Koch: I'm Fighting to Restore a Free Society

The argument that Koch brothers set a good example and that they are fighting for freedom kind of makes me wonder why they are fighting the U.S. government and how that makes the good people.
We need more people like them to stand up for OUR FREEDOMS

But, I thinks it's too late

when you see our citizens defending this President and his wasteful, costly, entitlement called, ObamaCare...Or the fact someone like him with no experience in anything can be elected in the FIRST PLACE......I think we are history as a Free country and a Free people...

It's been painful to watch

now is the time to fight back. because people have been pushed too far. whether is over religious rights, gun rights and a host of other personal rights. obamacare has not delivered . libs are trying to spin it but it doesn't matter.

Government has become and organization of appeasers. in order to stay in power they will give the people their opiates. they will placate the squeaky wheel. so we need to start squeaking louder. libs are great at whining. libs are great at forming groups who get their voices heard. they control the media, most of it anyway. now is the time for us to make our voices heard

When you say "fight back" just how far would you take that? Do you believe the Koch brothers would make good rulers of the U.S.?
It means he's an idiot who thinks cartoons portray reality.
You have zero ability to judge reality little friend.

The nonsense you believe is amazing. No wonder I hate most Americans. Dumb as dog shit, especially those like you.

You believe that cartoon portrays reality, and you're claiming I have zero ability to judge reality? Talk about believing nonsense: you and your ilk believe that socialism can actually work and that government officials are honest and well intentioned and they care about your welfare.

I can't imagine any idea more stupid or obviously false than that.

Well, it looks like our founding fathers were morons.

PLEASE give me a detailed job description of a 'government official'? And then with a straight face PLEASE tell me you believe the Koch brothers or any other corporatist gives a rats ass about your welfare...

"The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only legitimate object of good government."
Thomas Jefferson to the Republican Citizens of Washington County, Maryland" (March 31, 1809).

"The equal rights of man, and the happiness of every individual, are now acknowledged to be the only legitimate objects of government. Modern times have the signal advantage, too, of having discovered the only device by which these rights can be secured, to wit: government by the people, acting not in person, but by representatives chosen by themselves, that is to say, by every man of ripe years and sane mind, who contributes either by his purse or person to the support of his country." --Thomas Jefferson to A. Coray, 1823. ME 15:482

The selfish spirit of commerce knows no country, and feels no passion or principle but that of gain.
Thomas Jefferson - Letter to Larkin Smith (1809)

"The legitimate object of Government is to do for a community of people whatever they need to have done but cannot do at all, or cannot so well do, for themselves in their separate and individual capacities. But in all that people can individually do as well for themselves, Government ought not to interfere."
President Abraham Lincoln

"Harry Truman once said, 'There are 14 or 15 million Americans who have the resources to have representatives in Washington to protect their interests, and that the interests of the great mass of the other people - the 150 or 160 million - is the responsibility of the president of the United States, and I propose to fulfill it.'"
President John F. Kennedy
“At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child — miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.”
-P.J. O'Rourke

"In order to remain a faithful liberal you have to be a complete blithering idiot, or a criminally insane authoritarian sociopath.
" -OP

Agree. Fixed that for you.

I know a lot of ex-progs that are decent, smart, and have integrity. I was able to
show and teach them the truth about the evils of progressivism/Marxism/atheism. They are able to see the light because they have integrity. For example, my best friend since HS was espousing Marxism/atheism, but not anymore.

