White privilege


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2004
Ever notice that the whole concept of white privilege is the same racist idea that white people are superior and better than other races. The only difference between white privilege and traditional racism is they encourage guilt instead of pride.
I think it's out there, not something that I have thought about in my daily life, but somehow, I just feel like it is there...

As a white person... does this mean that subconsciously I believe Whites are superior somehow, I don't think so? I think all people (and animals) tend to be more comfortable and safer with people (or creatures) that look like the people we grew up with as very young children....there was a documentary on this on the Discovery channel not long ago that was interesting regarding this....

So, if you are using skin tone as the criteria... and a majority of a certain skin tone of people in the workforce are managers, store owners, CEO's, Directors, etc and doing most of the hiring, I can see how...in a subconscious way, that with 2 equal candidates to hire, of two different skin tones, they would hire the candidate they feel most comfortable with, the one with the same skin tone in most cases....

without a single racist thought or intentional malice.

And also, as a white person, interviewing with another white person, it could make me more at ease in the interview than a person of color would be, which also could give me a silent edge, again, without even being aware of it.

So, especially after watching that science experiment / documentary, I think there could be something called "white privilege", that's real, but not necessarily done with any kind of malice.
Ever notice that the whole concept of white privilege is the same racist idea that white people are superior and better than other races. The only difference between white privilege and traditional racism is they encourage guilt instead of pride.
You obviously have no understanding of what the term white privilege is about. Try doing a little homework. You don't have to agree but at least try and understand both sides of an argument before you engage
I support white supremacy ...


Where dogs are concerned.
As a minority I actually feel sorry for the middle-aged white male… They can do no right in the politically correct reality of today.
Ever notice that the whole concept of white privilege is the same racist idea that white people are superior and better than other races. The only difference between white privilege and traditional racism is they encourage guilt instead of pride.

The "privilege" in being white is that people presume that you are higher IQ and less violence prone than if you were black.

Which is generally [but not always] the case.
Ever notice that the whole concept of white privilege is the same racist idea that white people are superior and better than other races. The only difference between white privilege and traditional racism is they encourage guilt instead of pride.
Actually, you have it backwards.

"White privilege" is the racist notion that white people are morally inferior, and therefore should relinquish all power that we even think we have.
Ever notice that the whole concept of white privilege is the same racist idea that white people are superior and better than other races. The only difference between white privilege and traditional racism is they encourage guilt instead of pride.
You obviously have no understanding of what the term white privilege is about. Try doing a little homework. You don't have to agree but at least try and understand both sides of an argument before you engage
There isn't another side of the argument.

"White privilege" is complete idiocy and nonsense.
White Privilege does exist, and there is a real, though slight, benefit to being "white," just as there is something of a detriment to being something other than "white" in our society. Old prejudices die hard.

But for better or for worse, there are myriad avenues where non-"whites" can flip that White Privilege on its head. For example, employment in the public sector, in academe, and in many industries actually FAVORS "minorities," especially those who can accumulate appropriate credentials - comparable to what a "white" person would have to have for the position, promotion, award, or what have you. In those areas, Minorities have a BETTER chance of getting that job, promotion, school admission, etc., than a "white" person with comparable credentials.

But ultimately, cultural factors and personal decisions are vastly more important in determining one's chances for success in our society. Consider one fact (according to the U.S. Census Bureau): A "white" child being raised by a single parent is THREE TIMES MORE LIKELY to be raised in poverty than a black child who is raised in an intact family. The white child's "privilege" is nowhere near advantageous enough to overcome his mother's decision (if it was that) to have a child outside marriage.

The wretched state of "minorities" in this country (lower income, less wealth, lower average education attainment, higher unemployment, etc.), is determined to a much greater extent by cultural factors than it is by the vestiges of racism - which cannot be denied or eliminated altogether

Single parenthood, dropping out of school, engaging in criminal activity, declining to pursue and retain opportunities for employment, substance abuse, and on and on and on. Indeed, any American who wants to minimize his chances of living in long-term poverty has to do only three simple things: (1) graduate from high school, (2) don't have children out of wedlock, and (3) get a job - any job, and keep it. Refraining from criminal activity is also nice. Not a high bar, is it?

