for the last 4,000 years.
The biblical patriarch probably ranked right with Mohammed.

what biblical patriarch whose behavior was so TERRIFIC that anyone is urged to
EMULATE IN DETAIL?--------and according to what religion? I have been a jew
all my life-------and never heard anyone say "EMULATE ISAAC IN DETAIL"------
I also attended sunday school with a playmate--------I did hear about emulating
Jesus------but he never caused anyone any harm------and never got married-------
that "never married" thing does not seem to be included in the "EMULATE"-----
directive--------it was a kind of ----special action. Islamic LAW is based on just
about anything MUHUMMAD DID----being defined as DIVINE

Since marrying Ayisha at 9 years old, Muslims world wide have been able to point to the example of the prophet to justify child marriage and sexual intercourse with children as young as 9. There is, I believe, no Muslim state in the world that forbids child marriage and sexual intercourse with children.

So my question is: Has there been anyone in history who advanced the cause of pedophilia than the prophet Mohammad?

I would imagine there are a few goats younger than nine that became part of the harem.
The biblical patriarch probably ranked right with Mohammed.

what biblical patriarch whose behavior was so TERRIFIC that anyone is urged to
EMULATE IN DETAIL?--------and according to what religion? I have been a jew
all my life-------and never heard anyone say "EMULATE ISAAC IN DETAIL"------
I also attended sunday school with a playmate--------I did hear about emulating
Jesus------but he never caused anyone any harm------and never got married-------
that "never married" thing does not seem to be included in the "EMULATE"-----
directive--------it was a kind of ----special action. Islamic LAW is based on just
about anything MUHUMMAD DID----being defined as DIVINE
And show me where modern Islam encourages all to run out and rape children.

Abraham gave his wife under false pretenses to a rule in order to not be killed.

Isaac did it twice.

Does this mean I get to give the love of my life to bad guys so I won't be killed?

Since marrying Ayisha at 9 years old, Muslims world wide have been able to point to the example of the prophet to justify child marriage and sexual intercourse with children as young as 9. There is, I believe, no Muslim state in the world that forbids child marriage and sexual intercourse with children.

So my question is: Has there been anyone in history who advanced the cause of pedophilia than the prophet Mohammad?

Um. No.

Moohamad was a pedophile, and many of his followers are too. But, that's because they are the religion of love, they love their victims, I mean wives.

Since marrying Ayisha at 9 years old, Muslims world wide have been able to point to the example of the prophet to justify child marriage and sexual intercourse with children as young as 9. There is, I believe, no Muslim state in the world that forbids child marriage and sexual intercourse with children.

So my question is: Has there been anyone in history who advanced the cause of pedophilia than the prophet Mohammad?

I would imagine there are a few goats younger than nine that became part of the harem.
I wonder how many goats Moohamad laid before writing down his adventures, or do you think maybe he laid for them and took it like a woman?

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