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Liberals don't hate the wealthy. They hate the wealthy who disagree with them. Again, the left are attempting to demonize the Kock brothers as a way to raise money from liberal millionaires. Call it hypocrisy or irony. Either way, it's just dumb. The other 99.9 percent of our population have never heard of the Koch brothers and never will. Just like they never heard of George Sorros. In other words, this isn't a real topic. This is just a topic about liberal politicians trying to squeeze money from liberal millionaires by attempting to demonize conservative millionaires. This is one of those topics that are labeled under MANUFACTURED MONEY RAISING OUTRAGE.
Liberals don't hate the wealthy. They hate the wealthy who disagree with them. Again, the left are attempting to demonize the Kock brothers as a way to raise money from liberal millionaires. Call it hypocrisy or irony. Either way, it's just dumb. The other 99.9 percent of our population have never heard of the Koch brothers and never will. Just like they never heard of George Sorros. In other words, this isn't a real topic. This is just a topic about liberal politicians trying to squeeze money from liberal millionaires by attempting to demonize conservative millionaires. This is one of those topics that are labeled under MANUFACTURED MONEY RAISING OUTRAGE.
We hate wealth the way Jesus did, only he said it would be the fast-track to Hell but we know what it really does is create a Hell on earth.

With money you get power, and with power you get corruption, and with corruption you get a crony country like the US that is all about wealth, and power, and celebrity. Which means, it sucks at anything that is really of value.
Liberals don't hate the wealthy. They hate the wealthy who disagree with them. Again, the left are attempting to demonize the Kock brothers as a way to raise money from liberal millionaires. Call it hypocrisy or irony. Either way, it's just dumb. The other 99.9 percent of our population have never heard of the Koch brothers and never will. Just like they never heard of George Sorros. In other words, this isn't a real topic. This is just a topic about liberal politicians trying to squeeze money from liberal millionaires by attempting to demonize conservative millionaires. This is one of those topics that are labeled under MANUFACTURED MONEY RAISING OUTRAGE.
We hate wealth the way Jesus did, only he said it would be the fast-track to Hell but we know what it really does is create a Hell on earth.

With money you get power, and with power you get corruption, and with corruption you get a crony country like the US that is all about wealth, and power, and celebrity. Which means, it sucks at anything that is really of value.

You apparently forgot which country invented the Big Mac.

By the way, Of course the US is all about wealth,power and celebrity. What else is the US supposed to be about? Poverty, weakness and obscurity? Pffffft... you can keep those.
Liberals don't hate the wealthy. They hate the wealthy who disagree with them. Again, the left are attempting to demonize the Kock brothers as a way to raise money from liberal millionaires. Call it hypocrisy or irony. Either way, it's just dumb. The other 99.9 percent of our population have never heard of the Koch brothers and never will. Just like they never heard of George Sorros. In other words, this isn't a real topic. This is just a topic about liberal politicians trying to squeeze money from liberal millionaires by attempting to demonize conservative millionaires. This is one of those topics that are labeled under MANUFACTURED MONEY RAISING OUTRAGE.
We hate wealth the way Jesus did, only he said it would be the fast-track to Hell but we know what it really does is create a Hell on earth.

With money you get power, and with power you get corruption, and with corruption you get a crony country like the US that is all about wealth, and power, and celebrity. Which means, it sucks at anything that is really of value.

You apparently forgot which country invented the Big Mac.

By the way, Of course the US is all about wealth,power and celebrity. What else is the US supposed to be about? Poverty, weakness and obscurity? Pffffft... you can keep those.
Just as long as we speak the truths. None of that Christian Nation crap.
It's sort of ironic. Back before progressives came to power, they carried their platform to the public with charges the robber barons were subverting representative govt. Now the sup ct is dismantling the progressive regulations on the ability of the plutocracy to use not just money, but money without attribution (dark money),

Just like your UNION? :eek:

Freedom is something you progressives will not abide.

and progressives renew their attack. And the plutocrats cry "foul."

You progressives only attack civil rights and the middle class - you ARE the plutocrats. The owner of the democratic party, George Soros, can buy and sell the Koch Brothers 47 times over.
Citizens United was the first step in returning America to the Gilded Age where the common man was crushed by the robber barons.

Because a movie critical of Hillary causes "robber barons." Of course "Fahrenheit 9/11" is just clean fun.

You can't allow free speech that is critical of our ruling democrats, all speech must be approved by the party, right Comrade?