But minorities have found and are clinging to the phenomenon of "White Privilege" to excuse their profound lack of success, blaming that ethereal, unmeasurable curse rather than the more substantive factors that CAN BE CONTROLLED by good decision-making and personal diligence.
White Privilege does exist, and there is a real, though slight, benefit to being "white," just as there is something of a detriment to being something other than "white" in our society. Old prejudices die hard.

But for better or for worse, there are myriad avenues where non-"whites" can flip that White Privilege on its head. For example, employment in the public sector, in academe, and in many industries actually FAVORS "minorities," especially those who can accumulate appropriate credentials - comparable to what a "white" person would have to have for the position, promotion, award, or what have you. In those areas, Minorities have a BETTER chance of getting that job, promotion, school admission, etc., than a "white" person with comparable credentials.

But ultimately, cultural factors and personal decisions are vastly more important in determining one's chances for success in our society. Consider one fact (according to the U.S. Census Bureau): A "white" child being raised by a single parent is THREE TIMES MORE LIKELY to be raised in poverty than a black child who is raised in an intact family. The white child's "privilege" is nowhere near advantageous enough to overcome his mother's decision (if it was that) to have a child outside marriage.

The wretched state of "minorities" in this country (lower income, less wealth, lower average education attainment, higher unemployment, etc.), is determined to a much greater extent by cultural factors than it is by the vestiges of racism - which cannot be denied or eliminated altogether

Single parenthood, dropping out of school, engaging in criminal activity, declining to pursue and retain opportunities for employment, substance abuse, and on and on and on. Indeed, any American who wants to minimize his chances of living in long-term poverty has to do only three simple things: (1) graduate from high school, (2) don't have children out of wedlock, and (3) get a job - any job, and keep it. Refraining from criminal activity is also nice. Not a high bar, is it?

But minorities have found and are clinging to the phenomenon of "White Privilege" to excuse their profound lack of success, blaming that ethereal, unmeasurable curse rather than the more substantive factors that CAN BE CONTROLLED by good decision-making and personal diligence.
The advantages that the government have built for "minorities" more than outweighs any "white privilege", and therefore "white privilege" doesn't exist.
Ever notice that the whole concept of white privilege is the same racist idea that white people are superior and better than other races. The only difference between white privilege and traditional racism is they encourage guilt instead of pride.
You obviously have no understanding of what the term white privilege is about. Try doing a little homework. You don't have to agree but at least try and understand both sides of an argument before you engage
There isn't another side of the argument.

"White privilege" is complete idiocy and nonsense.
Easy to say that when you have ZERO understanding of what it is
Ever notice that the whole concept of white privilege is the same racist idea that white people are superior and better than other races. The only difference between white privilege and traditional racism is they encourage guilt instead of pride.
You obviously have no understanding of what the term white privilege is about. Try doing a little homework. You don't have to agree but at least try and understand both sides of an argument before you engage
There isn't another side of the argument.

"White privilege" is complete idiocy and nonsense.
I'll explain it to you with a simple analogy that perhaps even somebody like you can understand. For over a century and even during recent generations the USA was dominated and controlled by whites. Minority groups, literally, were not allowed to partake in the same activities, or engage in our society in a way they could achieve proper education, wealth and power. Over our lifetime we have changed the rules in an attempt to correct these wrongs. Now the playing field is closer to even. The rules might be even, or even skewed to help minorities, but that doesn't mean there isn't a lasting effect, which referred to as "white privilege"

