
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
Just when I thought Obama had reached the pinnacle of stupidity, he manages to reach new levels. The man who set the record for issuing Presidential Memorandums and bragged about his willingness to circumvent Congress with his "pen and his phone" wants to warn Donald Trump about circumventing Congress?!? Absolutely incredible.

"In an interview with NPR, Obama — who said in 2014 he doesn’t need the legislative process because “I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone” and whose press secretary said in 2015 that the White House doesn’t “need Congress to approve” the Iran deal — said his “strong preference” has always been to work with Congress."

Obama warns Trump against using the executive order too much — for real
LOL, he's scared. He has set the precedent now for exec orders. His arrogance led him to believe a Republican never had a chance of winning the Presidency anytime in the near future. He figured that future Dem Presidents would need a way to circumvent Congress like him.
LOL, he's scared. He has set the precedent now for exec orders. His arrogance led him to believe a Republican never had a chance of winning the Presidency anytime in the near future. He figured that future Dem Presidents would need a way to circumvent Congress like him.
That's a good point TH. My hope is that Trump will make progressive lives so miserable that they will recognize the errors of their way and reverse course (at least to some degree) on consolidating all power to the federal government and then funneling all of that to the executive branch.
Obama thinks he can manipulate the Donald. Ain't gonna happen, pal. Your EOs are all gonna be overturned by President Trump.
That's the beauty of the progressive idiocy. They get all turned on by circumventing Congress and slamming through their damaging policies at warp speed. But they fail to realize that anything done by an Executive Order or Presidential Memorandums can instantly be undone by an Executive Order or Presidential Memorandum.

Constitutional legislation may be a lot harder to push through, but it's also a lot harder to repeal.
I listened to the interview this morning and Obama as plain as day stated it was Trump prerogative to come in on day 1 and undo anything he himself had done through executive order. His advice to Trump on getting things he wanted was to try legislative action first because if successful it would be harder to scrap it. Any "warning" here is best applied towards just the typical bait-click headline.
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Just when I thought Obama had reached the pinnacle of stupidity, he manages to reach new levels. The man who set the record for issuing Presidential Memorandums and bragged about his willingness to circumvent Congress with his "pen and his phone" wants to warn Donald Trump about circumventing Congress?!? Absolutely incredible.

"In an interview with NPR, Obama — who said in 2014 he doesn’t need the legislative process because “I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone” and whose press secretary said in 2015 that the White House doesn’t “need Congress to approve” the Iran deal — said his “strong preference” has always been to work with Congress."

Obama warns Trump against using the executive order too much — for real

It gets more insane by the day. The anti-Trump loons are now pretending to care about the constitution. Funny how that was just some outdated document when it stood in the way of Obama's plans. Obamacare is unconstitutional. It's only a tax in the Supreme Court so it holds up but not a tax in congress so it didn't need to start in the House. And we are all forced to participate in commerce, which is not allowed.

Obama loved his executive orders. He ignored federal immigration laws. He went further to encourage those here illegally to vote in the election. And now he has the nerve to tell Trump not to do what he did.

Obama bragged about having pen and phone and basically said 'fuck you' to the people when he found himself surrounded by more Republicans. Never mind that the people voted for them. Obama wasn't interested in respecting anyone who disagreed with him. He wanted his socialist policies and amnesty for illegal aliens. He wanted economic refugees, who aren't running from war, to be seeded throughout the country. It's nothing more than helping Muslims realize their dream of spreading and multiplying. Workers who tend to them at refugee camps already reported what they talk about. The women are told to have as many babies as possible in hopes of eventually becoming the majority. They despise our culture and want to end it. They say it all the time, but the lib media tells us we are wrong to pay attention and believe them.

Obama came in with his own agenda and the left lined up behind him without question. Suddenly, the anti-religious libs were singing the praises of the most radical and oppressive religion (actually, government) on earth.

Those who are having hissy fits over Trump's election are not the majority. They are a loud, obnoxious minority but the press treats them like mainstream Americans.

