Ben Carson will legalize tens of millions who have invaded our borders!


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
See: Ben Carson: Give Illegals Six Months to Register as Guest Workers

September 14, 2015

”( - GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson told CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday that his immigration plan would include giving illegal immigrants six months to register as guest workers.

“Those who are here, you know, we have to recognize that we can't just round them up, but we can give them an opportunity to register. I would give them a six-month period, and if they register and they have a pristine record, they haven't been causing problems, I would give them an opportunity to become guest workers, not citizens, not voting people, not people who get goodies,” said Carson.”

So, Ben Carson has no problem with allowing the millions of illegal aliens to stay here who are taking good paying jobs away from America Citizens in the building trades by offering their labor off the books and below existing fair market wages.

This is the same kind of crap which Rubio, Bush, Kasich and other Chamber of Commerce flunkies support, they support the interests of those who have invaded our borders above the general welfare of the United States and her Citizens!

Ben Carson also uses the Chamber of Commerce’s talking point that “we can't just round them up” and deport them. If Ben were sincerely concerned about the devastating social, financial and political consequences these illegals are inflicting upon American Citizens, instead of offering to make them legal he would put forth a plan which would make it extremely uncomfortable for illegal entrants to remain in our country, e.g., :

impose a stiff jail sentence if caught working in our country;

severely punishing them when caught in our country;

require business owners to utilize e-verify when hiring;

severely punishing those who hire illegal aliens;

require emergency rooms to use e-verify when treating suspected aliens;

denying illegal entrants any medical care (excepting in a life death situation);

deny the children of illegal aliens access to a State’s public schools system;

forbid and make it a crime for illegals to live in any public housing unit or section eight housing;

and never allowing a person who has entered our country illegally to re-enter our country legally in the future would actually encourage many to swiftly exit our country on their own and take their children with them.

So, Ben’s talking point that we can’t round them up and deport them is nothing but a ruse to avoid putting forth a plan to encourage illegals to leave on their own.

The question is, why does Ben Carson have a problem with making it very uncomfortable for illegal entrants to remain in our country?

Why does he not show compassion for American Citizens who are suffering the devastating social, financial and political consequences inflicted upon them by the tens of millions of aliens who have invaded our borders?


To support Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio or John Kasich is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!
“Those who are here, you know, we have to recognize that we can't just round them up, but we can give them an opportunity to register. I would give them a six-month period, and if they register and they have a pristine record, they haven't been causing problems, I would give them an opportunity to become guest workers, not citizens, not voting people, not people who get goodies,” said Carson.”

In other words, he's being realistic about the problem.
He's not my choice for President and people need to take a good look at him is all I can say. Why is it we only hear about Trump and Carson?

We never hear about any of the others.

As for why we only hear about Shrillary and Bernie: it's because that's all they've allowed the people in that base to vote for it seems. How shameful is that?

Two old white Socialist, one promising to care more about the black lives and the other promising to care more about Illegal immigrants. Not a word about YOU the American citizens of other colors and who are here legally
Only insane morons would continue failed policy.

Ignoring 11 million people and pretending that you are capable of "rounding them up" is a failed policy
Make them deport themselves
MASSIVE fines for employers
Mandatory e-verify
NO benefits
NO schooling
NO drivers licenses
Do something that will fuckin work
Only insane morons would continue failed policy.

Ignoring 11 million people and pretending that you are capable of "rounding them up" is a failed policy
Make them deport themselves
MASSIVE fines for employers
Mandatory e-verify
NO benefits
NO schooling
NO drivers licenses
Do something that will fuckin work

Thank you for your post!

A freaken-men

And how about a 50$ bounty for reporting employers who hire illegals off the books and below the going fair market wage?


To support Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio or John Kasich is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!

Only insane morons would continue failed policy.

Ignoring 11 million people and pretending that you are capable of "rounding them up" is a failed policy
Make them deport themselves
MASSIVE fines for employers
Mandatory e-verify
NO benefits
NO schooling
NO drivers licenses
Do something that will fuckin work


If there are no jobs, there is no need to build a stupid wall
“Those who are here, you know, we have to recognize that we can't just round them up, but we can give them an opportunity to register. I would give them a six-month period, and if they register and they have a pristine record, they haven't been causing problems, I would give them an opportunity to become guest workers, not citizens, not voting people, not people who get goodies,” said Carson.”

In other words, he's being realistic about the problem.

What he is doing is carrying water for the Chamber of Commerce and our international corporate giants who have no allegiance to America or any nation!


To support Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio or John Kasich is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!
Why on earth does Ben Carson want to encourage illegal entrants by making them legal and allowing them to take jobs away from American Citizens?


To support Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio or John Kasich is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!

See: Ben Carson: Give Illegals Six Months to Register as Guest Workers

September 14, 2015

”( - GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson told CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday that his immigration plan would include giving illegal immigrants six months to register as guest workers.

“Those who are here, you know, we have to recognize that we can't just round them up, but we can give them an opportunity to register. I would give them a six-month period, and if they register and they have a pristine record, they haven't been causing problems, I would give them an opportunity to become guest workers, not citizens, not voting people, not people who get goodies,” said Carson.”

So, Ben Carson has no problem with allowing the millions of illegal aliens to stay here who are taking good paying jobs away from America Citizens in the building trades by offering their labor off the books and below existing fair market wages.

This is the same kind of crap which Rubio, Bush, Kasich and other Chamber of Commerce flunkies support, they support the interests of those who have invaded our borders above the general welfare of the United States and her Citizens!

