Ben Carson on illegal immigration!


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
See: Ben Carson supports citizenship for illegal aliens

September 5, 2015

”On Wednesday, Dr. Ben Carson said America’s borders must be sealed to protect against terrorism and told a prominent group of Latino elected officials that he also supports giving illegal immigrants a path to legalization and eventual citizenship. Regarding the country’s illegal immigrants, Carson said, “many of them have never known any other country … so where are you going to send them?”

Well, just like Jeb amnesty Bush, Ben Carson has more compassion for those who have invaded our borders and are inflicting devastating economic and social consequences upon American citizens, then he has for American citizens who have, in essence, been made into tax slaves to support the economic needs of legal and illegal entrants!

A NEW REPORT verifies that 73 percent of households headed by immigrants from Central America and Mexico are on some sort of welfare program.
Some of the other findings of the report are:

•Welfare use is high for both new arrivals and well-established immigrants. Of households headed by immigrants who have been in the country for more than two decades, 48 percent access welfare.

•The large share of immigrants with low levels of education and resulting low incomes partly explains their high use rates. In 2012, 76 percent of households headed by an immigrant who had not graduated high school used one or more welfare programs, as did 63 percent of households headed by an immigrant with only a high school education.

•The high rates of immigrant welfare use are not entirely explained by their lower education levels. Households headed by college-educated immigrants have significantly higher welfare use than households headed by college-educated natives — 26 percent vs. 13 percent.

•In the four top immigrant-receiving states, use of welfare by immigrant households is significantly higher than that of native households: California (55 percent vs. 30 percent), New York (59 percent vs. 33 percent), Texas (57 percent vs. 34 percent), and Florida (42 percent vs. 28 percent).

Mr. Carson needs to explain to American citizens, many of whom can barely meet their own economic needs, why he wants to not only allow tens of millions of poorly educated, low skilled, poverty stricken illegal aliens to remain in the United States, but have a pathway to citizenship who will most certainly vote for politicians who promise to keep the “free government cheese” coming their way.

Mr. Carson’s rebuttal that we can’t round them all up and deport them is the very talking point used by our socialist/progressives and cleverly allows Carson to avoid having to offer a point by point plan to deal with the 10s of millions who have invaded our borders. Surely someone who puts the best interests of American citizens above the interests of those who have invaded our borders would have a point by point plan which would encourage illegal entrants to leave on their own. For example:

Secure the border

Severely punish employees who knowingly hire illegal entrants

Cut off all welfare to households who harbor illegal entrants

Forbid state issued drivers licenses to illegal entrants

Immediately deport illegal entrants when convicted of a crime, or discovered during normal policing actions

Enforce a new law that any illegal entrants identified in our country after two months of the law's enactment may never enter the United States again or obtain a green card

And, start enforcing existing laws!

Ben Carson's other talking point that, we need to secure our border first and then we will talk about the millions of illegal entrants who are here, is also a way for Carson to dodge talking about what should be done about the millions of illegal entrants who are here.

Ben Carson also uses our open border crowd’s talking point that, “but their doing jobs that American citizens won’t do” is a ruse to acknowledging the truth.
When Ben Carson says this, he is intentionally covering for illegal entrants who have taken over many well-paying jobs in construction such as carpentry, plumbing, masonry, dry wall, roofing and ceramic tile work which provided a sufficient paycheck for American workers to meet their family’s needs. But Illegal entrants have now taken over these jobs by working off the books, accepting a wage far below the going rate, and do not pay taxes on their earned wages. Of course, Carson’s silence on how illegals have taken over these good paying jobs which American workers were doing who have since been forced out of the market and are now unemployed and receiving food stamps to meet their family’s needs shows that Carson has not thought through his compassionate views regarding the tens of millions of illegal aliens who are in our country and their effects on American workers.

What Mr. Carson refused to acknowledge is, the United States cannot be the dumping ground for other countries poverty stricken without American Citizens paying the price.

As long as Ben Carson is in bed with Jeb amnesty Bush, America needs to tell him to go fly a kite.


To support Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio or John Kasich is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!
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Man, that'd be great if the immigration nuts torpedo the guy. They'd deserve what they get ... namely a democrat.

Personally, I think I'm gonna vote for this guy. I thought his abortion stance was of the hateful anti-women pro choice, but I think I was wrong, and the guy just has a view but is compassionate.
The other thread get lost?

What do you think about Carson's ideas regarding illegal immigration?

I give his opinion about as much credence as I do the bag boy's at my local grocery store.
Neither one of them will be elected president

On that we agree!

To support Jeb Bush is to support our Global Governance Crowd and their FAST TRACK, WTO, NAFTA, GATT, CAFTA, and the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal, all used to circumvent America First trade policies, while fattening the fortunes of international corporate giants who have no allegiance to America or any nation.

Fucking hysterical, the racist republican base votes on one single issue.
Fucking hysterical
Two board members have posted.
That somehow equals "the racist republican base"

We can't even disagree with a lack republican's policy without you stupid motherfuckers calling us racist.

Eat shit
It's amusing that some republicans think Carson's stance on immigration will be what sinks him in the GOP, when everyone else in the world knows the obvious reason.

And that would be?


To support Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio or John Kasich is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!


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