67% of married women are unfaithful

As someone already pointed out, the claim in the title is BS, and not even what the article itself claims.

But another thing that no one seems to have noticed is...guess who did this "study" of 100 women? A man who works for Ashley Madison, a slimy website specifically for "married people who are looking to have affairs."

Well golly gee, whoda thunk that someone who is paid by a website that promotes cheating among married people would concoct a "study" that claims cheating probably doesn’t hurt marriages?

On top of that, as a different article said: "he drew his subjects entirely from a website that women visit specifically to cheat."

I can never be in a serious relationship. It would have to be a very strong woman would be the only way.

Reason being is I have what some people might refer to as a flirty kind of personality. I don't do it purposefully for the specific purpose of flirting. It's just how I am. It's my nature. But I don't even think of it as flirty anyway. I'm not even improper in any way. I just get along better with women.

But that has caused too many problems for me in the past. I've got accused of so many things I've never even done. Strange things at times.

So, yeah. Single for me. It's better that way.
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I never realized this statistic was so high. No wonder men are waiting longer to tie the knot.

Sign of the times and culture. We have television and Hollywood overly focused on gratuitous, often graphic sex to the point few movies do not include it any more. Even "Good Doctor", a TV drama series centered around an autistic but brilliant young surgeon, spent a lot of their programming for a full season on him having sex and how to make it good sex. A purely historical movie about the development of the atomic bomb ("Oppenheimer") felt it important to include at least one highly graphic sex scene. Magazine and TV ads feature gorgeous, often scantily clad people and their sex appeal.

And now you have young people growing up thinking that is the ideal romantic scenario and how the reality of their own lives seem mundane in comparison. Husbands get busy and forget the wine and flowers and occasional 'dates' and other ways that keep women feeling special and romantic. Even not deferring to them as the 'weaker' sex to be carried across mud puddles or walk inside on the street, defending their honor etc. removes some emotional results. Religion with moral guidance removed from the equation is also a huge factor. And finally with young women generally having more time on their hands and more spending money at their disposal, the thoughts of a romantic 'escape' seem more plausible.

