barack obama

  1. P@triot

    The election controversy

    Let me start by stating this thread is aimed at conservatives. We already know that the left - which has been crying "conspiracy" over the elections - will fail to think for themselves and will immediately mock the premise, attack the sources, ignore the facts, and deny reality. Save yourself...
  2. P@triot

    Obama building wall around new home

    Bwahahahahaha! Another day, another repulsive hypocrisy from a progressive. Obama insists that building a wall doesn't keep people out. So what does he do? Build a big wall around his house. TMZ: Obama Family Building a Wall Around New Home - Breitbart
  3. P@triot

    Barack Obama's "FU" tour

    I wasn't particularly a fan of George W. Bush - but I have endless respect for the way he left office. He was classy. Gracious. Humble. He said that (and I quote) "President Obama deserves my silence" when asked to comment about Barack Obama. He also said that he hoped Obama succeeded...
  4. P@triot

    Putin just alpha-maled Obama and Dropped the Mic

    Few things have illustrated Barack Obama's complete and total ineptitude as president than his inability to deal with Vladimir Putin and Russia. Hell, he wasn't even able to recognize that he needed to deal with Vladimir Putin and Russia. It wasn't until Mitt Romney clued him in during their...
  5. P@triot

    Unimaginable arrogance

    I can't even imagine the type of arrogance it takes to make these statements. For starters, all Barack Obama ever thinks about is Barack Obama and his "legacy". Second, he's so drunk with power that he doesn't even realize he will have no power to do anything about Donald Trump's policies...
  6. P@triot

    As usual, the left is furious over the TRUTH

    What is the problem here? At worst, all Russia did was provide the American people with the truth. It's amazing how releasing the truth (which was not related to "national security" in any capacity) is so troublesome to the left that they deem it dictates "retaliatory" response. Obama...
  7. American_Jihad

    The Democrats’ journey from center to hard Left

    It all really all started with clinton in the 90's, from the first WTC attack to 9/11... The Left In Power: Clinton to Obama The Democrats’ journey from center to hard Left. December 27, 2016 Barbara Kay After the federal election, an African-American child asked at a family dinner if he...
  8. American_Jihad

    Foreign Student Visas: Educating America’s Adversaries

    Foreign Student Visas: Educating America’s Adversaries Guess who Obama’s State Department issues hundreds of thousands of student visas to? December 22, 2016 Michael Cutler It has been said that if you give a man a fish you will feed him for a day, but if you teach him how to fish, you will...
  9. P@triot

    Obama continues to purchase votes for his party

    First he started by throwing trillions of dollars at anything liberal. "Green" energy companies. Studies. Universities. Etc. When that didn't work, and he got his ass kicked during the 2010 mid-terms, he unconstitutionally granted amnesty to illegal aliens in order to purchase the votes of them...
  10. P@triot

    Obama warns Trump against using Executive Orders

    Just when I thought Obama had reached the pinnacle of stupidity, he manages to reach new levels. The man who set the record for issuing Presidential Memorandums and bragged about his willingness to circumvent Congress with his "pen and his phone" wants to warn Donald Trump about circumventing...
  11. American_Jihad

    Lies and Hypocrisy Over Aleppo

    Lies and Hypocrisy Over Aleppo Where are the tears for Aleppo’s Christians and Jews? December 21, 2016 Daniel Greenfield 250,000 Christians lived in Aleppo before the Sunni-Shiite Islamic civil war began. Today their numbers have fallen to 40,000. There were no worldwide protests over this...
  12. washamericom

    birther press conference tomorrow 12/15 at 4

    should be interesting. Final showdown: Sheriff Joe slaps Obama with new birth-certificate bombshell · 2 hours ago Sheriff Arpaio Set to Announce ‘Newest Revelations’ in Obama Birth Certificate Investigation LawNewz · 3 hours ago Sheriff Arpaio To Make Huge Announcement...
  13. P@triot

    State Election Agencies Trace Hacking Back To DHS

    Three states have now traced hacking back to IP addresses from the Department of Homeland Security. Obama leveraged the IRS to influence his elections and apparently leveraged the Department of Homeland Security to influential Hitlery's failed presidential bid. BREAKING: 3 State Election...
  14. P@triot

    What happened to the progressive narrative on "sharing the wealth"?

