State Election Agencies Trace Hacking Back To DHS

Three states have now traced hacking back to IP addresses from the Department of Homeland Security. Obama leveraged the IRS to influence his elections and apparently leveraged the Department of Homeland Security to influential Hitlery's failed presidential bid.

BREAKING: 3 State Election Agencies Confirm Suspected Cyber-Attacks Sourced To DHS | The Sean Hannity Show

Thread after thread about the same, but from different perspectives, lol. But here is reality----------->the left had better hope that what crapola they are passing off is real. Why? Because the left is no longer dealing with politicians, they are dealing with business owners, corporation heads, and people who may not be politically as savvy as they are, but much more intelligent. If the left is pulling some crap, within 2 weeks of Trump and his cabinet getting in power, those who tried to pull it off are going to get busted. Trump WILL throw them in jail, and make it a public spectacle so everyone knows who pulled this off.

And finally--------->the conservatives of this country should NOT defend Putin, if he did what the left says he did, or not. Instead..........they should be attacking the MSM like pitbulls. Why? Because if the MSM DID IT'S JOB, Putin could not tell anybody, anything they didn't already know. This fiasco is a failure of the media to DO what it is supposed to, and prove why our country has freedom of the press. With all the ass kissing WikiLeaks showed between the MSM and the far leftists, everybody knows that the MSM KNEW what was going on, especially hosing Sanders, but did NOT report it! That is the FAILURE of the MSM. All Putin did was do the MSMs job, a job they really don't want to do if they have to negatively report on far leftists. It is like Putin told everyone 2 + 2 = 4. It was no secret, he or whomever let the cat out of the bag, just proved what we already knew, but the far leftists have tried to deny for years........the MSM is LIBERAL, almost all LIBERAL, and they do not do their jobs. That is one reason most of the MSM is going to go out of business, because they only report things they like, and if they don't like it? They either make something up, or let a far leftist EDIT their story.
wow! talk about going off the deep end... :cuckoo:

I heard it was DHS that tried to test State voter registration security? Most States were made aware of it?

But who knows? Maybe DHS has a Russian mole working within? :D
wow! talk about going off the deep end... :cuckoo:

I heard it was DHS that tried to test State voter registration security? Most States were made aware of it?

But who knows? Maybe DHS has a Russian mole working within? :D
Or maybe this whole business about Russia trying to influence the election is a fake news story planted by the Obama administration. After all, the FBI and the DNI have both said there is no proof it is true, and the ODNI even made fun of the claim. Now the CIA is refusing to show the evidence this allegation is based on to Congress.
wow! talk about going off the deep end... :cuckoo:

I heard it was DHS that tried to test State voter registration security? Most States were made aware of it?

But who knows? Maybe DHS has a Russian mole working within? :D
It could be ancient aliens are involved as well. Funny how Russia was an ally when Obama was cosying up to them now they are a bane to our society.
I heard it was DHS that tried to test State voter registration security? Most States were made aware of it?
Bwahahaha! That's a convenient Barack Obama claim if I've ever seen one. Let me ask you something - since when is DHS responsible for the integrity of elections? That is a state issue - not an issue for the federal government. Furthermore, what kind of crap is "most states were made aware of it"?!? If the DHS engaged in penetration testing, it's federal law that there be an agreement between the tester and the people whose network is being tested. Therefore, DHS would have been required to make all states aware of it or they committed a felony.

Come on C4A...don't be a partisan hack. The Democrats engaged in some terribly dirty corruption here. They yet again attempted to steal an election. And they had the audacity to cry that the Russian's were doing some hacking.
And finally--------->the conservatives of this country should NOT defend Putin, if he did what the left says he did, or not.
As a devout constitutional conservative, I would just like to say.....bullshit. I don't care if it was Adolf Hitler, Kim Jong Il, Saddam Hussein, or any of the other evil people that have tormented this world, anyone who exposes lies and corruption by governments has done something worthy of praise.

If Putin and Russia really did hack the DNC and release all of those e-mails, then they deserve our highest respect and gratitude for exposing these representatives for the criminals that they are. These people answer to us. How dare they lie to us, engage in corruption, and cover up crimes from us.

Barack Obama promised (and I quote) "the most transparent government in U.S. history" while on the campaign trial. After winning, he delivered the most corrupt government in U.S. history. This has to end. These little dictators need to understand that we are in charge, that they answer to us, and that we will not tolerate this shit any longer.

It's the lesson from this election that progressives haven't figured out. Donald Trump is one of the biggest assholes to ever run for office. His campaign was a joke - in constant disarray. He said all the wrong things, messed up everything that could possibly be messed up, and had no financing at all. And yet he slaughtered Hitlery Clinton. Why? Because he's never held public officer before. Ever. At any level. The American people just gave the government the biggest "fuck you" the world has ever seen. We are taking our country back and our government will answer to us again even if it means reverting to a coup.

It's the one thing that ALL of America should agree on. Sadly though, the left has become so greedy and so desperate for handouts that they will support corruption and allow their representatives to dictate to them rather than answer to them.

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