Reverse several decades before sex became a major cultural industry, when most people were at least somewhat religious including the morals that go with religion, and, though men and women have been cheating probably forever, monogamous relationships were far more the norm.
I have no respect for weak men that stay in a loveless marriage.
Are they week? Tough to say with out all the information. One situation I know of. The man makes 100k a year. She makes close to 40k. 2 kids male 15, girl 14. Both kids are on honor role. Male plays football, violin I. Orchestra, also in choir. Female cross country , viola, and choir. Divorce happens. Mortgage, taxes, and house insurance $ 2400. She is awarded the house till graduation. He is stuck with $1460 per month child support. Half of Mortgage $1200. $290 per month in spousal support. Also responsible half the utilities. Another $300 or $400 per month so let's call it 350. So dad is paying $3200 per month before he gets to spend a dime of his own money. Two weeks go by after divorce the parade of men start. That Saturday morning dad's 14 year old daughter is eating breakfast minding her own business. Next thing ya know some scumbag adult male is walking through the house in his underwear. Dad's best friend in the neighborhood happens to be walking his dog past the house. Sees scumbag walking in underwear in front of 14 year old girl. Calls dad. Both dad and BF are not happy . So a couple of weeks later dad and bf find scumbag and rough him up a bit. Mom likes her situation wants to keep it. Convinces daughter and son that staying with her and keeping dad in the dark means free run of house and next to no rules. Mom and scumbag press charges on dad and bf. Cops come for dad and bf on Friday. Dad and bf spend the week end in gladiator training in large city for the week end. Court on Monday 10k bail for both. Both out on Tuesday. Both slapped with restraining order. Kids take Mom and scumbag side in court. Court, lawyer fees etc cost dad and bf about 5k apiece. They get 60 days suspended sentence with one year non reporting probation. Probation costs $280 per month and neither can come with in 500 meters of house or anywhere Mom or scumbag frequent. So now dad can't see house for three years. Can't go to school events because mom might be there. Now to see kids on his every other weekend he has to find a neutral party to pick them up. If the kids agree. Well mom has ass loads of money coming in from dad and scumbag. Mom and scumbag can do what the hell they want when they want. Mom decides she has PTSD. Finds doctor to agree go part time at work. Goes from 40 hours per week to 24 hours per week. Gets another $300 per month out of dad. Does not replace all her income but what does she care scumbag pays most the bills. She now goes out 5 nights a week and kids are left to own devices. Mom now lives in 4 bed, 2.5 bath 3 car garage house and goes out 5 times a week. Meanwhile dad is working 6 tens a week and living in a trailer trying to save money for a down payment on a house. Also on probation can't drink, can't hunt because he can't gave a gun till off probation and now has a record. Can't even go to a place alcohol is served. As time passes dad never sees kids, kids have no over sight. Grades suffer neighther is in extra curricular activities. Daughter barely goes to school, son atheist wakes up his senior year gets grades back up and rejoins football and orchestra. 17 year old daughter meets 23 yr old man with drug problems. Mom let's this asshole move into house a week before sons 18th birthday. Son wakes up even more to this fucked up situation. Realized he has not seen dad in years because he would rather have no rules and here we are. Dad got fucked all the way around. Thinks about calling dad to let him know what is going on but Realized dad just gunna find druggy boy and get another assault if he even cares anymore. Also does not want to apologize for his part in fucking over dad. So he kicks shit out of druggy boy. At least no cops are called but Mom kicks him out. So now son is couch surfing at friend houses try to go to school. This lasts a month. His former home is now party palace in an upper scale neighborhood. Every one in school know situation. Nobody has a good thing to say about Mom and sister. He gets to hear it every day. Well one day a guy runs his mouth at school to much. So son beats the ever living shit out of him. Son gets expelled. So now son went from honor role, football player, top choir, top orchestra to high school drop out with no where to live. What to do? Finally he decides to bite the bullet and call dad. Well dad has been ignored for years now. Dad decides to change professional and work on containers ships. Unlimited overtime, see the world, live on ship with no bills. Dad is some where between Hawaii and China. So he moves in with grandma and grandpa. Son thought dad was a hard ass but finds out grandma and grandpa are so over bearing and controlling that he can't even think. They make him work and get GED so not all bad. Also get him ready for SAT ACT. He turns his shit around and gets accepted into OSU. Music and business major. This is only possible with a GED because of his super high SAT and ACT scores. Also he is incredibly talented at writing music. Also grandpa was former professor and aunt is doctor at OSU hospital. Meanwhile back at the ranch. It should be sisters senior year. She has dropped out of school. She is pregnant. Mom has now moved out of house and to different city and left daughter and druggy boy friend to fend for themselves. The furnace does not work. The hot water heater does not work. Mom is pocketing all the money from dad. Daughter wants help as child is coming in days. Threatens to call dad. It's daughter's 28th birthday. Mom says you are no longer in school. You are now 18. Retraining order is over. I lose all support from your father other than spousal support. He learns of the situation takes the house back over which happens in June anyway because that is when you graduate. Your boy friend is homeless. You maybe homeless.we all fucked him over stole everything he owned. I don't think he will be sympathetic. He is going to break every bone in your boy friends body and you will be homeless. 3 days later daughter gives birth to baby boy. Meanwhile 400k house is trashed. A hole in every wall and every door. Nothing has been maintained. The mechanicals are failing. Daughter and boyfriend are hooked on drugs and now there is a child. Great situation. Huge stress for daughter and boyfriend. Anyway it goes the party is over on June 5th. Dad is coming back, large and in charge again with a chip on his shoulder. Dad hops off a ship Jan 17th. Hits Ohio at 10 am Jan 19th. Knows the deal by Jan 19th 12 am. Dad is in front of lawyer by 1pm Jan 19th. Mom is served with papers by 430 pm Jan 20th. Daughter is informed by 5 pm Jan 20th. Daughter goes to hockey game with friends and friends father at 630. Returns back to childhood home at 1230am Jan 21st. Finds boyfriend hung himself in back yard tree. By this time according to court order dad only has 3 days left till he gains back control of house. Dad finds out body hanging from tree has been removed. All inhabitants have vacated house. The front door is wide open. It is 15 degrees. The water is on and there is no heat in the house. He decides he is not waiting to take over house. He returns to this mess that use to be his house after years of not laying eyes on it. Closes door. Plugs in several electrical heaters. Turns on stove burners. Goes to basement diagnostic on furnace and hot water heater. Figures out problems it is Now 1130 pm Jan 21st. Calls buddy in HVHC. Is pleased he is not in bed. Buddy brings parts. It's 3 am Jan 22nd. Furnace is running, hot water heater us running. His cell phone rings. It is a friend on force. Ex wife has called the cops on him for B and E. Gave them a bullshit story. Tells dad to leave and retrieve court order. Not to return till he gets there. Dad leaves in HVHc buddies truck sees cops pass him on way ot of subdivision. 10 minutes later cell phone rings. It's a cop. Where are you? Dad answers " Wouldn't you like to know!". I have witnesses say you were in your house and was not supposed to be. Bla, bla, bla. Dad says we'll there is some difference of opinion on that. Cops says come back. Dad says like he'll, discussion over and hangs up. Buddy from force calls. Ya got your court order? Yes. Bring it to me. Meer him in Walmart parking lot. Take him the order. He goes to house has discussion with officer in charge. Calls dad. Tells dad you can go home now. It's now 630 am. Dad goes over house with fine Toth comb. Finds evidence of violence and drug use every where. Makes rehab list. 100k and six months labor later the house is ready for market. Good news is due to circumstances a judge decides dad does not have to cash ex out of house.

Dad took no shit and got divorced. Did he choose correctly?

I'm dad's opinion if he had it to do over again. He would have kept his mouth shut. Let her do what the hell she wanted while silently fucking her over every chance he could till the kids graduation.
Then why bother to get married?
Oh please! We have been all through that on another thread.. Marriage is marriage and sex is sex
Yep, I'm single and get lots of sex but I guess I have a more noble view of marriage than you do.
You have no idea about what my view of marriage is although you should since we previously discussed it My view is that ones spouse/partner should be your most trusted and respected confidant and friend. He/she should come first, before all others . That is quite noble indeed But none of that precludes sex with others. You . Like so many are hung up on an artificial ideal that has been imposed on you through conditioning about sexual exclusiveness that simply does not make good sense for many people. Trying to be monogamous –in order to comply with social norms in the face of so much evidence that we are not wired that way is self inflicted cruelty and often does not end well
You have no idea about what my view of marriage is although you should since we prevTrying to be monogamous –in order to comply with social norms in the face of so much evidence that we are not wired that way is self inflicted cruelty and often does not end well
Monogamous relationships are the most successful.

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