Obama has said a lot of things, mostly fantasies, because he is more worried about his legacy than anything else. He thinks he saved the economy, got everyone working again and he can't recall any scandals. It's pitiful. And he, like many libs, is still in denial about why Trump was elected. It wasn't to continue with Obama's agenda.
Obama thinks he can manipulate the Donald. Ain't gonna happen, pal. Your EOs are all gonna be overturned by President Trump.
That's the beauty of the progressive idiocy. They get all turned on by circumventing Congress and slamming through their damaging policies at warp speed. But they fail to realize that anything done by an Executive Order or Presidential Memorandums can instantly be undone by an Executive Order or Presidential Memorandum.

Constitutional legislation may be a lot harder to push through, but it's also a lot harder to repeal.
I think they knew it but didn't care because they were so sure Hillary would win the election and all those EOs would stand. Now he's gonna pretend to be Trump's big brother with the good advice.
I listened to the interview this morning and Obama as plain as day stated it was Trump prerogative to come in on day 1 and undo anything he himself had done through executive order. His advice to Trump on getting things he wanted was to try legislative action first because if successful it would be harder to scrap it. Any "warning" here is best applied towards just the typical bait-click headline.
That somehow excuses the astounding hypocrisy in your mind? :uhh:
I listened to the interview this morning and Obama as plain as day stated it was Trump prerogative to come in on day 1 and undo anything he himself had done through executive order. His advice to Trump on getting things he wanted was to try legislative action first because if successful it would be harder to scrap it. Any "warning" here is best applied towards just the typical bait-click headline.
That somehow excuses the astounding hypocrisy in your mind? :uhh:

How is advising Trump to act as he himself acted any sort of hypocrisy? Obama states that legislative action is preferable to an executive order because they're harder to undo and is especially the best way to go when you have the majority in Congress. He never advised Trump not to use it if that's the only way to get things done.
I listened to the interview this morning and Obama as plain as day stated it was Trump prerogative to come in on day 1 and undo anything he himself had done through executive order. His advice to Trump on getting things he wanted was to try legislative action first because if successful it would be harder to scrap it. Any "warning" here is best applied towards just the typical bait-click headline.
That somehow excuses the astounding hypocrisy in your mind? :uhh:

How is advising Trump to act as he himself acted any sort of hypocrisy? Obama states that legislative action is preferable to an executive order because they're harder to undo and is especially the best way to go when you have the majority in Congress. He never advised Trump not to use it if that's the only way to get things done.
He failed to overturn the election so he has no choice but to suck up to him in the hopes that Trump won't investigate his many acts of treason while serving as president.
I listened to the interview this morning and Obama as plain as day stated it was Trump prerogative to come in on day 1 and undo anything he himself had done through executive order. His advice to Trump on getting things he wanted was to try legislative action first because if successful it would be harder to scrap it. Any "warning" here is best applied towards just the typical bait-click headline.
That somehow excuses the astounding hypocrisy in your mind? :uhh:

How is advising Trump to act as he himself acted any sort of hypocrisy? Obama states that legislative action is preferable to an executive order because they're harder to undo and is especially the best way to go when you have the majority in Congress. He never advised Trump not to use it if that's the only way to get things done.
Because he advised Trump not to act as he did. Pay attention son. And read the article before commenting. Hell, read the headline before commenting. That alone was enough in this case.
I listened to the interview this morning and Obama as plain as day stated it was Trump prerogative to come in on day 1 and undo anything he himself had done through executive order. His advice to Trump on getting things he wanted was to try legislative action first because if successful it would be harder to scrap it. Any "warning" here is best applied towards just the typical bait-click headline.
That somehow excuses the astounding hypocrisy in your mind? :uhh:

How is advising Trump to act as he himself acted any sort of hypocrisy? Obama states that legislative action is preferable to an executive order because they're harder to undo and is especially the best way to go when you have the majority in Congress. He never advised Trump not to use it if that's the only way to get things done.
Because he advised Trump not to act as he did. Pay attention son. And read the article before commenting. Hell, read the headline before commenting. That alone was enough in this case.