Ben Carson also uses the Chamber of Commerce’s talking point that “we can't just round them up” and deport them. If Ben were sincerely concerned about the devastating social, financial and political consequences these illegals are inflicting upon American Citizens, instead of offering to make them legal he would put forth a plan which would make it extremely uncomfortable for illegal entrants to remain in our country, e.g., :

impose a stiff jail sentence if caught working in our country;

severely punishing them when caught in our country;

require business owners to utilize e-verify when hiring;

severely punishing those who hire illegal aliens;

require emergency rooms to use e-verify when treating suspected aliens;

denying illegal entrants any medical care (excepting in a life death situation);

deny the children of illegal aliens access to a State’s public schools system;

forbid and make it a crime for illegals to live in any public housing unit or section eight housing;

and never allowing a person who has entered our country illegally to re-enter our country legally in the future would actually encourage many to swiftly exit our country on their own and take their children with them.

So, Ben’s talking point that we can’t round them up and deport them is nothing but a ruse to avoid putting forth a plan to encourage illegals to leave on their own.

The question is, why does Ben Carson have a problem with making it very uncomfortable for illegal entrants to remain in our country?

Why does he not show compassion for American Citizens who are suffering the devastating social, financial and political consequences inflicted upon them by the tens of millions of aliens who have invaded our borders?


To support Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio or John Kasich is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!
I have admit I have no idea what to do on this issue, I suspect all so called solutions have to suck equally.
Anyway, in a few years give or take the lawlessness will be unbearable in high population areas... Sh!t happens

Embrace for the coming suck
Why on earth does Ben Carson want to encourage illegal entrants by making them legal and allowing them to take jobs away from American Citizens?


To support Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio or John Kasich is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!

it's called pandering for the Hispanic vote
Why on earth does Ben Carson want to encourage illegal entrants by making them legal and allowing them to take jobs away from American Citizens?


To support Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio or John Kasich is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!

it's called pandering for the Hispanic vote

I'm not sure that's true. I know a number of Puerto Ricans and they are not happy with illegal aliens from Mexico and Central America taking their jobs away by working off the books and not paying taxes on their earned wages which allows them to work below the going wage now being paid to American Citizens which includes Puerto Ricans.

Puerto Ricans and Blacks, especially Black youths, are, and have, lost their jobs to the flood of illegals from Mexico and Central America.

Why does Ben Carson not care about American Citizens who are Black or Puerto Ricans? I believe its because Ben Carson is the mouthpiece for the Chamber of Commerce.

Let's see what we have here. Obama gives businesses a $3,000.00 incentive per illegal employee hired. Bernie Sanders wants to give subsidized Obamacare and tuition free college educations to illegals. I'd say in the end, we're going to have a bunch of college educated American kids sitting around unemployed on USMB everyday. One must conclude that Liberals don't want their kids working for a living. I guess Liberals prefer to see their kids on food stamps.Looks like a plan to me. LOL!!
a teenage thug who wants to legalize aliens, and the RW's are confused ?

put Obama's name in the blank and its death by firing squad, then hang the body in the city square for a couple of weeks until it rots and falls apart just as an example ...

RW's crack me up ...
See: Ben Carson: Give Illegals Six Months to Register as Guest Workers

September 14, 2015

”( - GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson told CBS’s “Face the Nation” on Sunday that his immigration plan would include giving illegal immigrants six months to register as guest workers.

“Those who are here, you know, we have to recognize that we can't just round them up, but we can give them an opportunity to register. I would give them a six-month period, and if they register and they have a pristine record, they haven't been causing problems, I would give them an opportunity to become guest workers, not citizens, not voting people, not people who get goodies,” said Carson.”

So, Ben Carson has no problem with allowing the millions of illegal aliens to stay here who are taking good paying jobs away from America Citizens in the building trades by offering their labor off the books and below existing fair market wages.

This is the same kind of crap which Rubio, Bush, Kasich and other Chamber of Commerce flunkies support, they support the interests of those who have invaded our borders above the general welfare of the United States and her Citizens!

Ben Carson also uses the Chamber of Commerce’s talking point that “we can't just round them up” and deport them. If Ben were sincerely concerned about the devastating social, financial and political consequences these illegals are inflicting upon American Citizens, instead of offering to make them legal he would put forth a plan which would make it extremely uncomfortable for illegal entrants to remain in our country, e.g., :

impose a stiff jail sentence if caught working in our country;

severely punishing them when caught in our country;

require business owners to utilize e-verify when hiring;

severely punishing those who hire illegal aliens;

require emergency rooms to use e-verify when treating suspected aliens;

denying illegal entrants any medical care (excepting in a life death situation);

deny the children of illegal aliens access to a State’s public schools system;

forbid and make it a crime for illegals to live in any public housing unit or section eight housing;

and never allowing a person who has entered our country illegally to re-enter our country legally in the future would actually encourage many to swiftly exit our country on their own and take their children with them.

So, Ben’s talking point that we can’t round them up and deport them is nothing but a ruse to avoid putting forth a plan to encourage illegals to leave on their own.

The question is, why does Ben Carson have a problem with making it very uncomfortable for illegal entrants to remain in our country?

Why does he not show compassion for American Citizens who are suffering the devastating social, financial and political consequences inflicted upon them by the tens of millions of aliens who have invaded our borders?


To support Ben Carson, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio or John Kasich is to support a continuance of Obama's illegal immigration tyranny which includes giving legal status and work permits to tens of millions who have invaded our borders!
I don't have a problem with this at least they'll be on the books.

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