    Here are the Obama's - the first family of "I am my brother's keeper" - sporting outrageous $20,000 dresses. That's as much as an automobile. Do you know how many hungry children could be fed for $40,000?!? Sasha & Malia Obama could have worn $30 dresses from Walmart and all of that money could...
  15. P@triot

    Obama's ideology

    For 8 years now, progressives have been denying Obama's entire ideology. He states in his autobiography that upon arriving at college, he "actively sought out the marxist professors", but the progressive minions deny he is a marxist. His wife states that (and I quote) "Barack knows that we have...
  16. P@triot

    Trump has already accomplished more than Obama

    The stories that have been coming out are truly astounding. Just on the news of his election, in less than two weeks, the markets have skyrocketed. World leaders have talked about peace and their confidence in Donald Trump. And now this. This. Apple will be making the iPhone in America. The...
  17. P@triot

    On behalf of a grateful nation, thank you Mr. President

    At it's darkest hour, when this country really needed leader to generate the change that America desperately needed, you stepped up Mr. Obama and provided it in a big way. You will unquestionable go down as the man who saved America. On your watch, you nearly single-handedly gave birth to the...
  18. P@triot

    Progressives have been REALLY duped

    It never ceases to amaze me how progressives allow themselves to be "useful idiots" for the left-wing politicians who exploit them and laugh all the way to the bank. It's only made possible if a person wants to be ignorant. All of the information is out there and readily available. But it would...
  19. P@triot

    The Progressive Paradox

    On many occasions the courts have struck down Barack Obama's unconstitutional "Executive Orders". Some of which have even been struck down unanimously by the Supreme Court - astounding since two of the justices (Elana Kagen and Sonja Sotomayor) are extreme left-wing activists appointed by Barack...
  20. P@triot

    Barack Obama's Legacy

    While the left will inevitably do what they do best (attempt to replace history with propaganda), here is the true legacy of the Barack Obama presidency... 1. The non-stimulating stimulus. Obama’s $750,000,000-plus stimulus plan retarded economic recovery, but it did manage to shatter by...
  21. P@triot

    Barack Obama: "Americans are lazy"

    First of all, the irony here is so thick you can cut it with a knife. Barack has thrown trillions and trillions of dollars at anyone not willing to hold a job. Food. Housing. Healthcare. Cell phones. You name - Barack Obama will steal it from someone else and hand it to you. Second - there has...
  22. P@triot

    So much for the false narrative that Obama was "repairing" our reputation with the world

    Our closest allies (England and Israel) now hate us. And our biggest enemies (Russia and China) hate us more than ever and are showing aggression towards us on a consistent basis. Now relations have fallen apart with the Philipines thanks to Obama's bungling of foreign relations. President...
  23. P@triot

    Obama's contempt for the U.S.

    Daddy taught Obama growing up that the U.S was the (and I quote) "great imperialist". We weren't successful because we had great people who were free and motivated in the free market to innovate (people such as Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, Bill Gates, etc.). No. It was because we "oppressed" other...
  24. P@triot

    Trump delivers knockout blow to Clinton/Obama

    While Obama was out playing golf (again) and Hitlery was counting her money, Donald Trump was personally down in Louisiana with an 18-wheeler filled with desperately needed supplies. Not a prima donna above the "little people" like Obama, but rather just one of the people making a real...
  25. P@triot

    Obama caught lying yet again

    The Democrats continue to do what they do best - lie, keep lying, lie some more, continue to lie, and then lie to cover up their lies. Intelligence reports produced by U.S. Central Command that tracked the Islamic State’s 2014-15 rise in Iraq and Syria were skewed to present a rosier picture of...
  26. P@triot

    Barack Obama - the most divisive politician in U.S. history

    He'll turn the White House rainbow to celebrate homosexuality but he refuses to turn the White House blue to honor all of the fallen officers. And this is after his anti-law enforcement rhetoric played a part in the hostilities. OBAMA IGNORES POLICE REQUEST - Won't Turn White House 'Blue' in...
  27. P@triot

    Obama's overt racism has turned this nation into a powder keg

    Time and time again Obama has overtly displayed his racism. From his autobiography when he said (and I quote) "that's just how white folks will do ya", to his ignorant statement of "the police acted stupidly" in the Harvard professor arrest before he had any facts, to his equally ignorant...
  28. P@triot