Take a high school basketball team and put them in a stadium to play against an NBA team. The rules of the game are fair but one team has an obvious advantage. Maybe lower the hoop a foot for the high schoolers, or spot them 10 points, but we all know who is going to win that game more times than not. You might have that 7 foot high schooler that excels and you might have that lazy NBA player who is out of shape and uncoordinated... However, even though the rules are fair, you have one group that is more groomed, experienced, and developed, they absolutely have the advantage.
Ever notice that the whole concept of white privilege is the same racist idea that white people are superior and better than other races. The only difference between white privilege and traditional racism is they encourage guilt instead of pride.
You obviously have no understanding of what the term white privilege is about. Try doing a little homework. You don't have to agree but at least try and understand both sides of an argument before you engage
There isn't another side of the argument.

"White privilege" is complete idiocy and nonsense.
I'll explain it to you with a simple analogy that perhaps even somebody like you can understand. For over a century and even during recent generations the USA was dominated and controlled by whites. Minority groups, literally, were not allowed to partake in the same activities, or engage in our society in a way they could achieve proper education, wealth and power. Over our lifetime we have changed the rules in an attempt to correct these wrongs. Now the playing field is closer to even. The rules might be even, or even skewed to help minorities, but that doesn't mean there isn't a lasting effect, which referred to as "white privilege"

Take a high school basketball team and put them in a stadium to play against an NBA team. The rules of the game are fair but one team has an obvious advantage. Maybe lower the hoop a foot for the high schoolers, or spot them 10 points, but we all know who is going to win that game more times than not. You might have that 7 foot high schooler that excels and you might have that lazy NBA player who is out of shape and uncoordinated... However, even though the rules are fair, you have one group that is more groomed, experienced, and developed, they absolutely have the advantage.
Creating ludicrous analogies to support your own lazy thinking doesn't make "white privilege" real or influential.

You simply have an outdated narrative that you are clearly not intelligent enough to question.
Ever notice that the whole concept of white privilege is the same racist idea that white people are superior and better than other races. The only difference between white privilege and traditional racism is they encourage guilt instead of pride.
You obviously have no understanding of what the term white privilege is about. Try doing a little homework. You don't have to agree but at least try and understand both sides of an argument before you engage
There isn't another side of the argument.

"White privilege" is complete idiocy and nonsense.
Easy to say that when you have ZERO understanding of what it is
You clearly don't understand how easy it is to debunk the entire notion of "white privilege".
But the underlying question remains the same: Is racism - now called "white privilege" - a significant impediment to individual "Black" Americans in their "pursuit of happiness"?

And the answer is, "Not necessarily." As I mentioned in my post above, if a "Black" person truly wants to achieve success and is willing to pay a reasonable price, s/he has many avenues to that success, not the least of which is entrepreneurship - that neutralize the impact of racism. So to blame racism, or "white privilege" for one's lack of success, or - worse - to pre-emptively say that "My chances of achieving success are doomed by White Privilege," and just give up, is totally bogus and not justified by reality.
But the underlying question remains the same: Is racism - now called "white privilege" - a significant impediment to individual "Black" Americans in their "pursuit of happiness"?

And the answer is, "Not necessarily." As I mentioned in my post above, if a "Black" person truly wants to achieve success and is willing to pay a reasonable price, s/he has many avenues to that success, not the least of which is entrepreneurship - that neutralize the impact of racism. So to blame racism, or "white privilege" for one's lack of success, or - worse - to pre-emptively say that "My chances of achieving success are doomed by White Privilege," and just give up, is totally bogus and not justified by reality.
The underlying question is whether anti-white racism and white guilt impede the success of white individuals while society looks entirely the other way, and the answer is a definite "yes".
Although I am a Conservatarian, I do subscribe to the belief that an African-American in a "white" society cannot be "racist."

S/he can hate white people all s/he wants, but it is meaningless. White people hold all the cards. Impotent racism is self-neutering, because it means nothing. If a Black supervisor at Dick's won't hire you because you are white, it is meaningless because you can go a thousand other places and get a comparable position.

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