The Definition of Insanity

Sure we should, because historians and art majors aren’t going to defend the country.
We shoulld not be so paranoid. We can cut ur defense budget by 2/3rds and still have the largest military budget on earth.

Are you quoting Isaac Madison?
Is it possible that blacks don’t get hired because they struggle to articulate the English language, because they lack people / communication skills, because they have a hard time with professionalism and because they often have ‘funny’ hair?
The quotes were from Flash.

And the answer to your second question is no.
LMAO! The funny thing is that you were outed when you pretended to be a black psychiatrist. Elsewhere, you claimed to be a black psychologist. You didn't even know the difference!
I never made such a claim. Try again.
We shoulld not be so paranoid. We can cut ur defense budget by 2/3rds and still have the largest military budget on earth.

The quotes were from Flash.

And the answer to your second question is no.

But if you cut out military budget by 2/3rds…would we be able to maintain our technological edge and operational readiness?
MLK laughed as a women was being raped. He was pure filth. Its sad that some elevate this monster to deity.

"The most disturbing revelation is a claim, found in a memo from the personal file of former assistant director William Sullivan, that King looked on in laughter as his friend "forcibly raped" a woman. The alleged incident took place in January 1964 at the Willard Hotel in Washington, D.C., where King was staying to attend oral arguments in the landmark Supreme Court case, New York Times v. Sullivan."
Funny how we never heard anything from a woman about this. Rape was illegal in 1964. So...

And if he did this, he is still better than the founding fathers who did more than look at women being raped, they raped female slaves.

So what is your point? Because we have spent way too much for war and our society is crumbing because we don't invest inour people.
But if you cut out military budget by 2/3rds…would we be able to maintain our technological edge and operational readiness?
We would still have the largest military budget on earth. So yes.
We would still have the largest military budget on earth. So yes.

Having the biggest military budget on earth isn’t relative if we also have the biggest price tag for equipment and training.

I agree we need to eliminate wasteful spending, but, if lowering our budget comes at the cost of lowering our defense, is it worth it?
We shoulld not be so paranoid. We can cut ur defense budget by 2/3rds and still have the largest military budget on earth.

The quotes were from Flash.

And the answer to your second question is no.
You aren’t paranoid if people ARE out to get you. The Chinese fully intend to be the sole superpower on Earth. Iran’s leaders are deadly serious with their constantly repeated refrain of “ death to America”, and Russia’s leaders really want to recreate the Russian Empire. Our defense spending is the only thing standing in their way. The UN was, until it was emasculated and turned into a support system for tyrants and dictators. It was intended to be a peaceful organization with the purpose of ensuring freedom and democracy all over the world.
I cannot believe how nasty you are being with IM666 .
Surely you do not believe he is a Porky Pie hustler ?

You might as well tell me he is a white homosexual in his 70's .
Please tell us IM666 that you may be white and homosexual but not in your seventies .
I will sleep so much better . And not huge like a Fat Lard Slab .
IM2's other black personas only know three black terms. They are nigga, y'all, and white folks. And he learned those last two from Steve Harvey on Family Feud. :laugh2:
Question: There’s a rumor that you’re not black, rather a poser….That true?
The funny thing about that is IM2 loses either way. If he were black, then his unstable views simply make blacks look bad. If he's white (which he is), then he's just a liar.
The funny thing about that is IM2 loses either way. If he were black, then his unstable views simply make blacks look bad. If he's white (which he is), then he's just a liar.
Just curious, not that I look for anyone to be honest on the internet, but I try to be about who I am, without revealing any sensitive info, But, do you know him in RL? Or is it something he’s revealed sometime ago here, or anywhere else?
Just curious, not that I look for anyone to be honest on the internet, but I try to be about who I am, without revealing any sensitive info, But, do you know him in RL? Or is it something he’s revealed sometime ago here, or anywhere else?
He does this shit all over the internet. I just happened to read his posts here, and recognized him right away.

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