Palin: Laura, don't retreat, reload!


Diamond Member
Aug 26, 2008
Newberry, SC
Over this week, Dr. Laura Schleisenger decided to take a call on her show and repeat the n-word 11 times while talking to a black woman about the racist comments of her white husband.

There was a rather large public outcry, resulting in Dr. Laura stating that she's going to leave her radio show now, because her 1st Amendment Free Speech is being violated.

Sarah Palin, the Momma Gerbil, formerly Wasilla Chihuahua released a tweet yesterday in support of Dr. Laura.

She stated that Dr. Laura shouldn't retreat, she should reload. My question is, is the Wasilla Chihuahua encouraging Dr. Laura to start using the n-word 11 times again?

You know........Dr. Laura's free speech wasn't silenced. She was castigated by her public and the sponsors of her show. The government had NOTHING to do with it, and for you people that don't know what the First Amendment is, here's a copy of the text.....

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.[1]

First Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If the Wasilla Chihuahua is such a great Constitutional scholar as she claims, how the fuck did she miss that?
By the's a copy of the tweet she sent. You guys decide what she's telling Dr. Laura to "reload"..........

Palin wrote in a post on Twitter that Schlessinger's First Amendment rights "ceased 2exist thx 2activists trying 2silence" her. Such activism "isn't American, not fair," she added.

Later she added, "Dr.Laura=even more powerful & effective w/out the shackles, so watch out Constitutional obstructionists."
How the fuck is Dr. Laura's First Amendment rights being infringed upon? She was silenced by the public, not the government?

And, exactly what is Palin telling her to reload? More racist comments?
Palin just jumps on whatever she thinks is a good platform to yap from.

you just described about 485 congresspeople and senators.

But palin is not a poltician. She is an entertainer. So I do not hold it against her.

Likewise, I do not hold it against Sean Penn, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh or Rachel Maddow.
I am still trying to figure out how her first amendment rights were infringed upon too.

We also have the first amendment right to tell her to we don't like what she has to say, and so do her sponsors.
Palin just jumps on whatever she thinks is a good platform to yap from.

you just described about 485 congresspeople and senators.

But palin is not a poltician. She is an entertainer. So I do not hold it against her.

Likewise, I do not hold it against Sean Penn, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh or Rachel Maddow.

I don't hold it against her, but I do laugh. I got a message from her last weekend, it was good to hear from her. :lol: I get a lot of Tea Party calls these days, I believe I am considered a Republican, after having to pick one year for a Primary.
Dr. Laura BLASTED Sarah Palin In 2008: 'Stunned' GOP Chose Her

Sarah Palin came to Dr. Laura Schlessinger's defense after the radio host ignited a firestorm over her incendiary use of the n-word.

But Dr. Laura herself was not so charitable back in 2008, when she criticized Palin for governing after she had a child born with Down's Syndrome.

In a blog post written shortly after Palin was selected as the Republican candidate for Vice President, and titled "Sarah Palin and Motherhood," Schlessinger pronounced herself "stunned" and "extremely disappointed" that the GOP had chosen her:

Couldn't the Republican Party find one competent female with adult children to run for Vice President with McCain? I realize his advisors probably didn't want a "mature" woman, as the Democrats keep harping on his age. But really, what kind of role model is a woman whose fifth child was recently born with a serious issue, Down Syndrome, and then goes back to the job of Governor within days of the birth?
If Palin DOESN'T know the Constitution, is willing to jump in on every hot button issue she thinks she can milk publicity from, what on God's green Earth would make any of you think Palin would have been a good VP?

All she's got is Twitter, Facebook and a whole bunch of stupid comments that she doesn't even bother to research very much about.

And, considering the backlash from other women who called themselves "momma grizzlies" and made a commercial, I'm kinda figuring that because of Palin's stupidity, her 15 min of fame is gonna be over soon.
What some people don't seem to get is that yes, you do have first amendment rights, you're more than free to say whatever you like. Racial slurs, swear words, bad puns, whatever you like. But you're also responsible for what you say. Dr. Laura should realize, she's free to say whatever she likes on her show, but that their will be consequences for her actions. Wanting to say whatever you like without repercussion is just lazy, and immature.
Palin just jumps on whatever she thinks is a good platform to yap from.

you just described about 485 congresspeople and senators.

But palin is not a poltician. She is an entertainer. So I do not hold it against her.

Likewise, I do not hold it against Sean Penn, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh or Rachel Maddow.

the entertainers even lady Gaga can say what they want, I just do not pay them any attention.