I listened to the entire interview on the way to work this morning. The only "Warning" here is the one you're being spoon fed by a headline writer. Swallow it if you wish.

I listened to the interview this morning and Obama as plain as day stated it was Trump prerogative to come in on day 1 and undo anything he himself had done through executive order. His advice to Trump on getting things he wanted was to try legislative action first because if successful it would be harder to scrap it. Any "warning" here is best applied towards just the typical bait-click headline.
That somehow excuses the astounding hypocrisy in your mind? :uhh:

How is advising Trump to act as he himself acted any sort of hypocrisy? Obama states that legislative action is preferable to an executive order because they're harder to undo and is especially the best way to go when you have the majority in Congress. He never advised Trump not to use it if that's the only way to get things done.
Because he advised Trump not to act as he did. Pay attention son. And read the article before commenting. Hell, read the headline before commenting. That alone was enough in this case.

I listened to the entire interview on the way to work this morning. The only "Warning" here is the one you're being spoon fed by a headline writer. Swallow it if you wish.

Really? You listened to the entire interview on your way into work this morning? That would be one hell of a trick as the article is dated 12/19/16 (look for yourself chief) and your ride in to work this morning was 12/20/16 (being after midnight now it is technically 12/21/16). Any other lies you want to try my friend?
LOL, he's scared. He has set the precedent now for exec orders. His arrogance led him to believe a Republican never had a chance of winning the Presidency anytime in the near future. He figured that future Dem Presidents would need a way to circumvent Congress like him.

How did he set the precedent for executive orders? :dunno:
Really? You listened to the entire interview on your way into work this morning? That would be one hell of a trick as the article is dated 12/19/16 (look for yourself chief) and your ride in to work this morning was 12/20/16 (being after midnight now it is technically 12/21/16). Any other lies you want to try my friend?

That's funny. I am now responding to your comment you posted in the past and so by your logic I must be some sort of miracle worker.

The article you referenced states, “My suggestion to the president-elect is, you know, going through the legislative process is always better, in part because it’s harder to undo,” Obama told NPR.

It states that Obama wants Trump to take it easy when it comes to exercising executive orders but then we have Obama backing up his opinion saying, “If he wants to reverse some of those rules, that’s part of the democratic process. That’s, you know, why I tell people to vote — because it turns out elections mean something.”

Basically the opinion Obama expresses is that he knows and accepts that Trump can do whatever he desires pertaining Obama's executive orders and that's why it would have been his preference to get what he desired through legislation.

You seem much more influenced by the tone of the article and its headline than its actual content.
Just when I thought Obama had reached the pinnacle of stupidity, he manages to reach new levels. The man who set the record for issuing Presidential Memorandums and bragged about his willingness to circumvent Congress with his "pen and his phone" wants to warn Donald Trump about circumventing Congress?!? Absolutely incredible.

"In an interview with NPR, Obama — who said in 2014 he doesn’t need the legislative process because “I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone” and whose press secretary said in 2015 that the White House doesn’t “need Congress to approve” the Iran deal — said his “strong preference” has always been to work with Congress."

Obama warns Trump against using the executive order too much — for real

Yup he sure did then he turned around and EO's offshore drilling.

Hope Trump turns that right around. We have loads of oil and natural gas in America and we need to drill for it and use it. We could be free from the Arab oil in no time.
LOL, he's scared. He has set the precedent now for exec orders. His arrogance led him to believe a Republican never had a chance of winning the Presidency anytime in the near future. He figured that future Dem Presidents would need a way to circumvent Congress like him.

How did he set the precedent for executive orders? :dunno:
Have you not read the thread? The second post has a link from USA Today to an article discussing how Barack Obama signed more Presidential Memorandums than any president in U.S. history. It is how he illegally granted amnesty

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