But THAT is exactly what conservatism is all about, creating an aristocracy.

So, you offer freedom through slavery? :eek:
It's sort of ironic. Back before progressives came to power, they carried their platform to the public with charges the robber barons were subverting representative govt. Now the sup ct is dismantling the progressive regulations on the ability of the plutocracy to use not just money, but money without attribution (dark money),

Just like your UNION? :eek:

Freedom is something you progressives will not abide.

and progressives renew their attack. And the plutocrats cry "foul."

You progressives only attack civil rights and the middle class - you ARE the plutocrats. The owner of the democratic party, George Soros, can buy and sell the Koch Brothers 47 times over.

They hate freedom, especially individual freedom.
The left is livid with the Supreme Court ruling, that an individual can now contribute money to as many candidates as they want to instead of just 3.
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"This disposition to admire, and almost to worship , the rich and powerful, and to despise, or, at least neglect persons of poor and mean conditions...is...the great and most universal cause of the corruption of our moral sentiments." Adam Smith

[RP] One off the wall apology for gross and immoral inequality deserves the same - did the Koch brothers create the natural resources they exploit for billions? If they had created carbon fuels then they'd have at least a moral justification for their exorbitant wealth. The fact the wealthy own 50% of all wealth is a result of greed, accumulated advantage, unfair tax structure, tax shelters, and deregulation. Of course, morally no one has a right to this much of the world's capital, but morals, justice, or fairness have nothing to do with markets and often nothing to do with humans. None of these people created this money, only society and government create wealth. Alone on an island they would be broke and useless and many are useless. The problem today is we have a whole generation brain washed into a kind of amoral economics where people and results don't matter.

"On moral grounds, then, we could argue for a flat income tax of 90 percent to return that wealth to its real owners. In the United States, even a flat tax of 70 percent would support all governmental programs (about half the total tax) and allow payment, with the remainder, of a patrimony of about $8,000 per annum per inhabitant, or $25,000 for a family of three. This would generously leave with the original recipients of the income about three times what, according to my rough guess, they had earned.Untitled, UBI and the Flat Tax
From 1800 to the 1920s, inequality increased more than a hundredfold. Then came the reversal: from the 1920s to 1980, it shrank back to levels not seen since the mid-19th century.

Comrade, during that period, did the bottom quintile achieve a better, or worse standard of living.

(VASTLY better, just to save you from lying - as you KNOW you were going to... )
It is the love of knowledge and curiosity that invents things. Capitalism is the process in which one makes money of other people's work. Capitalism is self-interest and to a point that is good. There is a point at which self-interest for one comes at too great an expense of another. When these two are balanced it is call civilization. Great art was never made for the money, great literature was never made for the money, music, dance, scientific discovery were all made by people who were after something much more valuable than the dollar.

Which is why North Korea and Cuba are the leading innovators in the world...

Oh, wait...

Standard Disclaimer: Holy fuck but you leftists are stupid - which is why you're leftists....
While you are one of maybe 3 bed wetters not on my ignore list, I can't fault Rabbi for not wasting time arguing with you.

If the shoe was on the other foot you would be defending 5-4 the ruling. That's why there is little practical use of the time it takes to write a counter argument. It will fall on deaf ears.

Ridiculing you bed wetters is more cathartic than what otherwise amounts to arguing with fish in an aquarium. Best just to sit and watch you suck each other's shit in and out of your mouths.

Citizens United was the first step in regaining civil rights in this nation. IF the democrats can outlaw criticism on democrats, then the idea of a free society is done. Now, ending the last vestige of liberty is the primary goal of the democrats, but CU was a great step in thwarting the democrats war on basic liberty.

Citizens United was the first step in returning America to the Gilded Age where the common man was crushed by the robber barons.

But THAT is exactly what conservatism is all about, creating an aristocracy.

No it isn't.
Rich people, whether you hate them or not, greedy or not, bring everyone's standard of living up.

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