Why would anyone?
What some people don't seem to get is that yes, you do have first amendment rights, you're more than free to say whatever you like. Racial slurs, swear words, bad puns, whatever you like. But you're also responsible for what you say. Dr. Laura should realize, she's free to say whatever she likes on her show, but that their will be consequences for her actions. Wanting to say whatever you like without repercussion is just lazy, and immature.

You know........if someone who holds higher status than you does something over and over again, eventually you're gonna want to try it as well.

Considering the Appalachian Trail, airport restrooms, and affairs, is it any wonder why people want to do something without worrying about the consequences?

Lindsey Lohan didn't. Mel Gibson didn't. Kramer didn't.

With all the sleazeballs at the top showing us how good they can get away with this, is it any wonder the rest of the country is starting to lie as well?

Thank God I spent 20 years in the military, because it taught me to be responsible for myself.
Palin just jumps on whatever she thinks is a good platform to yap from.

you just described about 485 congresspeople and senators.

But palin is not a poltician. She is an entertainer. So I do not hold it against her.

Likewise, I do not hold it against Sean Penn, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh or Rachel Maddow.

the entertainers even lady Gaga can say what they want, I just do not pay them any attention.

Why would anyone?

I certainly dont.
Heck, I am a conservative yet VaYank knows more about what Palin spews than I do.
All I know about Palin is that she hunts....and why? She means nothing to me. She is not a politician and she is not a candidate.
you just described about 485 congresspeople and senators.

But palin is not a poltician. She is an entertainer. So I do not hold it against her.

Likewise, I do not hold it against Sean Penn, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh or Rachel Maddow.

the entertainers even lady Gaga can say what they want, I just do not pay them any attention.

Why would anyone?

I certainly dont.
Heck, I am a conservative yet VaYank knows more about what Palin spews than I do.
All I know about Palin is that she hunts....and why? She means nothing to me. She is not a politician and she is not a candidate.

Really? So, Palin's place in the GOP as one of the top Republicans means nothing to you?

Supposedly she's got influence and can get candidates elected via the tea bagger association.
OMFG. so Palin can't come out in defense of Dr. Laura even though Laura said some things about her.

well I gues that just shows up you lefties. HOLDING a friggen grudge is your all's game.:lol:

and you just gotta laugh your ass off over, there was RATHER a LARGE PUBIC OUTCRY over what Dr. Laura said.

the only ones whining were the LEFTIES. Yet they only care about Freedom of speech when they get to friggen DICTATE what is should be.
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OMFG. so Palin can't come out in defense of Dr. Laura even though Laura said some things about her.

well I gues that just shows up you lefties. HOLDING a friggen grudge is your all's game.:lol:

Hey StupidMe..............what part of


So..........since her First Amendment right wasn't violated, why is a supposed Constitutional scholar like the Momma Gerbil doing defending it when IT WAS NEVER VIOLATED?

Was it a line drive to the forehead in Little League or eating lead paint chips like they were Doritos that made you this stupid?
the entertainers even lady Gaga can say what they want, I just do not pay them any attention.

Why would anyone?

I certainly dont.
Heck, I am a conservative yet VaYank knows more about what Palin spews than I do.
All I know about Palin is that she hunts....and why? She means nothing to me. She is not a politician and she is not a candidate.

Really? So, Palin's place in the GOP as one of the top Republicans means nothing to you?

Supposedly she's got influence and can get candidates elected via the tea bagger association.

I vote based on candidate. Not based on Party.
My thoughts of the GOP are not much better than my thoughts of the Democratic party.

I am a consertvative and well aware that I am only 1/3 of the populace at I do not necessarily look for the conservative candidate. I look for the one I believe will get things done as it pertains to issues of the day.

I liked Hillary as I believed she would be best to deal with the two wars we were facing. I did not vote for Obama as he was way too inexperienced. I was correct on that one.
I did not appreciate McCain becuase of the way the poublic was taught by the media to perceive him...and my fear was that he would make horrible decisions in an effort to win over public support.

Sorry. You cant go there with me. I am not by any means a partisan.

I have no party. I vote with my head. Not my allegience.
OMFG. so Palin can't come out in defense of Dr. Laura even though Laura said some things about her.

well I gues that just shows up you lefties. HOLDING a friggen grudge is your all's game.:lol:

Hey StupidMe..............what part of


So..........since her First Amendment right wasn't violated, why is a supposed Constitutional scholar like the Momma Gerbil doing defending it when IT WAS NEVER VIOLATED?

Was it a line drive to the forehead in Little League or eating lead paint chips like they were Doritos that made you this stupid?[/QUOTE]

LOL, typical liberal response when they have NOTHING ELSE.

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