    Obama literally guilty of treason

    As part of the executive branch - Barry Sorento has no choice but to enforce the law. He may not instruct members of the executive branch to disregard law, make their own laws to enforce, or operate outside of the law. And yet that is exactly what Barry has done on the border and with illegal...
  29. P@triot


    What a difference here between the weakest leader the U.S. has ever seen (Barack Obama) and one of the two strongest leaders the U.S. has ever seen (Ronald Reagan)...
  30. P@triot

    The Hillary Clinton Email Scandal

    We see liberals all over America doing what they always do - desperately attempting to defend the indefensible rather than just showing integrity and denouncing illegal or unethical behavior. But every single person in America knows exactly why Hillary hired someone to set up a private e-mail...
  31. American_Jihad

    Why Hillary Clinton really used a private email server

    Could be, did you know that Valerie Jarrett runs the show. He's a typical liberal that needs someone to run his life... Fantasy Baseball, Beltway Style Why Hillary Clinton really used a private email server. May 26, 2016 Ann Coulter In a campaign season with lots of surprises, how's this...
  32. American_Jihad

    The Victimhood of Black Millionaires

    Black sports stars, rappers, politicians, etc, etc, are one percenters, wonder if the left will go after there money... The Victimhood of Black Millionaires What do you do when you aren’t a victim anymore? May 19, 2016 Daniel Greenfield Fresh from the success of Between the World and Me...
  33. P@triot

    ISIS is alive, Solyndra is dead

    Astounding audio taking you through the very short yet brutally effective history of ISIS. As you will hear in the audio, ISIS funds their terrorism to the tune of over $2 billion per year from oil wells that they have taken control of. When asked why Obama didn't direct U.S. military forces to...
  34. American_Jihad

    Beyonce's Beehive of Bombastic Buffoons

    A company sent me tickets, in front of some libtart acquaintances I ripped them up and they went nuts... Beyonce's Beehive of Bombastic Buffoons Obama's favorite female role model and her army of violent haters. April 29, 2016 Michelle Malkin Question: Why aren't liberal celebrities ever...
  35. American_Jihad

    The real motivation behind replacing Andrew Jackson

    She has that michael obongos hateful look... Symbolism Instead of History The real motivation behind replacing Andrew Jackson with Harriet Tubman on the $20 bill. April 28, 2016 Bruce Thornton Replacing Andrew Jackson with Harriet Tubman on the twenty-dollar bill is likely to be Barack...
  36. American_Jihad

    President Obama: Accessory to the Crimes Committed By Illegal Aliens?

    He can't be gone soon enough... President Obama: Accessory to the Crimes Committed By Illegal Aliens? The grim findings unveiled by a House congressional hearing. April 26, 2016 Michael Cutler On Tuesday, April 19, 2016, the House Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security conducted a...
  37. American_Jihad

    Naming a U.S. warship after a left-wing politician and liberal activist

    From the obongo adminastration another F/U America... Obama Just Named Navy Warship Something That Infuriated Many – A Big Slap In The Face To Military "I would like an explanation..." Warner Todd Huston April 15, 2016 In a move that ignores both tradition and the rules in order to push a far...
  38. P@triot

    Obama likely to sit out Democratic primary altogether

    This is something really peculiar going on within the Democrat Party. For starters, it speaks volumes that Obama refuses to come out and support Hillary. The reality is, much like everyone in the party, he absolutely can't stand her. Their battles are legendary and well documented. But beyond...
  39. P@triot

    Failed Obama ‘Reset’ Has Encouraged Russian Aggression

    Nothing invites aggression like weakness. And Obama was all to happy to show the entire globe what a limp-wristed little coward he was. No we have a middle east in complete and total turmoil, Iran developing nuclear power and weapons, ISIS running rampant (and far worse than Al Qaeda ever was)...
  40. P@triot

    The disingenuous Democrats

    I shouldn't be surprised given their long and dark history, but still I can't get over just how disingenuous the left has become in this country. It's to the point where they won't have an honest debate/discussion about anything. And their leaders won't act with honesty in any capacity. Here is...

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